MSK Flashcards
Adhesive Capsulitis phases
First: 2-9 months
Second: 4-12 months
Recovery: 5-24 months
External rotation is the first to go
AC joint separation
6 types:
1 - stretched: non-op
2- partial rupture: cc sprain, AC tear, non-op
3 - complete rupture - cc and ac
4 - posterior dislocation: surgery
5 - tenting: surgery
6 - inferior: surgery
Type II:
FOOSH Injury
Can be associated with distal radius fracture
PE: Ulnar styloid (Piano key)
Fovea sign - point tenderness over ulnar capsule
XR: displacement of Ulna compared to radius
Skier’s Thumb / Game keepers thumb
Laxity of UCL 2nd to forced abduction
Tx: Thumb spica, complete tear OR within
Watch for Stener Lesion
Dislocated Knee
Very lax knee
3/4 ligaments involved
CTA, ABI, NV exam.
Ankle Physical Exam
Start at knee and work down
Palpate entire fibula (Maisonneuve)
Squeeze calf
Palpate Syndesmosis
Palpate talus head
Ankle dorsiflexion , externally rotate
Anterior Drawer
Squeeze calcaneus
Look for ecchymoses over plantar aspect / mid foot
Lisfranc Injury
Sprain to complete disruption of the taso-metatarsal joint
- Bruising at bottom of foot
- Plantarflexion + external rotation
PE:hematoma/ecchymoses on plantar foot, midfoot swelling
XR: Often normal
- Do both feet with weightbearing
- 1-2 or 2-3 metatarsal bases w
- “Fleck sign”
Tx: Posterior slab, walking boot, NWB
Muscles and their insertions for pelvic apophyseal Avulsion
ASIS: Sartorius and TFL
AIIS: Rec Fem
Ischial Tuberosity: Hamstrings
Greater trochanter: Rotators
Lesser trochanter: Iliopsoas
Pattern of reduction and splinting procedure
Apply splint materials
3 Types of Hip Fracture
Segond Fracture
Lateral tibial plateau avulsion of the capsule - +++ association with ACL-R
Toddler’s #
Age 9 mo to 4-5 years
Twisting of foot causes oblique fracture of tibia
Usually normal or subtle XR findings
Slab / Boot and f/u with ortho
Maisonneuve Fracture
Medial malleolus and proximal fibular head fracture
External rotation / eversion mechanism
Tillaux Fracture
Tween girls and boys
Distal tibial growth plate closes from medial to lateral
Salter III of the distal tibia
base of the 5th #
Ankle inversion injury
Avulsion of the peroneus brevis or lateral plantar aponeurosis
Low profile air Qboot
Jones’ #
Proximal 5th metatarsal#
between proximal and middle 1/3 of metatarsal
“Acute on chronic stress #”
Posterior slab, NWB
Ortho f/u