Immunology Flashcards
What is produced in bone marrow?
immune cell production
B cell maturation
What is produced in thymus?
T cell maturation
Lymph node anatomy
capsule: subcapsular sinuses, trabeculae of connective tissue, trabecular sinuses
outer cortex: nodules, follicles of b cells, germinal center where B cells differentiate
inner cortex (paracortex): no nodules, T cells, high endothelial venules, eosinophilic
Medulla: cords of lymphoid tissue and medullary sinuses
encapsulated, bean shaped structures, dendritic cells, plasma cells
Deep cervical lymph nodes
Drain: head, neck, oropharynx
path: Kawasaki dz
Supraclavicular lymph nodes
R: L Virchow node
L: abdomen, pelvis
path: cancer of thorax, abdomen, pelvis
Epitrochlear lymph node
Drain: hand, forearm
path: secondary syphilis
Spleen anatomy
LUQ of abdomen, anterolateral to L kidney
Periarteriolar lymphatic sheath: T cells
Follicle: B cells
Marginal zone: macrophages, specialized b cells, antigen-presenting cells
White pulp: antibody coated bacteria are filtered our and antibodies are made by B cells, filters blood
Red pulp: old RBC destroyed
Thymus anatomy, embryo, location, function
anterosuperior mediastinum
Thymus: endoderm
Thymic lymphocytes: mesoderm
cortex: immature T cells
Medulla: mature T cells
Hassall corpuscles: containing epithelial reticular cells
F: t cell differentiation and maturation
Innate immunity
Neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells, NK cells, complement, physical epithelial barriers
Germline encoded, nonspecific, rapid, no memory
Protein secretion: lysozyme, complement, C-reactive protein, defensisns, cytokines
Pathogen recognition: toll-like receptors, pattern recognition receptors
Adaptive immunity (Protein secretion, Pathogen recognition, cells included, and what is it)
T, B cells, and circulating antibodies
variation through V(D)J recombination during lymphocyte development, high specific, memory, longer response
Protein secretion: immunoglobulin, cytokines
Pathogen recognition: memory cells
binding TCR and CD8
1 long and 1 short
F: Present endogenous antigens (viral or cytosolic proteins) to CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
Expression: All nucleated cells, APCs, platelets (except RBCs)
Antigen loading: Antigen peptides loaded onto MHC I in RER after delivery via TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing)
Associated proteins: B2-microglobulin
Path: B27 PAIR psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, IBD-arthritis, reactive arthritis
TCR and CD4
2 equal length chains
Expression: APCs\Function: Present exogenous antigens (bacterial proteins) to CD4 helper T cells
Antigen loading: Antigen loaded following release of invariant chain in acidified endosome
path: DQ2/8 (celiac), DR3 (DM I, SLE, graves, Hashimoto, Addison disease), DR4 (RA, DM I, Addison disease)
Natural Killer (NK) cells
innate immune system
A: perforin and granzymes to induce apoptosis of virally infx and tumor cells and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
Stim: induced to kill when exposed to nonspecific activation signal on target cell, or absence of inhibitory signal on target cell surface or CD16 binds Fc region of bound IgG
Inc activity: IL-2, IL-12, IFN-a, IFN-B
B cell
Action: recognize and present antigen, produce antibodies, and maintain immunologic memory
T cells
CD4: help B cells make Ab and produce cytokines to recruit phagocytes and activate other leukocytes
CD8: directly kill virus-infx and tumor cells
MCH II x CD4 = 8
MCH I x CD8= 8
Type 1 hypersensitivity
Immediate: Antigen crosslinks IgE on pre-sensitized mast cells -> degranulation -> histamine (runny everything), tryptase, and leukotriene release (anaphylactic)
Late: chemokines attract inflammatory cells -> inflammation and tissue damage
Type II hypersentivity mechanism and example
Antibody binds to cell-surface of antigen -> opsonize -> activate phagocytosis, complement, NK cell killing-> abnormal blockage or activation of downstream effects, destruction
path: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, immune thrombocytopenia, transfusion rxn, hemolytic dz of the newborn, Goodpasture syndrome, Rheumatic fever, transplant rejection, myasthenia gravis, graves dz, pemphigus vulgaris
Type III hypersentivity mechanism and example
Antigen-Antibody-Complement (IgG) creates complex -> deposits somewhere-> attracts neutrophils and release lysosomal enzymes -> causing localized damage where it has deposited
path: SLE, RA, reactive arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, IgA vasculitis, vaccine booster
Type IV hypersentivity
direct cell cytotoxicity via CD8 T cells kill targeted cells
effector CD4 T cells recognize Ag and release inflammation-inducing cytokines -> macrophage
Path: contact dermatitis, graft vs host dz
Helper T Cell Th1
(+) IFN-y, IL-12
(-) IL-4, IL-10
Release: IFN-y, IL-2
Action: activate macrophages, cytotoxic T cells, infection
Helper T Cell Th2
Reg: (+) IL-2, IL-4 (-) IFN-y
Release: IL-4, 5, 6, 10, 13
Action: activate eosinophils, IgE, Parasitic, allergic
Helper T Cell Th17
Reg: (+) TGF-B, IL-1, IL-6 (-) IFN-y, IL-4
Release: IL-17, 21, 22
Action: induce neutrophil inflammation
Helper T Cell Treg
Reg: (+) TGF-B, IL-2 (-) IL-6
Release: TGF-B, IL-10, 35
ACtion: prevent autoimmunity
Antigen structure and function
Fab: determines type of ag that binds
Fc: antibody class switching
Cytotoxic T cells
kill virus-infected, neoplastic, and graft cells via apoptosis, release cytotoxic granules containing preformed proteins
T cell activation
Antigen presenting cell ingests and processes Ag -> migrates to draining lymph node -> exogenous ag presents on MHC II and recognized by T-cell receptor on CD4 cell-> co-stimulatory signal via interaction of protein on dendritic cell and naïve T cell -> activated Th cell produces cytokines
most abundant in serum
fixes complement, opsonizes bacteria, neutralizes bacterial toxins and viruses
crosses placenta
mucous membrane, breast milk, crosses epithelial cells
does not fix complement
produced in peyer patches
most produced but not in serum
binds mast cells and basophils
Type I hypersentivity
contribute to immunity to parasites by activating eosinophils
primary response to an ag
fixes complement
multiple binding site
Activation: IgG or IgM, microbe surface molecules, lectin
Opsonin’s: C3b
Anaphylaxis: C3a, C4a, C5a
Neutrophil chemotaxis: C5a
MAC: C5b-9 neutralizing Neisseria species
Respiratory Burst
ROS to kill bacteria and foreign invaders -> activates catalase/glutathione peroxidase - glutathione reductase -> glucose-6-phosphatse dehydrogenase
catalase (+) organism can neutralize H2O2
Live attenuated Vaccine
can revert to virulent form, retain capacity of transient growth w/in host
induce cellular and humoral response, strong, lifelong
ex: MMR, typhoid
Antibody to surface antigen
pathogen is inactivated by heat or chemicals
Ex: Influenza
Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, conjugate
target specific epitopes of antigen
less adverse reactions
weaker immune response and costly
Toxoid vaccine
denatured bacterial toxin w/ intact receptor binding site
stimulates immune Ab response w/ ability to cause disease
protects against bacterial toxins
antitoxin levels decrease over time, needs booster shots
ex: clostridium tetani
mRNA vaccine
lipid nanoparticle delivers mRNA
induce cellular and humoral response, side effects (myocarditis, pericarditis)
safe in pregnancy
EX: covid
X-linked agammaglobulinemia def
Defect in BTK, a tyrosine kinase gene
No B-cell maturation
X-linked agammaglobulinemia cause
X-linked agammaglobulinemia path
mutation in Burton’s Tyrosine Kinase gene on x chromosome -> ineffective BTK enzyme-> B-lymphocyte precursors fail to mature into B lymphocytes, plasma cells -> differentiation stops at pre-B cell stage -> absence of B-cells in circulation -> deficiencies of all Ig -> higher risk of developing infections
X-linked agammaglobulinemia RF
Males, 6-18 mon, FH,
X-linked agammaglobulinemia comp
live vaccines autoimmune diseases, skin infections, lymphoma
X-linked agammaglobulinemia clinical
Recurrent bacterial and enteroviral infections after 6 months (decreased maternal IgG)
Absent B cells in peripheral blood
Decreased IgG
Absent/scanty lymph nodes and tonsils
Selective IgA deficiency def
isolated deficiency of IgA
Selective IgA deficiency cause
Selective IgA deficiency path
IgA deficiency
Selective IgA deficiency RF
Selective IgA deficiency comp
Higher risk for giardiasis
Can cause false-positive B-hCG test
Selective IgA deficiency clinical
Common Variable Immunodeficiency def
defect in B-cell differentiation
Common Variable Immunodeficiency cause
idiopathic, mutations BAFF or ICOS
Common Variable Immunodeficiency path
Decreased plasma cells and immunoglobulins
Common Variable Immunodeficiency RF
Common Variable Immunodeficiency comp
Increased risk for AI disease, bronchiectasis, lymphoma, sinopulmonary infections, granulomatous infiltration
Common Variable Immunodeficiency clinical
recurrent infections
Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis def
T-cell dysfunction
Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis clinical
persistent and noninvasive Candida labicans infx of skin and mucous membrane
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency def
combined defects in T, B lymphocyte development, function
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency cause
SCID, cytokine receptor defects, adenosine deaminase deficiency, mutation y-chain subunit of IL receptors, RAG mutation
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency path
X-linked recessive
combined defects in T,B lymphocytes development or function
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency RF
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency clinical
recurrent infx, oral candidiasis (thrush), chronic diarrhea, failure the thrive, morbilliform rash
Spleen function
Iron metabolism
Prevention of infection
Red blood cell and platelet storage
Bone marrow function
Immune cell production (origin of stem cells)
Production of cytokines in BM serves as necessary signals to B cells to differentiate by up-regulating B cell markers
B cell maturation
Bone marrow Microscopic Anatomy
red: hematopoietic island widely distributed throughout loose connective tissue network, large thin walled sinusoids, granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes, lymphocytes,
yellow: connective tissue, adipocytes, dormant hematopoietic clusters,
reticulin: type III collagen, macrophages,
Bone marrow embryo
mesodermal cells in yolk sac
Tonsils Microscopic Anatomy
stratified squamous epithelium
antigen presenting cells
lymphoid follicles surrounded by connective tissue w/ tonsillar crypts
center contains lymphocytes
Tonsils Function
Filtration of macrophages, circulation of B and T cells, immune response activation
Waldeyer ring consists of lingual, palatine, pharyngeal, and tubal tonsils
Palatine tonsil
between the palatoglossal arch anteriorly and the palatopharyngeal arch posteriorly
stratified squamous epithelium w/ 15-20 crypts
lymphocytes, bacteria and desquamated epithelial cells
Lingual tonsil
small round elevations that sit on the most posterior part of the tongue base
stratified squamous epithelium one crypt
Tubal tonsils
posterior to the opening of the Eustachian tube (the torus tubaris) in the nasopharynx.
Pharyngeal tonsil
attached to periosteum of sphenoid bone
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium, goblet cells
Lymph node function
Place where T and B cells hang out
ECF excess with antigens percolates through LNs and memory T and B cells can activate against any antigen previously seem
Mediastinal Lymph node
trachea, esophagus
path: lung CA, TB, sarcoidosis, granulomatous dz
Submandibular, submental LN
D: oral cavity, ant. tongue, lower lip
P: oral cavity cancer
Hilar LN
D: lungs
P: lung CA, TB, sarcoidosis, granulomatous dz
Axillary LN
D: upper limb, breast, skin above umbilics
P: mastitis, breast ca
Periumbilical LN
D: abdomen, pelvis
P: gastric ca
Celiac LN
D: liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, upper duodenum
p: mesenteric lymphadenitis, IBD, celiac dz
Superior mesenteric LN
lower duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon (splenic flexure)
p: mesenteric lymphadenitis, IBD, celiac dz
Inferior mesenteric LN
colon (splenic flexure to upper rectum)
mesenteric lymphadenitis, IBD, celiac dz
Para-aortic LN
testes, ovaries, kidneys, fallopian tubes, uterus
External iliac LN
cervix, vagina (upper third), superior bladder, body of uterus
STI, medial foot/leg cellulitis
Internal iliac LN
lower rectum to anal canal, bladder, middle 1/3 vagina, cervix, prostate
STI, medial foot/leg cellulitis
Superficial inguinal LN
anal canal, skin below umbilicus, scrotum, vulva, vagina lower 1/3
STI, medial foot/leg cellulitis
Popliteal LN
dorsolateral foot, posterior calf
lateral foot/leg cellulitis
Th1, secreted by NK cells and T cells in response to Ag or Il-12 from macrophages, stimulates macrophages to kill phagocytosed pathogens, inhibits differentiation of Th2, induces IgG class switch
induces differentiation of T cells into Th2 cells, promotes growth of B cells, enhances class switching to IgE and IgG
promotes growth and differentiation of b cells, enhances class switching to IgA, stimulates growth and differentiation of eosinophils, Th2
TGF-B and IL-10 both attenuate the immune response, decreases expression of MHC class II and Th1 cytokines, inhabits activated macrophages and dendritic cells, secreted by reg T cells, Th2
promotes IgE production by B cells, induces alternative macrophage activation, Th2
secreted by NK cells and T cells in response to antigen or IL-12 from macrophages, stimulates macrophages to kill pathogens; inhibit differentiation of Th2 cells, induces IgG
Addison disease, Myasthenia gravis, Graves
Don’t Be late(8), Dr. Addison, or else you’ll send my patient to the grave
Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, IBD-associated arthritis, Reactive arthritis
Celiac disease I ate(8) (2) much gluten at Dairy Queen
Multiple sclerosis, hay fever, SLE, Goodpasture syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis, DM1, Addison disease
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hashimoto is an odd Dr (DR3, DR5)
acute inflammation, (Macrophages and Monocytes) Fever, T-cell prolif
(CD4 cells) Stimulates T cells, NK cells, CD4 and CD8
Stimulates bone marrow
Stimulates acute phase protein production and fever
(Fibroblast) Megakaryocyte potentiator, stimulates IgG
activates endothelium, WCB recruitment, vascular leak
chemotactic factor for neutrophils
differentiation of T cell into Th1 cells, activate NK cells
leukocytes) Inhibits tumor proliferation, enhances NK growth
Response to foreign body
albumin and fibrinogen attach to surface -> over time small proteins get replaced w/ larger proteins -> neutrophils migrate to area and adhere to protein layer -> release ROS and proteolytic enzymes -> increase vascular permeability -> monocytes turn into macrophages -> proliferation and recruitment and replace neutrophils -> release TNF alpha, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-8 -> macrophage cover exposed surface of implant via integrins -> macrophage undergo cytoskeletal remodeling they flatten over the surface of the implant in an attempt to engulf and phagocytose it -> continue to recruit macrophages -> release degrading enzymes and ROS to break down implant -> break it down -> stops -> if don’t break down -> encapsulation of implant w/ fibrous tissue
Structure of Complement
plasma proteins
C1: C1s, C1r, 6C1q bind to Fc portion of antibody, require Ca
Function of Complement
destroy gram negative bacteria
C3b - Opsonization, allow for phagocytosis (C3b binds to lipopolysaccharides on bacteria)
C3a, C4a, C5a - Anaphylaxis, mast cells and basophils
C5a and C3a - Neutrophil, eosinophils, monocytes, and macrophage chemotaxis
C5b-9 (MAC) - Cytolysis, kills infected cells or pathogen
Pathway of Classic Complement
2 or more C1q bind to antibodies bound to antigen -> C1 twists exposes C1r and C1s allowing C1r to cleave C1s -> C1 cleaves C4 into C4b and C4a -> C4b binds to surface of pathogen -> C1 cleaves C2 into C2a and C2b -> C2b bind to C4b on pathogen -> C3 convertase cleaves tons of C3 into C3b and C3a -> C3b binds to C3 convertase turning it into a C5 convertase (C4b2b3b) -> cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b-> C5b binds to C6, C7, C8 bind to cell membrane and penetrate through it -> multiple C9 join and create a channel straight through pathogen membrane
Lectin binding pathway
mannose binding lectin protein binds to mannose on cell surface -> cleaves C4 and C2 -> C3 convertase -> C3 convertase cleaves tons of C3 into C3b and C3a -> C3b binds to C3 convertase turning it into a C5 convertase (C4b2b3b) -> cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b-> C5b binds to C6, C7, C8 bind to cell membrane and penetrate through it -> multiple C9 join and create a channel straight through pathogen membrane
Alternative Complement Pathway
at slow rate of cleavage of C3 into C3b and C3a-> C3b binds to cell membrane -> factor B will bind to C3b and that will allow factor B to be cleaved by factor D into Bb and Ba -> Bb will stay bound to C3b -> acts as a C3 convertase -> C3b binds to C3 convertase turning it into a C5 convertase (C4b2b3b) -> cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b-> C5b binds to C6, C7, C8 bind to cell membrane and penetrate through it -> multiple C9 join and create a channel straight through pathogen membrane
C1 inhibitor and factor I stops this
Control of thymus
insulin, insulin-like growth factor
Control of bone marrow
Stim: loss of blood, lack of iron, exercise, infection
Inhibit: immunosuppression
Mucous Membranes/
MALT Anatomy
Enteroendocrine cells, local gut immunity
Peyer’s patch - Encapsulated lymphoid tissue in ileal submucosa, where they can detect large antigens that accidentally diffused across intestinal epithelium
Lymphatic fluid composition
albumin, oxygen, glucose, animo acids, hormones, lipids, dendritic cells and fluid
Lymphatic fluid function
return fluid to heart, helps large molecules like hormones and lipids enter blood, and immune surveillance
Lymphatic fluid transport
fluid enters capillaries -> vessels -> trunks (lumbar, Bronchomediastinal, subclavian, jugular, intestinal) -> ducts (right lymphatic or thoracic) -> veins (jugular and subclavian)
smooth muscle reacts to arterial pulse and skeletal muscle squeezing keep lymph moving
collect interstitial fluid and return it to heart
Synthesis of Lymphatic Fluid
when pressure in the interstitial space is higher than the lymphatic capillary mini valves open up allowing lymph to enter
Degradation of Lymphatic Fluids
lymph nodes remove foreign materials, enters back into heart via subclavian vein
Activation of Innate immune response
macrophage recognizes pathogen by bind its pattern recognition receptor on a pathogen with a certain pathogen associated molecular patterns
NK cells
Activation of Adaptive immune response
antigen presenting cells engulf antigen and present on MCH
What are the antibodies associated w/ Myasthenia Gravis?
anti-postsynaptic ACh receptor
What are the antibodies associated w/ SLE
Antinuclear, anticardiolipin, lupus anticoagulant, Anti-dsDNA, anti-smith, anti-histone
What are the antibodies associated w/ Sjogern syndrome?
anti-Ro/SSA, anti-La/SSB
What are the antibodies associated w/ RA?
Rheumatoid factor, Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide
What are the antibodies associated w/ scleroderma?
anti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA topoisomerase I
What are the antibodies associated w/ limited scleroderm (CREST syndrome)?
What are the antibodies associated w/ polymyositis?
anti-synthetase, anti-SRP, anti-helicase
What are the antibodies associated w/ autoimmune hepatitis?
anti-smooth muscle, anti-liver/kidney microsomal-1
What are the antibodies associated w/ Goodpasture syndrome?
Anti-glomerular basement membrane
DiGeorge Syndrome cause
Microdeletion of chromo 22q11.2, TBx1
DiGeorge Syndrome path
mutation in TBx1 -> pouch 3 and 4 of pharyngeal pouches -> lack of thymus and parathyroid gland -> deficiency in mature T cells and hypocalcemia
DiGeorge Syndrome RF
DiGeorge Syndrome comp
Heart murmur
Frequent infections
DiGeorge Syndrome clinical
truncus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, poor immune system function, cleft palate, long face, small teeth, broad nose, low Ca2+, delayed development with behavioral and emotional problems
Drug-Induced Immunodeficiencies def
impaired immune system function due to medications used in the treatment of systemic diseases
Drug-Induced Immunodeficiencies cause
Methyldopa, minocycline, hydralazine, isoniazid, phenytoin, sulfa drugs, etanercept, procainamide, Azathioprine, Ciclosporin, Mycophenolate mofetil, Cyclophosphamide, prednisone, omalizumab, dupilumab, secukinumab, ixekizumab, brodalumab,
Drug-Induced Immunodeficiencies path
drugs that suppress immune system -> infections
Drug-Induced Immunodeficiencies comp
life-threatening infections
Drug-Induced Immunodeficiencies clinical
Manifests as recurrent, severe, opportunistic infections
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome def
virus that targets cells in the immune system
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome cause
HIV 1 or HIV 2 (rare)
sexual intercourse, M to M, IV drug, mother to child
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome path
HIV targets CD4+ cells (macrophage, dendritic cells, T helper cells) attaches via gp120 -> another gp120 attaches to CXCR4/CCR5 receptors on cell -> virus enters the cell -> injects single stranded RNA into cell -> reverse transcriptase transcribe into a double stranded proviral DNA -> enter nucleus and attaches to DNA -> anytime immune proteins are made so is viral proteins -> during this process they will mutate and created different strains and can infect other immune cells-> leading to high levels of HIV in blood -> immune system counterattacks and controls replication (12 weeks) -> viral replication slowly increases while T cells decrease (chronic 2-10 y)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome RF
unprotected sex, multiple partners, sharing needles, unsafe injection, unsterile cutting or piercing, needle stick injuries, having sex with someone w/ STI
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome comp
x4 strain destruction to T cells
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome clinical
swollen lymph nodes, hairy leukoplakia (white patch on tongue), oral candidiasis
AIDS: <200 T cells, persistent fever, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, recurrent bacterial pneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia, candidiasis of esophagus, Kaposi sarcoma, primary lymphoma
Anaphylaxis def
severe allergic reaction
Anaphylaxis cause
peanut, shellfish, antibiotics, insect bites, blood products (IgG)
Anaphylaxis path
first exposure -> antigen presenting cell pick up antigen -> presents to T cell -> activates produce cytokines -> B cell switch to IgE antibodies -> mast cells and basophils -> second exposure -> mast cells and basophils release proinflammatory molecules -> leak into blood system due to histamine, tryptase -> bronchoconstriction, blood vessel dilation, break down proteins ->
Anaphylaxis RF
atopy, asthma
Anaphylaxis comp
hypotension, MI, anaphylactic shock, LOC
Anaphylaxis clinical
angioedema, SOB, coughing, wheezing, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia def
increased RBC breakdown due antibodies to RBC
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia cause
Warm: idiopathic, penicillin, cephalosporins, children (viral, SLE, lymphomas, leukemia)
Cold: leukemia, lymphoma, viral pneumonia, mycoplasma, infectious mononucleosis
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia path
warm >37 IgG on Rh antigen in spleen-> macrophage, neutrophils, NK cells, and T cells bind to Fc portion of antibody -> superoxide granules or phagocytosis cause conformational change induced hemolysis of RBC
cold 0-10 IgM on L, I, P antigen in liver via complement system
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia RF
immune deficiencies, malignancies, certain drugs, measles, varicella, mycoplasma, H. influenza, lymphoproliferative disorders, autoimmune disorders, exposure to cold
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia comp
gallstones, kidney damage, multiorgan failure
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia clinical
hematuria, jaundice, hemoglobinuria, bounding heart rate, SOB, fatigue, pallor, hepatosplenomegaly
Goodpasture Syndrome def
autoimmune disease that affects lungs and kidneys
Goodpasture Syndrome cause
Goodpasture Syndrome path
autoantibodies IgG to alpha 3 chain of type 4 collagen bind -> activate complement system -> ROS are released in area, MAC is formed -> damage to BM
Goodpasture Syndrome RF
HLA-DR15, infection, smoking, oxidative stress, hydrocarbon-based solvents
Goodpasture Syndrome comp
chronic kidney disease
Goodpasture Syndrome clinical
cough, hemoptysis, restrictive lung disease
hematuria, proteinuria, edema, HTN
Myasthenia Gravis def
muscle weakness due to antibodies
Myasthenia Gravis cause
autoimmune disease, bronchogenic carcinoma, thymic neoplasm
Myasthenia Gravis path
antibodies that bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on muscle cell membrane-> don’t respond to contract signal and activate classical complement pathway -> inflammation, muscle cell destruction
muscle specific receptor tyrosine kinase antibodies -> target proteins in muscle cell
Myasthenia Gravis RF
women 20-30
male 60-70
Myasthenia Gravis comp
myasthenic crisis (breathing muscles)
SLE (Lupus) def
a disease that systemic affect multiple organs and causing redness of skin
SLE (Lupus) cause
autoimmune disease, genetics,
SLE (Lupus) path
environmental triggers -> damaged cells release contents into cell and genetic factors cause them not to be cleared effectively -> b cell make antibodies -> antinuclear antibodies bind to antigen -> get into blood -> deposit in kidney, skin, joints, heart -> complement system -> cell to die ->
SLE (Lupus) path
environmental triggers -> damaged cells release contents into cell and genetic factors cause them not to be able to clear them effectively -> b cell make antibodies -> antinuclear antibodies bind to antigen -> get into blood -> deposit kidney, skin, joints, heart -> complement system -> cell to die
SLE (Lupus) comp
Skin scarring, Joint deformities, Kidney failure, Stroke, Heart attack, Pregnancy complications, Hip destruction (also called avascular necrosis), Cataracts
SLE (Lupus) comp
Kidney failure, Stroke, Heart attack, Pregnancy complications, avascular necrosis, Cataracts, DVT, hepatic vein thrombosis,
SLE (Lupus) clinical
relapsing and remittance
fever, joint pain, rash, weight loss, malar rash after sun exposure, discoid rash, photosensitivity of skin, ulcers of mouth or nose, serositis (pleuritis, pericarditis), myocarditis, endocarditis (vegetations form around mitral valve), arthritis, proteinuria, diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, seizures, psychosis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia
Polyarteritis nodosa def
widespread inflammation, weakening, and damage to small and medium-sized arteries
Polyarteritis nodosa cause
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hairy cell leukemia
Polyarteritis nodosa path
necrotizing vasculitis of the renal, coronary, and mesenteric arteries
immune complexes lead to medium vessel inflammation
Polyarteritis nodosa RF
Polyarteritis nodosa comp
renal failure, MI
Polyarteritis nodosa clinical
secondary HTN, hematuria, abdominal pain, bloody stools, livedo reticularis, palpable purpura
glomerulonephritis def
kidney glomeruli become inflamed after streptococcal infection
glomerulonephritis cause
Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci
glomerulonephritis path
Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci -> immune complexes of IgG or IgM and antigen get deposited GBM sub epithelial -> C3 complement, cytokines, oxidants, proteases -> damage podocytes -> RBC and proteins can filter through
glomerulonephritis RF
children, recent impetigo or pharyngitis infx
glomerulonephritis clinical
oliguria, proteinuria, hematuria, peripheral and periorbital edema
stary sky, anti-DNase B
granulomatous inflammation def
type of inflammation when chronic inflammation can’t get rid of offending agent, development of nodules
granulomatous inflammation cause
tuberculosis or foreign body, sarcoidosis, leprosy, crohn’s disease, cat starch disease, fungal infection, autosomal recessive and x-linked recessive for NADPH oxidase
Natural forests contain lions, tigers, frogs, snakes, and cats
granulomatous inflammation path
unable to kill pathogen -> macrophages turn into epithelioid cells -> epithelioid cells plus lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cell, and fibroblast come together -> cause more tissue destruction
granulomatous inflammation RF
granulomatous inflammation comp
granulomatous inflammation clinical
recurrent infections, bacteremia, fungemia
transplant rejection def
when transplanted tissue is attacked by new host immune system
transplant rejection cause
blood group, major histocompatibility antigen, minor blood group antigens,
transplant rejection path
innate immunity -> attraction, activation of phagocytes-> humoral immunity -> activation of B cells -> antibody secretion -> adaptive response -> cellular immunity -> killer T cells induce apoptosis
transplant rejection RF
HLA, inadequately immunosuppressed
transplant rejection comp
organ failure
transplant rejection clinical
fever, chills, dizziness, nausea, malaise, night sweats,
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) def
normal tissue is replaced with dense connective tissue
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) cause
autoimmune, anti-SCL 70, anti-RNA polymerase III, anti-centromere
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) path
injury to endothelial cells of small arteries -> express adhesion molecules -> T cell attach and migrate out side blood vessels -> release TGF-beta causing inflammation and damage -> release fibroblasts that produce collagen -> excessive firbosis -> reduce blood flow -> ischemia
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) RF
women, genetics, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19, silica dust, organic solvents, vinyl chloride, cocaine, 35-50, drugs
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) comp
painful ulcers, disfigurement, disability, renal, cardiac failure pulmonary insufficiency, interictal absorption
progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) clinical
start in finger and move up across arm swollen doughty -> tight shiny, stiff, sclerodactyly, calcinosis
microstomia, beaked nose, Raynaud phenomena, GERD, malabsorption, cough, difficulty breathing,
rheumatic fever def
inflammatory condition of heart
rheumatic fever cause
Streptococcus pyogenes, group A beta-hemolytic
rheumatic fever path
antibodies are produced against M protein on Streptococcus -> cross react with body cells -> activate immune cells and release cytokines -> damage to heart
rheumatic fever RF
children, poverty, crowding
rheumatic fever comp
mitral stenosis, death to myocarditis, chronic rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis
rheumatic fever clinical
migratory polyarthritis, pancarditis, myocarditis, friction rub, subcutaneous nodules, erythema marginatum, Sydenham chorea, fever,
Sjögren syndrome def
autoimmune destruction of exocrine glands (lacrimal and salivary)
Sjögren syndrome cause
autoimmune to exocrine glands, HLA DRW52, HLA DQA1, HLA DQB1, infection
Sjögren syndrome path
damage to salivary glands -> parts of salivary gland get picked up by antigen presenting cells -> present antigen on MHC in lymph node -> binds to T cell -> activate B cell via cytokines -> make antibodies anti-SS-A and anti-SS-B -> enter blood T cell and antibodies -> exocrine gland -> T cell secrete cytokines, promote more immune cells to area, fibroblasts -> decreased exocrine glands
Sjögren syndrome RF
women, 40-60YO
Sjögren syndrome comp
Dental caries
MALT lymphoma
Sjögren syndrome clinical
Dry, itching, redness, burning, and blurring of vision
xerostomia, difficulty tasting, swallowing, cracks and fissures
ulceration, perforation, crusting, and bleeding of nose and respiratory passages
difficulty speaking
Joint pain
Bilateral parotid enlargement
dry skin and vagina, swelling of glands, recurrent infx
primary amyloidosis def
deposits of proteins w/ abnormal shape that stick together and settle in tissues that cause damage to tissue
primary amyloidosis cause
multiple myeloma
primary amyloidosis path
abnormal proteins begin to build up -> clump together and can’t be destroyed by proteases -> go out of cell and from b-sheets that deposit in extracellular space -> cause damage
immunoglobulin light chain gets misfolded and deposited
primary amyloidosis RF
men, 60-70, FH, kidney dialysis
primary amyloidosis comp
primary amyloidosis clinical
proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia, restrictive cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, malabsorption, enlargement of liver, spleen, or tongue, reduced sensory, motor, digestion, or blood pressure
secondary amyloidosis def
build up of misfolded proteins in tissues
secondary amyloidosis cause
serum amyloid A
secondary amyloidosis path
serum amyloid A builds up in blood -> some misfolded into AA amyloids -> accumulate into tissue
secondary amyloidosis RF
Rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, cancers, familial Mediterranean fever
secondary amyloidosis comp
secondary amyloidosis clinical
proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia, restrictive cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, malabsorption, enlargement of liver, spleen, or tongue, reduced sensory, motor, digestion, or blood pressure
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) def
infection by Parvovirus B19
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) cause
Parvovirus B19, respiratory droplets, infected blood transfusion, placenta
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) path
respiratory tract -> travels through blood to bone marrow -> uses receptor-mediated endocytosis via p-antigen and enters erythroid progenitor cells -> replicates and produces non-structural protein 1 toxic to human cells -> RBC apoptosis -> copies of virus end up in blood -> IgG and IgM are produced -> form immune complexes (10-14) ->
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) RF
children, immune-compromised
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) comp
aplastic crisis, anemia, hydrops fetalis, fetal loss, pure red blood cell aplasia,
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) clinical
mild fever, headache, aching muscles -> rash, joint pain (hands, wrist, knee, feet bilaterally), lace-like rash
Haemophilus influenzae type b def
encapsulated, gram negative, coccobacillus, non-motile, facultative anaerobic, catalase and oxidase positive
Haemophilus influenzae type b cause
Haemophilus influenzae via respiratory droplets
Haemophilus influenzae type b path
Haemophilus influenzae -> colonizes the nasopharynx, and may penetrate the epithelium and capillary endothelium
has capsule w/ pili, adhesion protiens, IgA protease, LOS
Haemophilus influenzae type b RF
children, splenectomy, sickle cell, cancer, congenital deficiency of complement components, acute viral infection (influenza)
Haemophilus influenzae type b comp
Haemophilus influenzae type b clinical
fever, sore throat, dyspnea, warm tender area of erythema on cheek or periorbital area, chills, hypotension, tachycardia, vomiting, sore neck, altered mental status, bone pain, weakness, pain swelling and tenderness of joint
H. influenzae hates your throat, lungs, head, and bones
influenza types
type A: 8 RNA segments, 8 hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, H3N2, H1N1
Type b: 8 RNA segments, less common,
type c: 7 RNA segment, least common, hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion
influenza cause
type A influenza
influenza path
respiratory droplets -> get in mouth, nose, lungs or touching surface -> uses hemagglutinin to bind to sialic acid sugar on epithelial cells -> endocytosis -> RNA gets worked on by RNA polymerase -> translated into proteins and new virus -> buds out of cell via neuraminidase cleaving sialic acid sugars
1-4 days
influenza RF
younger than 6 mon, >65, close contact w/ sick person, immunosuppression, pregnancy,
influenza comp
acute otitis media, bronchiolitis, croup, sinusitis, pneumonia, reye syndrome, febrile seizures,
measles cause
measles virus
measles path
airborne live up 2 hours in air or surface -> infect epithelial cells in trachea/bronchi -> hemagglutinin binds to CD46, SLAM, or Nectin-4 and fusion protein lets it get into cell -> RNA get transcribed by RNA polymerase -> translated into viral proteins -> wrapped in lipid envelope and sent out of cell -> picked up by dendritic cell and alveolar macrophage -> lymph node where it spread -> blood to more lung, intestine, brain (10-14 day)
measles RF
< 5 years, pregnant women, immunocompromised, unvaccinated
measles comp
death, pneumonia, diarrhea, encephalitis, otitis media, subacute sclerosing panecephalitis
measles clinical
high fever, cough, conjunctivitis, coryza -> days after rash on mucus membrane -> red, blotchy, maculopapular rash cephalocaudal progression -> after 4 day rash fades and cough remains
Mononucleosis def
enveloped, linear, double-stranded DNA
Mononucleosis cause
Epstein-Barr virus
Mononucleosis path
saliva or respiratory secretion -> epithelial cells it replicates viral DNA and form new proteins -> lysis of epithelial cells -> viruses travel to tonsils and attach to B cells via CD21 receptor -> virus enters latent phase and carries virus to other B cells (liver, spleen, lymph nodes) -> B cell make antibodies and CD8 t cells kill B cells
Mononucleosis RF
15-24, kissing, sharing drinks or food
Mononucleosis comp
splenic rupture, B cell lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Mononucleosis clinical
fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy (posterior cervical), fatigue, tonsillitis, palatal petechiae, hepatosplenomegaly, rash (faint, non-itchy, pink macules or patches on trunk and arms)
Mumps def
viral polymerase enzyme, single stranded RNA, phospholipid bilayer, hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, fusion protein
Mumps cause
mumps virus -> enters cell RNA gets transcribed by viral polymerase -> translated -> viral proteins -> HN and F proteins bind other epithelial cells together
Mumps path
respiratory droplets -> mumps virus -> enters cell RNA gets transcribed by viral polymerase -> translated -> viral proteins -> HN and F proteins bind other epithelial cells together -> damage to nasopharynx
Mumps RF
Mumps comp
testicular atrophy, decrease in sperm count and motility
Mumps clinical
swelling of parotid salivary gland, ear ache, trismus, meningitis, encephalitis, headache, neck stiffness, hearing loss, difficulty w/ balance, orchitis, epididymitis, glomerulonephritis, arthritis, myocarditis, pancreatitis
Roseola Infantum def
double stranded linear DNA, icosahedral capsid, tegument, viral glycoproteins
Roseola Infantum cause
Human Herpes Virus 6
Roseola Infantum path
respiratory droplets -> virus attaches to dendritic cells -> travel to lymph nodes -> CD4 T cells bind and virus infects them -> DNA gets transcribed and translated in CD4 T cells -> viral proteins are made -> packaged and leave cell destroyed -> can infect monocytes, macrophages, NK cells, astrocytes, megakaryocytes, glial cells -> goes into latent state in monocytes
incubation 1-2 week
Roseola Infantum RF
children 6 month -2 years
Roseola Infantum comp
Roseola Infantum clinical
high fever, periorbital edema, acute otitis media, rhinorrhea, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, bulging fontanelle, cervical, occipital or postauricular lymphadenopathy, Nagayama spots -> maculopapular rash
Rubella def
single-stranded RNA, icosahedral capsid, spherical outer lipid envelope, mRNA
Rubella cause
rubella virus
Rubella path
respiratory droplets -> virus binds to receptor on endothelial cells in nasopharynx -> enters the cell -> virus gets surrounded by cell creating an endosome -> viral RNA is uncoated and nucleus, ER, and Golgi apparatus are moved close to it -> virus replicated and make proteins -> surrounded by membrane and exocytose -> spreads to lymphatic and blood vessels -> lymph nodes replicates -> enters urine, CSF, synovial fluid -> infected cells get apoptosis
pregnant female -> through placenta -> congenital rubella syndrome
Rubella RF
unvaccinated, coming in contact w/ someone
Rubella comp
congenital rubella syndrome (sensorineural hearing loss, cataracts, retinopathy, damage to retina, patent ductus arteriosus, dermal extramedullary hematopoiesis, intellectual disability, behavioral disorders, skin lesions, DM< enlarged liver and spleen)
Rubella clinical
14 after incubation: children have fever, swelling of lymph nodes, pink macules rash spread to trunk and extremities
teen and adult: arthralgia, arthritis,
Scarlet Fever def
infection leading to bright red skin rash
Scarlet Fever cause
streptococcus pyogenes
Scarlet Fever path
erythrogenic toxin -> a consequence of local production of inflammatory mediators and alteration of the cutaneous cytokine and dilatation of blood vessels, intrapapillary hemolysis
Scarlet Fever RF
close contact with another person with scarlet fever, >3
Scarlet Fever comp
ear infection throat abscess sinusitis pneumonia meningitis rheumatic fever
Scarlet Fever clinical
exudative pharyngitis, fever, and bright-red exanthem
Toxoplasmosis cause
toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasmosis path
ingestion of oocytes -> oocyst wall dissolved by proteolytic enzymes in stomach/SM I -> frees sporozoites from w/in oocyst -. parasites invade intestinal epithelium surrounding cells -> differentiation into tachyzoites -> replicate inside vacuoles until host cell rupture -> release tachyzoite to tissues -> host immune response-> tachyzoite turn into bradyzoites (semi-dormant) inside host cells
Toxoplasmosis RF
consumption of raw/undercooked meat, ingestion of contaminated water, soil, vegs, previvor’s blood transfusion, organ transplant, transplacental transmission
Toxoplasmosis def
a disease that results from infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite
Toxoplasmosis clinical
initial: swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, pains
chronic/latent: asymptomatic
immunocompromised: headache, confusion, poor coordination, seizures, cough, dyspnea,