MS Flashcards
Other name for Neuroglia?
Glial Cells
What is the purpose of neuroglia?
Supports the nerve cell/neuron
What type of cell is neuroglia?
it is the WBC in the CNS that functions as defence to infection et injury
Form et maintain myelin sheath in the CNS
If the PNS is affected, what structure is affected?
Schwann cell
a star-shaped cell that has the most numerous
What are the functions of astrocytes?
Provide structural support to the CNS, take up extracellular K ions, glycogen storage, capable of cell mulitiplication, regulate extracellular concentration of the neurotransmitter
It assist in the circulation of CSF and it is located in the ventricles et central canal of the SC
Ependymal Cells
Form the myelin sheath
Schwann Cell
Act as protective, cushioning cells for peripheral neuron cell bodies
Satellite Cells
Other name for MS?
Great Crippler of Young Adults
what are the Charcot’s Triad?
S- scanning speech
I- intention Tremor
N- nystagmus
demyelination areas eventually become filled of fibrous astrocytes and undergo a process called ____
What is the hallmark of MS?
Glial Scar
What are the sites of pre-dilection?
P- preventriccular White Matter C- Corticospinal Tract C- Cerebellar Penducle O- Optic Nerve P- Posterior White Column of the Spinal Cord
it is a type of MS that remains fully functional in all neurological system 15 years after onset
Benign MS
It is a type of MS that has rapid onset and almost continual progression
Malignant MS
What is the other term for Malignant MS?
Marburg’s Disease/ Variant
Pseudo exacerbation of Sx
Uthoff’s Phenomenon
what happens when a pt c MS is exposed to heat or warmth?
pt will feel fatigue
What is the gold standard Dx tool for MS?
characterized by discrete attacks of neurological deficits with either full/ partial recovery in subsequent to months
Relapsing Remitting MS (RRMS)
Has the highest case type of MS?
Characterized by initial relapsing-remitting course with progression to steady and irreversible decline with or without continued acute attacks
Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS)
It the adverse effect of RRMS
Characterized by nearly continuous worsening of the disease from onset without disk attack
Primary Progressive MS (PPMS)
A major type of MS that is associated later onset and happens at 10% of cases
Characterized by steadt deterioration dsease but occasional acute attacks; 5% of cases
Progressive Relapsing MS (PRMS)
This drug is used to slow down the progression of MS
Interferon Meta Drugs
What are some examples of Interferon Meta Drugs?
- Betaferon
- Extavia
- Plegridy
- Avonex
- Rebif
This drug is used for acute flare-ups and it shortens the episode of MS
Immunosuppressive Drugs
What are some examples of immunosuppressive durgs?
- Dexamethasone
- Predisone
What are some examples of anti-spasticity drugs?
- Dantrolene (CNS)
- Baaclofen (SCI)
With drug is used for MS pts with urinary problems
Anticholinergic Drugs
Valid too to evaluate and measure MS pts level of functioning
Kurtzke Expanded Disabiity Status Scale (KEDDS)
What are the functional system of KEDSS?
V- visual system S- sensory system P- pyramidal system B-brainstem system B- bowl et bladder system M- mental status C- cerebellar system