MSK Signs Flashcards
Patient has weakness on external rotation of the shoulder with the elbow bent against resistance, what muscles are affected?
- Infrasipantus
- Teres minor
What are these lumps?

Gouty Tophi
What type of fracture is this, what bone is it and what view is this?

Oblique fracture
What is this sign?

Varus deformity
What nerve innervates supraspinatus and infraspinatus?
Suprascapular nerve
What is this and what can cause it?

Winging of the scapula
Injury to the long thoracic nerve
Weakness of which muscle is responsible for scapula winging?
Serratus anterior
Patient has weakness initiating abduction of the arm which muscle is affected?
Who do greenstick fractures appear in?
What kind of fracture is this, of what bone, what view is it taken from and describe the displacement?

Transverse Fracture
Lateral view
Posterior displacement with some shortening
What type of fracture is this and what view is the x-ray?

Comminuted fracture (of the tibial shaft)
Lateral view
What is this?

Positive Thomas test (but in the exam you shoudl put your hand under their lumbar spine)
What is the unhappy triad?

What nerve innervates subscapularis?
Subscapular nerve
What is the deformity of the middle finger?
(bonus points for the deformity of the index finger)

Boutonniere deformity
(Swan-neck deformity)
What’s the pathology?

Thenar wasting
What type of Salter Harris is this?

Type 4 - involves all 3 parts
What can a varus deformity (or positive varus stress test) be suggestive of?
Lateral colateral ligament rupture/laxity
Joint line tenderness of the knee
Highly suggestive of meniscal tear
What type of Salter Harris fracture is this?

Type 2 - Down through metaphysis and then across growth plate
(most common)
What type of fracture is this?

Greenstick Fracture
The patient has weakness in the lift off test - what is the pathology?
Damage to/weakness of subscapularis
What nerve supplies the gluteus medius and gluteus minimis?
Superior gluteal nerve
What is this sign?

Dupuytren’s contracture
What is this?
Pre-patellar bursitis
What classification is used for fractures of the growth plates?
What is the abnormality?

Intracapsular fracture
What are these lumps?

Rheumatoid nodules
What are the hip abductors?
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
What is the pathology?

What name is given to this fracture?

Smith’s fracture
What nevre innervates teres minor?
Axillary nerve
What happens in painful arc?
Sign of suprasipantus tendinits as it rubs against the acromion process
Patient has positive posterior drawer test
What is the pathology?
Torn PCL
What type of Salter Harris is this?

Type 5 - Crush of the growth plate
What are Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes associated with?
What are these?

Rheumatoid nodules
What is the name of the swelling at the DIP joint of the right index finger?
Heberden’s Nodes
What is this sign?

(Mild) Valgus deformity
What is a positive Thomas’ test suggestive of?
Fixed flexion contracture
Patient has a posiitve anterior drawer test - what is the pathology?
Torn ACL
What type of Salter Harris is this?

Type 3 - Along growth plate then through epiphysis
What is this?

Baker’s Cyst
What type of Salter Harris fracture is this?

Type 1 - along the growth plate
What name is given to this type of fracture?

Colle’s fracture
What are the rotator cuff muscles?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapualris
What is the fracture pattern in this x-ray?

Spiral fracture
What condition can cause thenar wasting?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
What sign does the guy in the right have and which muscles are weak?

Positive Trendeleburg’s sign
Weak hip abductors on the left
Patient has pain slowly bringing arm from 120˚-60˚
What is this called?
Painful arc
What is the name of this deformity and what condition is it associated with?

Swan-neck deformity
What is the name of the swelling at the PIP joints?
Bouchard’s nodes
What can a valgus deformity (or positive valgus stress test) be suggestive of?
Medial collateral ligmaent laxity/rupture