Mrs Tilschers Class Flashcards
You could travel up the Blue Nile with your finger, tracing the route 4
-sense of touch.
-Travel connotes adventure and excitement, blue is vivid and appealing to the senses of sight.
-Tracing is active learning, they feel immersed in the teaching.
-Mrs Tilscher has made the learning immerseful and exciting.
Mrs Tilscher chanted the scenery.4
-chanted connotes a singing and joyous sound.
-Implies she is singing and it is exciting.
-Appealing to our sense of hearing.
-She has a musical voice that the kids enjoy listening to.
Tana. Ethiopia. Khartoum. Aswân.
series of minor sentences emphasises the sense of adventure.
That for an hour, then a skittle of milk 2
-skittle reminds us of a bowling alley and fun, vivid memory of the sweet milk.
-Milk connotes a historic setting as this was something given to pupils in the past.
and the chalky Pyramids rubbed into dust.2
- Image gives an idea that the disappearance is magical and unusual.
-Creates historic settings as chalkboards are not typically used now either.
A window opened with a long pole.2
-Pole makes it clear it was set in the past as our rooms are not like that now.
-Short sentence emphasises the idea.
The laugh of a bell swung by a running child 2
- Swung suggests it is completed with great strength so it is different to a mechanical bell nowadays.
-Laugh connotes joy which suggests the bell is now a fun sound which is appealing to the senses.
This was better than home.
-short sentence emphasises how fantastic the class is, as they want to be there more than home.
-Home connotations of sanctuary peace and security yet the class is better than that.
Enthralling books. 2
-enthralling connotes fascination.
-Minor sentence emphasises how exciting the reading is in her classroom.
The classroom glowed like a sweet shop. 4
-glowed connotations of incredibly bright, enchanting and fascinating for the children.
-Sweetshops are colourful and places for kids and somewhere they enjoy and love.
-Gives a vivid sense of setting. Sense of bright sight and appealing to the sense of taste.
-Just as a sweet shop is colourful and where kids want to be, so too are kids wanting to be there and attractive for children.
Sugar paper. Coloured shapes. 2
-minor sentences emphasise how bright and vibrant the classroom is.
-Sugar paper is appealing to the sense of taste as it is sweet.
Brady and Hindley faded, like the faint, uneasy smudge of a mistake. 4
-Notorious child murderers who tortured and were cruel. Shows the real dangers in the outside world.
-The word faded suggests the classroom allows them to forget about the horror of the outside world.
-Fade suggests it is not as vivid as it once was.
-Smudge is a mark that is always lingering and never fully goes away. This holds negative connotations.
Mrs Tilscher loved you. 2
-the minor sentence emphasises the care and joy they feel in her presence.
-They feel valued and precious.
Some mornings, you found
she’d left a good gold star by your name. 3
-Alliteration of g emphasises the word good.
-Good has connotations of positivity and praise.
-Gold suggests the kids are of fantastic standard and feeling worthy.
The scent of a pencil slowly, carefully, shaved. 3
- List. Rule of 3.
-Appealing to the sense of smell.
-Slows the pace for us to imagine how the class would smell.
A xylophone’s nonsense heard from another form.
nonsense has connotations of rubbish and make believe but that doesnt matter as it is welcomed as they are learning.
The inky tadpoles changed
from commas into exclamation marks.
as commas are small and exclamation marks are tall punctuation, so too has she physically grown from really small to bigger and more grown up kids.
Three frogs hopped in the playground, freed by a dunce 2
-Dunce holds connotations of a child in a pointy hat and someone who is mocked for stupidity.
-Dunce is a cruel word which holds negative connotations.
followed by a line of kids, jumping and croaking 3
- the word choice of croaking connotes losing your voice.
-Just as frogs croaks are squeaky and an unusual sound, so too is the sound of the children’s voices breaking and changing.
-Idea of kids’ voices breaking and getting deeper.
A rough boy told you how you were born.
-rough has connotations of the child being cruel and callous.
-Suggests it is a harsh delivery and hurts her feelings.
You kicked him 2
-kicked is a violent action which suggests she is immature and angry/upset by what she has heard as she has lost her innocence.
-Enjambment emphasises this
but stared at your parents, appalled, when you got back home. 2
-Parenthesis emphasises her disgust.
-Appalled has connotations of disgust, being horrified as she has seen her parents in a new light and lost her innocence.
Over the easter term 3
-easter has connotations of death and resurrection and a new beginning.
-It suggests they have lost their innocence and are living a new life.
That feverish July, the air tasted of electricity. 4
-feverish connotes being too hot, sickening suggesting an unsettling and uncomfortable atmosphere. -Their excited but there is negative connotations
-electricity connotes sparking. It can be dangerous which suggests despite their excitement there are negative connotations.
-Image. Taste sense
under the heavy, sexy sky. 2
-pathetic fallacy describes the setting suggesting a storm is brewing.
-Heavy connotes a burden of their sexual awakening.
You asked her how you were born and Mrs Tilscher smiled, then turned away. 4
-you is a pronoun addressing the reader makes us relate to the poem.
-Asked connotes being curious.
-Enjambment emphasises the change in relationship.
-Comma emphasises the separation that mrs Tilscher cannot fulfil her role for the children
A tangible alarm
-fear and tension in the air
-warning and being afraid, emphasises the stress that kids feel
You ran through the gates, impatient to be grown, 2
ran suggests full of energy and excitement. Through the gates suggests no barriers.
-impatient connotes restlessness and the children desperate to leave
as the sky split open into a thunderstorm.
- image.
-Thunderstorms connotes danger and loud noises that echoes the excitement and dangers of the risks of the world.
untidy, hot, fractious
Puberty had hit them and they cannot contain themselves with their emotions and hormones