MSK Flashcards
What causes torticollis?
injury to the SCM during delivery
disease affecting the spine in infancy
Acute torticollis may follow ______ in children
upper respiratory infection (URI)
URI’s in torticollis can lead to swelling n the upper spine, especially to what vertebrae?
Babies with toticollis are susceptible to _______
rotatory subluxation
S/S of torticollis
contacture of the SCM: chin is rotated to the side OPPOSITE of the AFFECTED muscle causing the head to tilt TOWARD the side of conracture
Dx of torticollis if rotatory subluxation is present
CT Scan
Tx for torticollis
FIRST LINE: PASSIVE STRETCHING is effective in 97% of cases
If that fails: surgery
Tx for **acquired **torticollis
**traction or a cervical collar usually
results in resolution of symptoms
within 1-2 days
What is Osgood Schlater- Disease, OSD (Tibial Tubersoity Avulsion)?
Apophysitis (infflammation to
the growth plates) of tibial
What causes OSD?
traction on the tibial tubercle
apophysis (growth plate)
What population does OSD most commonly occur in?
MC in males 12-15, during
growth spurts, athletes.
(SHAQ had this)
Highly active pts (typically
running and jumping sports).
overuse injury that occurs during periods of rapid growth.
An overuse injury→ rep knee
extension and quads
S/S of OSD?
- ANTERIOR related knee pain and swelling with NO known trauma.
- Swelling or bump, and tenderness over the anterior tibial tubercle.**
- Pain is WORST with activity**
oWhat shuld be on the DDx for a young kid who comes in with bone pain with no trauma?
What will the XR for a patient with OSD show?
fragmentation or irregular osification over the tibial tubercle ossification of the tibial tubersoity
Tx of OSD?
**Conservative: rest and ice is MOST important
- Condition resolves spontneously as the athlete reaches skeletal maturity.
- NSAIDS for any activity
**very hard to get kids to be LESS
When will the pain in OSD go away?
when the tubercle fuses (physis closes)