MSK- FA Flashcards
Acute gout: Is allopurinol an option?
allopurinol is used as a prevention (for chronic gout)
For ACUTE gout attack, first line is NSAIDs and
other anti-inflammatory drugs (glucorcorticoid, colchicinine) are also options for acute gout)
medial epicondyle vs. lateral epicondyle: injury due to what kind of repetitive arm motion?
medial: golfer, forehand shots- flexion
lateral: tennis, backhand shots- extension
* golf swings medially, tennis swings backhand
Which hand bone can be palpated in snuff box? what is special about this bone?
- scaphoid is the most common injury site for avascular necrosis due to retrograde blood supply
(this is UWORLD question)
Myositis ossificans
- what is it?
- cause and location
- x-ray finding
- growth of bone in muscle (heterotrophic ossification)
- trauma, located in traumataized muscle
- bony ossification in muscle
Polymyalgia rheumatica: lab findings
- CK
- ESR: elevated
- CRP: elevated
- CK: normal (vs. polymyositis/dermatomyositis)
Compare etiologies: femoral nerve damage vs. obturator nerve damage
- femoral n: pelvic fracture
- obturator n: pelvic surgery
- makes sense: femoral n. runs lateral, kinda all over across pelvic bone, while obturator nerve runs medial, and inside of pelvic area (inside=deep= surgery related)
- innervated what nerve? nerve root?
- motion of MCP
- motion of DIP/PIP
- ulnar (C8-T1)
- MCP flexion
- DIP/PIP extension
*think about clawed hand (lower root, ulnar damage)
: hands can’t flex MCP, and can’t extent DIP/PIP
Compare fracture etiologies: median nerve damage vs. radial nerve damage
median n: supracondylar fracture
radial n: midshaft humerus fracture
MOA of N-acetylcysteine as a antidote for acetoaminophen overdose
regeneration of glutathione
GS-SG -> 2GH
*acetoaminophen causes centrilobular necrosis of liver by generating free radicals
Dislocation of what bone may cause carpal tunnel syndrome
Amount and usage for each dose of aspirin
- low
- intermediate
- high
- low: <300mg, anti-platelet aggregation
- intermediate: < 300, <2400: antipyretic, analgestic
- high:<2400, <400: anti-inflammatory
Acanthosis nigrans: hyperplasia of what dermal layer
acanthosis: hyperplasia of stratum spinosum
What wrist bone damage is associated with ulnar nerve injury?
Most common cause of death in osteitis deformans?
osteitis deformans= pagets
hight output HF
Smoker has weak muscle strength, dry mouth and impotence. What’s up?
Lambert-Eaton syndrome (associated with small cell lung cancer)
autonomic symptoms of Lambert-Eaton: dry mouth and impotence
Patient taking probenecid for chronic gout. How penicillin dose needs to be modified? why?
Dose needs to be lowered.
probenecid also limits penicillin secretion, increasing interstitial nephritis
Carpal tunnel syndrome: how is sensation of thenar eminence affected? why?
thenar eminence sensation is intact
recurrent branch of median nerve (which innervates thenar eminence) does not go through carpal tunnel
Sarcoidosis: facial manifestation?
facial palsy
UV- which type mediates sunburn? which type mediates tanning? which type mediates skin aging?
- UVA- Aging
- UVB- sun Burn
A-aging B-burn
cardiac manifestation of anklyosing spondylitis
aortic regurgitation
- aortitis (inflammation) -> dilation of aortic root -> AR
Which autoanitbody in SLE tells about prognosis? which organ is usually involved in the presence of this antibodiy?
renal is usually involved with positive anti-dsDNA
woman with breast cancer had mastetomy. what skin cancer should I worry about?
- this is UWORLD question
List 4 drugs that can cause lupus. What autoantibody is specific for drug induced lupus?
proclainamide, INH, phenytoin, and HYDRALYZINE
*pt wit heart condition showing lupus symptoms, think drug induced lupus
Which cell’s activity is impaired in osteopetrosis? which enzyme?
defective carbonic anhydrase
What type of fracture is common in osteoporosis?
vertebral compression/ fracture
What two insults cause axillary nerve damage?
- anterior transolocation of humeral head
- humeral neck fracture
What two insults cause radial nerve damage?
- midshaft fracture of humerus
- axillary compression (crutch)
What two insults cause median nerve damage?
one in arm, one in wrist
- suprcondylar fracture
- lunate fracture
What two insults cause ulnar nerve damage?
one in arm. one in wrist
- lateral epicondyle fracture
- hammate fracture
Two dermatologic processes in psoriasis?
- hyperkaratosis
- parakaratosis (retained nuclei in startum corenum)
- what gene, what is function of this gene
- what mutation
- inheritance pattern
- most sporadic? or inherited?
- phenotype of homozygosity?
- FGFR3, inhibition of chondrocyte
- constitutive activation -> inhibition of chondrocyte
- autosomal dominant
- most cases are sporadic
- homozygote lethal
Which nerve innervates each rotator cuff muscle?
- supra/infrasipnatous: suprascapular nerve
- teres minor: axillary
- subscapularis: subscapular nerve
function of dorsal interossei? palmar interossei? what is pneumonic for it? (there is pneumonic for this)
Palmar interossei- finger adduction
Dorsal interossei - fingeer abduction
abduction- kinda like stretch - backside (dorsal)
adduction- kinda like flexion - frontside (palmar)
What is melasma?
hyperpigmentation in preganants
Describe pathologic findings (2) in osteitis fibrosa cystica
- cystic lesions in bone
- brown fibrous tissue