Mrs Birling Flashcards


Mrs Burling, is complicit with upholding, the patriarchy


“ her husband, social superior”
She’s a paragon of the aristocratic women during this era. She is secure, almost upholding in aspic with hardware conventions of the capitalist and socialist society. Human being is defined by their role papers in the class system. Comodified and valued based on what can be achieved from marrying her.

“Arthur youre not supposed to say such things”
She reinforces here as a Marinette of her class, as she is complicit in upholding, it’s conventions . She is trying to iron out social faux pas so they operate seamlessly with their class

“ I consider it, my duty”
She is preistleys tool to explore the disparity in the perspectives of the capitalists, and Socialists. For capitalists pulled in class, system was power mode dose for Mrs Birling agency may be to upload the class Gap by refusing help.

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Emphasises separation between gap of older and younger generation.


She is a superiority over the youths, which challenge conventions of the classes system, she operates and profits off.

“ Shelagh! What an expression! Really, the things you girls pick up these days”
This exposes, her superficially, driven codes of conduct as she cares more for etiquette than morality
She is a post to Shelagh’s use of colloquial language, as it is an emblem of progressive younger generation . Do use of girl, infantilises Shelagh in order to dismiss her behaviour and portrayed as foolish. “ pick up.” shoes discussed as it shows them as a disease.

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Lack of guilt and social conscience


Mrs Birling social interaction seem to be a product of her behaviour that a class Delanie, rather than an authentic understanding of the social atmosphere around here when events veer from here conversation, she responds with aggression, translating status with power.

Stage directions “ enters briskly and self confidently quite out of key”
Conducted entirely under the arrogance of her social superiority . She is living a different narrative than the rest of the characters in the play. She likes genuine social awareness on able to detect the tense atmosphere. Every action seems conducted uncalculated she’s well rehearsed. She has a class didn’t egotism

“ I was the only one that didn’t give into him”
Expected guilt s supplemented for unirthodox feelings of pride. It over to the selfishness is apparent through her boastful attitude to being immune to guilt. Represents cardinal sin of pride

“ he certainly didn’t make me confess”
Overtly proud, eager to assert to public. Confess has connotations of crime. She has not been on lawful in her actions to implicitly suggest she is not responsible. Imperative make is a wave of keeping power between here and the inspector.
Alexis here insinuates that admitting her responsible would be conceding to the inspector

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Treatmet of the lower classes


Mrs Birling, when Eva comes to a charity when she is pregnant.
“ she was claiming, elaborate, find feelings and scruples that is simply absurd” hyperbole

Mrs Birling only seems to Mark Eva’s request for help. The adjective elaborate suggest that Mrs Birling think Eva was exaggerating, hit emotions and perhaps putting on an act. Even when she’s pregnant, Eva is not listen to seriously, but is disregarded and mocked by wealthy people.

absurd implies that she find it ridiculous that someone like Eva could feel this way dehumanising, because Mrs Birling does not seem capable of emotion. She seems to see them in separate species and not show them basic empathy.

Despitethe fact that she refused to help a pregnant woman who later died, Mrs. Birling states, “I did nothing I’m ashamed of.” Here the use of a simple, declarative sentence perhaps displays how confident Mrs. Birling is that she does not need to take responsibility for her attitude or actions. portrays her arrogance as knows that she will never truly have to face justice. Like many wealthy people of this era, she seems to feel entitled to do as she pleases without thinking of others.

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She is ignorant


Ignorant naivete is made apparent, his son, Eric, who is PCs construction, to expose a foolish assumption that upper classes come can do no harm. She expresses that the objective understanding that the father of evas child is in the wrong but rejects the possibility that it could be her son.

“I wont believe it” incapable of addressing her own families wrongdoing.

“No-eric-please-I didn’t know-I didn’t understand”
Portuguese how she would’ve reacted differently if she’d know the truth . The vape understand is pivotal to pick Tills, subject of the welfare organisations are set to fail. Instead, they should’ve been implemented by a government body.

The stage direction distressed, shows how unfamiliar she is with being put under social scrutiny . She has been conditioned to be untouchable member of the upper class.

The pitfalls of the classes society, or arguably epitomise through the unequal distribution of power. It seems of a class on rightfully, have great influence to abuse.

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