How is Rubeola (Measles) spreaded?
via respiratory droplets
What is the incubation period for measles?
10-14 days
What is classic prodrome triad (3 C’s) for rubeola?
HIGH fever + Conjunctivits, Coryza, Cough + Kopik Spots
3 C’s occur 2-3 days BEFORE rash occurs, and peaks on 1st day of rash
coryza = nasal obstruction, sneezing, sore throat resembling URI
What are Koplik spots?
small, irregular. and red with whitish cnter on the mucus membranes (buccal mucosa) are pathognomonic for measles. Appear 2-4 days before the rash and lasts 1-4 days as tiny salt crystals.
WHEN does the maculopapular rash from rubeola spread?
begins hen fever and URI symptoms are at their maximum
Describe the maculopapular rash in rubeola?
pinhead-sized papules that coalesce and form a brcik red, irregular maculopapular rash that starts on the FACE and spreads to the extrmities (including palms and soles)
HOW does the maculopapular rash from rubeola spread?
starts at the FACE (turns bright red) and spreads to the EXTREMITIES (rash turns to coppery and is completely gone within 6 days
How long does the maculopapular rash lasts before fading?
3-7 days
Dx of Rubeola?
LYMPHOPENIA is characteritic
PCR is usually diagnostic
How can rubeola be serologically diagnosed?
detection of IgM measles antibodies with ELISA or a fourfold rise in the serum hemagglutination inhibition antibody supports the diagnosis
**How do we prevent rubeola?
**Trivaent MMR vaccine or quadrivalent MMRV vaccine **
current 2 dose active vaccination stratagy provides more than 97% protection
Treatment of rubeola
supportive/symptomatic. (antipyretcis and fluids)
What supplementation for children reduces the pediatric morbidity and measles associated mortality?
Vitamin A
What are mumps?
paramyxoviral disease spread by respiratoyr droplets
What is the incubation period of mumps?
12-25 days
How is mumps spread?
thru direct contact with respiratory secretions or saliva of infected surfaces; airborne droplets
What are the most common physical exam findings of mumps that typically develop within 48 hrs of prodromoal symptoms?
parotid tenderness and overlying facial edema
Is parotits in mumps unilateral or bilateral?
UNILATERAL (75% of the time), but can progress to biltaeral
What is the most common extra salivary disease in adults with mumps?
testes = denotes ORCHITIS
(develops 7-10 after parotitis)
What is considered diagnostic for mumps?
- Elevated serum IgM
-4-fold rise in the complement fixing antibodies to mumps virus is paired serum IgG also confirms infection
When is the diagnostic yield of mumps the highest?
when collected during the first 3 days of the illness
Treatment for mumps?
topical warm compress may relieve parotid discomfort
How to prevent mumps?
**Vaccination **is the most effective way to prevent mumps (MMR)
Most common complication in mumps?
orchitis (testes)
Lab findings of mumps?
mild leukopenia and elevated serum amylase reflects salivary gland involvement
What is the classic sympto of mumps?
What is the incubation period for Rubella (German Measles)?
14-21 days
What are some symptoms of rubella?
**low **grade fever and malaise
suboccipital adenitis
posterior cervical and postauricular lymphadenopathy
What is unique about the rash in rubella?
fine, pink maculopapular rash that appears and fades from the face, trunk, and extremities in RAPID progression (2-3 days)
How long does the rash last in rubella?
Why is rubella a danger to pregnant women in their 1st trimester of pregnancy?
scauses congenital rubella which can cause fetal death, preterm delivery, and teratogenic effect
How do you diagnose rubella?
requires serologic confirmation:
- elevated IgM antibody
- fourfold or greater rise in the IgG antibody tters, or isolation of the virus
What are some complications of rubella?
polyarticular arthritis and arthralgia
congential rubella syndrome
encephalitis (rare)
Treatment of rubella?
How long should patients with rubella be isolated?
patients should be isolated for 7 days after rash onset