MSK/ Anatomy Flashcards
Which ligament contains the artery supplying the femoral head?
Ligamentum Teres
Which muscles does the superficial perineal nerve supply?
Peroneus brevis
Peroneus longus
What part of the humerus does the radial head articulate with?
What is a sarcomere?
The region between two Z lines
Wrist drop?
Radial nerve
Sensory loss to small area between the dorsal aspect of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals?
Radial nerve
Which nerve innervates the adductor longs?
Obturator nerve
Nerve roots of ankle reflex?
S1 and S2
What is the Trendelenburg sign?
Pelvis tilts down to the opposite side - assesses strength of the abductor muscles of the hip, gluteus medius and minimus
Which bones of the hand are no tendons attached to i.e. they are stabilising by ligaments?
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
Which bone of the hand is a sesamoid bone?
Toe walking should resolve by?
3 years
Genu varus is associated with?
Genu valgus is associated with?
Claw like hand?
Ulnar nerve damage
Which nerve root is affected in Klumpkes palsy?
C8 and T1
Which nerve root is affected in Erbs palsy?
C5 and C6
What are the features of Klumpke’s palsy?
Claw hand (MCP joints extended and IP joints flexed)
Loss of sensation over medial aspect of forearm and hand
Horner’s syndrome
Loss of flexors of the wrist