EENT Flashcards
What are some signs and symptoms of Mastoiditis?
characterized by pain, postauricular cellulitis, and a spiking fever
What is the best way to diagnose mastoiditis?
CT Scan: reveals coalescent mastoiditis: bony destruction of the mastoid air cells
If mastoidiits if present what other condition will almost, always be present?
Acute otitis media (AOM)
INITIAL treatment for mastoiditis?
IV antibiotics: Cefazolin AND myringotomy for culture and drainage
How do you treat mastoiditis if antibiotics do not work?
Acute Otitis Externa
“Swimmer’s Ear;” inflammation of the external auditory ear canal
MC in summer months and warm climates
What is the most common orgnaisms that cause acute otitis media?
S/S of acute otitis externa?
- ear pain (otlagia)
- tugging on the auricle elicts pain ear canal edema and erythema often with purulent exudate
- periauricular cellulitis
PE of acute otitis media
TM is hrd to visualize due to the swelling, but there is erythema
What are immunocompromised and diabetic patients at risk for developing regarding acute otitis media?
malignnant otitis media
malignnant otitis media
MC in the elderly
S/S of malignnant otitis media
Severe auricular pain, persistent otorrhea
**Cranial Nerve palsies if osteomyelitis occurs
**May radiate to TMJ (pain with chewing)
Severe auricular pain on traction of the ear canal or tragus.
Dx of malignant otitis media
CT or MRI: granulation tissue at the bony cartilagenous junction of the ear canal floor
Biopsy: most accurate
Tx of otitis externa
Fluoroquinolone (Ciprofloaxcin) drops
Older kids get oral cipro
What causes acute otitis media?
**Viral URIs: lead to Eustachian tube dysfunction.
**Most commonly associated with a preceding viral URI’s
S/S of acute otitis media
eair pain
aural pressure
often a fever
MC organisms that cause acute otitis media
Strep pneumoniae (MC)
H. influenzae
Strep pyogenes
Tx of acute otitis media
FIRST LINE: Amoxicillin
If patient was on Amoxicillin < 30 days or he is clinically failing within 48-72 hours: Augmentin
If PCN allergy: Cefuroxime, Cefpodoxime
**Tx of RECURRENT Otitis media
Sulamethoxazole or Amoxicillin
S/S of chronic otitis media
HALLMARK: aural purulent discharge
pain is uncommon
CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS result from destruction of the tympanic membrane or ossicular chain or both
Tx of chronic otitis media
regular removal of infected debris, use of earplugs to protect against water exposure, and topical antibiotic drops (fluoropunilone + dexamtheasone)
Tx for a chronically discharged ear of chronic otitis media?
oral ciprofloaxcin
DEFINITIVE treatment of chronic otitis media
Otitis media with effusion
** middle ear fluid + NO signs of acute inflammation (no fever or ear pain)
Often a result of viral URI
May be seen after resolution of AOM or in pts with ET dysfunction.*
S/S of acute otitis media with effusion
*** decreased sound conduction and hearing.
→ may cause language and
* speech issues.
PE of acute otitis media with effusion
gray, amber, colorless effusion (air fluid levels or bubbles behind the membrane, loss of light reflex,
Retracted or flat tympanic membrane that is hypomobile.
Tx of acute otitis media with effusion
S/S of TM perforation
- Discharge from the ear.
- Rapid relief of pain with** bloody otorrhea**
Tx of TM perforation
Perfs d/t AOM usually heals spontaneously within a couple weeks.
Ototopical Abx for a 10-14 day course with referral to an ENT 2-3 weeks after the reuprure.
Limit water activities to surface swimming with use of ear plgs.
Avoid otic aminoglycosides, they are