MSK Special Tests LE Flashcards
What is the Patrick’s FABER test?
identifies mobility restrition of hip
Patient supine, passive flec, ABD, ER leg so foot is resting just above opposite knee. Slowly lower testing leg down toward table
+ Involved knee unable to assume relaxed position and/or reproduction of pain
What is the Grind/Scouring test of the hip?
DJD of hip
Supine, hip at 90, knee maximally flexed, compressive load into femur via knee joint
+ Pain reproduced within hip joint and refer pain to knee or elsewhere
What is the Trendelenburg sign?
Weakness of gluteus medius, unstable hip
SLS, observe pelvis of stance leg
+ Ipsilateral pelvis drops when lower limb support is removed
What is the Thomas test?
Tightness of hip flexors
Patient supine with one hip and knee max flexed to chest and held there. Opposite limb is kept straight on table. Obs whether hip flexion occurs on straight leg as opposite limb is flexed.
+ Straight limb’s hip flexes and/or patient isunable to remain flat on table when opp limb flexed.
Does not differentiate between tight iliacus vs psoas major
What is the Ober’s test?
Tightness of TFL and/or ITB
Sidelying, lower limb flexed at hip and knee. Passively extend and abduct testing hip with knee flexed 90. Modified with knee extended. Slowly lower uppermost limb and obs if it reaches table
+ Positive if knee does not rest on table
What is Ely’s test?
tightness of rec fem
prone, knee of testing limb flexed. obs hip of testing limb
+ hip of testing limb flexes
What is the 90-90 HS test?
tightness of HS
supine, hip and knee of testing limb is supported in 90 flexion. Passively extend knee of testing limb until a barrier is encountered
+ knee unalbe to reach 10degress from neutral (lacking 10 extension)
What is the piriformis test?
identifies piriformis syndrome
Supine, foot of test leg passively placed lateral to opposite limbs knee. Testing hip is ADD. Obs position of testing knee relative to opposite knee
+ Testing knee is unable to pass over resting knee, and/or reproduction of pain in buttock, and/or along sciatic nerve distribution
How do you measure for leg length?
supine, pelvis balanced/aligned. Measure distance from ASIS to lateral malleolus or medial mall on each limb.
What is Craig’s test?
Abnormal femoral antetorsion angle
Prone, knee to 90degree flexion, palpate greater trochanter, slowly move hip thorugh IR/ER, stop when GT most lateral
Normal 8-15degree
15degree anteverted
What are the MCL and LCL tests?
ligament laxity or restriction of MCL and ACL
Supine, knee stabilized and placed into 20-30 flexion, valgus/varus force applied to knee
+ laxity, pain may be observed
What is Lachman’s stress tes?
integrity of ACL
Supine, testing knee flexed 20-30degrees. Stabilize femur and passively try to glide tibia anterior.
+excessive ant glide of tibia
What is pivot shift test?
ACL integrity
supine, testing knee in ext, hip flexed and ABD 30degree with slight IR. Hold knee with one hand and foot with other hand. Place valgus force through knee and flex knee.
+ lig laxity as indicated by tibia relocating during the test. As knee flexed, tibia clunks backward at approc 30-40degrees. The tibia at beginning of test was subluxed, then was reduced by pull of ITB as knee flexed.
What is the posterior sag test?
PCL integrity
Supine, testing hip flexed 45degrees and flexed 90. Obs to see whether tibia sags posteriorly in this position
+ sag of tibia
What is the posterior drawer test
PCL integrity
Supine, testing hip flexed 45 and knee flexed 90. Passively glide tibia posteriorly following the joint plane.
+ excessive posterior glide