MSK 1 Flashcards
Label the bones of the skull
boney case of the brain and cranial meninges. Dome-like roof, the calvaria (skullcap), and floor or cranial base (basicranium)
Neurocranium (cranial vault)
What makes up the cranium
15 irregular bones form the cranial base; 6 paired bones occuring bilaterally form the calvaria
the are of junction of four bones within the temporal fossa
facial skeleton
Lable the bones of the posterior and superior aspects of the cranium
Lable the bones of the cranial base
What are the branches of the trigeminal nerve?
V1 opthalmic nerve
V2 maxillary nerve
V3 mandibular nerve
What does the Foramen rotundum contain?
maxillary never (CNv1)
What does the Foramen Ovale contain?
mandibular nerve (CN V3) and accessory meningeal artery
What does the foramen spinosum contain?
middle meningeal artery and vein and meningeal branch og CN V3
What does the foramen lacerum contain?
Internal carotid artery and its accompanying sympathetic and venous plexuses
What does the foramen magnum contain?
medulla, meninges, vertebral arteries, CN Xl, dural veins, anterior and posterior spinal arteries
What does the Jugular foramen contain?
CN lX, X, XI, superior bulb of internal jugular vein; inferior petrosal and sigmoid sinuses; and meningeal branches of ascending pharyneal and occipital arteries
What does the foramen cecum contain?
Nasal emissary vein
What does the hypoglossal canal contain?
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Explain what occurs in the fracture of the cranium
What occurs in the fracture of orbit?
What are the four sinuses?
- frontal sinus
- ethmoidal sius
- sphenoid sinus
- maxillary sinus
Label the anterior posterior radiograph
What is the TMJ and label its parts?
What occurs during a TMJ dislocation?
What are the layers of the scalp?
What occurs during scalp injuries and infections?
What are the meningial layers?
What are dural venous sinuses?
What occurs to the dural sinuses during metastasis of tumor cells?
What are the dural venous sinuses of the cranial base?
What are the cavernous sinuses?
What occurs during fractures of the cranial base?
Identify the major structures on the MRI?
What produces CSF and what its flow?
Produced in the choroid plexus goes down the third and fourth ventricles and then gets reabsorbed by the arachnoud granulations to the superior sagittal sinus
Label the ventricular system of the brain
Explain what occurs in hydrocephalus
What are the Intracranial hemorrhages?
- epidural hematoma
- subdural hematoma
- subarachnoid hemorrhage
What occurs in the epidural hematoma?
What occurs in the subdural hematoma?
What occurs in the subarachnoid hemorrhage?
What hematome is occuring in the x-rays?
What hematome is present in the following imaging?
What is the location and action of the facial muscles?
Lable the vertebral column
What curvatures does the vertebral column consist of?
What occurs in Excessive thoracic kyphosis?
What occurs in excessive lumbar lordosis?
What occurs in scoliosis?
Label the vertebra
What are the components of the vertebral arch?
lamina and pedicle
What occurs in spinal stenosis?
What occurs in laminectomy?
Describe C1 and C2
What occurs in a rupture of transverse ligament of atlas?
What occurs on a fracture of the atlas?
Label the following x-ray
Label the thoracic vertebrae
What occurs in the vertebral body osteoporosis?
What occurs in the ankylosing spondylitis?
Lable the lumbar vertebrae
What occurs in spina bifida occulta?
What occurs in spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis?
What is the sizes and transverse process of C3-C7?
What is the sizes and transverse process of Thoracic?
What is the sizes and transverse process of Lumbar?
Label the sacrum and coccyx
Label the joint of the vertebral body
What occurs during herniation of nucleus pulposus?
Explain the blood supply of vertebrae and venous drainage of vertebral column
Lable the spinal nerves
Lable the spinal cord and meninges
Lable the arterial supply of spinal cord
What occurs in the lumbar puncture and epidural anesthesia
What occurs in epidural anesthesia?
What are the superficial extrinsic back muscles?
What are the intermediate extrinsic back muscles?
What is the trianle of auscultation?
What are the superficial intrinsic back muscles?
What is the intermediate layer of intrinsic back muscles?
What is the deep layer of intrinsic back muscles?
What overlies the inferior end of Internal jugular vein?
lesser supraclavicular fossa