Exposure and remains Flashcards


Paragraph 1 Bayonet charge highlights how the soldiers are used as machines of war,


often even though they don’t want to do soldiers are questioning their own choices, as opposed to being proud of their sacrifice.

“ in the cold clockwork in all the stars of the nations, was is the hand pointing at the second”

The enjambment between nations and was illustrates the idea that the soldier is deep in, thought, I’m really considering his choices about participating.

Idea of conflict seems absurd and leads him to question role in war.

“ hands pointing” feels controlled by a higher power, and that his feet is the participate.

Presents conflict as powerful and forceful that controls everyone . It’s all just a question the roles in war, but encourages them to keep fighting because it is beyond their understanding

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Paragraph 2 Soldiers similarly question why they are there in exposure.


Owens highlights how to soldiers are seen as good as mud with the pernicious effects of the weather shown to be slowly killing the soldiers.

atmosphere of discomfort, with half rhymes that lead to the poem feeling slightly on easy
“ merciless, iced east winds that knife us… nervous”
Half rhymes leave the reader, feeling nervous and unsatisfied recipes are always left expecting a ride, but never getting it. Perhaps the mirror how to soldiers are expecting complex and is the nervy anticipation that is playing on their minds.

The sense of a Neve throughout the poem is what I wanna intends to try and communicate and emotion of war, the reader.

Evans utilises paradigms to expose that the owners and anticipation of more was far more mentally torturous than the battle itself - soldiers in battle did not have to wait for this way, as it was imminent and quick. The deterioration in the trenches was far from this.

This attempt to communicate animation of water. The reader may also come to try and educate the people back home..

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Paragraph 3 internal chaos bayonet


Reality of war is shown to lead to internal chaos of feelings of confusion and guilt

“ like a man who is jumped in the dark and runs”

Simile -helps the reader comprehend the guilt that is felt for entering the battle on such conflicts on knowingly what is future could hold.

Dark - connotations of blindness. Unrealistic expectations, catalysed by propaganda.

On the other hand, some could argue blinded by fear. I did not have a reasonable headspace to enter war.

Prewar, many young boys were drawn to propaganda. That illustrate is it to be a false reality. Can use his water be against participate in that needed as many players as they could get. However, they soon realised the reality.

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Paragraph 4 reality of war exposure


Exposure reality of war is also highlighted. Owens contrast the high octane and Noble portrayal of war with the nervous boredom and the overcomes and in engulf one after soldiers.

This is highlighted by the passage of time, going from snow dazed to son dozed, this passage of time, and changing of seasons is contrasted with the stagnation of the soldiers positions, with nothing changes even as time goes on

Play someone that normally associated with Springers also subverted here there is no new beginning or respect for the soldiers are in shows their suffering transcends the seasons

This is reiterated in the metaphor on us the doors are closed This shows the people back home to ignore their place and have almost 10. Their backs on them close creates an idea of finality. The ending of their life is final, and their fate is sealed.

I want to title exposure, I could have dual meaning on one hand exploring the physical and mental exposure of the soldiers to the Macy list weather, alternatively, he could be exposing the inhumane treatment that positions of power made these men subject to .

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Paragraph 5 short term conflict


The experience of conflict is presented a short-term. Soldier is shown to be in the actual midst of a battle and responding to the threats he faces during the battle accordingly..

“ suddenly he woke” poem starts in media res” is lunging the reader into action movies, the unexpected nature of conflict, and the initial public emotion of the soldiers

By begin in the poem in an unconventional way, it leads to be confused and disorientated. This helps the reader empathise with the soldiers as this is an everyday occurrence. Bayonet charge focuses on the present views of conflict

Elsewhere, he uses enjambment to try and communicate the panic and disjointed nature of conflict . The use of enjambment shows how the soldiers, thoughts and feelings melt into one unintelligible stream.

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Paragraph 6 relentless long term suffering


He ultimately accepts that the weather that is the predominant cause of suffering as opposed to the actual all that’s going on.

Highlight power of, nature and the pervasive effects of the cold often result in soldiers suffering as opposed to enemy guns. Juxtaposition of “ Dawn, massing in the east her, melancholy army.” Juxtaposes, traditional views of mother nature, as nurturing with the brutality and systematic violence of an army.

Ironic, as Dawn traditionally, seen as a symbol for new beginnings and change, but there is no change inside for the soldier as the future looks bleak.

Highlighter, the suffering is continuous on the arrival of a new day does not herald a new beginning.

Also uses a cyclical structure in the quote, but nothing happens which is used to frame the poem as well as being into paste throughout. Shows the continuous vicious cycle of war and suffering as well, as highlighting that there is no true end the soldiers plight.

Caesura is also are you still out to emphasise their relentlessness of the suffering. It creates a moment for the read the post and absorb how they’re suffering and pain was incessant.

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