MSK - Hip Flashcards
“What are you looking for on General Inspection?”
- Body Habitus - RF for Osteoarthritis
- Scars
- Peripheral Paraphenlia i.e. Medications, Prescriptions, Walking Aids
“What are you looking for on Closer Inspection?”
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Quadriceps Wasting
- Leg Length Discrepency
- Pelvic Tilt (Scoliosis, Leg Length Discrepancy, Hip Abductor Weakness)
- Flexion Abnormalities
- Muscle Wasting (Posterior Thigh or Gluteal Region)
“Describe the 6 steps in the normal Gait Cycle?”
- Heel-strike:initial contact of the heel with the floor.
- Foot flat:weight is transferred onto this leg.
- Mid-stance:the weight is aligned and balanced on this leg.
- Heel-off:the heel lifts off the floor as the foot rises but the toes remain in contact with the floor.
- Toe-off:as the foot continues to rise the toes lift off the floor.
- Swing:the foot swings forward and comes back into contact with the floor with a heel strike (and the gait cycle repeats).
“Describe some Abnormal Gaits?”
Hemiparetic Gait - Unilateral UMNL
Spastic Paraparesis - Bilateral UMNL
Trendelenburg Gait - Unilateral Hip Abductor
Waddling Gait - Proximal Myopathy
High Stepping Gait - Peripheral Motor Neuropathy
Ataxic, Stamping Gait - Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy
Ataxic, Broad Based Gait - Cerebellar Disorder
Parkinsonian Gait - Shuffling
Ataxic - Parkinsonian - Broad Based, Shuffling
“What may cause pain on palpation of the Greater Trochanter?”
Trochanteric Bursitis
“Describe some Special Tests in the Hip Examination?”
Thomas’ Test - Fixed Flexion Deformity
Trendelenburg Test - Unilateral Hip Abductor Weakness