Clinical Decision Rules to Know / Memorize Flashcards
Age < 2
- GCS <=14, altered mental status or altered mental status
- LOC > 5 seconds
- Occipital, parietal or temporal hematoma or palpable skull fracture (age <2)
- Not acting “normally” (age < 2)
- Vomiting or severe headache (age > 2)
- Severe mechanism (MVC with ejection, death of another passenger, rollover, pedestrian / bike hit by car, fall from > 3 ft or high- impact by object
Age > 2:
- Any LOC in > 2
- Signs of basilar skull fracture (age > 2)
If GCS 15 and no signs of skull fracture and other feature +, can observe vs image in a joint decision making
Canadian CT Head
Only applies to GCS 13-15 with LOC, amnesia of event or witnessed disorientation.
Age > 16
No blood thinners
Seizure after event
High Risk Features:
- Age > 65
- GCS < 15 at 2 hours post
- >2 episode vomit
- Any signs of basal skull fracture
- Open or depressed skull fracture
Medium Risk:
- Retrograde amnesia for 30 minutes
- Dangerous mechanism
SAH Rule
- Age > 15, new severe atraumatic headache, max intensity within 1 hr
- Focal neuro deficit, prior aneurysm, prior SAH, known tumors, chronic headaches (3 or more in last 6 months that are similar)
Rule out criteria - NONE of:
1) Age > 40
2) Neck pain or stiffness
3) Witnessed LOC
4) Onset with exertion
5) Thunderclap (peak at onset)
6) Limited neck flexion on exam.
Well’s DVT
- Paralysis Paresis or
- Plaster immobilization
- Bedridden or Sx in last 12 weeks
- Active cancer
- Previous DVT
Physical Signs of Obstruction:
- Calf swelling > 3 cm
- Entire leg swollen
- Local tenderness on deep venous system
- Pitting edema on symptomatic leg only
Alternative Dx as likely (-2)
If score 0 or less: D-Dimer.
If 1-2, D-dimer
If 3 or higher: Need US. (D-dimer for risk-stratification only)
Wells PE
Signs of DVT
PE #1 Diagnosis
HR > 100
Active cancer
Recent Sx or immobilization
Previous DVT or PE
If < 4 then D-Dimer < 500 to r/o
If > 4 moderate - CT-PE
If Any Present, Cannot Rule Out PE
Age > 50
HR >100
O2 sat < 95%
DVT signs
OCP / Hormone Use
Prior DVT /PE
Recent sx or trauma
PE most likely dx
Signs of DVT
If none, D-Dimer < 1000 rule out.
If any positive in NON-Pregnant: D-Dimer < 500 rule out
If pregnant: As above, but complete compression US and anticoagulate if abnormal.
CTPA if N doppler and D-Dimer > 500
Inclusion: > 21 years old with symptoms suggestive of ACS.
ECG (N, non-specific repolarization i.e. LBBB, LVH, ST depression
Age <45, 45-64, >65
Risk Factors (DM, CAD, DLD, BMI > 30, Smoker, FMHx with CAD < 65 yrs, prior MI, PCI or CABG)
Troponin (Normal, 1-3x normal, 3 x Normal)
0,1,2 points for each category
<3 points low risk, DC at 3 hours if repeat trop negative
>3 high risk, consult to cardio
PARC (peds appendicitis)
Age > 5 with pain < 96 hours
-Setting (community vs peds ED)
- Duration (< 24, 24-48, 48-96)
- Neutrophils
- Pain with walking
- Max tender in RLQ
- Abdo guarding
- History of migration to RLQ
SIRS Criteria
2 or more of:
Temp <36 or >38
HR > 90
RR 22 or PaCO2 < 32
WBC <4 or > 12 or 10% bands
Ottawa Ankle
Age > 2
Rule out if:
- Able to ambulate after injury or in the ED
- No pain at:
Posterior 6 cm of med/lat malleoulus
Base of 5th
Ottawa Knee
Image if:
Age >55
Isolated patellar tenderness
Tenderness at fibular head
Unable to flex to 90 deg
Unable to weight bear immediately and in ED.
Urea > 7
RR > 30
sBP < 090 or diastolic < 60
Age >65
NEXUS (can use in pediatric C-Spine)
Focal Neuro Deficit
Midline spinal tenderness
Altered LOC
Distracting Injuries present
Canadian C-Spine
Exclusion if:
GCS <15, < 16 yrs, unstable, non-trauma, acute paralysis, known vertebral disease, previous C-Spine Sx.
High Risk:
- Greater 65
- High energy mechanism 9> 3ft, axial load, MVC, ATV, bicycle
- Extremity parasthesia
Low Risk:
- Seated in ED
- Ambulatory at any time
- Delay onset neck pain
- No midline tenderness
- Simple rear-end
If able to actively rotate 45 degrees can remove collar.