MSK Tests Flashcards
Scarf test
tests AC joint
pain suggests AC arthritis
Apprehension test
tests anterior shoulder instability
lies flat on back with shoulder abducted and externally rotated
examiner pushes anteriorly towards ceiling
pain/apprehension positive
PE for shoulder instability
Anterior apprehension test
Jerk and Kim tests - posterior instability
Jerk and Kim tests
tests for posterior shoulder instability
Jerk: flex arm to 90 deg, internally rotate
examiner adducts arm and pushes humerus posteriorly (tries to dislocate)
positive if patient jerks away from you
Kim: similar but flex arm upward
Obrien test
tests for labral tear
patient holds arm out, palm down, adducted a bit towards midline
examiner pushes down against resistance
positive if more painful with palm down v palm up
Rotator cuff tear tests
supraspinatus most commonly torn:
empty can - arm in plane of scapula, thumbs down looking for pain
full can - same, thumb up looking for weakness
drop arm - passively abducted arm immediately falls
neer - passive ROM flexion arm to ear looking for pain; also may indicate subAC impingement / bursitis
hawkins - cranking arm looking for pain (crunches supraspinatus under acromion)
Ddx: external rotation (subscap tear), belly lift off (subscap)
Scapular winging
medial: serratus anterior weak, long thoracic n. injury
lateral: trapezius weak, spinal accessory n. injury; also rhomboid weak
Biceps tendonopathy tests
speed - like Obrien but palm up - arm out, palm up, adducted a bit towards midline, look for pain
yergason - flex elbow and supinate against resistance, look for pain; better for distal biceps tendon eval
hook - 100% distal biceps tendon test, hook finger under biceps tendon and check for laxity
ludington - hands on head and flex both biceps, if cannot think biceps tendonopathy or biceps tear
Medial epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Cozen test: pain w palpation origin of CET w resisted wrist extension
Mill’s test: pain w elbow extension while flexing and radially deviating wrist
VEO test
valgus extension overload
flex elbow, extend it while applying valgus stress (stimulates pitching)
SI joint dysfunction
need 3 or more to be approved for SI joint injection (insurance) bc difficult to diagnose
FABERE: flexion, abduction, external rotation, extension; contralateral pain positive for that leg (contralateral)
all other tests test ipsilateral leg
Gaenslen: hang leg being tested off table and push inferiorly; positive if pain
Sacral compression test: push inferiorly on SI joint; positive if pain
Yeoman: lying on belly, raise/extend hip; positive if pain
Gillet: stand facing away, apply pressure to PSIS, patient marches; if hypomobility suggests changes
Seated flexion (thigh thrust test): lying on back, flexing hip, push inferiorly looking for pain
radiculopathy exam
spurling: axial loading with lateral flexion
cervical compression: axial loading
straight leg: lies flat, raise leg, ipsilateral pain (stretches dura of nerve roots, which are already irritated); L5-S1
crossed straight leg raise: contralateral
slump sit: straight leg on steroids; slumping forward plus straight leg; super neural tension test
femoral n. stretch: lies flat on belly, extend hip; stretches upper lumbar n roots; opposite straight leg; L1-3
1st CMC Grind test
for OA of wrist
apply axial load to thumb and grind like mortar and pestle
Finkelstein test
DeQeurvain tenosynovitis (1st compartment synovitis d/t overuse of APL, EPB)
pain w ulnar deviation of wrist with thumb in palm → thumb spica splint
Hip osteoarthritis
groin pain is hip joint pain until proven otherwise
hip scour: flex hip and grind in circle
FABERE: flexion, abduction, external rotation, extension
FADIR: flexion, adduction, internal rotation
all basically components of hip scour
log roll:
true leg length discrepancy
measure ASIS to medial malleolus
apparent leg length discrepancy
measure umbilicus to medial malleolus
ACL tear
anterior drawer - pull tibia forward w both hands
Lachman test is more sensitive (tibial translates forwards with soft or no distinct endpoint) - stabilize femur w one hand and pull tibia forward w other hand
PCL tear
posterior drawer test
Sag test: allow gravity to do the work
MCL tear
valgus stress test
MC knee ligament torn overall (v. ACL w sports)
D’Onoghue’s triad - ACL/MCL/medial meniscus
Meniscal tears
medial/lateral joint line tenderness is most sensitive
Apley Grind - grind knee with axial load on heel
Thessaly - same as Apley Grind but patient standing, using gravity
deep squatting and twisting - Thessaly but deep squatting v 20 degrees flexion
Bounce Home
Ober test
for ITB syndrome
patient lies supine, leg is abducted and extended by examiner, released but remains up bc ITB is so tight
tibial squeeze test
for shin splints
reproduces pain along tibia
ankle: anterior drawer and talar tilt tests
lateral ankle sprains
tests for ATFL/CFL, respectively
too many toes sign
tibialis posterior tendon injury
TP is plantar flexor and invertor → injury will show too many toes peaking out laterally compared to c/l side on posterior view
Thompson test
achilles tendon rupture (sudden pop, swelling, bruising)
gastroc/soleus combine to form achilles tendon → squeezing calf muscle should pull on achilles tendon and plantar flex foot
if rupture → no plantar flexion
beware intact plantaris may cloud picture, false negative test
Morton Click
Morton neuroma (interdigital benign growth n. tissue → pain, usually bw 3rd/4th MTs)
stabilize MTs in question and apply bilateral inward pressure looking for click/reproducible pain
Wartneberg sign
involuntary abduction digit 5 d/t unopposed EDM d/t ulnar n. injury