Emergency Medicine Flashcards
POCUS finding on Tension PTX
no comet tails, no lung sliding
Big 5 causes of Chest Pain
MI, PE, TPX, Aortic dissection, esophageal rupture
CXR findings for aortic dissection
widened mediastinum, left pleural effusion, indistinct aortic knob, separation of >4mm of intminal calcification, depressed mainstem bronchi
Pathogenesis of Stable Angina
fixed stenosis of atheroma resulting in mismatch between oxygen supply and demand
Pathogenesis of ACS
plaque rupture
3 Characteristics of Typical Chest Pain
retrosternal CP/tightness/discomfort radiating to shoulder/arm/neck/jaw, associated with diaphoresis, nausea, anxiety, precipitated by 3Es - exertion, emotion, eating, brief duration lasting < 15 mins, typically relieved by rest and nitreates
MGMT of Chronic Stable Angina
- General - lifestyle, RF reduction
- antiplatelet - ASA, clopidogrel if contraindicated
- beta-blocker (metoprolol, atenolol)
- Nitrates for symptoms
- Revascularization
What is Variant Angina/Prinzmetal angina
myocardial ischemia secondary to coronary artery vasospasm, can be associated with infarction or LV dysfunction. Sx occur between midnight and 8 AM, unrelated to exercise, relieved by nitrates; ECG shows ST elevations; MGMT: nitrates and CCBs
DDx for troponitis
MI, CHF, AFib, acute PE, myocarditis, chronic renal insufficiency, sepsis, hypovolemia
- General - VOMIT, ASA, NG SL/IV, morphine IV
- Antiplatelet - ASA x2, ticagrelor/prasugel, +/- IV GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor (abciximab) if PCI
- Anticoagulation - UFH/bivalirudin if PCI, LMWH for thrombolysis or nothing
- beta blockers
- coronary angiography +/- reperfusion.
- General
- Antiplatelet - ASA
- Anticoagulation - GB IIb/IIIa inhibitor (abciximab); UFH post PCI, LMWH post thrombolysis
- PCI or thrombolysis
Absolute Contraindication to Thrombolysis in STEMI
prior intracranial hemorrhage, known structural cerebral vascular lesion, known malignant intracranial neoplasm, significant closed-head or facial trauma < 3 months, ischemic stroke < 3 months, active bleeding, suspected aortic dissection
Complications of MI
arrhythmia, myocardial rupture (LV wall, papillary muscle, ventricualr septum), CHF, post-infarct angina, recurrent MI, thromboembolism, percarditis, dressler’s syndrome
Classic Triad for Spinal Epidural Abscess (only seen in 13%)
fever, back pain, neurological deficits
post void residual cut offs for cauda equina
> 200 is positive test, < 100 cc less likely
Indications for plain film spinal/back Xray
> 70 yo, unexplained weight loss, pain worse with rest, prolonged steroid use, cancer, IV drug use, osteoporosis
Cauda Equina/SCC MGMT
IV opioids, IV dexamethasone, consult neurosurgery stat
Bones of the hand: “so long to pinky here comes the thumb”
Scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform hamate capitate trapezoid trapezium
Terry Thompson Sign (X Ray)
Scapholunate dissociation
What do you see on x ray of Lateral view of hand
RLC- Radius lunate capitate; best way to see triquetrum fracture
Perilunate dissociation
Lunate and capitate not aligned
Areas high risk of tissue necrosis with epi in lidocaine
Fingers toes penis nose
Lidocaine time of onset, duration
Instantaneously, 20-60 minutes
Dose of lidocaine without epi, with epi
5 mg without epi, 7 with epi (vasoconstriction)
Signs of lidocaine toxicity
Perineal numbness, dizziness, seizures, cardiovascular collapse, death
Ways to help with lidocaine irritation during administration
Small needle, bicarbonate, warming solution
Topical anaesthetics used
Lidocaine-epi-tetracaine (LET), eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics (EMLA)
Symptoms of hyperkalemia
Nausea, palpitations, muscle stiffness, muscle weakness, parenthesis, areflexia, ascending paralysis, hypoventilation
ECG changes from hyperkalemia
Peaked and narrow T-waves, decreased amplitude and eventual loss of p waves, prolonged PR interval, widening of the qrs, AV block, vfib, asystole
Hyperkalemia MGMT
“C BIG K Drop”: calcium gluconate, bicarbonate, Beta agonist, Insulin, glucose, k exylate, diuretics, dialysis
How to shift K
Insulin 10-20U IV with 1-2 amps of D50W (give before insulin) q4-6 hrs; bicarbonate: 1-3 ampules (7.5% or 8.4%) if metabolic acidosis, nebulized ventolin (2 cc), furosemide 40 mg IV
Difficult BVM ventilation
BOOTS - beard, obese, older, toothless, snores/stridor`
Difficult intubation
MAP - mallampati score, measuremenets (3-3-2: 3 mouth opening, hyoid to chin, thyroid cartilage to notch hyoid bone), atlanto-occipital extension (35 degrees or more), pathological (tumour, hematoma, etc.)
Temporizing measures for airway
chin lift/jaw thrust, suctioning, nasal airway (for obtunded patients), oral airways (not for patients with intact gag reflex), BVM ventilation (use oral airway always in the EM), LMA (occludes hypopharynx)
Indications for intubation (4Ps)
patency, protection, predicted deterioration, pulmonary toileting, positive pressure ventilation
Definition of Rapid Sequence intubation (RSI)
simultaneous adminstration of sedative (induction) and paralytic agent (maintenance) to decrease risk of aspiration
Steps for RSI
6Ps - preparation, pre-oxygenation (100% O2 NP with high-flow oxygen), pre-treatment (succinylcholine, atropine, lidocaine, fetanyl, etc.), paralysis with induction (Sedative: ketamine, propofol, etomidate) (muscle relaxant: succinylcholine, rocuronium), place the tube with proof (ETCO2, CXR, auscultation), post-intubation MGMT (CXR, analgesia, sedation, resusciation)
Contraindication to RSI
anticipated difficult airway, particularly difficult BVM ventilation - awake intubation, inadequate familiarity and comfort with technique, unnecessary (patient is in cardiac arrest, near-arrest)
Tools to help with intubation
bimanual laryngoscopy, bougie, video laryngoscopy (glidescope)
Life-threatening causes of dyspnea
PE, pulmonary edema (CHF), acute exacerbation of COPD, acute severe asthma, TPTX,
Kussmaul’s breathing
deep and labored breathing pattern often associated with severe metabolic acidosis, particularly diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) but also kidney failure. It is a form of hyperventilation, which is any breathing pattern that reduces carbon dioxide in the blood due to increased rate or depth of respiration.
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing
Cheyne–Stokes respiration is an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by progressively deeper, and sometimes faster, breathing followed by a gradual decrease that results in a temporary stop in breathing called an apnea. The pattern repeats, with each cycle usually taking 30 seconds to 2 minutes.[1] It is an oscillation of ventilation between apnea and hyperpnea with a crescendo-diminuendo pattern, and is associated with changing serum partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide.[2]
syncope definition
sudden and transient loss of consciousness with loss of postural tone accompanied by rapid return to baseline
pathophysiology of syncope
dysfunction of both cerebral hemisphere or brainstem, usually from hypo-perfusion
DDx of syncope (cardiac)
cardiac vs. non-cardiac; cardiac: arrhythmias, pacemaker, structural (AS, HOCUM), MI, dissection, cardiomyopathy, PE
DDx of syncope non cardiac
reflex (neurally mediated): vasovagal, situational, orthostatic, carotid sinus pressure (shaving), subclavian steal (arm exercises); medications (CCBs, BB, digoxin, insulin), CNS hypoperfusion (hypoxia, epilepsy, dysfunctional brainstem)
Hx and Physical for syncope
exertional, cardiac RF, comorbidities, medication/drug use, family hx, orthostatic symptoms, r/o seizure/stroke/head injury; cardiac exam, CNS exam
Investigations for syncope
CBC, glucose, lytes, extended lytes, BUN, Cr, CK, troponin, BHCG, ECG
ECG changes for syncope
short PR: WPW; long PR: conduction block; deep QRS: HOCUM, wide QRS: BBB, Vtach, WPW, QT Interval (congenital QT syndrome), tachyarrhythmias (SVT, AFib, VTach, VFib), bradyarrhythmias, AV conduction blocks, sinus node dysfunction
MGMT of syncope
cardiogenic: cardiology consult, pacemaker; non-cardiogenic: d/c with follow-up, outpatient cardiac workup, use Canadian Syncope Risk Score for stratification
Migraine definition
POUND: pulsatile, onset 4 - 72 hours, unilateral, NV, disabling intensity, photophobia/phonophobia, chronic, recurrent, +/- aura
Cluster HA Definition
unilateral sudden sharp retro-orbital pain, < 3 hours, pseudo-Horner’s symptoms, precipiated by alcohol/smoking
Tension HA
tight band-like pain, tense neck/scalp muscles, precipitated by stress or lack of sleep
DDx of headaches
intracranial: bleed, infection, mass, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis; extra-cranial AACG, temporal arteritis, carotid artery dissection, CO poisoning
Red Flags for HA history
sudden onset, thunderclap, exertional onset, meningismus, fever, neurological deficits, AMS), increased ICP (persistent vomiting, HA worse lying down, and in the AM)
Investigations for HA
imaging to r/o deadly causes. refer to Ottawa SAH Rules for CT. LP if suspicion for SAH
MGMT for benign HA
fluids, antidopaminergic agent (metoclopramide 10 mg IV), analgesia: tylenol, NSAIDs: ketorolac 15-30 mg or ibuprofen 600 mg PO, steroids: dexamethasone 10 mg IV/PO; sumatriptan, verapamil for cluster headaches, magnesium lidocaine propofol ketamin for refractory HA
Ottawa SAH rules of headache (only for 15+yo, atraumatic HA, maximum intensity within 1 hour): any of the following are positive, SAH r/o
age > 40, neck pain/stiffness, witnessed LOC, onset during exertion, thunderclap (peaking pain within 1 second), limited nec flexion on examination
CT Head window to r/o SAH
non-contrast CT head scan within 6 hours of HA; LP if continued suspiciou and CT head is normal, CTA if cerebral aneurysm
3 Is to rule out in bloody diarrhea
Ischemia, infection (bacteria), inflammation (colitis)
Red flags of diarrhea
Blood, pain, recent travel, recent antibiotic use, elderly with CV/AFib
airway obstruction, respiratory failure, anaphylaxis, PE, TPTX, pulmonary edema, MI, cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion, arrhythmias, toxin ingestin, sepsis, DKA, thyrotoxicosis, GBS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, MS
PERC Criteria
to r/o PE if none are present (pre-test must be < 15%): 50+, HR 100+, SaO2 < 95% on RA, unilateral leg swelling, hemoptysis, recent surgery or trauma, prior PE/DVT , hormone use
DDx of deadly CP
PET MAC - PE, esophageal rupture, TPTx, MI, aortic dissection, cardiac tamponade
DDx of CP (non-deadly)
pericardititis/myocarditis/endocarditis, PNA, pleural effusion, acute chest syndrome (SCD), lung/mediastinal mass, MW tear, esophageal spasm, GERD, dyspepsia/PUD, pancreatitis, biliary colic, cholecystitis, cholangitis, MSK, HSV
ASA, nitro (avoid in RV infarct), ticagrelor/clopidogrel, LMWH, code STEMI
anticoagulation, thrombolysis if massive PE
MGMT of esophageal rupture
urgent thoracics consult, IV antibiotics, NPO
needle decompression (2n ICS at MCL), chest tube (4-5th ICS)
MGMT tamponade
MGMT Dissection
urgent vascular consult, reduce BP and HR with IV labetalol, surgery vs medical MGMT
HEART Score (Chest Pain Risk stratification)
Inclusion: 21+ yo with symptoms of ACS; Exclusion: new STEMI > 1 mm or other new ECG changes, hypotension, life expectancy < 1 yr, other illness/comorbidities
DDx of RUQ Abdo pain
biliary disease, hepatitis, pancreatitis, PNA, pleural effusion, PE
DDx of Epigastric pain
gastritis, PUD, duodenitis, pancreatitis, ACS
DDx of LUQ
pancreatitis, gastritis, PNA, pleural effusion, PE
DDx of Right Flank
colitis, perforation, obstruction, renal colic, AAA, pyelonephritis
DDx of umbilicus
colitis, perforation, obstruction, aortic dissection, AAA
DDx of L flank pain
colitis, perforation, obstruction, renal colic, pyelonephritis, AAA
DDx of RLQ
appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian torsion, testicular torsion, PID, TOA, epididymitis, orchitis, renal colic
DDx of hypogastric
UTI, renal colic, obstruction
DDx of LLQ
diverticulitis, ectopic, PID, TOA, testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis, ovarian torsion, renal colic
Ruptured Ectopic RF
Hx of STI/PID, recent IUD, previous ectopic, fallopian tube surgery, tubal ligation
Ruptured AAA RF
elderly, hx of HTN/DM, smoking, trauma Hx
Pancreatitis RF
alcohol, biliary pathology
Charcot’s Triad (cholangitis)
fever, jaundice, RUQ pain
Mesenteric Ischemia RF
elderly, CAD, CHF, dehydration, infection
Obstruction RF
previous surgery, malignancy, elderly
Perforated Viscus RF
diverticulitis, PUD, malignancy, instrumentation
Complicated diverticulitis RF
elderly, low-fibre diet, western population
Pelvic Pain GYNE DDx
ovaries (ruptured cyst, abscess, torsion), fallopian tubes (salpingitis, tubal abscess, hydrosalpinx), uterus (PID, endometriosis, fibroids), pregnancy related (ectopic, pregnancy, threatened abortion, ovarian hyperstimulation), prengnacy related (late): placental abruption, round ligamaent pain, braxton-hicks contraction
Pelvic Pain non-GYNE DDx
urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, testicular torsion, prostatitis, sexual abuse
Back Pain DDx (DEADLY)
cauda equina, spinal cord compression (mets, epidural abscess, hematoma, disc herniation, spinal fracture with subluxation), meningitis, vertebral OM, transverse myelitis
Back Pain DDx (vascular)
aortic dissection, ruptured AAA, PE, myocardial infarction
Red Flags of Back Pain
“BACK PAIN”: bowel/bladder dysfunction, anesthesia (saddle), constitutional symptoms, chronic disease, paresthesia, > 50 yo, IVDU/infection, neurological deficits
MGMT Epidural abscess or vertebral OM
MRI for definitive dx, bone scan (OM), broad spec antibiotics, orthopedics consult
Anaphylaxis definition
life-threatening immune hypersensitivity systemic reaction leading to histamine release, vascular permeability, vasodilation
DDx of Anaphylaxis
other causes of shock, angioedema, flush syndrome, asthma, red man syndrome
Definition of Asthma
acute onset (mins -hours) and any of the following (3): involvement of skin +/- mucosa with either respiratory difficulty or low BP, exposure to likely allergen with 2+ (skin-mucosa, respiratory difficulty, low BP, GI symptoms), low BP after exposure to known allergn
MGMT of anaphylaxis
protect airways (ketamine), epinephrine (0.5 mg IM to anteriolateral thigh q5-10 mins), anthistamines (benadryl 50 mg IV/PO, ranitidine 50 mg IV or 150 mg PO), methylprednisolone 125 mg IV, fluids 0.5 - 1 L NS bolus
Disposition of Anaphylaxis
can d/c early as 2 hours if stable, fu with GP in 24 0 48 hours to avoid biphasic reaction, education to avoid allergen, consider allergy testing, epipen prescription, meds at disc (benadryl, ranitidine, prednisone 50 x3 days)
Asthma definition
chronic inflammatory airway disease with recurrent reversible episodes of bronchospasm and variable airflow obstruction
Common triggers in asthma
lack of medication, URTI, environmental allergens, smoking, exercise
Mild Asthma definition
SOBOE, chest tightness, >95% O2 Sat, expiratory wheezing, FEV1 > 60% predicted
Mod Asthma definition
SOB at rest, cough, congestion, nocturnal symptoms, >95% O2, expiratory wheezing, FEV1 40 - 60%
Severe Asthma definition
agitated, diaphoretic, laboured breathing, difficulty speaking, tachycardia, high BP, O2 90 - 95%, worsening resp distress, expiratory and inspiratory wheezing, FEV1 < 40% predicted
Respiratory Arrest
altered mental status, cyanotic, decreased respiratory effort, bradycardia, high RR, low O2 sat < 90% despite oxygen, silent chest (ready for intubation)
Asthma Hx
triggers, recent infections, prior exacerbations, hospitalizations, ICU stay, FHx, daytime symptoms < 2 weeks, no activity limitation, no nocturnal symptoms, rescue puffers < 2/weeks, normal PFT
MGMT of acute asthma exacerbation
atrovent 0.5 mg nebulized or 4 - 8 puffs via MDI + spacer q15 mins x 3; ventolin 5 mg nebulized or 4 - 8 puffs MDI + spacer q15 mins; prednisone 50 mg PO
MGMT of severe asthma
MgSo4 2g IV over 30 mins, epinephrine 0.3 mg IM then 5 mcg/min IV infusion, ketamine 1 mg/kg with BiPAP
Triggers of COPD
viral URTI, PNA, environmental allergens, smoking, CHF, PE, MI
sputum production/purulence, duration of symptoms, previous exacerbations, comorbidities, functional status, home O2, intubation
COPD Signs for Severity
rapid shallow pursed-lip breathing, use of accessory muscles, paradoxical chest wall movement, worsening central cyanosis, peripheral edema, hemodynamically unstable, decreased LOC or confusion, decreased O2 sat
venturi mask (hi-flow), target SaO2 > 88%; salbutamol 2.5 - 5 mg via nebulizer, atrovent 500 mcg via nebulizer, oral prednisone 50 mg, antibiotics (if 2+ of cough, sputum production, purulence), NIPPV
MI Definition
evidence of MI on ACS diagnosed by cardiac marker abnormalities and one of: ECG changes, HPI consistent with ACS
Stable Angina Definition
Transient episodic chest discomfort precipitated by exertion/emotion, lasts < 15 mins, relieved by rest or nitro
STEMI Definition
infarction with ST elevated: 1+ mm in 2 contiguous leads; V1 - 3: > 1.5 mm in females, > 2.5 mm for males under 40, > 2 mm for males over 40
NSTEMI Definition
infarction without ST elevation
ASA 325 mg chewed, ticagrelor 180 mg (if PCI), UFH 4000 U if PCI then 12 U/kg/hr, LMWH if thrombolytics
CHF Etiology
CAD, HTN, valve abnormalities, cardiomyopathy, infarction, pericardial disease, myocarditis, cardiac tamponade, metabolic disorder, toxins, congenital
CHF triggers
ischemia, dysrhtyhmia, mechanical (papillary muscle rupture), medications (forgot, BB, NSAIDs, steroids), anemia, infection, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, high salt, PE, HTN, renal failure
Sx of L-sided HF
SOB, orthopnea, PND, nocturia, fatigue, altered LOC, syncope, angina, pulmonary congestion
Sx of R-sided
fatigue, abdominal distension, swelling, weight gain; pitting edema, JVP elevation, hepatomegaly, ascites
ABCs, monitor, 100O2 non-rebreather facemask, vitals, IV acess, upright positioning, foley catheter, morphine PRN; NG, furosemide (double home dose), NG; if hypotensive can consider vasopressor (norepi 2 - 12 mcg/min)
Causes of dysrhythmias
MI, drugs, toxins, lyte imbalances
Types of SVTs
regular: sinus tachy, atrial tachy, atrial flutter; AV node: SVT (AVNRT > AVRT), juctional tachycardia; a fib, multifocal atrial tachycardia, SVT with aberrancy
Types of Ventricular tachydysrhythmias
VTach, SVT with aberrancy, Vfib, polymorphic VT, AFib with WPW
Signs of “unstable patient” in dysarrhythmias
altered LOC, respiratory distress, hypotension, syncope, chest pain, signs of CHF, shock
ACLS for bradycardia
atropine 0.5 mg IV bolus q3-5mins x 6 (max 12 mg); dopamine (2-10 mcg/kg/min) or epi (2 - 10 mcg/min), transcutaneous pacing, IV pacing; for Type II and 3rd degree go to transcutaneous pacing
ACLS for tachycardia
synchronized cardioversion
VF or pVT MGMT as per ACS
shock-cpr-shock, epi 1 mg IV q3-5mins, consider amiodarone 300 mg IV with 2nd dose 150 mg IV bolus
Ruptured AAA RF
FHx, HTN, CAD/PVD, DM, connective tissue disease, smoking
Risk of rupture for < 5 cm, 5 - 7 cm, > 7 cm
< 5cm: 0.3% /yr; 5 - 7 cm: 10% risk/yr; >7 cm: 20% risk/yr
Classical Sx of ruptured AAA
acute onset back/abdo/flank pain, hypotension, pulsatile abdominal mass
Inv for AAA
POCUS to identify > 3 cm, ECG, CTA
MGMT of AAA ruptured
ABCs, VOMIT, STAT vascular consult, IV fluid, BP for 90 - 100 mg, massive transfusion protocol, open surgery vs. endovascular aneurysm repair
Post-Op Complications of AAA ruptured
infection, ischemia, aortoenteric fistula (GI bleeding), endo leak
Acute Arterial Occlusion definition
acute embolus or thrombosis; true emergency as irreversible damage can occur within 6 - 8 hours
RF for acute arterial occlusion
atherosclerosis, MI with LV thrombus, AFib, valve stenosis, stents/grafts
Hx in Acute arterial occlusion
6Ps: pain, paresthesia, pallor, polar, pulselessness, paralysis
Investigations for Acute Arterial Occlusion
doppler probe with proximal BP cuff (perfusion pressure < 50 mmHg, ABI < 0.5)
MGMT for acute arterial occlusion
heparain 5000 IU bolus, revascularization vs. CT angio
venous stasis, vessel injury, hypercoagulability
LMWH, heparin infusion if renal impairment, DOAC
LMWH, DOAC, heparin, warfarin transition
GI Bleeding RF
medications, excessive vomiting, bleeding disorders, malignancy, alcohol use, ulcer history, H.Pylori
DDx of Upper GIB
PUD (gastric > duodenal), gastritis/esophagitis, esophageal varices, MW tears, gastric CA
colitis (inflammatory/infectious/ischemic), anorectal (hemorrhoids, fissures, proctitis), angiodysplasia, divertculosis, malignancy
Mimics of melena
pepto-bismol, iron ingestion, fruits (blueberries)
pantoprazole 80 mg IV bolus then 8 mg/h infusion; octreotide 50 mcg IV bolus then 50 mcg/h infusion if variceal bleeding, ceftriaxone 2g IV if variceal bleeding to prevent sBP, tranexamic acid, balloon tamponade
NPO, IV fluids, colonscopy
ACA stroke definition
leg > face/arm contralateral motor and sensory deficits, bowel and bladder incontinence, impaired judgement/insight
MCA Stroke definition
face/arm > leg contralateral motor + sensory deficits; contralateral hemianopia, gaze preference towards lesion; aphasia (dominant) or neglect (non-dominant)
PICA stroke (Wallenberg syndrome)
pain/tempoerate loss on contralateral side + ipsilateral face, ipsilateral horner’s syndrome, 4Ds dysphagia, diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia
Acute Stroke MGMT
ABCs, VOMIT, BP control if > 220/120; target BP 185/110 if giving tPA, consult neuro, admit to stroke unit, antiplatement (TIA - ASA; if acute stroke, hold ASA until d/c), tpa within 4.5 hours +/- intra-arterial thrombectomy by IR, CT angio of carotids +/- endarterectomy, CHADs score for anticoagulation
DKA Definition
insulin deficiency + stressor –> counter-regulatory hormone excess –> lipolysis (ketoacidosis) and osmotic diuresis (Dehydration); serum glucose > 16 mmol/L, HCO3 < 15, pH 7.3
HHS Definition
relative insulin deficiency + stressor –> counter regulatory hromone excess –> osmotic diuresis; glucose > 30 mmol/L; severe dehydration, hyperosmolality
Triggers for DKA
7Is: infection, ischemia, iatrogenic, incision, intoxication, initial, insulin
Inv for DKA/HHS
lytes, glucose, urine and serum ketones, beta-hydroxybutryate, CBC, extended lytes, BUN, Cr, cardiac enzymes if symptoms
NS bolus, D51/2NS when BS < 16, insulin short acting regular 0.1U/kg/h (lower BG by 4 - 5), close the gap, overlap IV with SC insullin, give KCL if 5, hold insulin if < 3.3; replace phosphate