msk Flashcards
Sjögren’s syndrome
classic triad
associated with?
Classic triad–xerophthalmia (dry eyes, conjunctivitis), xerostomia (dry mouth, dysphagia), arthritis
Associated with rheumatoid arthritis
predominantly in females
SLE diagnostics
Lab tests detect presence of:
1. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)––sensitive, but not specific for SLE
2. Antibodies to double-stranded DNA
(anti-dsDNA)––very specific, poor prognosis
3. Anti-Smith antibodies (anti-Sm)–– very specific, but not prognostic
4. Antihistone antibodies––drug-induced lupus
ottawa foot rules: when to xray 4
- pain to mid foot zone (around navicular), and bone tenderness to
- base of 5th metatarsal
- navicular (around midfoot)
- inability to weight bear both immediately and in clinic (unable to take 4 steps independently, even with limping
ottawa ankle rules: when to xray 4
- pain to malleolar zone (top of midfoot where you bend/dorsiflex) and bone tenderness to
- posterior edge of lateral malleolus 6cm
- posterior edge of medial malleolus 6cm
- inability to weight bear both immediately and in clinic (unable to take 4 steps independently, even with limping
other meds for back pain - 1-4th line
flexeril - for back spasm
1st line - tyl 2nd line - NSAIDs 3rd line - amitrip/ Nortriptyline* *fewer adverse effects 4th line - weak opioid
1Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Syndrome 2Snapping Hip 3Hip Strains 4Thigh Strains 5Stress Fracture of Femoral Neck 6Trochanteric Bursitis
1 usually a self limiting, benign disease with spontaneous remission. > 90% of patients respond to conservative measures. weight loss (if necessary), remove source of compression, can use neuropathic pain medications such as Gabapentin if ongoing symptoms (> 1-2 months
2 PT to improve function gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and iliopsoas, home exercise program
3 activity modification, home exercise program. If pain persists > 3-4 weeks, send for formal rehabilitation program.
4 clinical dx, NSAIDs PRN for pain, home exercise program
5 need xray, Non weight bearing + REFERRAL to orthopedic surgeon
6 most common causes of lateral hip pain
most common causes of lateral hip pain
use what tests 2
Trochanteric Bursitis
faber test - leg into a 4
tx Usually a self-limiting disease, goals are to relieve symptoms and prevent disability (improve within 1-2 years). Non-opioid analgesia, heat, posture, stretching and strengthening exercises. For persistent symptoms -glucocorticoid injections. Surgery (no resolution or tears)
most common ligament tear
dx 3
dx - clinical with drawer test etc
Xray – rule out #
MRI – definitive diagnosis
tx all needs RICE, early mobilization and rehab
ACL sx, pcl non sx
PCL knee brace- usually no need for sx unless other ligaments involved
meniscus tear test 2
knee contussions
thessaley and mcmurray
fall on knee, bruised knee
Diagnostics: Ottawa Knee Rule - 5
1patient age (>55 years old) or presence of local 2tenderness (at the patella ONLY) or
3tenderness at the head of fibula or
4inability to flex to 90 degrees or
5inability to bear weight immediately or walk more than four steps immediately after injury.
overuse injury of the lateral knee that occurs primarily in runners
usually pain by the knee joint although band runs from joint to greater trochanter
conservative tx
itis vs osis
acute inflammation vs chronic = pathology of chronic degeneration /structural changes
popliteal cyst associated with ?
if rupture, can present like what?
degenerative meniscal tears and systemic inflammatory conditions
present like dvt
thompson test?
May elicit a “clicking” sound (Mulder’s Sign) test?
squeeze calves to check for achilles tendon rupture
mortons neuroma
where is talus fracture
by midfoot area, where you dorsiflex