Foot Anatomy Flashcards
7 tarsal bones
medial/intermediate/lateral cuneiforms
ligaments of foot
lisfranc: medial cuneiform to 2nd MT
transverse MT
calcaneonavicular “spring”: maintains medial arch of foot
Toe flexion (musc, inn)
FDL: L5-S1, tibial n.
FHL: L5-S1, tibial n.
FHB: S1-2, tibial n. → medial plantar n.
Toe extension (musc, inn)
EDL: L4-5, deep fibular n.
EDB: L4-S1, deep fibular n.
EHL: L4-S1, deep fibular n.
Toe adduction (musc, inn)
Adductor hallucis: S1-2, tibial n. → lateral plantar n.
Palmar interossei (3): S2-3, tibial n. → lateral plantar n.
Toe abduction (musc, inn)
Abductor hallucis: S1-2, tibial n. → medial plantar n.
Dorsal interossei (4): S2-3, tibial n. → lateral plantar n.
Abductor digiti quinti pedis (ADQP): S1-2, tibial n. → inferior calcaneal n. (or LPN, depending on whom you ask)
mnemonic for palmar/dorsal interossei
3 pads 4 dabs (same as hand)
palmar - adduction
dorsal - abduction
Charcot foot/joint
poor sensation/proprioception → trauma and degeneration
e.g., diabetes → neuropathy → charcot foot
DDx w OA based on disfigurement
March fracture
stress (marching) → MT stress fracture → distal foot pain/swelling
MRI sensitive
ORIF if displacement of if 5th MT involved (like hand Boxer fracture)
Jones fracture
forceful inversion or adduction injury (crunches lateral foot on ground) → fracture across base of 5th MT
Tx: NWB v surgery per type/severity
Nutcracker fracture
cuboid boin fracture
Nutcracker cracks a _____
cube - nutcracker fracture = cuboid bone fracture
Hallux rigidus
1st MTP joint arthritis d/t wear and tear
w/u: XR: joint space narrowing, osteophytes
Tx: high/wide toe box shoes, orthotics, NSAIDs, debridement
Hallux valgus
genetics/narrow shoes → lateral deviation (excessive adduction) of big toe → painful medial 1st MTP bump/prominence/bunion
Hammer toe
short shoes → PIP flexion to accommodate space
MTP extension, PIP flexion, DIP extension
like Boutonniere deformity w RA
Mallet toe
shoes too small → DIP flexion; normal MTP/PIP
order XR to r/o extensor tendon avulsion/rupture
Claw toe
neurologic disease (DM, CMT) → intrinsic foot muscle weakness → MTP extension, PIP flexion, DIP flexion
Hammer v Mallet v Claw toes
Hammer: MTP extension, PIP flexion, DIP extension
Mallet: normal MTP/PIP, DIP flexion
Claw: MTP extension, PIP flexion, DIP flexion
Turf toe
hyperextension injury (cutting on hard surface, sports) → 1st MTP joint sprain
exam: reproducible pain w hyperextension 1st MTP joint
Lisfranc joint injury
athletic trauma → Lisfranc ligament (connects medial cuneiform to 2nd MT) injury/tear → dorsal foot pain in region of tarsometatarsal joint
Morton neuroma
repetitive microtrauma to interdigital n. (usually bw 3rd/4th MTs) → interdigital benign growth of n. tissue → pain radiating bw two MTs, dysesthesias, paresthesias
positive Morton click on exam
Plantar fasciitis
medial heel/arch foot → pulling tension like pain
worse in AM and taking 1st steps, improved w walking