MSK Flashcards
Bone Cell Types
- osteoprogenitor cells
- unspecialized that develop into osteblasts
- osteoblasts
- form new bone, role in calcification and protein synthesis
- osteoclasts
- resorbing and breaking down bony matrix
- osteocytes
- mature osteoblasts in the bony matrix
Medical History
- age- problems vary by age (dislocation, overuse, etc)
- gender
- occupation/recreation
- family history (autoimmune, CA, osteoporosis)
- onset and progression of symptoms
- injury vs. “wear and tear”
- joint symptoms (stiffness, movement limitations)
- muscular symptoms
- skeletal symptoms (limb length discrepancy)
- joint pattern (how many affected, symmetrical or not)
- inflammatory vs non-inflammatory
- warmth and swelling
- morining stiffness (“gel phenomenon”)
- non: worsening w/ activity
- extra-articular vs. systemic
- usually autoimmune
- lung, kidney, etc. problems
- how disabling- ADLs
Physical Exam Components
- evaluate symmetrically and systematically
- inspection- deformity, swelling, erythema, asymmetry
- look at skin!
- palpation- tenderness, crepitation, warmth, synovial thickening
- ROM- active and passive, limited d/t muscle/nerve injury
- manual muscle testing- strength/resistance
- special testing
9 Categories of MSK Disorders
- local and regional
- cartilage degeneration
- inflammatory synovitis
- crystalline arthropathies
- enthesopathy
- joint space disease
- osteoarticular disease
- inflammatory myopathy
- general conditions
Local and Regional Conditions
- tendonitis, bursitis
- sprains- injury to ligaments
- I: partial tear, no instability
- II: partial tear, some instability
- III: complete tear
- strains- injury to muscle
- I: few torn fibers, fascia intact
- II: moderate amount of m. fibers torn, fascia intact
- III: tear all m. fibers w/ fascia intact
- loss of articular cartilage
- formation of osteophytes
cartilage degeneration
- primary
- biomechanical abnormalities leading to micro-fisures in the articluar cartilage
- secondary
- infection, autoimmune
- trauma or hypermobility of joint
- pigmented vilonodular synovitis (PVNS)
- thickening vascular swelling and infiltration of synovia
- autoimmune disease
inflammatory synovitis
- monosodium urate
- calcium pyrophosphate
- hydroxyapatite
crystal-induced synovitis
- gout
- pseudogout
- disorder of transition zone where tendons, ligaments and joint capsule attach
- hallmark: spondyloarthropathies
- enthesis affected
- microorganisms in the joint
- extremely painful
joint space disease
- septic arthritis
- perform joint aspiration and fluid analysis, gram stain, cultures
- hemarthrosis
- blood in joint (can occur w/ ACL tear)
Osteoarticular Disease
- osteopenia
- osteoperosis
- osteonecrosis (typically w/ joint separation)
- periostitis
- painless inflammation and weakness of proximal skeletal muscles
inflammatory myopathy
- increased creatine kinase (CK) levels
- abnormal electromyography (EMG)
- histological abnormalities w/ biopsy
General Conditions
- polymyalgia rheumatic
- fibromyalgia
- complex regional pain syndrome
Initial Imaging Technique
- tissue densities:
- air- black or dark gray
- fat- gray (lighter than air and darker than muscle or blood)
- water (blood and soft tissue)- shades of gray
- calcium in bone- white
- metal and contrast agents- bright white
- 2 views at right angles
- compare with old or bilateral views
X-ray Requirements
- Pt identification
- name, age, sex, birth date, medical record number
- location to image
- technical quality
- positioning of body part
- quality
- contrast
- continuous x-ray imaging
- used w/ procedures
- assess joint motion
- used to evaluate joint soft tissue, muscle pathology, marrow structures, tumors
- expensive
- difficult to see bone, actually seeing fat in marrow
- T1:
- fat- bright
- water- dark
- T2:
- fat- dark
- water- bright
- blood, edema, CSF- white
MRI with contrast
MRI Arthrogram
- Gadolinium conatrast injected IV or intra-articular
- helps visualize small structure damage- labral tear
- C/I
- cochlear implants, some heart valves, pacemakers, spinal implants, brain aneurysm clips, metalic fragments in eye (some joint prosthesis- some made of non-magnetic materials)
- imaging joints not seen well with x-ray
- SI joint, vertebral bodies
- intra-articular fractures
- bony abnormalities in joint
- high radiation
- 360 degree x-ray 3-D reconstructions
CT scan
- contrast used to determine if mass is solid or cystic
Other Imaging
- test to measure bone mineral density (lumbar spine and proximal femur- T score and Z score)
- measure muscle function w/ needle inserted into muscle
- stimulate sensory/motor nerve w/ electrical impulse to measure conduction
- sometimes used to evaluate disc herniation or spinal cord compression
- increased blood flow w/ radionucleotide to ID tumors, fracures
- DEXA scan
- electromyography test
- nerve conduction study test
- myelogram
- nuclear medicine (Bone/PET scan)
- imaging using sound waves
- typically for prodedures- injections
- images are grayscale
- high water = darker image (hyperechoic)
Common Ortho Labs
- inflammation markers
- autoantibody test
- antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
- cryoglobulins
- metabolic markers
- inflammation:
- C-reactive protein (CRP)
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)- sed rate
- CBC w/ diff
- autoantibody
- Rheumatoid factor (RF)
- antibodies to anti-cyclic citrulinated proteins (anti-CCP)
- anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA)
- Abx to DNA or pospholipids
- cryoglobulins (normally done by rheumatology)
- metabolic markers
- calcium, phosphorus, Vit D 25-dihydroxy, alkaline phosphatase
Synovial Fluid Analysis
- to ID cause
- septic arthritis, hemarthrosis, crystal arthritis, differentiate inflammatory vs. non-inflammatory arthritis
- r/o infection
- analyze:
- appearance (color)
- normal- clear, straw, wbc <200, PMN <25%
- noninflamm- clear, straw+, wbc 200-1000, PMN <50%
- inflamm- cloudy, yellow/green, wbc 1K-75K, PMN >50%
- septic- opaque, variable, wbc >50K, PMN >90%
- hemorrhagic- red
- volume
- wet prep
- cells, fibrin, collagen, cartilage, synovial fragments, rice bodies, crystals
- polarized light microscopy: ID crystals
- monosodium urate- gout
- calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate (CPPD)- pseudog
- hydroxyapatite- osteoarthritis
- RBCs, WBCs
- gram stain (an/aerobic, fungal)
- gonococcal (most common young adults)
- G+ s. aureus, s. pyogenes, s. pneumonia
- G- enterobacterieae, pseudomonas
- fastidious hemophilus, neisseria meningitides
- crystals
- appearance (color)
Joint Injection for Inflammation Reduction Drugs
- stop production of inflammatory mediators: leukotrienes and prostaglandins
- max 3 injections per year
- increases pts blood sugar
- dexamethoasone sodium phosphate
- 1-2h onset, 12d duration
- hydrocortisone acetate
- 1-2d onset, 1-4w duration
- methylprednisone acetate (Depo-Medrol)
triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog)
triamcinolone hexacetonide (Aristospan)
- 1-3d onset, 2-4m duration
Steroid Injection Contraindications
- joint infection
- overlying skin infection
- systemic bacteremia
- thrombocytopenia/bleeding disorders
- prosthetic joints
- osteonectrosis or fracture
- uncontrolled DM
- psoriatric plaques
- steroid allergy
Joint Injection for OA Pain
hyaluronate preparation
- hyaluronic acid is in synovial fluid- provides shock absorption
- brand names:
- Synvisc, Orhovisc, Euflexxa
- C/I
- infection
- overlying skin disease
- chicken/egg allergy
Complications of Corticosteroid Injections
- joint
- infection, hemorrhage, flare, steroid arthropathy (joint breakdown w/ too much steroid use)
- systemic
- facial flush
- worstening diabetic control
- supression of HPA axis
- iatrogenic Cushing syndrome
- local
- leakage along steroid tract
- atrophy of subcutaneous fat, depigmentation
- misplaced injections
- tendon rupture, nerve damage, cartilage injury, abscess
- rare
- pancreatitis
- hypersensitivity rxns
- uterine bleeding
- osteonecrosis
MSK Treatment Approaches
- conservative
- RICE- rest, ice, compression, elevation
- rehab
- meds
- Rx: NSAIDs, corticosteroids, pain relievers
- herbal: glucosamine and conjointin
- topical (except over surgical sites!)
- aspiration/injection
- bracing
- activity modification
- surgical
inflammation in subacromial space
(subacromial bursa, suprapsinatus tendon, acromion, coracoacromail ligament, biceps tendon)
- d/t overuse, repetition
- extremely common
- increases w/ age >30
- s/s, tests, dx
shoulder impingement
- s/s
- insidious onset or mild trauma
- deltoid/upper arm aching; dull at rest or sleeping
- rc pain referred to deltoid
- normal/near normal ROM
- full strength or mild weakness d/t inflammation
- tests
- Neer sign
- Hawkins-Kennedy sign
- x-ray (+/- bone spur), MRI (r/o tears, tendinosis)
- diagnosis: clinical
inflammation of long head of biceps
(frequently diagnosed w/ rotator cuff or superior labral patho)
bicipital tendinitis
- role of bicep: supination
- unknown cause
- s/s
- pain in bicep through bicipital groove
- rupture causes “Popeye muscle” deformity
- tests
- Speed’s sign
- Yerganson’s test
- tx
- conservative: PT, ice, subacromial/bicep injection, activity modification, NSAIDs
- surgical: arthroscopy w/ 6-8w recovery
impingement signs
- age >40-45
- +/- injury
- s/s, tests, dx
rotator cuff tear
- supraspinatus muscle torn typically- cuff arthropathy: humeral head rides up superiorly
- s/s
- gradually worsening pain, NIGHT PAIN
- +/- weakness
- tests
- drop arm
- empty can
- x-ray (+/- spur, cuff arthropathy)
- possible US
- tx
- based on size, acuity, dysfunction, activity level
- no symptoms = no tx
- conservative
- rest, ice, NSAIDs, +/- injection, PT
- NO SLING- will get frozen shoulder
- surgery
- arthroscopic or open repair
shoulder pain, unable to move arm, deformity
- s/s, tests, dx
glenohumeral instability/dislocation
- s/s
- dislocation/subluxation vs. generalized- doesn’t affect just the shoulder
- may be trauma or genetic (adolescent)
- may have numbness or tingling
- check axillary n. (CN XI) - feel for deltiod contraction
- ALWAYS do neurovascular check before reduction/procedure
- Bankart Lesion- labrum torn w/ dislocation
- tests
- x-ray pre/post reduction to check for fractures- MUST HAVE AXILLARY VIEW
- for recurrent instability
- apprehension test (anterior/posterior)
- sulcus sign (inferior)
- load and shift test (anterior/posterior)
- tx
- traction/counter traction
- Stimpson hanging arm technique
- 1st- immobilize 2-3w, PT >4w, maybe surgery
- recurrent- arthroscopy vs. open surgery
common injury w/ overhead/throwing athletes, fall on outstreched arm or traction injury, increased tension on bicep tendon
- s/s, tests, dx
SLAP tear (Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior)
- s/s
- pain anterior and deep
- +/- clicking
- weakness/pain w/ overhead activity
- normal ROM and strength
- tests
- O’Brien test
- Crank test
- GIRD: glenohumeral internal rotation deficit- lose ROM
- MR arthrogram (gold standard)- plain films will be normal
- tx
- grade 1-2: rest, ice, PT w/ scapular stabilizers, throwing protocol, core strengthening
- grade 3+: SLAP repair if <30-35; tenotomy or tenodesis if >35
progressively worsening pain, pain with ACROSS BODY ADDUCTION, rest of exam normal
- s/s, tests, dx
AC joint sprain/dislocation, OA/osteolysis
- sprain
- always lateral shoulder trauma (AC joint +/- CC ligs)
- tx:
- immobilize w/ sling ~2d, rest, ice, NSAIDs, PT
- surgery rare (grade 4+ only)
- OA/osteolysis
- conservative vs. open or arthroscopic excision/resection
pain, freezing and loss of motion of arm (external rotation)
- s/s, tests, dx
adhesive capulitis
- s/s
- freezing -> plateau -> thawing
- trauma, immobilization, thyroid disease, diabetics, women
- adhesions and thickening of joint capsule
- tests
- x-ray to r/o other causes
- tx
- conservative: rest, ice/heat, PT, GH injection, NSAIDs, pain meds
- surgery:
- manipulation under anesthesia
- arthroscopy for lysis of adhesions
Shoulder Joint Injections
- subacromial space
- seated w/ forearm on lap
- inject ~1cm below posterior border of acromion
- directed medially, anteriorly, slightly superiorly 2-3cm
- glenohumeral joint
- posterior 2 fingers medial and posterior acromion border
- directed anteriomedial toward coracoid process
- bicipital tendon sheath
- sitting or supine
- externally rotate arm and mark point of max tenderness
- insert 30-45 deg into sheath AVOIDING tendon
- AC (acromioclavicular) joint
- seated w/ forearm in lap
- superior approach insert ~.5cm
- SC (sternoclavicular) joint
- sitting or supine
- anterior approach ~0.5cm
compression of brachial plexus +/- subclavian vessels
- s/s, tests, dx
thoracic outlet syndrome
- s/s:
- women 20-50
- trauma or mechanical stress, conginital: cervial rib, long C7 transverse process, fibrous tissue in thoracic outlet
- vague: neck, trapezious, shoulder/arm, supraclavicular pain or aching
- parasthesia (ulnar nerve commonly)
- color changes in arm
- fatigue
- bruits
- tests
- Adson’s maneuver
- elevated arm stress
- tx
- conservative
- rest, meds: NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, PT w/ postural awareness
- surgery- rare
- conservative
Elbow Physical Exam
- inspection
- edema, deformity, ecchymosis, atrophy
- palpation
- bony landmarks
- ROM at elbow
- flexion, extension, supination, pronation
- strength testing
- special tests
pain w/ use and TTP over tendon origin, pain with grip strength
- s/s, tests, dx
medial/lateral epicondylitis
- s/s
- overuse injury
- +/- weakness
- lateral pain- tennis elbow (common extensor)
- medial pain- golfer’s elbow (common flexor)
- tx
- conservative
- rest, ice, NSAIDs, +/- cortisone, injection bracing
- surgery (not common)
- drill holes in bone to advance healing
- conservative
pain in medial joint line
- types, s/s, tests, dx
collateral ligament injury
- radial collateral ligament (LCL)
- rare, usually associated w/ fracture or dislocation
- ulnar collateral ligament (MCL)
- repeated valgus stress (pitching), injuries rare
- s/s
- acute- pop then medial elbow pain
- chronic- no specific injury, just progressing pain
- ulnar paresthesia (ring/little finger)
- pain w/ ecchymosis
- tests
- valgus stress test
- MR arthrogram
- tx
- conservative: rest, NSAIDs, PT, throwing mechanics
- surgery- “Tommy John” UCL repair
tender mass at tip of elbow
- s/s, tests, dx
olecranon bursitis
- s/s
- acute or gradual
- direct blow, gout or crystalline deposits (gritty on palpation), infection (septic) bursitis requires surgery
- swollen, painful, sometimes red posterior elbow
- warm to touch
- remainder of exam benign
- tests
- aspirate and analyze WBC, crystals, gram stain/culture
- tx
- I&D and Abx
- NSAIDs, elbow pad, cortisone injection if no infection
- surgical excision (not common)
aching over medial elbow, numbness/tingling, claw hand
- s/s, tests, dx
cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar neuritis)
- s/s
- medial elbow aching
- atrophy of hand
- direct blow vs. leaning on elbows or holding flex position
- check for deformity/carrying angle
- tests
- elbow flex test
- positive Tinel’s sign
- vibration and light touch perception- 2pt discrimination
- manual muscle testing
- finger abduction and adduction
- x-rays
- tx
- conservative
- rest, avoid flexion, night extension splint
- surgery
- ulnar nerve decompression
- transposition- move nerve out of cubital tunnel
- conservative
pain and ecchymosis in antecubital fossa, “pop”,
“reverse Popeye” deformity
- s/s, tests, dx
distal bicep tendon rupture
- s/s
- pain and palpable defect in antecubutal fossa
- musce belly retracts w/ elbow flexion
- weakness w/ supination
- tests
- x-ray
- tx
- surgery w/in 2 weeks of injury
- consider conservative if elderly, nondominant, partial
extreme swelling, pain, and inability to move elbow
- s/s, tests, dx
elbow dislocation
- s/s
- terrible triad- dislocation w/ fracture of coronoid and radial head
- 80% posterior
- LCL always disrupted
- brachial a., median and ulnar nn. injured
- tests
- neurovascular check
- x-ray
- +/- CT scan
- tx
- reduction and splint under conscious sedation
- ROM start in 5-7d
Elbow Injections
- olecranon bursa
- elbow flexed, poserior 1cm distal to olecranon bursa
- 18g needle w/ 10ml syringe
- grasp bursa w/ other hand
- elbow joint
- seated w/ 45 degree elbow flex
- palpate center of lateral epicondyle, radial head, tip of olecranon triangle
- lateral epicondylitis
- seated w/ elbow flexed 90 degrees
- 1cm distal to epicondyle, point of max tenderness
- 22g needle
- medial epicondylitis
- seated w/ elbow extended 20 degrees
Wrist and Hand Exam
- inspection
- scars, atrophy, edema, erythema, deformity
- palpate
- bony and soft tissue
- ROM- active and passive
- especially if suspect tendon injury
- strength
- special testing
compression of median nerve
- s/s, tests, dx
carpal tunnel syndrome
- s/s
- female, repetition, DM, thyroid, RA, pregnancy
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd finger numbness and tingling
- worse at night
- muscle weakness- loss of grip and motor dexterity
- tests
- Tinel’s sign
- Phalen’s sign (*most useful)
- 2pt discrimination loss
- muscle atrophy
- EMG and nerve conduction studies
- tx
- conservative
- NSAIDs, activity modification, bracing, injection
- surgery
- open vs endoscopic
- conservative
swelling/stenosis in tendon sheath of snuff box
(abductor pollicis longis/extensor pollicis brevis)
-s/s, tests, dx
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
- s/s
- pain +/- mild edema
- tests
- Finkelstein test
- tx
- injection, +/- bracing, PT
- rarely surgical release
“bump” on dorsum of wrist, volar radial wrist, base of finger
- s/s, tests, dx
ganglion cyst
- s/s
- fluid leaks from joint capsule/tendon synovial sheath
- vary in size +/- pain
- transilluminate
- can compress medial nerve and radial artery
- tx
- conservative
- NSAIDs, rest, wrist splint
- aspiration- WATCH radial artery
- surgical
- if recurrent painful cyst or N/V compromise
- conservative
finger/thumb deformity with pain, swelling, ecchymosis after injury
- s/s, tests, dx
thumb/finger dislocations
- s/s
- tearing of collateral ligament/volar capsular ligament
- check for joint stability 1-2w later
- tests
- x-ray to r/o fracture
- tx
- conservative- taping
forced abduction of thumb
- s/s, tests, dx
gamekeeper’s (skier’s) thumb
- s/s
- tear of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of MC joint
- pain, swelling, ecchymosis
- tests
- valgus stress test
- x-ray to r/o fracture
- +/- MRI if suspect rupture
- tx
- conservative vs. surgical if UCL ruptured
finger “feels locked” and palpable nodule with flex/extension
- s/s, tests, dx
trigger finger
- s/s
- pain and catching
- thickening of flexor tendon sheath- a1 pulley
- mostly long and ring finger
- female, RA/DM
- worse after inactivity
- tx
- conservative vs. surgical
finger flexion weakness following injury
- s/s, tests, dx
flexor tendon injuries
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) & digitorum sublimis (FDS)
- s/s
- “Jersey finger”- ring finger most common
- swelling, ecchymosis
- TTP at distal phalanx
- associated w/ RA/OA
- tests
- test flexion at PIP and DIP
- tx
- surgical repair
- *** DOCUMENT evaluation with every finger/hand cut ***
flexed PIP and hyperextended DIP
- s/s, tests, dx
boutonniere deformity
- s/s
- rupture extensor central slip
- tests
- x-ray to r/o fracture
- tx
- extension splint to PIP
- 6w if youger, 3w if older
blunt trauma to finger tip w/ swelling, ecchymosis, deformity
- s/s, tests, dx
mallet finger
- s/s
- rupture to extensor tendon at DIP
- tests
- x-ray to r/o fracture
- tx
- extensor splint all times for healing
- surgery for large avulsion
hyperextension of PID/flexion of DIP
- s/s, tests, dx
swan neck deformity
- s/s
- weakening of volar plate
- RA/nerve disorders
- pain and swelling
- tests
- x-ray
- tx
- conservative vs. surgical
infection of soft tissue around fingernail
- s/s, tests, dx
- s/s
- pain and swelling around nail
- tx
- digital block and drainage
- oral abx
- cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg po q6h 10d
- tmp/smx (Bactrim DS) 1 po q12h 10d
- clindamycin (Cleocin) 300mg 1 po q8h 10d
finger pulp infection
- s/s, tests, dx
- s/s
- puncture wound (usually thumb or index)
- sever pain and swelling
- tense, red, swollen, very tender
- tests
- S. aureus pathogen
- tx
- digital block w/ surgical drainage
- abx: Keflex or Bactrim
fight bite in index, middle, ring finger
- s/s, tests, dx
septic flexor tenosynovitis
- s/s
- puncture wound
Kanavel’s 4 cardinal signs
- intense pain w/ extension
- flexion posture
- fusiform swelling
- tenderness along flexor tendon sheath
- tests
- CBC, ESR, sed rate
- x-ray
- tx
- call hand service
- Abx
- poor prognosis- usually residual stiffness, loss of ROM
clear fluid filled vesicles on finger
- s/s, tests, dx
herpetic whitlow
- s/s
- pain, swelling
- tests
- herpes simples 1 or 2
- tx
- conservative- DO NOT DRAIN these
- +/- antivirals
Lower Extremity Physical Exam
- inspection
- LL length/alignment, deformity, muscle atrophy, pelvic obliquity, Q-angle
- Q-angle:
- female 17 deg, male 14 deg
- angle of ASIS to middle patella to mid tibia
- stresses medial side of knee + foot pronation
- Q-angle:
- gait analysis
- LL length/alignment, deformity, muscle atrophy, pelvic obliquity, Q-angle
- palpation
- bony prominences, soft tissue, joint line
- manual muscle testing (MMT)
- special tests
Hip Anatomy Terminology
- ischial tuberosity
- anterior tilt- downward tilt w/ hip extension
- posterior tilt- hip flexion
- lateral tilt
- pelvic rotation w/ walking
- diarthroidal- movement in 3 planes
- hip pain- anterior to seam line of pants
- back pain- posterior to seam line of pants
- femoral neck angle
- anteversion- smaller angle than normal (foot in)
- retroversion- larger angle than normal (foot out)
- coxa vara- inclination <125 degrees
- coxa valga- inclination >125 degrees
Hip Exam Special Tests
- Trendelenburg Test/Sign
- hip drop opposite affected gluteus medius/minimus
- Thomas test
- hip flexor contracture/psoas tightness (knee to chest)
- log roll test
- pain w/ internal leg rotation- acetabular/femoral neckpathology
- FABER (Patrick) test
- flexion-abduction-external rotation (cross leg while lying)
- SI joint or hip problem
- Hamstring flexibility
- passive SLR 80 degrees
- knee extension should be 5-15 degrees of straight
pain and swelling of thigh, +/- ecchymosis, +/- palpable defect
- s/s, tests, dx
hip strain
- s/s
- pain with stretching or resistance to MMT
- tx
- RICE, NSAIDs, pain relievers, PT
- surgery- avulsion injuries
lateral hip/thigh pain
- s/s, tests, dx
hip bursitis - trochanteric bursitis
- s/s
- most common hip bursitis
- lumbar spine OA/scoliosis, length discrepancy, trauma
- runner, female, middle age to elderly
- pain at rest and activity
- difficulty ambulating
- TTP greater trochanter
- pain w/ abduction
- tx
- cortisone injection
- NSAIDs, pain reliever
- weight loss
- rehab: stretch/strengthen gluteus medius and IT band
buttock, labial/scrotal pain
- s/s, tests, dx
piriformis syndrome
- s/s
- pain w/ sitting or getting out of bed
- pain w/ hip adduction
- difficulty sitting
- absent neurological signs
- TTP SI joint, gluteal muscles, greater sciatic notch
- tests
- piriformis test
- Lasegue sign- leg lifted and straight, flex knee and cross
- x-ray, MRI, CT to r/o other causes
- EMG to differentiate btw piriformis and herniated disk
- tx
- NSAIDs, PT, +/- injection
- surgery?
clicking, popping, locking hip with lateral pain
“C sign”
- s/s, tests, dx
femoral acetabular impingement
- s/s
- osseous deformity of acetabular rim, femoral head/neck junction
- causes labral tear and articular cartilage microtrauma
- from overuse
- tests
- decreased flex and IR
- x-ray (AP and lateral)
- MR arthrogram
- tx
- conservative vs. surgical
high trama impact to leg in seated position
- s/s, tests, dx
hip dislocation
- s/s
- obvious deformity
- tests
- check distal pulses and nerve status, knee
- x-rays (AP and lateral)
- CT if fracture suspected
- tx
- reduction ASAP
- if no fracture w/ PWB and advance as tolerated
pain in groin, lateral hip or buttock; worse w/ weight bearing; catching/popping sensation
- s/s, tests, dx
- s/s
- bone death- collapse of femoral head
- risks: corticosteroid use, alcohol abuse, trauma, sickle cell, RA, lupus
- Trendelenburg gait
- decreased/painful ROM
- tests
- pain w/ straight leg raise
- +log roll
- x-ray, MRI or CT
- tx
- w/out collapse
- core decompression
- vascularized fibular grafting
- w/ collapse
- arthroplasty (replacement)
- w/out collapse
loss of articular cartilage in hip
- s/s, tests, dx
hip osteoarthritis
- s/s
- childhood disease, trauma, osteonecrosis, infection
- anterior groin/thigh pain (worse at night)
- pain w/ activity and progresses to constant pain
- popping, catching grinding
- fixed external rotation and flexion contracture
- tests
- x-rays
- tx
- conservative
- pain control, activity modification, assistive devices
- surgery
- osteotomy
- total hip arthroplasty
- conservative
ASIS compression
- s/s, tests, dx
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment
- s/s
- pain and dysethesia of lateral thigh
- decreased sensation but pressure or tapping over nerve increases symptoms
- no muscle or abnormal reflexes
- tests
- plain films- r/o abnormalities
- CT/MRI- r/o pelvic or abdominal masses
- tx
- weight loss, loosening tigh clothing
- meds
- cortisone injection
- surgical release of nerve rarely done
Knee Physical Exam Technique
- inspection
- gait, alignment, feet, discoloration, effusion, atrophy
- palpation
- quad/patellar tendon, joint line, MCL/LCL, bursa, popliteal fossa
- knee flexion 0-130 degrees (up to 10 percent of hyperextension)
- manual muscle testing
- grading scale
- special test
Knee Special Tests
- apprehension test
- move patella laterally: +if pain, apprehension, quad contraction
- J sign
- excessive lateral patellar shift in terminal extension (up and out)
- McMurray’s test- meniscus
- leg lifted w/ knee at 90 degree angle then…knee out/foot in to knee in/foot out
- try to catch popping or catching
- anterior drawer/Lachman’s test- ACL
- ACL prevents anterior translation of tibia and posterior translation of femur
- posterior drawer/posterior sag sign- PCL
- valgus stress test- tests MCL
- knee pressed in, ankle pressed out
- varus stress test- tests LCL
- knee pressed out, ankle pressed in
swelling, redness, pain decreased ROM, +/- atrophy in knee
- s/s, tests, dx
- s/s
- pre-patellar- inflamed (trauma related) or septic
- pes anserine- early medial compartment OA
- overuse, injury, break in skin
- tx
- aspirate to r/o infection
- NSAIDs, activity modification, compression
- surgery rarely to resect (normally resolves on own)
anterior knee pain w/ running, jumping, kicking
- quadriceps tendon- above patella
- patellar tendon- “jumper’s knee”, inferior patella
- s/s
- TTP on bony prominences/tendon
- pain w/ resisted knee extension
- full ROM
- +/- swelling
- tests
- plain films
- tx
- RICE, NSAIDs, activity modification, PT (hamstring stretches), knee strap/sleeve
knee effusion (giving off liquid), palpable defect, can’t extend leg against gravity when seated or straight leg raise when lying
- s/s, tests, dx
tendon ruptures (quad, patella fracture, patellar)
- s/s
- fall on partially flexed knee
- pain, swelling, inability to ambulate
- discoloration
- tests
- plain films to r/o fracture
- tx
- surgery
diffuse anterior knee pain, worse after long sitting, stairs, jump/squat, catching or grinding behind patella
- s/s, tests, dx
patellofemoral syndrome
- s/s
- overuse of overloading of joint
- worse w/ activities the load front of joint
- chondromalacia- pathologic changes of articular cartilage (softening of cartilage)
- observe alignment while weight bearing- foot pronation, femoral anteversion, genu valgum, vastus medialis oblique atrophy
- tests
- Q-angle, J sign, patellar apprehension sign
- assess hamstring tightness and quad strength- weak quads put more sheer force across patellofemoral joint
- plain films
- tx
- activity modification, NSAIDs, bracing
- PT- flexibility and strengthening
severe knee pain, inability to ambulate, patella lateral
- s/s, tests, dx
lateral patellofemoral instability
- s/s
- direct contact or sudden change in position
- usually spontaneously relocates
- deformity, swelling
- tests
- apprehension sign
- TTP medial patella
- plain films
- MRI to r/o soft tissue damage
- tx
- conservative
- +/- aspiration
- braced in extension
- NSAIDs, pain meds
- PT- quad strengthening, flexibility
- surgery
- if recurrent dislocation or conservative failure
- MPFL repair
- conservative
intermittent pain in knee w/ catching, locking, popping, giving out that can come and go
- s/s, tests, dx
meniscus tears
- s/s
- acute w/ twisting, squatting, change in position
- swelling
- joint effusion and joint line tenderness
- +/- quad atrophy (quad shuts down w/ knee injury)
- +/- locked knee
- tests
- McMurray test
- plain films- weight bearing
- tx
- conservative
- RICE, pain control, PT
- surgery
- meniscectomy vs. meniscal repair
- inner cut out (no circulation) while outer stitched
- conservative
excessive joint fluid tracts to popliteal bursa
- s/s, tests, dx
baker’s cyst
- s/s
- most common cyst in knee
- associated w/ degenerative meniscal tears
- popliteal swelling/fullness and pain
- calf pain and swelling if ruptures (may think DVT)
- tests
- plain films
- MRI other pathlology suspected
- tx
- conservative
- rarely surgery for fear of transecting popliteal nerve
knee pain, immediate joint effusion, instability, decreased ROM, hemearthrosis - deceleration, hyperextension
- s/s, tests, dx
ACL tear
- s/s
- effusion
- decreased muscle strength
- antalgic gait
- +/- “pop”
- tests
- +Lachman’s exam
- pivot shift test
- anterior drawer
- plain films, MRI
- tx
- surgical reconstruction if younger, active (need full ROM before surgery)
force to anterior tibia w/ flexed knee
- s/s, tests, dx
PCL tear
- s/s
- pain, joint effusion, +/- instability
- decreased ROM
- tests
- posterior drawer test
- posterior sag
- x-ray/MRI
- tx
- depends upon degree of instability
valgus or varus grade I / II / III
evaluated and 0 and 30 degrees extension (more play at 30 deg)
- s/s, tests, dx
collateral ligament sprain
- s/s
- pain, swelling, stiffness, +/- instability or mechanical symptoms
- TTP over ligament/attachment
- tests
- plain films, MRI
- tx
- MCL- conservative if isolated or grade 1-3
- LCL- conservative grade 1-2, surgical grade 3
pain, mechanical symptoms, creptius in knee, +/- effusion
- s/s, tests, dx
chondral/osteochondral defect (OCD)
- s/s
- direct trauma, articular cartilage injuries
- tests
- plain films to check for loose bodies, MRI
- tx
- conservative
- surgical
- microfracture- punch holes in bone
- OATS- punches of outer articular cartilage place on points of greater weigth bearing
- autologous chondrocyte implantation
Foot and Ankle Exam
- inspection
- gait analysis, hindfoot analysis
- palpation
- anterior joint line, malleoli, sinus tarsi, achilles tendon, metatarsals, peroneal tendons, posterior tibial tendon
- manual muscle testing
- special tests
- anterior drawer test
- draw foot anteriorly
- Thompson test
- feet hanging off bed, calf squeezed, foot should move if achilles intact, torn if no movement
- inversion stress test
- foot inverted while holding ankle
- eversion stress test
- foot everted while holding ankle
- interdigitation neuroma test
- foot squeeze test
- web space compression tenderness test
- anterior drawer test
pain, swelling, ecchymosis in ankle w/ inversion or eversion
- s/s, tests, dx
ankel sprain
- s/s
- inversion: anterior/posterior talofibular lig, calcaneofibular lig, tibiofubular lig, subtalar lig
- eversion: deltoid lig
- palpate/assess 5th MT ALWAYS- don’t miss Jones fx
- palpate/assess achilles tendon ALWAYS
- tests
- anterior drawer
- squeeze test
- external rotation test
- x-ray, MRI, MR arthrogram (looking for uniformity around talus)
- tx
- goal: prevent chronic instability and pain
- conservative- rehab
- surgical- rare
sudden/severe pain near heel, “someone kicked me in the ankle”
- s/s, tests, dx
achilles tendon rupture
- s/s
- swelling, ecchymosis, difficulty ambulating
- palpable tendon defect
- tests
- Thompson’s test (most reliable w/in 48 hrs)
- plain films, ?MRI
- tx
- non-surgical: serial casting
- surgical
- tendon retraction- based on activity level, age, risk