MS.7 Flashcards
What is the purpose of taking a complete history and physical examination before surgery?; To determine if the patient is a good candidate for surgery
identify necessary further tests
What information should be gathered during the history taking of a patient?; The patient’s signalment (age
What are the classifications of wounds?; Wounds can be classified as open wounds
which involve a solution of the skin and deeper tissue
What factors should be considered when assessing a wound in a veterinary patient?; Factors include the patient’s diet
any current or previous medical conditions
What elements are important in the history-taking process for wound assessment in a veterinary patient?; Important elements include the owner’s perception of the problem’s progression and any observed changes in the patient’s behavior or symptoms.
What are the mechanical causes of wounds?; Mechanical causes of wounds include bites
car accidents
What is a wound in veterinary terms?; A wound is a break in the normal tissue continuity or a traumatic separation of skin
mucous membrane
What is a local sign of a wound related to hemorrhage?; Hemorrhage varies depending on the size of the blood vessel severed in the wound area.
What is another local sign of a wound besides hemorrhage and pain?; A gap in the tissue can also be a local sign of a wound.
How does pain vary in relation to wounds?; Pain varies depending on the amount of innervation in the area; it is more extensive in skin wounds compared to muscle
What are the primary clinical signs of wounds?; The primary clinical signs of wounds include local signs
remote clinical signs
What factors influence the amount of separation in a wound?; The amount of separation in a wound depends on the amount of movement in the wounded part; it is greater at the site of extension than at the site of flexion.
What causes the gap formation in skin wounds?; The gap formation in skin wounds is due to the mechanical action of the wounded part and the contraction and elasticity of the injured part.
How does the orientation of a wound affect muscle and tendon separation?; In muscle and tendon
the separation is slight when the wound is parallel to the fiber