MSK (Dr. A) Flashcards
Spinal level/location of:
Hyoid bone
Cricoid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
Medial end of clavicle
Root of spine of scapula
Inferior angle of scapula
Highest point of iliac crest
Hyoid bone (C2-C3)
Cricoid cartilage (C6)
Thyroid cartilage (C4/C5)
Medial end of clavicle (distal end of 1st rib)
Root of spine of scapula (T3)
Inferior angle of scapula (T7 standing/T6 prone)
Highest point of iliac crest (L4 SP)
Spinal level/location of:
End of spinal cord (cona medullaris)
Subarachnoid space with CSF
Sternal angle
Xiphoid-sternal junction
Lung apex
Termination of abdominal aorta
End of spinal cord (L2)
Subarachnoid space with CSF (S3)
Sternal angle (2nd rib and body of T5)
Xiphoid-sternal junction (T9/T10)
Lung apex (behind medial 3rd of clavicle)
Termination of abdominal aorta (L4)
Head of radius articulates with:
Head of radius articulates with:
Capitulum of humerus
Proximal ulna (olecranon process) articulates with:
Proximal ulna (olecranon process) articulates with: Trochlea of humerus
Carpal bones
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium* (*thumb side)
Sam Limped To Paris, He Cant Take Trains (bottom right, counterclockwise)
What structures make up the hard palate?
Anterior 3/5: Maxilla (palatine processes of maxilla)
Posterior 2/5: Palatine bone proper
Where is hyaline cartilage found
clinical significance
Ribs, lines synovial joints
(Left over fetal skeleton)
(Costochondral junction = costochondritis, inflammation of hyaline)
What vertebrae are transverse foramen found in?
Cervical vertebrae only
(Where vertebral artery passes from C6 and up, but C7 still has the holes)
Which muscles attach to the supraglenoid and Infraglenoid tubercles
Supraglenoid: Longhead of biceps
Infraglenoid: Longhead of triceps
Label the foot bones
What is the function of the annular ligament
Holds the head of the radius
What muscles open the jaw
Digastric, lateral pterygoid (depress)
What muscles close the jaw
medial pterygoid, masseter + temporalis
(elevate jaw)
What innervates the muscles that open and close the jaw
CN 5 (V-3)
Where is the first intervertebral disk found
Between C2 and C3
Red vs White muscle fibers
Red: Slow twitch, low glycolytic capacity, high oxidative capacity
White: Fast twitch, high glycolytic capacity, low oxidative capacity
Isotonic vs isometric contraction
Isotonic: Force remains constant, muscle shortens during contraction (picking something up)
Isometric: Force increases during contraction, length of muscle remains constant (push on the floor of your house)
Skeletal muscle: Relaxation = Ca goes back into the ________ via ________
Skeletal muscle: Relaxation = Ca goes back into the (sarcoplasm) via (T-tubules)
Action potential length for skeletal vs cardiac muscle
Skeletal: 2-4ms
Cardiac: 200-400ms
What muscles attach to the coracoid process?
Pec minor