Dermatology Flashcards
When taking a dermatological history, what aspects should be explored?
- Presenting complaint
- History of presenting complaint
- Past medical history
- Family history
- Social history
- Drug history
- Quality of life impact
What aspects of the presenting complaint should be explored?
- Nature (rash/lesion)
- Site
- Duration and changes
What aspects of the history of the presenting complaint should be explored?
- Initial appearance and evolution
- Symptoms (particularly itch/pain)
- Aggravating and relieving factors
- Previous and current treatments
What aspects of the past medical history should be explored?
- Systemic diseases
- History of atopy
- Skin cancer
- Sunburn/sun-bed use
- Skin type
What are the atopic conditions?
- Asthma
- Eczema
- Hay-fever
What system can be used to analyse skin type?
Fitzpatrick skin types
What aspects of family history should be explored?
- Family history of skin disease (e.g. psoriasis)
- Family history of atopy
- Family history of autoimmune disease (e.g. alopecia, vitiligo)
What aspects of social history should be explored?
- Occupation
- Sun exposure
- Exposure to chemicals
- Improvement of symptoms when away from work
What aspects of a drug history should be explored?
- Regular and recent drugs
- Systemic and topical treatments used
How should the use of topical treatments be explored?
- Where applied?
- How much?
- How long for?
How should quality of life impact and ICE be explored?
- Impact of skin on life
- Ideas Concerns Expectations
When examining the skin what parts should be examined?
All sites, including:
- Nails
- Mucosa
- Hair
How should a dermatological examination be conducted?
- Inspect
- Palpate
- Describe
When palpating the skin, what should be assessed?
- Flat/raised
- Rough/smooth
- Warmth
What mnemonic can be used to describe the skin?
- S - site and distribution/size and shape
- C - colour
- A - associated changes
- M - morphology
How can colour be described?
- Erythema (blanching redness)
- Purpura (red or purple non-blanching)
- Pigmented/hyperpigmented (brown/black)
- Hypopigmented
What colour change is this?
(And what is the lesion)

(Erythema migrans)
What colour change is this?

What colour change is this?
(What skin change is this?)

Acanthosis Nigricans