MSK Flashcards
definition lisfranc injury
spectrum of injury from sprain to complete disruption of tarso-metatarsal joints in midfoot, usually occuring at base of 2nd metatarsal
mechanism of injury associated with lisfranc injury
foot being caught in a hole; falling off horse with foot caught in stirrup; MVC, foot planted in hole, awkward step off curb; bunk bed fracture (leaps onto bunk bed, landing on toes with axial load on plantar flexed ankle
MOA of lisfranc injury
plantar flexion with ER of ankle
Physical Exam findings for lisfranc fracture dislocations
unable to weight bear, hemtama/ecchymosis on plantar aspect of foot
X-Ray orders for LisFranc fracture
3 views - AP, later, standard 45 degrees oblique of foot
XRay findings for Lisfranc injury
widening between bases of 1st and 2nd or 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bases; > 2mm = surgical intervention
Normal alignment of metatarsals and tarsal bones in midfoot
AP view: edge of base 2nd metatarsal lining up with medial edge of medial cuniform; oblique: medial edge of 3rd and 4th metatarsal should line up with medial edges of middle and lateral cuniforms
Pathognomonic for lisfranc injury on XRay
fleck sign: small bony fragment avulsed from second metatarsal base or medial cuniform
Indications for surgery for lisfranc
displaced fracture or subluxation > 2 mm
If highly suspicious for lisfranc despite normal Xrays…
- 30 degrees oblique XRay (eliminate overlap of metatarsals), 2. weight-baring stress views following nerve block, 3. CT of foot
ED MGMT of LisFranc injury
posterior back slab
carpal bones (5) list them
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium
(3) Physical tests to r/o scaphoid injury
- palpate scaphoid on palmer aspect with wrist radially deviated; 2. thumb axial load tenderness at scaphoid location 3. snuffbox tenderness
what is the watson test?
identifies scapholunate ligament injury or scaphoid fracture; start with palmer aspect on scaphoid wrist deivated ulnar and flexed, then move wrist radially with slight extension; (+) if pain, apprehension or clunk/subluxation
MOI for perilunate injuries
definition of perilunate dissociation
capitate dislocated from lunate
definition of lunate dissociation
lunate dislocated from capitate (more proximal one)
definition of scapholunate dissociation
terry thomas/madonna sign: visible gaps between teeth; gap of > 3 mm between scaphoid and lunate
FOOSH + acute carpal tunnel syndrome =
perilunate dissociation until proven otherwise
Xray finding for lunate dissociation
spilled tea cup - lunate is out of the seat of the capitate
ED MGMT of perilunate dislocation
90 degrees flexed at elbow with finger traps placed 10 - 15 lbs of longitudinal traction for 10 mins, if dorsally displaced, extend wrist and apply traction, then flex with volar/palmer pressure applied to lunate until clunk heard; volar/palmer slab!
distal radial ulnar joint injury
FOOSH injury +/- distal radial fracture
Physical findings for DRUJ
more prominent ulnar styloid, crepitus or blocking with pronation or supination, piano key sign, ulnar fovea sign
definition of piano key sign
ability to ballot the ulnar styloid (push ulna up and down like piano); + if painful or ulnar laxity
definition of ulnar fovea sign
point tenderness over ulnar capsule palmar to extensor carpi ulnaris tendon
XRay findings of DRUJ
can have normal XRay; widening of ulnar/radial joint of > 2 mm, lateral view: displacement or subluxation of distal ulnar compared to radius
reduction (supination and pressure over ulnar head), above elbow splint similar to smith fracture with forearm supinated and wrist in slight extension
pelvic apophyseal avulsion fracture sites
most common: ischial tuberosity, other sites: iliac crest, ASIS, AIIS, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter
MOI of pelvic apophyseal avulsion fractures
sudden forceful concentric or eccentric muscle contraction during running, jumping, kicking
RFs for pelvic apophyseal avulsion fractures
young athletes, hip pain or buttock/groin pain
MGMT for pelvic apophyseal avulsion fracture
non weight bearing using crutches then weaned; longer healing than sprains
Definition of Trivial Head Injury (pediatric)
GCS 15, no LOC, low mechanism, small frontal hematoma, older than 1 yo
Definition of Minor Head Injury (pediatric)
GCS 14 - 15, LOC/amnesia/confusion, disorientation, vomiting/HA, impact seizure
Definition of Moderate-Severe Head Injury (pediatric)
GCS < 13 or deteriorating GCS, penetrating head injury, focal neurological findings, late seizures (not impact), known child abuse
Glasgow Coma Scale Definition
Eyes (4): closed, responds to pain, responds to voice, spontaneous; Voice (5): no response, sounds, inapproprpiate words, confused, oriented to person/place/time; Motor (6): no response, abnormal extension, abnormal flexion, withdraws from pain, moves to localize pain, obeys commands
RFs for TBI in pediatric patients with head trauma
scalp hematoma > 2 cm that is not frontal, skull fracture in < 2 yo
Tool to use for risk of TBI in patients < 2 yo
PECARN study
Tool to use for CT head imaging in pediatric patients
Cushing’s Triad
hypertension, bradycardia, abnormal breathing
Agent for sedation in raised ICP patients (pediatric)
etomidate, ketamine
“Red zone” Period for observation in head injury
first 6 hours
“yellow zone” for observation in head injury
next 24 hours
T or F; children have less seizures following HI
false; they have more seizures
T or F; children are more likely to have TBI following head trauma
false; they are less likely to have TBI after head trauma as their skulls are not closed
T or F; children sustain fewer mass lesions and hemorrhagic contusions following a HI
T or F; children sustain less diffuse brain swelling following a HI
false; they have more diffuse swelling and can talk and deteriorate with edema alone
T or F; children sustain less diffuse axonal injury in HI
T or F; children sustain more hypoxia in HI
ACL injury MOI
rotation of knee against immobile foot with sudden deceleration (i.e., basketball), classic pop heard
Physical Exams for ACL injury
pivot shift test, lachman test, anterior drawer (poor sensitivity)
Ottawa Knee rule criteria
not weightbearing more than 4 steps, older than 55 yo, pain at fibular head, isolated patellar tenderness, inability ti flex knee to 90 degrees
Fractures associated with ACL injuries
Segond fracture, tibial spine fracture
definition of Segond fracture
vertical oriented avulsion fracture of the lateral proximal tibia
ED MGMT of ACL injuries
removable splint, crutches, ROM exercises, follow-up in sports clinic
Indications to consult ortho for ACL injuries
displaced fracture or fracture with impaired extensor mechanism associated with ACL injury
DDx for limping child
fracture, septic arthritis, systemic illness; transient synovitis, Legg-Calves-Perthes disease, Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, toddler’s fracture
definition of transient synovitis
self-limited inflammation of synovial lining preceeded by viral infection, resolving 3 - 10 days
definition of toddler’s fracture
spiral fracture seen in ages 9 - 36 months, usually at distal tibia
Signs with toddler’s fracture
pain with ankle dorsiflexion or calf rotation
MGMT of toddler’s fractures
above-knee immobilizing splint with knee in slight flexion, outpt follow-up, can consider not splinting if mild symptoms
definition of Legg-Calves Perthes disease
avascular necrosis of femoral head; ages 4 - 10 , normal or subtle changes in XRay
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphyses (SCFE)
pain radiating to thigh or knee; Overweight children, pain worst at IR of hip
sign on xray for SCFE
Kline’s line is abnormal (line from external part of femoral neck intersecting part of femoral head)
Kocher’s Criteria for Septic Arthritis in Pediatric Pts
not weight bearing, ESR > 40, fever, WBC > 12000
Red Flags for non-accidental trauma
delay in presentation, vague or inconsistent mechanism, injury inconsistent with developmental stage
Ottawa Ankle Rules age cut off
older than 5 yo
SALTER criteria for ankle fractures
I: slipped, II: above growth plate, III: lower of the growth plate, IV: through growth plate and metaphysis and physis, V: rammed: growth plate is crushed
Tillaux fracture definition
Salter III - intra-articular with avulsion of anteriorlateral tibial epiphysis
Definition of triplanar fracture
combination of salter I, II, III requiring operation, seen in adolescents
Definition of buckle fracture
incomplete fracture of the long bone identified by bulging of cortex
Definition of Greenstick fracture
cortex broken on one side, other side is intact
Acceptabe degrees of angulation for pediatric radial fractures
< 5yo: 30 degrees, 5 - 10 yo: 20 degrees, 10 - 12: 10 degrees
Supracondylar fracture major risk
neurovascualr injury (brachial artery, median/anterior interosseus nerve), compartment syndrome
figure of eight in elbow Xray
confirms lateral position
radiocapitellar line on elbow xray
should bisect capitellum of humerus, if not think fracture
anterior humeral line on elbow xray
line along anterior border of humerus bisecting middle 1/3 of capitellum; if disrupted, think fracture
“CRITOE” approach to elbow xrays
capitellum, radial head, internal epicondyle, trochlea, olecranon, externa epicondyle
ED MGMT of supracondylar fractures
immobilize in above-elbow splint at > 90 degrees flexion; consult ortho immediately if displaced
Test for sensory and motor of radius
webspace (dorsal) 1st thumb and thumbs up with resistance
Test for sensory and motor for median
2nd finger tip, peace sign with resistance
Test for sensory and ulnar
5th finger palmer, OK sign
levels of accepted angulation of metacarpal neck fractures
5th: 40 degrees, 4th: 30 degreed, 3rd: 20 degrees, 2nd: 10 degrees
definition of fight bite
laceration + boxers fracture
ED MGMT of fight bite
Xray to r/o fracture and tooth fragments, high flush irrigation, antibiotics (clavulin), healing by secondary intent, close follow-up; admit if extensor tendon injury or few days after injury
indications for abx for lacerations
hand bites, bites over joints, immunocompromised
boxer fracture definition
4th or 5th MTC neck fracture
MGMT Of boxer fracture
Abx, 2ndary intention if open, if angulated > 45 degrees or rotation > 20 degrees refer to hand surgeon/ortho, reduce with splint
Contraindications to tendon repairs
flexor tendons, contaminated wounds, partial tendons > 50% torn
ED MGMT of tendon repair
can repair if it is partial extensor tendon: thorough washing, loosely close skin, apply splint to avoid tension