Mrs Midas Flashcards
He was standing under the pear tree snapping a twig
Atmosphere is shattered by the final line
Snapping- connotates something violent
Especially important since it is her calm he is breaking
Emphasises themes
Now the garden was long and the visibility poor
Her disbelief emphasised by the length of time she takes to comprehend what she is seeing
Like a light bulb. On.
Minor sentence, dramatic effect highlights disbelief
Perhaps symbolises Midas realising
He came into the house. The doorknobs gleamed. He drew the blinds.
Short sentence
Basic sentence marks her confusion as he goes around the house
Like a king on a burnished throne.
Present image but foreshows his hubris/pride
The look of his face was strange, wild, vain.
Refers to delirium dur to rush of power, pride- she does not know her husband
What in the name of god is going on? He started to laugh.
Rhetorical question Emphasises her confusion and fear His response seems to brush off her feelings, foreshadowing the end of the relationship and the ways he wronged her He's already disregarding how she feels Awakens us from glow
I served up a meal
Simple sentence
Attempt to cling to normality
He asked where was the wine. I poured with a shaking hand
While he celebrates she is anxious
A fragrant, bone-dry white from italy
Word choice
Pleasant civilised life they had is now being soiled
I made him sit
On the other side of the room and keep his hands to himself
Loss of physical relationship
I locked the cat in the cellar. I moved the phone. The toilet I didn’t mind.
Shows her personality
Concerned, ground, calm, humours
Practical, she’s saving the cat but also amused at the prospect of a golden toilet
It feeds no one; aurum, soft, untarnishable; slakes no thirst
The intolerable reproductions begin to emerge
Separate beds.
The caesura marks the significance of the consequence. The finality
Turning the spare room
Into the tomb of tutankhamun
Allusion to threat and death
Allusion to the curse: the greedy are cursed with death (of him and perhaps the relationship)
In those halcyon days
Past tense and word choice (halcyon= joyful, tranquil, carefree) emphasise how much they lost
I dreamt i bore
His child, its perfect limbs, its little tongue
Like a precious latch, its amber eyes
Holding their pupils like flies
Lamenting the loss of the baby she can no longer have
Tone of loss sadness
Idea of entrapment
So he had to move out
Marks the finality of the actions and detachment the narrator now feels towards her partner, perhaps anger
He sat in the back
Her detachment and anger
The woman who married the fool
Wc: fool
Midas has made a fool of his wife who committed to a future with him
A future he ruined
At first, I visited, odd times
Visits only out of obligation
Parking the car a good way off
Emphasises the distance thats now between them
Beautiful lemon mistake
Tone of sadness
What gets me now is… his lack of thought for me. Pure selfishness.
Level headed reflection
Acknowledging his character flaws but was willing to accept them
Apathy towards her hurts the most
Simple sentence to sum it up
I think of him in certain lights, dawn, late afternoon
She is haunted by him
Emphasises by somber list
His hands, his warm hands on my skin, his touch
Crux of poem
His greed caused him to forsake intimacy
Link to the common phrase “the midas touch” often used positively yet here marks bitter loss
Emphasised by reputation of hands