In Mrs Tilchers Class Flashcards
Skittle of milk
Compares bottles to bowling pins
Creats fun atmosphere
The laugh of a bell
Happy atmosphere
This was better than home
Informal tone, tells you how much the pupil enjoyed being in mrs tilchers class
Enthralling books
Short sentence emphasises enthralment of children
Wc enthralling; obvious interest in books, enjoying school
The classroom glowed like a sweet shop
Classroom tempts children like a sweet shop
Easily pleased
She left a good gold star
Words primary teachers use
Pencil, slowly, carefully, shaved
Shows slow process or sharpening shows child trying to focus
A xylophones nonsense
Fun atmosphere
Child cannot play instrument
Over easter term the inky tadpoles changed from commas to exclamation marks
Passing of time
Metaphor represents children getting older
Things go from calm to existing, emphasises theme of change
Jumping and croaking away from the lunch queue
Sound echoes the sound of boys voices changing
Frog metaphor
Theme of change
A rough boy told you how you were born
Word choice of rough tells us about the speaker
Emphasises theme of change and growing up
You kicked him but stared at your parents appalled
Unable to deal with emotions so reacts physically showing emotional immaturity
That feverish July
Time passage
Connotes excitement, intensity Nervousness
Tasted of electricity
Danger, excitement, foreboding
Sexy sky
Reprisents growing up and sexual awareness
A tangible alarm made you always untidy, hot….
Alarm suggests a warning
List suggests speaker is uncomfortable
Mrs tilcher smiled then turned away
Literally and metaphorically turning away
Cannot answer all their questions anymore
Impatient to be grown
The stage in life when a child is eager to be grown up
The sky split open into a thunderstorm
Omission, foreboding
Release of energy built up throught the poem
Worse things to come
Skittle of milk
Compares bottles to bowling pins
Creats fun atmosphere
The laugh of a bell
Happy atmosphere
This was better than home
Informal tone, tells you how much the pupil enjoyed being in mrs tilchers class
Enthralling books
Short sentence emphasises enthralment of children
Wc enthralling; obvious interest in books, enjoying school
The classroom glowed like a sweet shop
Classroom tempts children like a sweet shop
Easily pleased
She left a good gold star
Words primary teachers use
Pencil, slowly, carefully, shaved
Shows slow process or sharpening shows child trying to focus
A xylophones nonsense
Fun atmosphere
Child cannot play instrument
Over easter term the inky tadpoles changed from commas to exclamation marks
Passing of time
Metaphor represents children getting older
Things go from calm to existing, emphasises theme of change
Jumping and croaking away from the lunch queue
Sound echoes the sound of boys voices changing
Frog metaphor
Theme of change
A rough boy told you how you were born
Word choice of rough tells us about the speaker
Emphasises theme of change and growing up
You kicked him but stared at your parents appalled
Unable to deal with emotions so reacts physically showing emotional immaturity
That feverish July
Time passage
Connotes excitement, intensity Nervousness
Tasted of electricity
Danger, excitement, foreboding
Sexy sky
Reprisents growing up and sexual awareness
A tangible alarm made you always untidy, hot….
Alarm suggests a warning
List suggests speaker is uncomfortable
Mrs tilcher smiled then turned away
Literally and metaphorically turning away
Cannot answer all their questions anymore
Impatient to be grown
The stage in life when a child is eager to be grown up
The sky split open into a thunderstorm
Omission, foreboding
Release of energy built up throught the poem
Worse things to come