MSK + Rheumatology Flashcards
What are the risk factors for developing mechanical back pain?
Heavy manual handling Female Older age Fibromyalgia Stress Smoking
What are the clinical features of mechanical back pain?
Pain that starts suddenly
Pain relieved by rest
Precipitated by injury
Stiff back
What are the red flags of back pain?
Acute onset in elderly Nocturnal pain Worse pain on being supine Fever Night sweats Weight loss Abdominal mass History of malignancy Neurological disturbance
How would you manage mechanical back pain?
Avoid prolonged inactivity
Name the three key signs of cauda equina compression.
- Alternating or bilateral root pain in legs
- Bladder + bowel incontinence
- Saddle anaesthesia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain, fatigue and muscle ache. What are the psychosocial risk factors for this?
Divorced Female sex Sickness behaviours Social withdrawal Stress Lack of social support Low household income Low educational status
Which medical conditions are associated with fibromyalgia?
What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
Sleep disturbance Chronic widespread pain with no inflammation Severe fatigue Low mood Headache
How would you manage fibromyalgia?
Exercise programmes
What are the crystals in gout made out of?
Monosodium urate
What are the risk factors for developing gout?
Obesity High dietary purines Alcohol excess Diuretics Hypertension DM Chronic renal failure - kidneys fail to excrete uric acid
What are the signs of gout?
Monoarthritis - tends to be one joint
Swollen joint
Red shiny joint
Tophi - onion like aggregates of urate crystal
What investigations can you do to diagnose gout?
Serum urate
Polarized light microscopy - negatively birefringent urate needle shaped crystals
What are the features of gout on an X-ray?
Soft tissue swelling
Erosions in juxta-articular bone
How would you manage gout?
Colchicine - can cause diarrhoea
Outline prophylaxis for gout.
Lose weight
Cut down alcohol and purine reach foods
What type of crystals manifest in pseudo-gout?
Calcium pyrophosphate
What are the risk factors for developing pseudo-gout?
Old age
How would pseudo-gout appear on light microscopy?
Positive birefringent rhomboid shaped crystals
Which gene is rheumatoid arthritis associated with?
In RA, there is chronic inflammation of the joints, leading to joint space narrowing. What are the symptoms of RA?
Swollen painful joints - worse in morning Morning stiffness >30 mins Pain improves with activity Fatigue Fever Weight loss
What are the signs of RA?
Rubor = redness Calor = Heat Tumour = swelling Dolor = pain
Symmetrical polyarthritis
Ulnar deviation of fingers
Boutonniere and swan-neck deformities
What are the extra-articular signs of RA?
Sicca = dry eyes Nodules on elbows Lymphadenopathy Vasculitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Peripheral neuropathy Scleritis