mrophology Flashcards
Mallory-Denk bodies
alcoholic steato hepatitis, NAFLD, Wilson disease and chronic biliary tract disease (Primary biliary chrrhosis)
=Intracellular eosinophilic aggregates of intermediate filaments (keratin 8 & 18, ubiquitin) in ballooning hepatocytes
dysplasia crosses into the submucosa and accesses lymphatics –> metastases
invasive adenocarcinoma (adenoma polyp)
Patches of red, velvety mucosa extend cephalad from the GE junction.
-Alternates w smooth pale esophageal muosa and light-brown gastric mucosa distally
Barrett’s esophagus
multiple nodular metastases that replace most of the parenchyma and lead to hepatomegaly
metastases to the liver
diffuse poisoning of cells w/o obvious cell death/parenchymal collapse
acute liver failure
=”Diffuse microvesicular steatosis”
increased ductular rxn
chronic hepatitis
tumor in middle 1/3 anal canal
basaloid pattern mixed w squamous/mucinous diff
- bac superinfection and enterotoxin release during ischemic bowel dis
- shigella
- pseudomembranous colitis from clostridium dificile
Ovoid with a smooth surface, tho there may be superficial erosions/ulceratoins
hyperplastic (inflamm) polyps
mf aggregates
acute hepaitis, and chronic hepatitis
tumor in lower 1/3 anal canal
squamous carcinoma
inflamm of mucosa and submucosa, usu on the colon and rectum
ulcerative colitis
single large hard scirrhous tumor (Composed of well differentiated cells rich in mito) with fibrous bands coursing thru it.
fibrolamellar carcinoma
many plasma cells
HAV (acute) and AI hepattis
balooning degen
acute hepaitis
tall columnar cells
colonic adenocarcinoma
Lamina propria is edematous with variable acute/chronic inflamm
hyperplastic (inflamm) polyps
cryptitis, crypt accesses, but crypt architecture is preserved
campylobacter enterocolitis
Pancreas is hard with focal calcification
chronic pancreatitis
vasc injury w hem of pancreas
acute pancreatitis
firm, Yellow-tan intramural or submucosal masses leads to small polypoid lesions
carcinoid turmor of stomach
confluent/bridging neccosis
severe acute hepaitis
-bridging in chronic hepatitis too
Spleen is enlarged and soft with uniform pale red pulp and obliterated follicular markings
salmonella enterica (typhoid fever)
Distension of upstream bile ducts and ductules prolif at portal-parenchymal interface
lg bile duct obstruction
arborizing network of smooth mm, CT, glands, and lamina propria lined by normal epi
Peutz-jeghers syndrome
intercellular bridges
squamous cell carcinoma
villous expansion in SI
whipple dis from tropheryma whippelii
Hepatocyte swelling (fat, H2O, proteins) + necrosis
alchoholic steato hepatitis
spotty necrosis
acute hepaitis
Edematous (acanthosis) Small vesicles/large bullae filled with clear fluid –> rupture: painful, red-rimmed shallow ulcerations
skip lesions
chrons dis
well demarcated but poorly encapsulated scar in nml liver
focal nodular hyperplasia –>nodule
protozoa that can reach the liver, kidney, lungs, heart
entamoeba histolytica
bile duct reactive changes
serrated architecture, with crypt dilation and lateral growth; no dysplasia and thus no metastatic potential
sessile serrated adenomas (adenoma polyp)
Liver is swollen red-purple, and has a tense capsule
hepatic venous thrombosis (budd-chiari synd)
plateau elevation of peyer’s patches in terminal ileum
salmonella enterica (typhoid fever)
lymphoplastic (mononuclear) infiltrate
if scant: acute hepaitis
if diffuse: chronic hepatitis
a lotttt more: NAFLD
Central grey-white depressed stellate scar (containing vessels w/fibromuscular hyperplasia) that fibrous septa radiate outward from
focal nodular hyperplasia –>nodule
grey-white pseudomembranes of hyphae and inflamm cells
Candidiasis esophagitis
Granular IgA deposits.
dermatitis herpetiformis from celiac dis
Sharply punched out defect with over hanging mucosal borders and smooth, clean ulcer bases
-Usu level w surrounding mucosa, but if heaped—up margins = cancer
macrovesicular steatosis
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
neonatal cholestasis
blood filled cysts
peliosis hepatis from impaired blood flow thru the liver
-occurs in any cond in which efflux of hepatic blood is impeded
Lobular disarray with local liver cell apoptosis and necrosis
neonatal cholestasis
desmoplastic rxn in panc: dense stromal fibrosis
panc carcinoma
stones of unconj bilirubin and Ca
pigment stones
annular masses w ‘napkin ring’ constrictions
colonic adenocarcinoma
Tumors produce mucin and form glands
esophageal adenocarcinoma
defective epi tight jct barriers
chrons dis
epi is oncocytic
warthin tumor
lots of mito
lipid droplets w/in hepatocytes –> displace the nuc
hepatic steatosis (reversible!)
Noncaseating granulomas throughout the gut, even in uninvolved segments
chrons dis
Gland architecture abn: budding, irregular shapes, and cellular crowding
Barrett’s esophagus dysplasia
hard, stellate, grey-white, poorly defined mass of panc
panc carcinoma
tumor of squamous epi and other mesenchymal elements
in the Parotid gland
pleomorphic adenoma
squamous islands admixed w acinar cells
firm grey, mucin producing nodules in the bile duct wall .
extrahepatic cholangiosarcoma
acute inflamm of pancreas
acute pancreatitis
B cell follicles or plasmacytic differentiation.
-Express CD19, CD20
neuroendocrine diff
colonic adenocarcinoma
backwash ilieitis
ulcerative colitis
erosions in stomach (may progress to ulcers)
gastropathy and acute gastritis
hepaticyte rosettes
AI hepatitis
Reactive proliferation may lead to fusion of the mucosal folds buried crypts of epi in the GB
chronic cholecystitis
Panlobular giant-cell transformation of hepatocytes
neonatal cholestasis
Cyst like space lined with inflamm granulation tissue or fibrous ct (NOT epi)and filled with mucin and Mfs
basal epi apoptosis, mucosal atrophy, and submucosal fibrosis w/o significant acute inflammatory infiltrates
GVHD esophagitis
foveolar cell hyperplasia and char corkscrew profiles and epi proliferation
- gastropathy and acute gastritis
- Ménétrier disease
influx of periductular neutrophils directly into the bile duct epi and lumen
ascending cholangitis
Fibrosis, atrophy and dropout of acini in pancreas
chronic pancreatitis
tumor in upper 1/3 anal canal
glandular carcinoma
atypical mitosis, nuclear hyperchromasia, irregular chromatin, increased nuc-cyto ratio, failure of epithelial cells to mature
Barrett’s esophagus dyspalsia
Transient mucosal inflammatory process involving neutrophils
acute gastritis
Mucosa is reddened, granular and friable with inflamm pseudopolyps and easy bleeding
ulcerative colitis
panc glands lined w pleomorphic cuboidal-columnar epi
panc carcinoma
cohesive bulky exophytic tumors composed of glandular structures
intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma
ductal dilation, intraluminal protein plugs, and calcification of pancreas
chronic pancreatitis caused by EtOH