MSK 2: Neck Flashcards
Label the bones and cartilages of the neck
Which vertebrae can be palpated?
Label the major muscles of the neck and what is the orgin, insertion and movement?
What makes up the stenocleidomastoid?
sterno and cleido belly
Label the muscles, nerves, and veins
What are the three parts of the scalene muscle and what do they aid in?
anterior, middle, posterior
aid in respiration and works as the landmark for brachial plexus btw the anterior and middle scalene and the subclavian vein
What nerve runs over the anterior scalene?
Phrenic nerve
What goes through the space between the anterior and middle scalene?
brachial plexus and subclavian artery
Label the following cross section of the neck
What is located in the carotid sheath?
common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve
Lable the transverse section of the neck
contraction of the cervical muscles producing twisting of the neck and slanting of the head
Congenital Torticollis
What are the two types of congenital Torticollis?
musclular torticollis and wry neck
What occurs in wry neck?
results from a fibrous tissue tumor that develops in the SCM before or shortly after birth
What occurs in the muscular torticollis?
SCM injured when head is pulled excessively during a difficult birth, tearing its fibers results in hematoma that may develop into a fibrous mass entrapping branch of the spinal accessory (CN XI) thus denervating part of the SCM
For musclular torticulis the side in which they lean on is the ?
affected side
Left slant leads to injure in the left side (same for R)
What is the treatment for congenital Torticollis?
surgical release of a partially fibrotic SCM from its distal attachments to the manubrium and calvicle may be necessary
What are the four Triangles of the neck and label them?
between thorax and neck, located superior to thoracic inlet
Root of Neck
sternocleidomastoid region contains what muscle?
sternomastoid muscle
What muscle is in the Trapezius Region?
Trapezius Muscle
Lable the regions of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Lable the anterior triangle regions?
Lable the posterior triangle
What is the superficial vein of the neck?
External Jugular Vein that runs over the sternocleidomastoid
Which nerve is located in the posterior triangle?
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) serves the sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius
Lable the superficial dissection of the posterior triangle
The Great auricular nerve serves what regions?
parotid gland and mastoid process
What is the nerve point of the neck?
Where the nervs of the posterior triangle come out such as, the great auricular nerve and accessory nerve
Lable the surface anatomy of the posterior triangle?
Where does the external jugular vein run across?
vertically runs across the sternocleidomastoid toward the angle of the mandible
Where is the jugular notch fossa located?
between the sternal heads of the sternocleidomastoid
What is deep to superior half of of the sternocleidomastoid?
cervical plexus
What is deep to the inferior half of the sternocleidomastoid?
Interjugular vein
common carotid arteru
vagus nerve in carotid sheath
Lable the deep section of the posterior triangle
Lable the deeper dissection of the posterior triangle
What is located in the deep dissection of the posterior triangle?
BIP 11
What is located in the deeper dissection of the posterior triangle?
( Baabiess P)
Lable the superficial dissection of the anterior triangle of the neck
What is located in the superficial dissection of the anterior triangle?
Facial acids
The ansa cervicalis suppiles what muscle?
the omhyoid muscle of the infrahyoid muslce
What are the 4 branches of the infrahyoid muscle and lable them
- thyrhoid
- omohyoid
- sternohyoid
- sternothyroid
Lable the deep dissection of the anterior triangle
What is located in the deep dissection of the anterior triangle?
CN 9,10, 12 (Pharyngeal and carotid)
What do the carotid body and carotid sinus monitor?
carotid body: monitors 02
carotid sinus: Baroreceptors
Lable the neck
What is located in the dissection of the root of the neck?
What are the lymphatic drainage of head and neck?
Where is the right lympathic duct located?
Right lympathic duct is at the juction of the right internal jugular ven and right subclavian vein
Where is the thoracic duct located?
at the juction of the left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
What is the name of the juction for the right lympathic duct and thoracic duct?
lympathtic is the right venous angle
thoracic duct is left venous angle