MSK! Flashcards
Shoulder Impingement
when the space is narrowed between the acromion and the greater tuberosity of the humorous
Neer Test
- checking for subacromial impingment
- stabilize the scapula
- internal rotate
- raise the arm internally
Drop Arm Test
- 90 degrees of Abduction, have patient hold
- full thickness tears of supraspinatous and infraspinatus
Rotator Cuff Muscles
Teres Minor
Lachman Test
stabilize distal lateral femur with outside hand
inside hand on tibia w/ thumb around tibial tuberosity
upward motion
instability - ACL tear
ACL Injury
tibia is forced while leg is extended causing hyperextension
popping sensation, instability when bearing wt
Anterior Drawer Test
Knee into 90 flexion
Place thumbs over joint line and tried to movie tibia anteriorly
Knee Extension
quadriceps (walking)
Knee Flexion
Hamstrings (sitting)
Posterior Cruciate Liagment Injury
Force of injury is posterior when knee if flexed (sitting in a car)
Forcing hyperextension of the knee
Leg can go medially or laterally when extended (trying to walk
McMurrary Test - Testing Medial Meniscus
Externally rotate the tibia
Valgus force to extend the knee
McMurrary Test - Testing Lateral Meniscus
Internally rotate
Varus force to extend the knee
knees out
knees in
Faber Test
Flexed, Abducted, External Rotate
Pain of groin –> articular hip disease
pain w/ pressure on knee in back region –> SI etiology
Trochanteric Bursitis
Pain on the lateral side of thigh
Ischiogluteal Bursitis
Pain of buttocks/with sitting
Ilioposas Bursitis
anterior hip pain, worse with hip extension
Meralgia Paraesthetica
irritation of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Patellar Tendonitis
Jumper’s Knee
anterior knee pain worse with squatting, jumping, walking
Illiotibal Band Pain
runners knee
lateral pain
tender over lateral femoral epicondyle
Prepatellar Bursitis
carpet knees
pain/swelling over anterior aspect of knee
Anserine Bursitis
pain over medial, tibial aspect of knee
Prepatellar Bursitis
carpet knees
pain/swelling over anterior aspect of knee
Anserine Bursitis
pain over medial, tibial aspect of knee
Empty Can Test
testing supraspinatus
hands w/ thumbs down, resist being pushed down
Testing teres minor and infraspinatus
resistance to external rotation
Hawkin’s Test
subacrominal impingement of rotator cuff tendonitis
elevating the patient’s arm forward to 90 degrees while forcibly internally rotating the shoulder
Cross Arm Test
isolates the acromioclavicular joint
pain in the AC joint region