MRCS Part B Microbiology & Pathology Flashcards
What is Clostridium difficile? What factors allow Clostridium difficile to cause symptoms? How does it spread so readily? What is a spore? How do you treat C.diff?
C.diff is a gram POSITIVE, spore forming ROD - facultative anaerobe. Causes symptoms by production of exotoxins - such as enterotoxin (C.diff toxin A) and cytotoxin (C.diff toxin B) that attack the walls of the bowel leading to local inflammation and diarrhoea.. The spores are highly resistant and readily transferred, able to survive in conditions other bacteria would not be able to withstand. A SPORE is a minute, one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion. 1st line agent is oral metronidazole, for those who do not respond/are severely unwell the 2nd line agent is vancomycin. Fidaxomicin is a new agent that can also be tried.
A 73 year old man is admitted with diarrhoea and is found to have Clostridium difficile colitis. He is treated with oral metronidazole for 10 days. You are the surgical registrar who has been called to review him. On examination he has some right sided abdominal tenderness but his abdomen is soft. He has a recent plain film.
How would you manage him?

This man is likely to have failed medical management and has developed toxic megacolon. The correct treatment is therefore resuscitation, laparotomy and sub total colectomy and end ileostomy formation. Continued attempted antibiotic treatment is highly unlikely to improve the situation rapidly and avert spontaneous perforation.
Clostridium difficile is a Gram positive rod often encountered in hospital practice. In the UK it can be found in 3% of normal adults and up to 66% of babies. It produces an exotoxin which causes intestinal damage leading to a syndrome called pseudomembranous colitis.
Risk factors
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Use of PPI and H2 receptor antagonists
Contacted with persons infected with c.difficile
Abdominal pain
A raised white blood cell count is characteristic
If severe, toxic megacolon may develop
Diagnosis is made by detecting Clostridium difficile toxin (CDT) in the stool
First-line therapy is oral metronidazole for 10-14 days
If severe, or not responding to metronidazole, then oral vancomycin may be used
Patients who do not respond to vancomycin may respond to oral fidaxomicin
Patients with severe and unremitting colitis should be considered for colectomy
What is a surgical site infection? What is the commonest organism responsible for surgical site infections? What factors help to minimise the risk of surgical site infections?
A surgical site infection is the colonisation of a recent surgical wound with pathogenic bacteria that causes local and/ or systemic symptoms and local wound complications. It is important to have a clear appreciation of what constitutes a wound infection because unit outcomes are now widely reported and both over and under diagnosis can have adverse outcomes.
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common organism causing surgical site infections.
Factors Minimising Risk of SSInfections:
- Not shaving the wound
- Healthcare professionals adhering to good practice by changing clothes, washing hands and wearing gloves as appropriate
- Timely administration of perioperative antibiotics and continuing doses in those patients for whom it is justified
- Chlorhexidine skin preparation
- Avoid incise drapes, if necessary then use iodophor impregnated drapes
- A recent trial (Rossini) suggests that wound protectors do not reduce the risk of surgical site infections.
Surgical site infections may occur following a breach in tissue surfaces and allow normal commensals and other pathogens to initiate infection. They are a major cause of morbidity and mortality.
Surgical site infections (SSI) comprise up to 20% of all healthcare associated infections and at least 5% of patients undergoing surgery will develop an SSI as a result.
In many cases the organisms are derived from the patient’s own body. Measures that may increase the risk of SSI include:
Shaving the wound using a razor (disposable clipper preferred)
Using a non iodine impregnated incise drape if one is deemed to be necessary
Tissue hypoxia
Delayed administration of prophylactic antibiotics in tourniquet surgery
Don’t remove body hair routinely
If hair needs removal, use electrical clippers with single use head (razors increase infection risk)
Antibiotic prophylaxis if:
- placement of prosthesis or valve
- clean-contaminated surgery
- contaminated surgery
Use local formulary
Aim to give single dose IV antibiotic on anaesthesia
If a tourniquet is to be used, give prophylactic antibiotics earlier
Prepare the skin with alcoholic chlorhexidine (Lowest incidence of SSI)
Cover surgical site with dressing
A recent meta analysis has confirmed that administration of supplementary oxygen does not reduce the risk of wound infection. In contrast to previous individual RCT’s(1)
Wound edge protectors do not appear to confer benefit (2)
Post operatively
Tissue viability advice for management of surgical wounds healing by secondary intention
Use of diathermy for skin incisions
In the NICE guidelines the use of diathermy for skin incisions is not advocated(3). Several randomised controlled trials have been undertaken and demonstrated no increase in risk of SSI when diathermy is used(4).
- Brar M et al.. Perioperative supplemental oxygen in colorectal patients: a meta analysis. J Surg Res 2011 (166): 227 -235.
- Pinkney T et al. Impact of wound edge protection devices on surgical site infection after laparotomy: impact of a multicentre randomised controlled trial (ROSSINI Trial). BMJ 2013 (347):10.
- Ahmad N and Ahmed A. Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of surgical scalpel or diathermy in making abdominal skin incisions. Ann Surg 2011, 253(1):8-13.
A 45 year old man is admitted profoundly septic and on examination, is found to have a small wound on his right foot. There is relative anaesthesia of the surrounding skin which appears slightly pale. What is the most likely diagnosis? What is the immediate management of this condition? What is the usual cause? What are the main risk factors? What is meant by the term “Fournier gangrene” and how is it managed?
A combination of altered tissue perfusion, sepsis and cutaneous anaesthesia is suggestive of necrotizing fasciitis.
Management is Immediate administration of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics together with radical surgical debridement. Most cases are polymicrobial with mixed infection consisting of anaerobes and gram negative aerobic organisms. The classical “flesh eating” variant is monomicrobial infection with group A haemolytic streptococcal organisms.
Main risk factors for nec fasc: DM, Immunosuppression, PVD
Fournier gangrene is a localised form of necrotizing fasciitis that affects the scrotal area and it is managed with radical debridement. The subsequent defects pose considerable reconstructive challenges.
Although it may resemble synergistic bacterial gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis is a much more acute and highly toxic infection, causing widespread necrosis and undermining of surrounding tissues. Fournier gangrene is a localised form of necrotizing fasciitis that is localised to the scrotal area. A variety of microbial causes are recognised and three sub groups are recognised;
Type I: Polymicrobial - Mixed anaerobic and gram negative aerobic organisms
Type II: Monomicrobial - Group A haemolytic streptococcal infection
Type III: Gas gangrene - Clostridium perfringens
A major risk factor for infection is underlying disease with poor tissue perfusion from peripheral vascular disease. Immunosupression and diabetes are also major risk factors. Diabetes poses a particular risk because is can result in impaired neutrophil function, poor healing following minor injury and localised tissue hypoperfusion as a result of microvascular disease.
In many cases there is an underlying injury. This can sometimes be trivial and not readily recalled by the patient. Patients are often profoundly toxic. The overlying skin may not appear overtly abnormal. However, there may be palpable crepitus and the sensation of the overlying skin can be altered as cutaneous nerves are disrupted.
The initial management is surgical with urgent, wide, radical debridement. The wounds are left open and patients are returned to theatre at 24 hour intervals until no further debridement is required. Negative pressure wound management systems (VAC dressings) have transformed the management of this patient group. Once a healthy wound bed is established, skin grafting is often required. Broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics are administered from the outset and may be adjusted according to microbiological culture of debrided tissue.
What type of organism is streptococcus pyogenes? What types of infection are linked to streptococcus pyogenes infection?
Strep pyogenes is a gram positive cocci, Lancefield Group A. These can be categorised as being invasive or non invasive. Invasive infections include; necrotising fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome and puerperal fever. Non invasive infections include pharyngitis, erysipelas and impetigo.
Streptococcus pyogenes:
Gram positive cocci Lancefield group A streptococci
Causes suppurative infections in the respiratory tract and skin
Virulence factors- adhesion to host cells by interaction between bacterial F protein and human fibronectin, cell surface M proteins allow organism to resist polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Some stains possess a capsule Streptolysins O and S produced by some strains, may play a role in development of rheumatic fever. Pyogenic exotoxins, responsible for many immune effects such as toxic shock. Hyaluronidase production, facilitates spread of infection. Streptokinase, facilitates fibrin breakdown and bacterial spread Infections
Non invasive disease; includes pharyngitis which may be complicated by the development of scarlet fever. Also causes impetigo and erysipelas
Invasive infection; these include necrotising fasciitis , toxic shock syndrome and puerperal fever. These may occur in previously healthy individuals
Non suppurative sequlae : rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis
Which of the virulence factors possessed by streptococcus pyogenes are implicated in invasive infections? What systemic complications of non invasive streptococcal disease are you familiar with?
The production of streptolysins, hyaluronidase and streptokinase all break down tissue planes and fibrin and accounts for the spreading and invasive nature of some infections. Pyogenic exotoxins account for many of the features seen in toxic shock syndrome.
Systemic complications of non-invasive strep: These include scarlet fever, rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. Rheumatic fever is an autoimmune mediate event whereas glomerulonephritis is mediated by immune complex deposition.
Streptococcus pyogenes:
Gram positive cocci Lancefield group A streptococci
Causes suppurative infections in the respiratory tract and skin
Virulence factors- adhesion to host cells by interaction between bacterial F protein and human fibronectin, cell surface M proteins allow organism to resist polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Some stains possess a capsule Streptolysins O and S produced by some strains, may play a role in development of rheumatic fever. Pyogenic exotoxins, responsible for many immune effects such as toxic shock. Hyaluronidase production, facilitates spread of infection. Streptokinase, facilitates fibrin breakdown and bacterial spread Infections
Non invasive disease; includes pharyngitis which may be complicated by the development of scarlet fever. Also causes impetigo and erysipelas
Invasive infection; these include necrotising fasciitis , toxic shock syndrome and puerperal fever. These may occur in previously healthy individuals
Non suppurative sequlae : rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis
What is the difference between cleaning and sterilisation of instruments? What is the reason behind cleaning instruments prior to sterilisation? How are the majority of surgical instruments sterilised?
The process of cleaning instruments refers to the systematic removal of foreign material and visible debris from a device. Sterilisation involves the removal of all viable micro-organisms from a device. Disinfection involves the reduction in the number of viable micro-organisms from a surface, but does not remove them all.
The process of sterilisation does not, in itself, involve the removal of debris from the surface of an instrument. If a device is not cleaned prior to sterilisation then there will still be proteinaceous material and other debris present on the surface following use. Apart from being aesthetically displeasing this can impair the function of the instrument and may introduce foreign material, albeit denatured, into a new wound.
Sterilisation: The usual practice is to autoclave them. This involves placing clean instruments into a specialised unit that delivers high pressure and temperature steam into a closed unit. A median treatment time of three minutes at 134 degrees oC is the usual strategy.
Surgical equipment has to be cleaned and sterilised prior to use. The extent to which these processes will be required varies according to the type of equipment and the purpose for which it will be used. In general, the three processes are relevant; cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation.
Cleaning refers to removal of physical debris.
Disinfection refers to reduction in numbers of viable organisms.
Sterilisation is removal of all organisms and spores.
Autoclaving: Air removed and high pressure steam used (usually 134 oC for 3 minutes)Most reusable surgical equipment, must be physically cleaned prior to autoclaving, unsuitable for fragile items
Glutaraldehyde solution (2%): Colourless oily liquid, directly cytocidal and virucidal even at low temperaturesSpecifically used for endoscopes and some laparoscopic items, staff can rapidly develop allergy to this substance which has limited its more widespread use
Ethylene oxide: 3% mixture of gas with carbon dioxide usedUsed for packaged materials that cannot be heated, the gas is explosive and environmentally toxic, it is used mainly in the industrial setting
Gamma irradiation: Gamma rays emitted from radioactive substance such as cobalt 60 or caesium 137Suitable for batch treatment of relatively thermostable items, typically an industrial process
What is the Bowie-Dick test and how does it relate to autoclaves? Name all the known prion diseases? What precautions must be taken when undertaking surgery or an invasive procedure on a patient with a known or suspected prion disease?
During autoclaving the usual practice is to create a vacuum at the beginning and the end of each sterilisation cycle. The Bowie-Dick test consists of a unit containing indicator strips that change colour when the autoclave cycle, including the vacuum phases is working correctly. These units are placed into an autoclave and a cycle is run. The unit and its indicators are then checked at the conclusion of the cycle. It provides a warning of device malfunction.
Known prion diseases: Kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, fatal familial insomnia and Gerstmann-straussler-scheinker-syndrome (GSS).
All patients irrespective of known or suspected prion disease: Single use devices must be used for lumber punctures and surgery relating to the eye, tonsils, brain or spinal cord.
For known and suspected cases of CJD for all types of surgery: it is important that the Infection Prevention & Control Team and Hospital Sterilising and Disinfection Unit Manager are informed by clinicians of all suspected or known patients with CJD, so that disposable instruments can be used for all surgery on those patients (wherever possible). All non-disposable instruments on such patients must be quarantined (suspected cases) or destroyed (known cases).
Surgical equipment has to be cleaned and sterilised prior to use. The extent to which these processes will be required varies according to the type of equipment and the purpose for which it will be used. In general, the three processes are relevant; cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation.
Cleaning refers to removal of physical debris.
Disinfection refers to reduction in numbers of viable organisms.
Sterilisation is removal of all organisms and spores.
Autoclaving: Air removed and high pressure steam used (usually 134 oC for 3 minutes)Most reusable surgical equipment, must be physically cleaned prior to autoclaving, unsuitable for fragile items
Glutaraldehyde solution (2%): Colourless oily liquid, directly cytocidal and virucidal even at low temperaturesSpecifically used for endoscopes and some laparoscopic items, staff can rapidly develop allergy to this substance which has limited its more widespread use
Ethylene oxide: 3% mixture of gas with carbon dioxide usedUsed for packaged materials that cannot be heated, the gas is explosive and environmentally toxic, it is used mainly in the industrial setting
Gamma irradiation: Gamma rays emitted from radioactive substance such as cobalt 60 or caesium 137Suitable for batch treatment of relatively thermostable items, typically an industrial process
What is tetanus? What are the features, present in a wound, that increase the risk of tetanus? How is it prevented? How would you manage a high risk tetanus prone wound in a non immunised patient? How would you manage a clean wound in a person who was fully immunised against tetanus more than ten years ago?
Tetanus is a condition characterised by generalised muscular spasms that occur as a result of the infection of a wound with the spore producing Clostridium tetani. The organism produces a neurotoxin (tetanospasmin) that is transported to the CNS and inhibits the release of inhibitory neurotransmitter molecules that results in unopposed neuronal motor discharge.
Wound risk factors: Heavy contamination with soil or faeces, Devitalised tissue, Infected or old neglected wounds, Puncture wounds
Tetanus is prevented by wound managment and immunisation programmes.
High risk non-immunised wound Debride and clean wound. Administer human anti tetanus immunoglobulin and start an immunisation course of tetanus toxoid
Clean wound, immunised >10years ago: wound care and tetanus toxoid booster.
Tetanus is an acute and often fatal disease which is relatively rare in the Western world because of immunisation programmes and ready access to healthcare. It is caused by the organism Clostridium tetani which is commonly found in soil and animal faeces. The tetanus bacillus is a straight slender gram positive rod. A fully developed terminal spore gives the organism its classical drumstick appearance. It is an obligate anaerobe, the spores are highly resistant to adverse conditions. Clostridium tetani produces a number of toxins. However, the organisms neurotoxin (tetanospasmin) is the main pathogenic product. The toxin diffuses to the relevant level of the spinal cord to produce local tetanus and then affects the entire CNS. Infection to the key aspects of the CNS is via retrograde axonal transport. Once the entire toxin molecule is internalised into the presynaptic cells it affects the membrane of the synaptic vesicles and prevents the release of the neurotransmitter γ aminobutyric acid. Motor neurones are thus left under no inhibitory control and undergo sustained excitatory discharge causing the classical motor spasms of tetanus. The incubation period is usually 4-14 days. Management of established tetanus consists of providing full supportive care in the ITU as autonomic disturbance and cardiac arrhythmias are common. Penicillin, metronidazole and human tetanus immunoglobulin should be administered. Any wounds should be debrided. Tetanus immunisation programme The standard active immunisation programme consists of 3 IM doses of 0.5ml of tetanus toxoid given at monthly intervals from 2 months of age. Booster doses are given at 4 and 14 years of age. Immunisation following injury depends upon the immunisation status of the patient.
The following features render a wound at high risk of tetanus:
Heavy contamination with soil or faeces
Devitalised tissue Infection or old neglected wounds
Puncture wounds
DOH guidance
Immunisation statusClean woundTetanus prone wound
Full course or less than 10 yearsNilGive tetanus toxoid booster
Full course but more than 10 years agoGive tetanus toxoid booster (may be omitted if full five doses given at correct intervals)Give tetanus toxoid booster and human (may be omitted if full five doses given at correct intervals) anti tetanus immunoglobulin
Not immunised or unknownStart tetanus toxoid courseStart tetanus toxoid course and give human anti tetanus immunoglobulin
What is the difference between a community acquired infection and a nosocomial infection? What factors increase the risk of nosocomial infections? What is meant by the term ventilator acquired pneumonia? What aetiological factors contribute to the development of ventilator associated pneumonia?
Community acquired infections are those which originate in the community. These are, therefore, either present on admission or occur more than 10 days following discharge from hospital. They typically are not related to and surgical site or indwelling device inserted during that hospital admission, or in the case of prostheses, up to 1 year following implantation. The causative agent will usually be one that is present in the community and be sensitive to standard community based interventions. Nosocomial infections are those which are acquired in hospital or within 10 days following discharge. They are typically caused by different pathogens to community infections and have differing antimicrobial sensitivities.
Risk increased by: High patient occupancy levels
Poor infection control practice
Excessive use of indwelling devices or delayed removal of such devices
Failure to use infection control bundles, where these exist
Poor equipment handling (increasing risks of contamination)
It is defined as a pneumonia that occurs 48 hours after commencement of invasive ventilation or within 24 hours of extubation.
Aetiological factors contributing to VAP: Bacterial overgrowth of the oropharynx and stomach
Impaired mucociliary clearance and coughing
Impaired glottis closure with pooling of secretions above endotracheal tubes
Microaspiration or oropharyngeal contents
Healthcare associated infections
As many as 1 in 10 patients may have a healthcare associated infection (HCAI) at any one time. Up to 5000 deaths occur in the UK each year as a result of HCAI.
A number of different terms are used to describe infections that occur in hospitalised patients:
Nosocomial: Acquired as a result of admission to a healthcare facility
Infection not present on admission, commencing 48 hours following admission, or up to 10 days following discharge
Surgical site infections are those which occur up to 30 days following a procedure (1 year if prosthesis used)
HCAI: Used to describe situations of increased infection risk with pathogens found in hospitals
Affected by antibiotic policy
Vary according to site, illness, devices, concomitant therapy
Types of HCAI
UTIs are the most common, septicaemia has the highest mortality.
UTI- device related
Pneumonia- use of ventilators
Surgical site infections
Bloodstream infections- use of central venous catheters
Clostridium difficle colitis
Respiratory tract infections
Hepatitis B and C/ HIV
Prion disease
Reducing risk
Preoperative MRSA screening and decontamination if colonised
Hair removal with clippers
Correct antimicrobial prophylaxis (dose, drug, time)
What diseases are associated with Helicobacter Pylori infection? What type of organism is H.pylori? How is a H pylori infection diagnosed? How is infection treated?
Associated with H.pylori infection: Peptic ulcers, Gastric cancer, MALT lymphoma
H. pylori is a gram negative, slightly curved rod, it is microaerophilic.
Diagnosis H pylori: Culture (difficult, slow, but accurate), Microscopy (accurate but invasive), Serology (difficult to establish eradication), Biopsy rapid urease tests (Clo, invasive but quick)
Infection is treated with triple therapy: Abx, PPI
Infection with Helicobacter Pylori is implicated in many cases of duodenal ulceration and up to 60% of patients with gastric ulceration.
It is a gram negative, helical shaped rod with microaerophillic requirements. It has the ability to produce a urease enzyme that will hydrolyse urea resulting in the production of ammonia. The effect of ammonia on antral G cells is to cause release of gastrin via a negative feedback loop.
Once infection is established the organism releases enzymes that disrupt the gastric mucous layer. Certain subtypes release cytotoxins cag A and vac A gene products. The organism incites a classical chronic inflammatory process of the gastric epithelium. This accounts for the development of gastric ulcers. The mildly increased acidity may induce a process of duodenal gastric metaplasia. Whilst duodenal mucosa cannot be colonised by H-Pylori, mucosa that has undergone metaplastic change to the gastric epithelial type may be colonised by H- Pylori with subsequent inflammation and development of duodenitis and ulcers.
In patients who are colonized, there is a 10-20% risk of peptic ulcer, 1-2% risk gastric cancer and <1% risk MALT lymphoma.
You have just performed a radical orchidectomy for a suspected testicular cancer. Outline the steps involved in the pathological processing of this specimen such that the pathologist may be in a position to issue a histopathology report.
The specimen should be placed in a contained of adequate size and covered with saline/ formalin combination. The specimen should be clearly labeled with patient details and a request card completed with adequate clinical information. It should be transported to the hospital pathology department and the tissue allowed to fix prior to being cut by a pathologist.
Sites of interest will then be processed and impregnated with wax before being embedded and cut using a microtome. A number of basic (H&E) and advanced (immunohistochemistry) stains will be applied to multiple sections to allow the pathologist to assess the tumour and provide useful prognostic information.
What would be the best method for assessing whether a peritoneal nodule encountered during the trial dissection phase of a Whipples procedure contained metastatic cancer or not?
In this situation a rapid diagnosis is required. If the nodule is indeed metastatic cancer then it represents peritoneal disease and attempts to proceed with definitive resection aborted. The surgeon should telephone the pathology department and warn then that a frozen section is about to be requested. The tissue should be taken immediately to the department, cut into small pieces and then frozen in liquid nitrogen. It is then cut into thin sections using a cryostat and stained. The pathologist can then view the specimen and attempt to determine whether there are cancer cells present or not.
Principles of pathological specimen processing
Surgeons frequently submit human tissues for histological assessment. In some cases the intention is to confirm a know or suspected diagnosis. At other times the diagnosis may have been elusive and only by direct analysis of tissue cellular composition and architecture can it be achieved.
Histological assessment of tissue involves processing it such that it can be visible microscopically. There are two main methods for achieving this, the first involves frozen sections and the second, paraffin embedded ones.
Frozen sections are usually performed when tissue microscopy is required urgently, such as intra operatively. The tissue is cut up and then snap frozen using liquid nitrogen and cut into thin sections using a cryostat microtome. The thin tissue sections thus obtained are placed onto a glass microscope slide and stained with haematoxyllin and eosin. The advantage of the technique is speed. The main disadvantages of the technique are that it is very labour intensive and the quality of the sections obtained does not equate with those that are obtained following formalin fixation and wax embedding. On occasion the specimen quality may be so poor that a pathologist cannot make a robust diagnosis.
The other method of specimen preparation for histology involves formalin fixation of the tissue specimen. Formalin cross links collagen fibres and maintains the structural and cellular integrity of tissues that facilitates subsequent analysis. This process takes between 24 and 72 hours depending upon the size of the tissue sample.Once fixed, the tissue is cut up by a pathologist into small blocks that represent regions of interest. These blocks are processed by impregnating the tissues with wax. They are eventually embedded in wax and cut into thin sections using a microtome. They can be stained with a number of different tissue stains. The advantage of this technique is that it provides specimens that are long lasting and require little special storage precautions. The main disadvantage is the time taken to prepare the tissues. Even in an efficient laboratory a turnaround time of less than 48-72 hours for small specimens would be unusual.
There are some special histological immunohistochemistry tests that are impeded by the tissue fixation process with formalin. Renal biopsies and lymph nodes are two tissue types for which it is often best to check with the laboratory first. Particularly if there is any intention to submit part of a lymph node for culture.
What are the key differences between histology and cytology?
Histology allows determination of cell types in relation to their surrounding structures. This usually requires pieces of tissue for analysis. Cytology is concerned with analysis of individual cells. Whilst this may convey important clinical information, there are some situations where it is not possible to determine with certainty whether a pathology is present or not. This is well demonstrated by follicular lesions of the thyroid, where it is impossible to state whether cancer is present without histological assessment of the capsule.
Principles of pathological specimen processing
Surgeons frequently submit human tissues for histological assessment. In some cases the intention is to confirm a know or suspected diagnosis. At other times the diagnosis may have been elusive and only by direct analysis of tissue cellular composition and architecture can it be achieved.
Histological assessment of tissue involves processing it such that it can be visible microscopically. There are two main methods for achieving this, the first involves frozen sections and the second, paraffin embedded ones.
Frozen sections are usually performed when tissue microscopy is required urgently, such as intra operatively. The tissue is cut up and then snap frozen using liquid nitrogen and cut into thin sections using a cryostat microtome. The thin tissue sections thus obtained are placed onto a glass microscope slide and stained with haematoxyllin and eosin. The advantage of the technique is speed. The main disadvantages of the technique are that it is very labour intensive and the quality of the sections obtained does not equate with those that are obtained following formalin fixation and wax embedding. On occasion the specimen quality may be so poor that a pathologist cannot make a robust diagnosis.
The other method of specimen preparation for histology involves formalin fixation of the tissue specimen. Formalin cross links collagen fibres and maintains the structural and cellular integrity of tissues that facilitates subsequent analysis. This process takes between 24 and 72 hours depending upon the size of the tissue sample.Once fixed, the tissue is cut up by a pathologist into small blocks that represent regions of interest. These blocks are processed by impregnating the tissues with wax. They are eventually embedded in wax and cut into thin sections using a microtome. They can be stained with a number of different tissue stains. The advantage of this technique is that it provides specimens that are long lasting and require little special storage precautions. The main disadvantage is the time taken to prepare the tissues. Even in an efficient laboratory a turnaround time of less than 48-72 hours for small specimens would be unusual.
There are some special histological immunohistochemistry tests that are impeded by the tissue fixation process with formalin. Renal biopsies and lymph nodes are two tissue types for which it is often best to check with the laboratory first. Particularly if there is any intention to submit part of a lymph node for culture.
What are the main features of the acute inflammatory process?What is an abscess? Why do abscesses form? What is an empyema?
The key features of acute inflammation are vasodilatation, formation of a protein rich exudate and the accumulation of neutrophil polymorphs at the site. The process concludes by resolution, abscess formation or progression to chronic inflammation.
An abscess is a collection of tissue flid and white cells within a contained space
Abscesses: usually arise because there is a significant microbial load at a specific anatomical site. This in turn results in the accumulation of a significant quantity of neutrophil polymorphs. Tissue fluid will extravasate into the site. The centre of abscesses is usually hypoxic and this can impede oxygen free radical dependent killing mechanisms and cellular phagocytic functions. This therefore impedes clearance of pus. Finally, there needs to be confinement of this process. This typically occurs as a result of anatomical factors such as the presence of skin or connective tissue which anatomically confines the process.
Empyema: collection of pus within a hollow viscus
Inflammation is the reaction of the tissue elements to injury. Vascular changes occur, resulting in the generation of a protein rich exudate. So long as the injury does not totally destroy the existing tissue architecture, the episode may resolve with restoration of original tissue architecture.
Vascular changes: Vasodilation occurs and persists throughout the inflammatory phase. Inflammatory cells exit the circulation at the site of injury. The equilibrium that balances Starlings forces within capillary beds is disrupted and a protein rich exudate will form as the vessel walls also become more permeable to proteins.
The high fibrinogen content of the fluid may form a fibrin clot. This has several important immunomodulatory functions.
Resolution: Typically occurs with minimal initial injury. Stimulus removed and normal tissue architecture results
Organisation: Delayed removal of exudate, Tissues undergo organisation and usually fibrosis
Suppuration: Typically formation of an abscess or an empyema. Sequestration of large quantities of dead neutrophils
Progression to chronic inflammation: Coupled inflammatory and reparative activities. Usually occurs when initial infection or suppuration has been inadequately managed
Infections e.g. Viruses, exotoxins or endotoxins released by bacteria
Chemical agents
Physical agents e.g. Trauma
Hypersensitivity reactions
Tissue necrosis
Presence of neutrophil polymorphs is a histological diagnostic feature of acute inflammation
What is amyloid? What types of amyloidosis are you familiar with? What organs are most commonly affected by amyloidosis? How is it diagnosed? How is it treated?
Amyloid: extracellular protein deposit which is insoluble. It is usually linked to a deposition of a specific fibrillar protein.
Both AA and AL types of amyloidosis are well described. AL is the most common type and related to conditions such as myeloma. AA amyloidosis is typically associated with chronic inflammatory states.
The heart and kidneys are the most common sites. However, amyloidosis is a multisystem disorder.
By biopsy of an affected organ. Histologically, the insoluble proteinaceous deposit will cause the birefringence of polarised light.
There is no specific treatment for amylosis per se, treatment is directed at the underlying cause.
Amyloid is an extracellular protein deposit which is insoluble. These deposits disrupt normal tissue structure and if excessive may affect function. All types of amyloid consist of a major fibrillar protein that defines the type of amyloid (approximately 90%) plus various minor components.
Amyloid is classified with the prefix A (for amyloid) and the suffix depending upon the fibrillary protein present. The main clinical types are AA and AL amyloidosis. Systemic AA amyloidosis is a long-term complication of several chronic inflammatory disorders - e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, malignancies and conditions predisposing to recurrent infections. AL amyloidosis results from extra-cellular deposition of fibril-forming monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains (most commonly of lambda isotype). Most patients have evidence of isolated monoclonal gammopathy or asymptomatic myeloma, and the occurrence of AL amyloidosis in patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma or other B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders is unusual. AL type amyloidosis is the most common variant. The kidney and heart are two of the most commonly affected sites. Diagnosis is based on surgical biopsy and characteristic histological features which consist birefringence under polarised light. Immunohistochemistry is used to delineate the subtype. Treatment is usually targeted at the underlying cause.
What is meant by the term “metaplasia”? Describe the metaplastic processes involved in the development of Barrett’s oesophagus.
What process may complicate Barrett’s oesophagus that can result in the development of oesophageal cancer?
Metaplasia : transformation of one type of specialised epithelium to another, usually in response to a external stimulus.
Barrett’s oeosphagus is characterised by long standing gastro-oesophageal reflux. This results in recurrent oesophagitis. Eventually, the squamous epithelium that lines the oesophageal lumen becomes replaced by goblet cells that are usually found in the stomach.
Dysplasia may complicate Barrett’s oesophagus and can result in the development of oesophageal cancer
What is the main concern when severe dysplasia is identified in a segment of Barrett’s oesophagus? What treatments are available for Barrett’s oesophagus complicated by severe dysplasia? How is Barrett’s oeosphagus without dysplasia managed?
The main concern is that a foci of invasive cancer has already developed and been missed through sampling error.
The treatment depends upon the fitness of the patient and patient wishes. Treatment options include photodynamic therapy, laser ablation and segmental resection.
Barrett’s without dysplasia: managed with long term proton pump inhibitor therapy. Endoscopic surveillance is also required.
Barretts oesophagus is a condition characterised by the metaplastic transformation of squamous oesophageal epithelium to columnar gastric type epithelium. Three types of this metaplastic process are recognised; intestinal (high risk), cardiac and fundic. The latter two categories may cause difficulties in diagnosis. The most concrete diagnosis can be made when endoscopic features of Barretts oesophagus are present together with a deep biopsy that demonstrates not just goblet cell metaplasia but also oesophageal glands.
Barrett’s can be sub divided into short (<3cm) and long (>3cm). The length of the affected segment correlates strongly with the chances of identifying metaplasia. The overall prevalence of Barrett’s oesophagus is difficult to determine but may be in the region of 1 in 20 and is identified in up to 12% of those undergoing endoscopy for reflux.
A proportion of patients with metaplasia will progress to dysplasia and for this reason individuals identified as having Barrett’s should undergo endoscopic surveillance (every 2-5 years). Biopsies should be quadrantic and taken at 2-3cm intervals. Biopsies need to be adequate. Where mass lesions are present consideration should be given to endoscopic sub mucosal resection. Up to 40% of patients will be upstaged from high grade dysplasia to invasive malignancy with such techniques.
Long term proton pump inhibitor
Consider pH and manometry studies in younger patients who may prefer to consider an anti reflux procedure
Regular endoscopic monitoring (more frequently if moderate dysplasia). With quadrantic biopsies every 2-3 cm
If severe dysplasia be very wary of small foci of cancer
What are the key pathological features of Crohns disease? What is the commonest extra intestinal complication of Crohns disease and why does it occur? Why do people with Crohns disease develop diarrhoea? What skin lesions are typically associated with Crohns disease?
It is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Focal inflammatory inflammation occurs in a non confluent fashion with a patchy distribution. Whilst the terminal ileum is the commonest site, any site can be affected. Macroscopically, the inflammation is transmural and typically heals by fibrosis, which accounts for the stricturing that occurs. On internal inspection, the transmural inflammation appears as cobblestones on the mucosa. Histologically, there are stigmata of chronic inflammation, particularly with the presence of granulomas.
Diarrhoea in Crohns may be multifactorial since actual inflammation of the colon is not common. Causes therefore include the following:
Bile salt diarrhoea secondary to terminal ileal disease
Entero-colic fistula
Short bowel due to multiple resections
Bacterial overgrowth
The commonest extra intestinal complication of Crohns disease is the development of gallstones. This is seen in up to 30% of cases. The pathogenesis of this relates to the high degree of terminal ileal involvement with Crohn’s disease. Following resection or even healing with extensive fibrosis, there is an impairment of bile salt recycling, which then results in salt imbalance within bile and gallstone deposition.
The causes of diarrhoea in patients with Crohns disease are multifactorial. The inflammatory activity in the acute phase results in secretion of mucous into the bowel lumen and increased fluid volume that makes for a more watery stool. In addition, terminal ileal disease, results in bile salt malabsorption that can result in bile salt diarrhoea. Patients who have undergone extensive resections or even those with loss of absorptive surface area due to extensive disease have a mal absorptive state that is characterised by diarrhoea. Finally, some patients develop entero-colic fistulas that result in small bowel content entering the distal colon and presenting a fluid load that is then not absorbed.
Skin lesions: Erythema nodosum, an acute nodular erythematous eruption usually affecting the legs is sometimes seen. So too is pyoderma gangrenosum, which is a painful ulcerated lesion that can occur anywhere in the body but not infrequently occurs in close proximity to any stomas that may be constructed. It is challenging to treat.
A 38 year old male with long standing terminal ileal Crohns disease has recurrent episodes of small bowel obstruction. He has been investigated with colonoscopy which demonstrated a normal colon (but the ICV could not be entered) and MRI enteroclysis which demonstrates a 7cm terminal ileal stricture. What is the best treatment option? When performing a laparotomy for a patient with Crohns disease what external features of the affected segment are often present?
Long standing strictures like this are often fibrotic and seldom respond to medical management. The best management therefore involves optimising his nutritional state and once this is achieved proceed to surgery. The usual option here would be an ileocaecal resection. 7cm would be slightly too long for a stricturoplasty. In the event that he is smoker he should be given every encouragement to stop since smoking significantly increases his risk of recurrent disease.
Features of external segment on laparotomy: It may be obviously inflamed and the bowel is often thick walled and may feel fibrotic. It is the friable, fatty mesentery that is usually one of the most striking and surgically challenging features.
Surgical interventions in Crohns disease
The commonest disease pattern in Crohns is stricturing terminal ileal disease and this often culminates in an ileocaecal resection. Other procedures performed include segmental small bowel resections and stricturoplasty. Colonic involvement in patients with Crohns is not common and, where found, distribution is often segmental. However, despite this distribution segmental resections of the colon in patients with Crohns disease are generally not advocated because the recurrence rate in the remaining colon is extremely high. As a result, the standard options of colonic surgery in Crohns patients are generally; sub total colectomy, panproctocolectomy and staged sub total colectomy and proctectomy. Restorative procedures such as ileoanal pouch have no role in therapy.
Crohns disease is notorious for the developmental of intestinal fistulae; these may form between the rectum and skin (peri anal) or the small bowel and skin. Fistulation between loops of bowel may also occur and result in bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption. Management of enterocutaneous fistulae involves controlling sepsis, optimising nutrition, imaging the disease and planning definitive surgical management.
Extraintestinal manifestations of Crohns
Related to disease extent: Aphthous ulcers (10%), Erythema nodosum (5-10%), Pyoderma gangrenosum (0.5%), Acute arthropathy (6-12%), Ocular complications (up to 10%)
Unrelated to disease extent
Sacroiliiitis (10-15%), Ankylosing spondylitis (1-2%), Primary sclerosing cholangitis (Rare), Gallstones (up to 30%), Renal calculi (up to 10%)
Crohn’s disease: Mouth to anus. Macroscopic changes: Cobblestone appearance, apthoid ulceration. Depth of disease: Transmural inflammation. Distribution pattern: Patchy. Histological features: Granulomas (non caseating epithelioid cell aggregates with Langhans’ giant cells)
Ulcerative colitis: Distribution: Rectum and colon. Macroscopic changes: Contact bleeding. Depth of disease: Superficial inflammation. Distribution pattern: Continuous. Histological features: Crypt abscesses, Inflammatory cells in the lamina propria
A 73 year old man presents with the knee pain and the following x-ray is obtained. What are the main abnormalities? What is the most likely diagnosis? Describe the main features of this condition.

This is an x-ray of the knee and the following abnormalities are demonstrated:
Joint space narrowing
Osteophyte formation
Increased subchondral bone density
Bone cyst formation
In keeping with OA of the knee
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition affecting synovial joints. It may be primary, where there is no overt antecedent cause, or secondary where there is an underlying reason (such as deformity or trauma). It is characterised by the destruction of hyaline cartilage in the early phases and then progressive destruction of the underlying cortical bone. In contrast to rheumatoid disease, there is a minimal inflammatory response and almost no systemic disturbance.
Diagnosis: It is largely a clinical diagnosis, a good history, compatible clinical examination and supportive plain films are usually supportive. In most cases, more specialised imaging is unnecessary. Blood testing for inflammatory markers is generally used to exclude rheumatoid disease.
Osteoarthritis is a very common degenerative joint disorder that arises as a result of hyaline cartilage destruction in synovial joints. The commonest presentation is with pain in the affected joint which is worse on movement. Osteoarthritis typically affects weight bearing joints and is less common in those that are not subjected to mechanical loads. In some cases there is a history of antecendant trauma. Where this is the case, the condition is termed secondary. More rarely, there is not and the condition occurs without an obvious primary cause, and is then termed primary.Osteoarthritis of the hands usually falls into this primary category.
Pain in osteoarthritis
Pain, the main presenting symptom of osteoarthritis, is presumed to arise from a combination of mechanisms, including the following:
Osteophytic periosteal elevation
Vascular congestion of subchondral bone, leading to increased intraosseous pressure
Synovitis with activation of synovial membrane nociceptors
Fatigue in muscles that cross the joint
Overall joint contracture
Joint effusion and stretching of the joint capsule
Torn menisci
Inflammation of periarticular bursae
Periarticular muscle spasm
Psychological factors
Crepitus (a rough or crunchy sensation)
Central pain sensitization
Plain x-rays often demonstrate classical features in weight bearing joints including, loss of joint space, sub chondral bone sclerosis and bone cyst formation.
Laboratory investigations are of limited value and where they are undertaken are usually normal. Indeed, raised inflammatory markers are strongly suggestive of an alternative diagnosis.
Early cases respond to simple analgesia and physiotherapy. Once established, the only realistic definitive treatment option is arthroplasty or arthrodesis.
What are the cells of origin of carcinoid tumours? What is the most common site of carcinoid tumours? What are the typical luminal macroscopic features of carcinoid tumours ?
Carcinoid tumours are derived from neuroendocrine cells. The vast majority of tumours are identified within the appendix. They are most common in the terminal ileum, appendix and caecum. More rarely, they may be found in other sites such as the rectum and bronchi.
Luminal macroscopic features of carcinoid of sites such as the rectum: They typically appear as a mass lesion with normal overlying gastrointestinal mucosa and fell firm and smooth. This is because the neuroendocine cells from which they are derived as located beneath the mucosal layer. Invasion of the mucosal layer to form a classical exophytic growth is a late feature.
Carcinoid tumours secrete serotonin. They originate in neuroendocrine cells mainly in the intestine (midgut-distal ileum/appendix), but can occur in the rectum, bronchi. Hormonal symptoms mainly occur when disease spreads outside the bowel
Clinical features
Onset: insidious over many years
Flushing face, Palpitations, Pulmonary valve stenosis and tricuspid regurgitation causing dyspnoea, Asthma, Severe diarrhoea (secretory, persists despite fasting)
Investigation: 5-HIAA in a 24-hour urine collection, Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, CT scan, Blood testing for chromogranin A
Treatment: Octreotide, Surgical removal
Following a routine appendicectomy a patients pathology report states that a 1.5cm carcinoid tumour of the appendix tip is identified. How should this be managed?
It is important to establish that the tumour was completely removed and the case and histology images should be reviewed in an MDT meeting. However, the incidence of metastatic or recurrent disease in patients with such a small lesion is too low to justify any further interventions. Generally speaking further resectional surgery (right hemicolectomy) is reserved for those patients with tumours greater than 2cm in diameter or with involved margins.
Carcinoid tumours secrete serotonin. They originate in neuroendocrine cells mainly in the intestine (midgut-distal ileum/appendix), but can occur in the rectum, bronchi. Hormonal symptoms mainly occur when disease spreads outside the bowel
Clinical features
Onset: insidious over many years
Flushing face, Palpitations, Pulmonary valve stenosis and tricuspid regurgitation causing dyspnoea, Asthma, Severe diarrhoea (secretory, persists despite fasting)
Investigation: 5-HIAA in a 24-hour urine collection, Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, CT scan, Blood testing for chromogranin A
Treatment: Octreotide, Surgical removal
What is carcinoid syndrome? What medical therapy is most useful for managing the symptoms of patients with carcinoid syndrome?
This occurs in the presence of metastatic disease where the vasoactive peptides that tumours produce enter the systemic circulation. The symptoms comprise flushing, diarrhoea, bronchoconstriction and heart failure. The cardiac complications arise primarily of fibrosis of the endocardium with constriction of the tricuspid and pulmonary valves.
Administration of octreotide is the usual practice. A longer acting version, lanreotide, is also commonly used. It is a somatostatin analogue. It therefore suppresses the release of some of the hormones implicated in carcinoid syndrome.
Carcinoid tumours secrete serotonin. They originate in neuroendocrine cells mainly in the intestine (midgut-distal ileum/appendix), but can occur in the rectum, bronchi. Hormonal symptoms mainly occur when disease spreads outside the bowel
Clinical features
Onset: insidious over many years
Flushing face, Palpitations, Pulmonary valve stenosis and tricuspid regurgitation causing dyspnoea, Asthma, Severe diarrhoea (secretory, persists despite fasting)
Investigation: 5-HIAA in a 24-hour urine collection, Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, CT scan, Blood testing for chromogranin A
Treatment: Octreotide, Surgical removal
During a laparotomy for abdominal pain and intermittent small bowel obstruction the following lesion is identified. How would you manage it?

There is evidence of a lesion compressing the small bowel and there is a separate nodule visible on the small bowel mesentery. I would perform a full staging laparotomy and even if metastatic disease were present, I would usually manage this situation by performing a small bowel resection and primary anastomosis. Even where metastatic disease is present, resection of such lesions can relieve obstructive symptoms and produce good palliation. This case was subsequently demonstrated to be carcinoid tumour of the small bowel.
Carcinoid tumours secrete serotonin. They originate in neuroendocrine cells mainly in the intestine (midgut-distal ileum/appendix), but can occur in the rectum, bronchi. Hormonal symptoms mainly occur when disease spreads outside the bowel
Clinical features
Onset: insidious over many years
Flushing face, Palpitations, Pulmonary valve stenosis and tricuspid regurgitation causing dyspnoea, Asthma, Severe diarrhoea (secretory, persists despite fasting)
Investigation: 5-HIAA in a 24-hour urine collection, Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, CT scan, Blood testing for chromogranin A
Treatment: Octreotide, Surgical removal
What are the typical macroscopic appearances of a gastro intestinal stromal tumour? Where are most gastrointestinal tumours located? From which cells do they originate? What are the main principles followed in treating GIST’s?
They typically appear as a smooth exophytic mass. More advanced lesions may develop mucosal ulceration and bleeding.
Around 70% of GIST’s are located in the stomach.
They originate from the interstitial pacemaker cells of Cajal.
Surgical resection is the main treatment modality. However, radical resection is not required as diffuse sub mucosal infiltration is not commonly found. Generally, margins of 2cm are considered potentially curative. It is therefore rare for radical gastrectomy (most lesions are gastric) to be necessary.
GIST’s are not common tumours (10 per million) and originate primarily from the interstitial pacemaker cells (of Cajal). Up to 70% occur in the stomach, the remainder occurring in the small intestine (20%) and the colon and rectum (5%). Up to 95% are solitary lesions and most are sporadic. The vast majority express CD117 which is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor and in these there is a mutation of the c-KIT gene.
The goal of surgery is resection of the tumour with a 1-2cm margin of normal tissue. As a result extensive resections are not required. Unfortunately there is a high local recurrence rate, the risk of which is related to site, incomplete resections and high mitotic count. Salvage surgery for recurrent disease is associated with a median survival of 15 months.
The prognosis in high risk patients is greatly improved through the use of imatinib, which in the ACOSOG trial (imatinib vs placebo) improved relapse rates from 17% to 2%.
In the UK it is advocated by NICE for use in patients with metastatic disease or locally unresectable disease.
How would you characterise sarcomas? How do sarcomas and carcinomas differ?
Sarcomas a tumours that originate primarily from mesenchymal tissues. Their origins are thus typically tissues such as adipocytes, chondrocytes and bone. Apart from their tissue of origin, they are also described according to the degree of differentiation present.
Apart from the cells of origin, the main differences relate to incidence and prevelence, sarcomas being considerably less common. The patient demographic, most sarcoma patients are young. The biology of the tumour, sarcomas are more commonly associated with haematogenous metastasis than carcinomas.
Sarcomas = Malignant tumours of mesenchymal origin
Types - May be either bone or soft tissue in origin.
Bone sarcoma include: Osteosarcoma, Ewings sarcoma (although non bony sites recognised), Chondrosarcoma - originate from Chondrocytes
Soft tissue sarcoma are a far more heterogeneous group and include: Liposarcoma-adipocytes, Rhabdomyosarcoma-striated muscle, Leiomyosarcoma-smooth muscle, Synovial sarcomas- close to joints (cell of origin not known but not synovium)
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is a sarcoma that may arise in both soft tissue and bone.
Certain features of a mass or swelling should raise suspicion for a sarcoma these include:
Large >5cm soft tissue mass
Deep tissue location or intra muscular location
Rapid growth
Painful lump
Imaging of suspicious masses should utilise a combination of MRI, CT and USS. Blind biopsy should not be performed prior to imaging and where required should be done in such a way that the biopsy tract can be subsequently included in any resection.
Ewings sarcoma: Commoner in males, Incidence of 0.3 / 1, 000, 000, Onset typically between 10 and 20 years of age, Location by femoral diaphysis is commonest site, Histologically it is a small round tumour. Blood borne metastasis is common and chemotherapy is often combined with surgery
Osteosarcoma: Mesenchymal cells with osteoblastic differentiation, 20% of all primary bone tumours, Incidence of 5 per 1,000,000, Peak age 15-30, commoner in males, Limb preserving surgery may be possible and many patients will receive chemotherapy
Liposarcoma: Malignancy of adipocytes, Rare, approximately 2.5 per 1,000,000. They are the second most common soft tissue sarcoma, Typically located in deep locations such as retroperitoneum, Affect older age group usually >40 years of age. May be well differentiated and thus slow growing although may undergo de-differentiation and disease progression. Many tumours will have a pseudocapsule that can misleadingly allow surgeons to feel that they can ‘shell out’ these lesions. In reality, tumour may invade at the edge of the pseudocapsule and result in local recurrence if this strategy is adopted. Usually resistant to radiotherapy, although this is often used in a palliative setting
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: Tumour with large number of histiocytes. Most common sarcoma in adults. Also described as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma NOS (i.e. Cell of origin is not known). Four major subtypes are recognised: storiform-pleomorphic (70% cases), myxoid (less aggressive), giant cell and inflammatory. Treatment is usually with surgical resection and adjuvant radiotherapy as this reduces the likelihood of local recurrence
Clinically, what key features would make you suspicious that a soft tissue mass lesion was a sarcoma rather than a benign entity? If you were concerned that an extremity lesion was a sarcoma how should it be assessed?
An extremity lesion is more likely to be a sarcoma if the following criteria are present:
Mass >5cm
Deep location
Fixation to adjacent tissues
Rapid or progressive growth pattern
It should be imaged, typically with USS and CT/ MRI.
If there is diagnostic uncertainty, then consideration may be given to performing a tissue biopsy. However, this should not be undertaken lightly since these lesions have a considerable propensity for local recurrence and therefore in the event that a lesion proves to be a sarcoma, the biopsy track will need to be excised en bloc with the tumour.
Sarcomas = Malignant tumours of mesenchymal origin
Types - May be either bone or soft tissue in origin.
Bone sarcoma include: Osteosarcoma, Ewings sarcoma (although non bony sites recognised), Chondrosarcoma - originate from Chondrocytes
Soft tissue sarcoma are a far more heterogeneous group and include: Liposarcoma-adipocytes, Rhabdomyosarcoma-striated muscle, Leiomyosarcoma-smooth muscle, Synovial sarcomas- close to joints (cell of origin not known but not synovium)
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is a sarcoma that may arise in both soft tissue and bone.
Certain features of a mass or swelling should raise suspicion for a sarcoma these include:
Large >5cm soft tissue mass
Deep tissue location or intra muscular location
Rapid growth
Painful lump
Imaging of suspicious masses should utilise a combination of MRI, CT and USS. Blind biopsy should not be performed prior to imaging and where required should be done in such a way that the biopsy tract can be subsequently included in any resection.
Ewings sarcoma: Commoner in males, Incidence of 0.3 / 1, 000, 000, Onset typically between 10 and 20 years of age, Location by femoral diaphysis is commonest site, Histologically it is a small round tumour. Blood borne metastasis is common and chemotherapy is often combined with surgery
Osteosarcoma: Mesenchymal cells with osteoblastic differentiation, 20% of all primary bone tumours, Incidence of 5 per 1,000,000, Peak age 15-30, commoner in males, Limb preserving surgery may be possible and many patients will receive chemotherapy
Liposarcoma: Malignancy of adipocytes, Rare, approximately 2.5 per 1,000,000. They are the second most common soft tissue sarcoma, Typically located in deep locations such as retroperitoneum, Affect older age group usually >40 years of age. May be well differentiated and thus slow growing although may undergo de-differentiation and disease progression. Many tumours will have a pseudocapsule that can misleadingly allow surgeons to feel that they can ‘shell out’ these lesions. In reality, tumour may invade at the edge of the pseudocapsule and result in local recurrence if this strategy is adopted. Usually resistant to radiotherapy, although this is often used in a palliative setting
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: Tumour with large number of histiocytes. Most common sarcoma in adults. Also described as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma NOS (i.e. Cell of origin is not known). Four major subtypes are recognised: storiform-pleomorphic (70% cases), myxoid (less aggressive), giant cell and inflammatory. Treatment is usually with surgical resection and adjuvant radiotherapy as this reduces the likelihood of local recurrence
What causes of gastritis are you familiar with? How would you investigate and manage a case of suspected gastritis?
There are many causes of gastritis. These can be classified as being autoimmune, infective, chemical and haemodynamic. Autoimmune gastritis occurs as a result of autoantibodies to parietal cells together with local inflammation culminating in destruction of parietal cells, loss of gastric acid, intrinsic factor and vitamin B12 malabosorption. Infection with helicobacter pylori causes gastritis both as a direct result of colonisation and because it subsequently increases gastric acid production. Chemical causes of gastritis include the direct effects of injestion of substances such as toxic agents or alcohol. It also includes those patients with bile reflux who subsequently develop gastric inflammation. Finally, critically unwell patients can develop gastric mucosal hypoperfusion and subsequently develop stress ulceration through a complex interplay of loss of gastric mucous and elevated gastrin levels.
The main investigation for suspected gastritis is an upper GI endoscopy together with gastric biopsies. Conditions such as H-Pylori infection can be readily diagnosed using bedside testing at endoscopy. Management of most patients involves administration of proton pump inhibitors, with the subsequent achlorhydria, mucosal healing will occur. Management of cases such as pernicious anaemia involves management of the complications (with the need for B12 and folate supplementation).
Type A: Autoimmune, Circulating antibodies to parietal cells, causes reduction in cell mass and hypochlorhydria. Loss of parietal cells = loss of intrinsic factor = B12 malabsorption. Absence of antral involvement. Hypochlorhydria causes elevated gastrin levels- stimulating enterochromaffin cells and adenomas may form
Type B: Antral gastritis. Associated with infection with helicobacter pylori infection. Intestinal metaplasia may occur in stomach and require surveillance endoscopy. Peptic ulceration may occur
Reflux gastritis: Bile refluxes into stomach, either post surgical or due to failure of pyloric function. Histologically, evidence of chronic inflammation, and foveolar hyperplasia. May respond to therapy with prokinetics
Erosive gastritis: Agents disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier. Most commonly due to NSAIDs and alcohol. With NSAIDs the effects occur secondary to COX 1 inhibition
Stress ulceration: This occurs as a result of mucosal ischaemia during hypotension or hypovolaemia. The stomach is the most sensitive organ in the GI tract to ischaemia following hypovolaemia. Diffuse ulceration may occur. Prophylaxis with acid lowering therapy and sucralfate may minimise complications
Menetriers disease: Gross hypertrophy of the gastric mucosal folds, excessive mucous production and hypochlorhydria. Pre malignant condition
What non immune system mediated complications may occur as a result of the transfusion of several units of packed red cells?
The non immune mediated complications of transfusion of whole blood include fluid overload and pulmonary oedema, transmission of blood borne viruses, electrolyte disturbance including hyperkalaemia and hypocalcaemia.
Blood transfusion reactions
Acute transfusion reactions present as adverse signs or symptoms during or within 24 hours of a blood transfusion. The most frequent reactions are fever, chills, pruritus, or urticaria, which typically resolve promptly without specific treatment or complications. Other signs occurring in temporal relationship with a blood transfusion, such as severe dyspnoea, pyrexia, or loss of consciousness may be the first indication of a more severe potentially fatal reaction.
The causes of adverse reactions are multi-factorial. Immune mediated reactions, some of the most feared, occur as a result of component mismatch, the commonest cause of which is clerical error. More common, non immune mediated, complications may occur as a result of product contamination, this may be bacterial or viral.
Transfusion related lung injury is well recognised and there are two proposed mechanisms which underpin this. One involves the sequestration of primed neutrophils within the recipient pulmonary capillary bed. The other proposed mechanism suggests that HLA mismatches between donor neutrophils and recipient lung tissue is to blame.
Immune mediated: Pyrexia, Alloimmunization, Thrombocytopaenia, Transfusion associated lung injury, Graft vs Host disease, Urticaria, Acute or delayed haemolysis, ABO incompatibility, Rhesus incompatibility
Non immune mediated: Hypocalcaemia, CCF, Infections, Hyperkalaemia
What are the commonest immune system mediated side effects of blood transfusion?
The most common side effects include fever and occasionally transient rashes. These typically occur as a result of minor incompatibility issues involving blood group sub types.
Blood transfusion reactions
Acute transfusion reactions present as adverse signs or symptoms during or within 24 hours of a blood transfusion. The most frequent reactions are fever, chills, pruritus, or urticaria, which typically resolve promptly without specific treatment or complications. Other signs occurring in temporal relationship with a blood transfusion, such as severe dyspnoea, pyrexia, or loss of consciousness may be the first indication of a more severe potentially fatal reaction.
The causes of adverse reactions are multi-factorial. Immune mediated reactions, some of the most feared, occur as a result of component mismatch, the commonest cause of which is clerical error. More common, non immune mediated, complications may occur as a result of product contamination, this may be bacterial or viral.
Transfusion related lung injury is well recognised and there are two proposed mechanisms which underpin this. One involves the sequestration of primed neutrophils within the recipient pulmonary capillary bed. The other proposed mechanism suggests that HLA mismatches between donor neutrophils and recipient lung tissue is to blame.
Immune mediated: Pyrexia, Alloimmunization, Thrombocytopaenia, Transfusion associated lung injury, Graft vs Host disease, Urticaria, Acute or delayed haemolysis, ABO incompatibility, Rhesus incompatibility
Non immune mediated: Hypocalcaemia, CCF, Infections, Hyperkalaemia
What is transfusion related lung injury and why does it occur?
Transfusion related lung injury typically occurs within 6 hours of transfusion and usually presents as acute respiratory distress syndrome. There are usually signs of widepsread intersitial odema of the lung fields on imaging, haemodynamic instability may be present. The condition is serious and has a 5-10% mortality. It is usually relatively transient and with supportive care clinical resolution usually occurs over the next 5-7 days. The cause of it is disputed but theories tend to favour the sequestration of neutrophils within the microvasculature of the lung of the recipient, this then incites a local inflammatory response and causes the condition.
Blood transfusion reactions
Acute transfusion reactions present as adverse signs or symptoms during or within 24 hours of a blood transfusion. The most frequent reactions are fever, chills, pruritus, or urticaria, which typically resolve promptly without specific treatment or complications. Other signs occurring in temporal relationship with a blood transfusion, such as severe dyspnoea, pyrexia, or loss of consciousness may be the first indication of a more severe potentially fatal reaction.
The causes of adverse reactions are multi-factorial. Immune mediated reactions, some of the most feared, occur as a result of component mismatch, the commonest cause of which is clerical error. More common, non immune mediated, complications may occur as a result of product contamination, this may be bacterial or viral.
Transfusion related lung injury is well recognised and there are two proposed mechanisms which underpin this. One involves the sequestration of primed neutrophils within the recipient pulmonary capillary bed. The other proposed mechanism suggests that HLA mismatches between donor neutrophils and recipient lung tissue is to blame.
Immune mediated: Pyrexia, Alloimmunization, Thrombocytopaenia, Transfusion associated lung injury, Graft vs Host disease, Urticaria, Acute or delayed haemolysis, ABO incompatibility, Rhesus incompatibility
Non immune mediated: Hypocalcaemia, CCF, Infections, Hyperkalaemia
Apart from adenocarcinoma, what types of tumour are found in the pancreas gland? When should a biopsy be performed in patients with suspected pancreatic malignancy?
Adenocarcinomas are derived from the exocrine cells of the pancreas. However, endocrine tumours of the pancreas are well recognised and these are derived from the alpha, beta and delta cells. These comprise glucagonomas, insulinomas and somatostatinomas respectively.
Biopsy of suspected pancreatic cancers is seldom performed and is not done if the lesion is potentially resectable. In patients with unresectable disease, biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis and to permit chemotherapy.
Pancreatic endocrine tumours:
Insulinoma: insulin producing tumours of the pancreatic β cells, Incidence of 1 per 1,000,000 per year, 90% of lesions are benign, Most tumours less than 2cm in size, Between 5 and 10% have MEN type 1, 75% of patients with MEN 1 will develop pancreatic islet cell tumours
Typical features of insulinoma: Symptomatic hypoglycaemia during fasting, Concomitant blood glucose of less than 3mmol/L, Relief of hypoglycaemia by use of glucose (whipples triad)
Testing: When neuroglycopenic symptoms occur blood is taken for serum insulin levels, serum glucose, C-peptide and pro insulin concentrations. The plasma insulin concentration is >10 micro U/ml in patients with the disorder.
Tumour localisation: USS (25% accuracy), endoscopic USS better (75% accuracy): CT scanning (pancreatic protocol=40% accuracy)
Malignant insulinomas are larger and diagnostic accuracy with MRI is nearly 100% in such cases.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (50% accuracy)
Treatment: Since the majority of tumours are benign; the blind segmental resection of the pancreas (e.g. Whipples) cannot be justified, this may be considered acceptable for malignant lesions. The best approach at laparotomy is to corroborate pre operative imaging with intraoperative ultrasonography to identify the lesion. Tumours may be close of the pancreatic duct and this must be appreciated by the operating surgeon. The perioperative use of octreotide reduces the amount of pancreatic drainage, but not overall complications.
Glucagonoma: Glucagonomas originate in the alpha 2 cells of the pancreas. Symptoms are generally related to hormone overproduction and include diabetes, hypoaminoacidemia, normochromic and normocytic anemia, and necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), which is the most characteristic clinical sign (as opposed to symptom) of this pathology.
Diagnosis: Serum measurement of glucagon levels (a level of greater than 1000pg/ml is diagnostic)
Imaging with CT scanning of the chest/ abdomen and pelvis
Endoscopic USS may be used
Combined CT/MRI can accurately localise the lesion in 95% of cases
Treatment: In most cases, disease is metastatic at presentation and therapy with chemotherapy is undertaken, doxorubicin and 5FU have both been used. The biological agent, sunitinib, has also been used. Where the lesion is small, resection may be undertaken, this is usually similar to the resections performed for adenocarcinoma.
Somatostatinoma: Somatostatinomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from the pancreas or the gastrointestinal tract and are characterized by excessive secretion of somatostatin hormone by tumor cells of D-cell origin. They are frequently associated with a classic clinical pentad of diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, weight loss, steatorrhea and diarrhea, and hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria.
They are rare tumours with an approximate incidence of 1 per 40 million. Over 90% are sporadic. Most are malignant and 85% of patients will have metastatic disease at presentation.
The tumours are, however, slow growing so reasonable 5 year survival figures are seen even when metastatic disease is present. In those resected without metastatic disease, 5 year survival figures of 100% are reported.
Diagnosis is based on serum measurements of somatostatin. Imaging is with CT and MRI. Endoscopic USS is also useful. As with all pancreatic malignancies, biopsy is not routinely performed unless the patient is not going to have a definitive resection.
Chemotherapy is sometimes used as a treatment and 5FU and doxorubicin are typically the agents of choice.
Which endocrine tumour is the most common and the least likely to be malignant?
Insulinomas are the most common and also have the lowest incidence of malignant potential.
Pancreatic endocrine tumours:
Insulinoma: insulin producing tumours of the pancreatic β cells, Incidence of 1 per 1,000,000 per year, 90% of lesions are benign, Most tumours less than 2cm in size, Between 5 and 10% have MEN type 1, 75% of patients with MEN 1 will develop pancreatic islet cell tumours
Typical features of insulinoma: Symptomatic hypoglycaemia during fasting, Concomitant blood glucose of less than 3mmol/L, Relief of hypoglycaemia by use of glucose (whipples triad)
Testing: When neuroglycopenic symptoms occur blood is taken for serum insulin levels, serum glucose, C-peptide and pro insulin concentrations. The plasma insulin concentration is >10 micro U/ml in patients with the disorder.
Tumour localisation: USS (25% accuracy), endoscopic USS better (75% accuracy): CT scanning (pancreatic protocol=40% accuracy)
Malignant insulinomas are larger and diagnostic accuracy with MRI is nearly 100% in such cases.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (50% accuracy)
Treatment: Since the majority of tumours are benign; the blind segmental resection of the pancreas (e.g. Whipples) cannot be justified, this may be considered acceptable for malignant lesions. The best approach at laparotomy is to corroborate pre operative imaging with intraoperative ultrasonography to identify the lesion. Tumours may be close of the pancreatic duct and this must be appreciated by the operating surgeon. The perioperative use of octreotide reduces the amount of pancreatic drainage, but not overall complications.
Glucagonoma: Glucagonomas originate in the alpha 2 cells of the pancreas. Symptoms are generally related to hormone overproduction and include diabetes, hypoaminoacidemia, normochromic and normocytic anemia, and necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), which is the most characteristic clinical sign (as opposed to symptom) of this pathology.
Diagnosis: Serum measurement of glucagon levels (a level of greater than 1000pg/ml is diagnostic)
Imaging with CT scanning of the chest/ abdomen and pelvis
Endoscopic USS may be used
Combined CT/MRI can accurately localise the lesion in 95% of cases
Treatment: In most cases, disease is metastatic at presentation and therapy with chemotherapy is undertaken, doxorubicin and 5FU have both been used. The biological agent, sunitinib, has also been used. Where the lesion is small, resection may be undertaken, this is usually similar to the resections performed for adenocarcinoma.
Somatostatinoma: Somatostatinomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from the pancreas or the gastrointestinal tract and are characterized by excessive secretion of somatostatin hormone by tumor cells of D-cell origin. They are frequently associated with a classic clinical pentad of diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, weight loss, steatorrhea and diarrhea, and hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria.
They are rare tumours with an approximate incidence of 1 per 40 million. Over 90% are sporadic. Most are malignant and 85% of patients will have metastatic disease at presentation.
The tumours are, however, slow growing so reasonable 5 year survival figures are seen even when metastatic disease is present. In those resected without metastatic disease, 5 year survival figures of 100% are reported.
Diagnosis is based on serum measurements of somatostatin. Imaging is with CT and MRI. Endoscopic USS is also useful. As with all pancreatic malignancies, biopsy is not routinely performed unless the patient is not going to have a definitive resection.
Chemotherapy is sometimes used as a treatment and 5FU and doxorubicin are typically the agents of choice.
How does the surgical approach to operable insulinomas and glucagonomas differ? With which condition are insulinomas often associated?
Because insulinomas are often benign, the are usually treated by simple enucleation procedures. These are not appropriate for glucagonomas as they are often malignant and therefore, where metastatic disease is excluded, treated by formal pancreatic resection.
Insulinomas are often associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I, this should be borne in mind during surgical work up.
MEN type I: Mnemonic ‘three P’s’: Parathyroid (95%): Parathyroid adenoma, Pituitary (70%): Prolactinoma/ACTH/Growth Hormone secreting adenoma & Pancreas (50%): Islet cell tumours/Zollinger Ellison syndrome
also: Adrenal (adenoma) and thyroid (adenoma) - MENIN gene (chromosome 11) - Most common presentation = hypercalcaemia
MEN type IIa: Phaeochromocytoma, Medullary thyroid cancer (70%), Hyperparathyroidism (60%) - RET oncogene (chromosome 10)
MEN type IIb: Same as MEN IIa with addition of: Marfanoid body habitus, Mucosal neuromas - RET oncogene (chromosome 10)
Pancreatic endocrine tumours:
Insulinoma: insulin producing tumours of the pancreatic β cells, Incidence of 1 per 1,000,000 per year, 90% of lesions are benign, Most tumours less than 2cm in size, Between 5 and 10% have MEN type 1, 75% of patients with MEN 1 will develop pancreatic islet cell tumours
Typical features of insulinoma: Symptomatic hypoglycaemia during fasting, Concomitant blood glucose of less than 3mmol/L, Relief of hypoglycaemia by use of glucose (whipples triad)
Testing: When neuroglycopenic symptoms occur blood is taken for serum insulin levels, serum glucose, C-peptide and pro insulin concentrations. The plasma insulin concentration is >10 micro U/ml in patients with the disorder.
Tumour localisation: USS (25% accuracy), endoscopic USS better (75% accuracy): CT scanning (pancreatic protocol=40% accuracy)
Malignant insulinomas are larger and diagnostic accuracy with MRI is nearly 100% in such cases.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (50% accuracy)
Treatment: Since the majority of tumours are benign; the blind segmental resection of the pancreas (e.g. Whipples) cannot be justified, this may be considered acceptable for malignant lesions. The best approach at laparotomy is to corroborate pre operative imaging with intraoperative ultrasonography to identify the lesion. Tumours may be close of the pancreatic duct and this must be appreciated by the operating surgeon. The perioperative use of octreotide reduces the amount of pancreatic drainage, but not overall complications.
Glucagonoma: Glucagonomas originate in the alpha 2 cells of the pancreas. Symptoms are generally related to hormone overproduction and include diabetes, hypoaminoacidemia, normochromic and normocytic anemia, and necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), which is the most characteristic clinical sign (as opposed to symptom) of this pathology.
Diagnosis: Serum measurement of glucagon levels (a level of greater than 1000pg/ml is diagnostic)
Imaging with CT scanning of the chest/ abdomen and pelvis
Endoscopic USS may be used
Combined CT/MRI can accurately localise the lesion in 95% of cases
Treatment: In most cases, disease is metastatic at presentation and therapy with chemotherapy is undertaken, doxorubicin and 5FU have both been used. The biological agent, sunitinib, has also been used. Where the lesion is small, resection may be undertaken, this is usually similar to the resections performed for adenocarcinoma.
Somatostatinoma: Somatostatinomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from the pancreas or the gastrointestinal tract and are characterized by excessive secretion of somatostatin hormone by tumor cells of D-cell origin. They are frequently associated with a classic clinical pentad of diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, weight loss, steatorrhea and diarrhea, and hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria.
They are rare tumours with an approximate incidence of 1 per 40 million. Over 90% are sporadic. Most are malignant and 85% of patients will have metastatic disease at presentation.
The tumours are, however, slow growing so reasonable 5 year survival figures are seen even when metastatic disease is present. In those resected without metastatic disease, 5 year survival figures of 100% are reported.
Diagnosis is based on serum measurements of somatostatin. Imaging is with CT and MRI. Endoscopic USS is also useful. As with all pancreatic malignancies, biopsy is not routinely performed unless the patient is not going to have a definitive resection.
Chemotherapy is sometimes used as a treatment and 5FU and doxorubicin are typically the agents of choice.
What are the most significant risk factors for the development of breast cancer? What types of breast cancer are you familiar with?
The risk factors for breast cancer include those which are related to gender, environmental and genetics. Because females have a greater exposure to oestrogen and a greater volume of breast tissue, the disease is commonest in women. The second biggest risk factor is related to family history and the greater the number of first degree relatives that are affected by breast or ovarian cancer, the greater the risk. The strongest association is found in those women who are carries for the BRCA 1 or 2 genetic mutations in whom the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer approaches 80%. Environmental factors include the exposure of an individual to oestrogen, therefore early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity and exogenous oestrogen administration all increase the risk. Exposure to the breast tissue to radiation through radiotherapy or high dose CT scanning can also increase the risks.
Previous or current DCIS/ LCIS or atypical ductal hyperplasia also increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
The most common malignancy is invasive ductal carcinoma and this accounts for more than 75% of all cases. The second most common is invasive lobular carcinoma which accounts for around 15% of cases. The remaining cases are comprised of tumours of special type. Many of these such as tubular and medullary carcinoma are associated with better prognostic outcomes.The exception to this rule includes micropapillary and metaplastic cancers which have a worse outcome than invasive ductal carcinoma.
Risk factors for development of breast cancer: Female gender, Family history (see below), Nulliparity, Early menarche, Late menopause, Current or previous lobular or ductal carcinoma in situ, Previous atypical ductal hyperplasia, Exposure of the chest area to ionising radiation (e.g. CT scanning)
Genetic risk factors: Two high risk pre-disposing genes BRCA 1 and 2 are thought to account for over 80% of highly penetrant inherited breast cancer (population frequency of 0.2%). The vast majority of familial breast and ovarian cancer are linked to BRCA 1 and 2. In patients with a BRCA 1 genetic mutation, the lifetime risk of breast cancer is of the order of 60-80% and the risk of ovarian cancer is 40-60%. For those with BRCA 2 mutations, the risks are 50-85% for breast cancer and 10-30% for ovarian cancer. Overall, approximately 5%of all breast cancers are linked to a genetic predisposition. Genetic transmission typically follows an autosomal dominant pattern (but with limited penetrance). Lower risk genetic abnormalities are more prevalent but can be difficult to characterise. They may, however, be a factor in many other sporadic breast cancers.
The risk of developing breast cancer doubles if a first degree relative has been affected with the condition and triples if two relatives have. The risk is higher if the cancer was diagnosed at a young age. The risk increases four to six fold if two first degree relatives have developed the disease.
Criteria for identifying women at increased risk of breast cancer:
- One first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with bilateral breast cancer or breast cancer AND ovarian cancer
- One first degree relative with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 40
- Two first or second degree relatives with breast cancer (grandmother, granddaughter, aunt or niece) with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 or ovarian cancer at any age on the same side of the family
- Three first or second degree relatives with breast and ovarian cancer on the same side of the family; if no first degree relatives then the second degree relatives have to be on the paternal side
Individuals who are deemed likely to have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer can be considered for genetic testing. If a major mutation (e.g. BRCA 1) is identified then other members of the family can be considered for testing (should they so wish). Scoring systems are available to predict the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations, ovarian cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 and breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 30 years confer the greatest likelihood and these together with other factors formed the basis of the Manchester manual model for predicting the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations.
Pathology of BRCA 1 tumours: Often medullary type, High grade, High mitotic rate, Increased lymphocytic infiltration, Lower oestrogen and progesterone receptor positivity
The prognosis of breast cancer is related to a number of factors, these include tumour type, size of the lesion, tumour grade, degree of lymph node involvement, vascular invasion and hormone receptor status. Tumours of special type generally have a more favourable prognosis than conventional tumours.
Invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma typically spread via the lymphatics. There is an increased risk of haematogenous metastasis in those patients who display evidence of vascular invasion. Prognosis for both ductal and lobular cancers is similar. However, lobular cancers are far more likely to be multifocal and may also metastasise to the contralateral breast.
Breast cancer that has yet to invade the basement membrane is referred to as in situ disease. Both ductal and lobular in situ variants are recognised.
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Sub types include; comedo, cribriform, micropapillary and solid
Comdeo DCIS is most likely to form microcalcifications
Cribriform and micropapillary are most likely to be multifocal
Most lesions are mixed (composed of multiple subtypes)
High nuclear grade DCIS is associated with more malignant characteristics (loss of p53, increased erbB2 expression)
Local excision of low nuclear grade DCIS will usually produce satisfactory outcomes.
Multifocal lesions, large and high nuclear grade lesions will usually require mastectomy
Whole breast irradiation improves locoregional control when breast conserving surgery is performed
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Much rarer than DCIS
Does not form microcalcifications
Usually single growth pattern
When an invasive component is found it is less likely to be associated with axillary nodal metastasis than with DCIS
Low grade LCIS is usually treated by monitoring rather than excision
Nottingham Prognostic Index
The Nottingham Prognostic Index can be used to give an indication of survival following breast cancer surgery. In this system the tumour size is weighted less heavily than other major prognostic parameters.
Calculation of NPI: Tumour Size x 0.2 + Lymph node score+Grade score
Why are lobular carcinomas typically diagnosed late and more challenging to treat? When determining the prognosis for a patient with invasive ductal carcinoma, what are the most significant prognostic variables?
Lobular carcinomas are less clearly defined than invasive ductal carcinomas as they incite less of a fibroblastic reaction. They are thus less readily apparent on clinical examination. This is then compounded by the fact that they are also less apparent on standard imaging modalities of ultrasound and mammography. Indeed, they are best visualised using MRI scanning which is not usually the first line investigation.
Their diffuse nature means that there is a higher incidence of margin positivity when invasive lobular carcinomas are treated with breast conserving techniques and breast conserving surgery should only be undertaken once the anatomical extent of the disease is clearly defined by MRI scanning.
The most significant prognostic variables include tumour size, lymph node status and tumour grade. These variables and their effect on survival have been extensively studied and are incorporated into many prognostic scoring systems, such as the Nottingham Prognostic Index which allows accurate estimation of 5 year survival. Other important variables include hormone receptor status and presence or absence of vascular invasion.
Risk factors for development of breast cancer: Female gender, Family history (see below), Nulliparity, Early menarche, Late menopause, Current or previous lobular or ductal carcinoma in situ, Previous atypical ductal hyperplasia, Exposure of the chest area to ionising radiation (e.g. CT scanning)
Genetic risk factors: Two high risk pre-disposing genes BRCA 1 and 2 are thought to account for over 80% of highly penetrant inherited breast cancer (population frequency of 0.2%). The vast majority of familial breast and ovarian cancer are linked to BRCA 1 and 2. In patients with a BRCA 1 genetic mutation, the lifetime risk of breast cancer is of the order of 60-80% and the risk of ovarian cancer is 40-60%. For those with BRCA 2 mutations, the risks are 50-85% for breast cancer and 10-30% for ovarian cancer. Overall, approximately 5%of all breast cancers are linked to a genetic predisposition. Genetic transmission typically follows an autosomal dominant pattern (but with limited penetrance). Lower risk genetic abnormalities are more prevalent but can be difficult to characterise. They may, however, be a factor in many other sporadic breast cancers.
The risk of developing breast cancer doubles if a first degree relative has been affected with the condition and triples if two relatives have. The risk is higher if the cancer was diagnosed at a young age. The risk increases four to six fold if two first degree relatives have developed the disease.
Criteria for identifying women at increased risk of breast cancer:
- One first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with bilateral breast cancer or breast cancer AND ovarian cancer
- One first degree relative with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 40
- Two first or second degree relatives with breast cancer (grandmother, granddaughter, aunt or niece) with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 or ovarian cancer at any age on the same side of the family
- Three first or second degree relatives with breast and ovarian cancer on the same side of the family; if no first degree relatives then the second degree relatives have to be on the paternal side
Individuals who are deemed likely to have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer can be considered for genetic testing. If a major mutation (e.g. BRCA 1) is identified then other members of the family can be considered for testing (should they so wish). Scoring systems are available to predict the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations, ovarian cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 and breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 30 years confer the greatest likelihood and these together with other factors formed the basis of the Manchester manual model for predicting the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations.
Pathology of BRCA 1 tumours: Often medullary type, High grade, High mitotic rate, Increased lymphocytic infiltration, Lower oestrogen and progesterone receptor positivity
The prognosis of breast cancer is related to a number of factors, these include tumour type, size of the lesion, tumour grade, degree of lymph node involvement, vascular invasion and hormone receptor status. Tumours of special type generally have a more favourable prognosis than conventional tumours.
Invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma typically spread via the lymphatics. There is an increased risk of haematogenous metastasis in those patients who display evidence of vascular invasion. Prognosis for both ductal and lobular cancers is similar. However, lobular cancers are far more likely to be multifocal and may also metastasise to the contralateral breast.
Breast cancer that has yet to invade the basement membrane is referred to as in situ disease. Both ductal and lobular in situ variants are recognised.
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Sub types include; comedo, cribriform, micropapillary and solid
Comdeo DCIS is most likely to form microcalcifications
Cribriform and micropapillary are most likely to be multifocal
Most lesions are mixed (composed of multiple subtypes)
High nuclear grade DCIS is associated with more malignant characteristics (loss of p53, increased erbB2 expression)
Local excision of low nuclear grade DCIS will usually produce satisfactory outcomes.
Multifocal lesions, large and high nuclear grade lesions will usually require mastectomy
Whole breast irradiation improves locoregional control when breast conserving surgery is performed
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Much rarer than DCIS
Does not form microcalcifications
Usually single growth pattern
When an invasive component is found it is less likely to be associated with axillary nodal metastasis than with DCIS
Low grade LCIS is usually treated by monitoring rather than excision
Nottingham Prognostic Index
The Nottingham Prognostic Index can be used to give an indication of survival following breast cancer surgery. In this system the tumour size is weighted less heavily than other major prognostic parameters.
Calculation of NPI: Tumour Size x 0.2 + Lymph node score+Grade score
What is meant by the term HER status as applied to breast cancer pathology?
The term HER status refers to human epidermal growth factor receptor. In the context of breast cancer this refers to the HER 2 sub unit. The epidermal growth factor receptor is a member of the tyrosine kinase class of cellular receptor. These play a role in cellular growth and differentiation. Up to 25% of breast cancers demonstrate HER-2 over expression. HER-2 over expression is associated with an aggressive clinical pheno-type that includes high-grade tumors, increased growth rates, early systemic metastasis, and decreased rates of disease-free and overall survival.
Risk factors for development of breast cancer: Female gender, Family history (see below), Nulliparity, Early menarche, Late menopause, Current or previous lobular or ductal carcinoma in situ, Previous atypical ductal hyperplasia, Exposure of the chest area to ionising radiation (e.g. CT scanning)
Genetic risk factors: Two high risk pre-disposing genes BRCA 1 and 2 are thought to account for over 80% of highly penetrant inherited breast cancer (population frequency of 0.2%). The vast majority of familial breast and ovarian cancer are linked to BRCA 1 and 2. In patients with a BRCA 1 genetic mutation, the lifetime risk of breast cancer is of the order of 60-80% and the risk of ovarian cancer is 40-60%. For those with BRCA 2 mutations, the risks are 50-85% for breast cancer and 10-30% for ovarian cancer. Overall, approximately 5%of all breast cancers are linked to a genetic predisposition. Genetic transmission typically follows an autosomal dominant pattern (but with limited penetrance). Lower risk genetic abnormalities are more prevalent but can be difficult to characterise. They may, however, be a factor in many other sporadic breast cancers.
The risk of developing breast cancer doubles if a first degree relative has been affected with the condition and triples if two relatives have. The risk is higher if the cancer was diagnosed at a young age. The risk increases four to six fold if two first degree relatives have developed the disease.
Criteria for identifying women at increased risk of breast cancer:
- One first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with bilateral breast cancer or breast cancer AND ovarian cancer
- One first degree relative with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 40
- Two first or second degree relatives with breast cancer (grandmother, granddaughter, aunt or niece) with breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 or ovarian cancer at any age on the same side of the family
- Three first or second degree relatives with breast and ovarian cancer on the same side of the family; if no first degree relatives then the second degree relatives have to be on the paternal side
Individuals who are deemed likely to have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer can be considered for genetic testing. If a major mutation (e.g. BRCA 1) is identified then other members of the family can be considered for testing (should they so wish). Scoring systems are available to predict the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations, ovarian cancer diagnosed under the age of 60 and breast cancer diagnosed under the age of 30 years confer the greatest likelihood and these together with other factors formed the basis of the Manchester manual model for predicting the likelihood of identifying BRCA 1 and 2 mutations.
Pathology of BRCA 1 tumours: Often medullary type, High grade, High mitotic rate, Increased lymphocytic infiltration, Lower oestrogen and progesterone receptor positivity
The prognosis of breast cancer is related to a number of factors, these include tumour type, size of the lesion, tumour grade, degree of lymph node involvement, vascular invasion and hormone receptor status. Tumours of special type generally have a more favourable prognosis than conventional tumours.
Invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma typically spread via the lymphatics. There is an increased risk of haematogenous metastasis in those patients who display evidence of vascular invasion. Prognosis for both ductal and lobular cancers is similar. However, lobular cancers are far more likely to be multifocal and may also metastasise to the contralateral breast.
Breast cancer that has yet to invade the basement membrane is referred to as in situ disease. Both ductal and lobular in situ variants are recognised.
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Sub types include; comedo, cribriform, micropapillary and solid
Comdeo DCIS is most likely to form microcalcifications
Cribriform and micropapillary are most likely to be multifocal
Most lesions are mixed (composed of multiple subtypes)
High nuclear grade DCIS is associated with more malignant characteristics (loss of p53, increased erbB2 expression)
Local excision of low nuclear grade DCIS will usually produce satisfactory outcomes.
Multifocal lesions, large and high nuclear grade lesions will usually require mastectomy
Whole breast irradiation improves locoregional control when breast conserving surgery is performed
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Much rarer than DCIS
Does not form microcalcifications
Usually single growth pattern
When an invasive component is found it is less likely to be associated with axillary nodal metastasis than with DCIS
Low grade LCIS is usually treated by monitoring rather than excision
Nottingham Prognostic Index
The Nottingham Prognostic Index can be used to give an indication of survival following breast cancer surgery. In this system the tumour size is weighted less heavily than other major prognostic parameters.
Calculation of NPI: Tumour Size x 0.2 + Lymph node score+Grade score

What is ascites? What are the causes? What investigations can be carried out on ascitic fluid to ascertain the underlying cause? How would you establish whether blood in ascitic fluid is the result of iatrogenic trauma or the result on underlying intra-abdominal pathology?
Acites = Abnormal amount of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Causes of a transudate which accumulates as ascites:
Hydrostatic changes
Cirrhosis- fluid escapes through the liver capsule
Right sided cardiac failure
Budd Chiari syndrome
Thoracic duct obstruction
Plasma oncotic changes:
Liver failure with hypoproteinaemia
Protein losing enteropathy
Nephritic/ nephrotic syndrome
Causes of an exudate that accumulates as ascites:
Inflammatory causes resulting in protein leakage
Peritoneal carcinomatosis
Severe uraemia
Abdominal surgery resulting in the development of free fluid
Investigations for cause: Microbiology microscopy looking for leucocytes, red cells or bacteria, Culture and sensitivity studies, Cytology- especially if carcinomatosis suspected, Cytogenetics, Biochemical studies- protein content
Determining spurce of blood: if the blood is the result of a traumatic tap then the fluid is heterogeneously bloody and will clot. In contrast, blood stained ascitic fluid from an intra abdominal process is homogenously bloody and will not clot as it has already lysed.
Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity. In females, a small amount of fluid is permissible (up to 20ml). In contrast, males have almost no free fluid. Most cases (75%) are due to liver disease, the remainder being due to infective or infiltrative conditions. Liver disease produces ascites as a result of a complex process involving impaired fluid excretion, sodium retention, hypoalbuminaemia and venous hypertension. The development of ascites in conjunction with otherwise stable long term liver cirrhosis should raise concern about the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Ascitic aspirate (culture and cytology)
CT scanning if malignancy suspected
(AFP, CEA, CA19-9, CA 125- if tumour suspected)
Sodium restriction and diuretic therapy are effective in the majority of patients. Therapeutic paracentesis may be needed for the treatment of malignant ascites and in patients with liver disease who are highly symptomatic and whose condition is not responsive to diuretics. The most effective treatment for patients with diuretic refractory ascites secondary to liver disease is a TIPSS procedure.
What is meant by the term serum ascites albumin gradient and what is its use? When would you consider a diagnostic aspirate of ascitic fluid?
The serum ascites albumin gradient is a formula which is used to assist in determining the aetiology of ascites. It is calculated by subtracting the albumin level of ascitic fluid from the serum albumin level. A high gradient (>1.1 g/dl) indicates portal hypertension and most likely a non peritoneal cause for the ascites.
I would consider a diagnostic aspirate of ascitic fluid when the underlying cause of the ascites is unclear or there are concerns about the development of superadded infection. The decision as to whether to perform a diagnostic aspirate has to be balanced against the risk of potentially infecting an otherwise sterile fluid collection. For example, diagnostic aspirates are very useful in determining whether a patient with liver failure has developed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In contrast, ascites occurring in association with acute pancreatitis is usually not subjected to a diagnostic aspirate because it will add little to patient management.
Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity. In females, a small amount of fluid is permissible (up to 20ml). In contrast, males have almost no free fluid. Most cases (75%) are due to liver disease, the remainder being due to infective or infiltrative conditions. Liver disease produces ascites as a result of a complex process involving impaired fluid excretion, sodium retention, hypoalbuminaemia and venous hypertension. The development of ascites in conjunction with otherwise stable long term liver cirrhosis should raise concern about the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Ascitic aspirate (culture and cytology)
CT scanning if malignancy suspected
(AFP, CEA, CA19-9, CA 125- if tumour suspected)
Sodium restriction and diuretic therapy are effective in the majority of patients. Therapeutic paracentesis may be needed for the treatment of malignant ascites and in patients with liver disease who are highly symptomatic and whose condition is not responsive to diuretics. The most effective treatment for patients with diuretic refractory ascites secondary to liver disease is a TIPSS procedure.
What is meant by the term FNAC? Describe how you would perform a FNAC of a mass lesion.
The term FNAC refers to fine needle aspiration cytology. This is a technique whereby cells are sampled using a fine needle and syringe and assessed microscopically.
Fine needle aspiration cytology is a technique whereby cells are retrieved from a tissue mass or fluid collection . These are collected into the hub of a needle and then submitted for cytolopathological assessment.
A palpable mass or fluid collection that is accessible clinically. FNAC should clinically advance patient care and therefore is not helpful or indicated where alternative sampling techniques offer superior diagnostic accuracy or a preferred. Typical scenarios where FNAC is indicated include the assessment of head and neck mass lesions (e.g. salivary gland or thyroid pathology). It can also be used to determine whether a lymph node mass contains cells from an epithelial cell type malignancy. As such it is generally unhelpful in diagnosis of lymphoma (where histopathological analysis of nodal tissue is indicated). Since cytology only provides information about cell populations, it cannot reliably categorise lesions where information about tissue architecture is required. An example of this is follicular lesions of the thyroid, where malignancy can only be established using histological criteria alone.
Contra indications:
Significant coagulopathy
Lack of patient consent
Lesion is inappropriate for FNAC
Performing FNAC:
Establish the identity of the patient and explain the proposed procedure
Seek verbal consent for the procedure
Ensure that you have ready the equipment required, this will comprise; skin cleansing materials, plaster, cotton wool ball, nursing assistance, 10ml syringe, green needle, pre labelled microscope slides and transport container or cytological transport media.
Position the patient appropriately and ensure they are comfortable
Cleanse the skin
Aspirate 1-2ml of air into the syringe
Identify the site for the procedure and palpate the lesion. Note that in some cases it is preferable to perform the procedure using image guidance with USS (to improve sampling accuracy)
Using the finger and thumb of your non dominant hand immobilize the lesion (or position the probe if using USS). With your dominant hand advance the needle into the lesion and pass it back and forth through the lesion 5-6 times whilst applying suction to the syringe. Maintain the suction whilst withdrawing the syringe from the patient. Relax the suction immediately prior to removing the needle from the skin. Having removed the needle and syringe, expel the content onto microscope slides or into transport media. If using the latter, it can be useful to wash out the syringe with the transport media after expelling the content to increase the yield. Have your assistant apply pressure to the site whilst these steps are completed. Then ensure that both the specimen and accompanying paperwork are clearly labelled.
Using breast lesions as an example, explain how specimens are graded cytologically.
In most cases, lesions are graded on a scale of 0-5. Where 0 equates to no tissue or inadequate sample, through to C5 which is malignant. The number C3 would indicate a borderline lesion likely benign. In the context of breast lesions, a high proportion of lesions used to be graded C3 and this resulted in a high rate of diagnostic excision biopsy. This has largely been overcome by the increased tendency to core biopsy and histological analysis of lesions.
Fine needle aspiration cytology is a technique whereby cells are retrieved from a tissue mass or fluid collection . These are collected into the hub of a needle and then submitted for cytolopathological assessment.
A palpable mass or fluid collection that is accessible clinically. FNAC should clinically advance patient care and therefore is not helpful or indicated where alternative sampling techniques offer superior diagnostic accuracy or a preferred. Typical scenarios where FNAC is indicated include the assessment of head and neck mass lesions (e.g. salivary gland or thyroid pathology). It can also be used to determine whether a lymph node mass contains cells from an epithelial cell type malignancy. As such it is generally unhelpful in diagnosis of lymphoma (where histopathological analysis of nodal tissue is indicated). Since cytology only provides information about cell populations, it cannot reliably categorise lesions where information about tissue architecture is required. An example of this is follicular lesions of the thyroid, where malignancy can only be established using histological criteria alone.
Contra indications:
Significant coagulopathy
Lack of patient consent
Lesion is inappropriate for FNAC
Establish the identity of the patient and explain the proposed procedure
Seek verbal consent for the procedure
Ensure that you have ready the equipment required, this will comprise; skin cleansing materials, plaster, cotton wool ball, nursing assistance, 10ml syringe, green needle, pre labelled microscope slides and transport container or cytological transport media.
Position the patient appropriately and ensure they are comfortable
Cleanse the skin
Aspirate 1-2ml of air into the syringe
Identify the site for the procedure and palpate the lesion. Note that in some cases it is preferable to perform the procedure using image guidance with USS (to improve sampling accuracy)
Using the finger and thumb of your non dominant hand immobilize the lesion (or position the probe if using USS). With your dominant hand advance the needle into the lesion and pass it back and forth through the lesion 5-6 times whilst applying suction to the syringe. Maintain the suction whilst withdrawing the syringe from the patient. Relax the suction immediately prior to removing the needle from the skin. Having removed the needle and syringe, expel the content onto microscope slides or into transport media. If using the latter, it can be useful to wash out the syringe with the transport media after expelling the content to increase the yield. Have your assistant apply pressure to the site whilst these steps are completed. Then ensure that both the specimen and accompanying paperwork are clearly labelled.
What types of colonic polyps are you aware of?
Colonic polyps can be classified as being neoplastic or inflammatory, pre malignant, malignant or benign.
Benign neoplastic polyps include hamartomas, adenomas and hyperplasic polyps. Benign inflammatory polyps are polypoidal lesions found in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Malignant neoplastic polyps are usually adenomatous lesions that have undergone malignant transformation. They are an increasingly common finding due to the introduction of the bowel cancer screening programme.
Colonic polyps are a common condition and there are a number of different types. The type of polyps found varies according to the age of the patient and the aetiology of the polyp. Isolated, small proximal polyps are often an incidental. Multiple, distal or large polyps may give rise to symptoms such as bleeding, intussceception or systemic disturbance owing to electrolyte derangement.
Juvenile polyp: Often single hamartomatous lesions. Rectum commonest site. Multiple lesions associated with increased risk of malignancy Mx: Excision (usually per anal or endoscopic)
Hyperplastic polyps: Account for 90% of all polyps. Usually less than 5mm in diameter. Rectosigmoid is commonest location. If multiple polyps (more than 20) increased risk of malignancy. Isolated hyperplastic polyps are benign and can be left.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: Hamartomatous polyps. Mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation. Family history (autosomal dominant). Polyps benign but may intusscecept. Mx: Surveillance as increased risk of malignancy
Adenoma: Comprise around 10% of all colonic polyps. 90% less than 1cm in diameter. Increased risk of malignancy in those over 1cm in diameter. 3 types villous, tubulovillous and tubular. Serrated adenomas are a combination of adenomatous and hyperplastic features and are also associated with increased risk of malignancy
Mx: Full colonoscopic evaluation. Colonoscopic polypectomy. Follow up depending upon polyp burden and risk factors
Inflammatory pseudopolyp: Found in patients with IBD. Co-existing inflammation is present. Management directed at underlying cause
Familial adenomatous polyposis: Mutation of APC gene (80%) cases, dominant. Typically over 100 colonic adenomas - Cancer risk of 100%.
20% are new mutations. If known to be at risk then predictive genetic testing as teenager
Screening Mx: Annual flexible sigmoidoscopy from 15 years. If no polyps found then 5 yearly colonoscopy started at age 20
Polyps found = resectional surgery (resection and pouch Vs sub total colectomy and IRA)
Associated disorders: Gastric fundal polyps (50%). Duodenal polyps 90%. If severe duodenal polyposis cancer risk of 30% at 10 years.
Abdominal desmoid tumours
MYH associated polyposis: Biallelic mutation of mut Y human homologue (MYH) on chromosome 1p, recessive.
Features: Multiple colonic polyps. Later onset right sided cancers more common than in FAP. 100% cancer risk by age 60.
Mx: Once identified resection and ileoanal pouch reconstruction is recommended
Attenuated phenotype - regular colonoscopy
Associated disorders: Duodenal polyposis in 30%. Associated with increased risk of breast cancer (self examination)
Peutz -Jeghers syndrome: STK11 (LKB1) mutation on chromosome 19 in some (but not all) cases, dominant.
Features: Multiple benign intestinal hamartomas. Episodic obstruction and intussceception. Increased risk of GI cancers (colorectal cancer 20%, gastric 5%). Increased risk of breast, ovarian, cervical pancreatic and testicular cancers
Mx: Annual examination. Pan intestinal endoscopy every 2-3 years
Associated disorders: Malignancies at other sites. Classical pigmentation pattern
Cowden disease: Mutation of PTEN gene on chromosome 10q22, dominant.
Features: Macrocephaly, Multiple intestinal hamartomas. Multiple trichilemmomas. 89% risk of cancer at any site. 16% risk of colorectal cancer
Mx: Targeted individualised screening
Associated disorders: Breast cancer (81% risk), Thyroid cancer and non toxic goitre, Uterine cancer
HNPCC (Lynch syndrome): Germline mutations of DNA mismatch repair genes.
Features: Colo rectal cancer 30-70%, Endometrial cancer 30-70%, Gastric cancer 5-10%, Scanty colonic polyps may be present
Mx: Colonic tumours likely to be right sided and mucinous. Colonoscopy every 1-2 years from age 25. Consideration of prophylactic surgery. Extra colonic surveillance recommended
Associated disorders: Extra colonic cancers
What are the key differences between an adenoma and a hamartoma?
Which colonic polyposis syndromes are characterized by the presence of hamartomatous lesions within the colon?
Adenomatous lesions are neoplasms derived from the colonic glandular epithelium, in all cases there is a degree of dysplasia that accompanies the proliferative process. Adenomas with severe dysplasia or those which are large have a increased risk of malignant potential.
Hamartomas are benign lesions that contain cellular elements normally found at a specific site but are structurally disorganized.
There are three main syndromes characterized by hamartomatous lesions. These are Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, juvenile polyposis
Colonic polyps are a common condition and there are a number of different types. The type of polyps found varies according to the age of the patient and the aetiology of the polyp. Isolated, small proximal polyps are often an incidental. Multiple, distal or large polyps may give rise to symptoms such as bleeding, intussceception or systemic disturbance owing to electrolyte derangement.
Juvenile polyp: Often single hamartomatous lesions. Rectum commonest site. Multiple lesions associated with increased risk of malignancy Mx: Excision (usually per anal or endoscopic)
Hyperplastic polyps: Account for 90% of all polyps. Usually less than 5mm in diameter. Rectosigmoid is commonest location. If multiple polyps (more than 20) increased risk of malignancy. Isolated hyperplastic polyps are benign and can be left.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: Hamartomatous polyps. Mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation. Family history (autosomal dominant). Polyps benign but may intusscecept. Mx: Surveillance as increased risk of malignancy
Adenoma: Comprise around 10% of all colonic polyps. 90% less than 1cm in diameter. Increased risk of malignancy in those over 1cm in diameter. 3 types villous, tubulovillous and tubular. Serrated adenomas are a combination of adenomatous and hyperplastic features and are also associated with increased risk of malignancy
Mx: Full colonoscopic evaluation. Colonoscopic polypectomy. Follow up depending upon polyp burden and risk factors
Inflammatory pseudopolyp: Found in patients with IBD. Co-existing inflammation is present. Management directed at underlying cause
Familial adenomatous polyposis: Mutation of APC gene (80%) cases, dominant. Typically over 100 colonic adenomas - Cancer risk of 100%.
20% are new mutations. If known to be at risk then predictive genetic testing as teenager
Screening Mx: Annual flexible sigmoidoscopy from 15 years. If no polyps found then 5 yearly colonoscopy started at age 20
Polyps found = resectional surgery (resection and pouch Vs sub total colectomy and IRA)
Associated disorders: Gastric fundal polyps (50%). Duodenal polyps 90%. If severe duodenal polyposis cancer risk of 30% at 10 years.
Abdominal desmoid tumours
MYH associated polyposis: Biallelic mutation of mut Y human homologue (MYH) on chromosome 1p, recessive.
Features: Multiple colonic polyps. Later onset right sided cancers more common than in FAP. 100% cancer risk by age 60.
Mx: Once identified resection and ileoanal pouch reconstruction is recommended
Attenuated phenotype - regular colonoscopy
Associated disorders: Duodenal polyposis in 30%. Associated with increased risk of breast cancer (self examination)
Peutz -Jeghers syndrome: STK11 (LKB1) mutation on chromosome 19 in some (but not all) cases, dominant.
Features: Multiple benign intestinal hamartomas. Episodic obstruction and intussceception. Increased risk of GI cancers (colorectal cancer 20%, gastric 5%). Increased risk of breast, ovarian, cervical pancreatic and testicular cancers
Mx: Annual examination. Pan intestinal endoscopy every 2-3 years
Associated disorders: Malignancies at other sites. Classical pigmentation pattern
Cowden disease: Mutation of PTEN gene on chromosome 10q22, dominant.
Features: Macrocephaly, Multiple intestinal hamartomas. Multiple trichilemmomas. 89% risk of cancer at any site. 16% risk of colorectal cancer
Mx: Targeted individualised screening
Associated disorders: Breast cancer (81% risk), Thyroid cancer and non toxic goitre, Uterine cancer
HNPCC (Lynch syndrome): Germline mutations of DNA mismatch repair genes.
Features: Colo rectal cancer 30-70%, Endometrial cancer 30-70%, Gastric cancer 5-10%, Scanty colonic polyps may be present
Mx: Colonic tumours likely to be right sided and mucinous. Colonoscopy every 1-2 years from age 25. Consideration of prophylactic surgery. Extra colonic surveillance recommended
Associated disorders: Extra colonic cancers
syndrome and Cowdens syndrome. Isolated juvenile polyps are also hamartomas and are found in up to 1% of all children. Unlike the syndromes, isolated juvenile hamartomas confer no increased risk of malignancy.
What malignancies are usually associated with Peutz - Jeghers syndrome?
What are the management options for a patient who is diagnosed as having familial adenomatous polyposis coli syndrome?
Peutz-Jeghers: Colorectal cancer, breast, stomach, lung, pancreas, testes, cervix, uterus, ovary and small bowel. As a result, they have the following screening;
Colonoscopy every 2-3 years
Annual mammogram/ breast MRI beginning at age 25 years MRCP or EUS every 12 years beginning at age 30
OGD and small bowel imaging every 2- 3 years beginning at age 10
Annual pelvic examination , cervical smear, and transvaginal ultrasound beginning at age 18 y Annual testis exam beginning at age 10 y
FAP Syndrome: Patients who are proven to have FAP have a very high incidence of colorectal (and other GI malignancies). For this reason, as a minimum, patients should undergo very close endoscopic surveillance. Those with an extensive polyp burden are generally offered a colectomy. Options include a sub total colectomy and ileo-rectal anastomosis with endoscopic surveillance of the rectal stump, through to pan proctocolectomy with or without ileoanal pouch reconstruction.
Colonic polyps are a common condition and there are a number of different types. The type of polyps found varies according to the age of the patient and the aetiology of the polyp. Isolated, small proximal polyps are often an incidental. Multiple, distal or large polyps may give rise to symptoms such as bleeding, intussceception or systemic disturbance owing to electrolyte derangement.
Juvenile polyp: Often single hamartomatous lesions. Rectum commonest site. Multiple lesions associated with increased risk of malignancy Mx: Excision (usually per anal or endoscopic)
Hyperplastic polyps: Account for 90% of all polyps. Usually less than 5mm in diameter. Rectosigmoid is commonest location. If multiple polyps (more than 20) increased risk of malignancy. Isolated hyperplastic polyps are benign and can be left.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: Hamartomatous polyps. Mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation. Family history (autosomal dominant). Polyps benign but may intusscecept. Mx: Surveillance as increased risk of malignancy
Adenoma: Comprise around 10% of all colonic polyps. 90% less than 1cm in diameter. Increased risk of malignancy in those over 1cm in diameter. 3 types villous, tubulovillous and tubular. Serrated adenomas are a combination of adenomatous and hyperplastic features and are also associated with increased risk of malignancy
Mx: Full colonoscopic evaluation. Colonoscopic polypectomy. Follow up depending upon polyp burden and risk factors
Inflammatory pseudopolyp: Found in patients with IBD. Co-existing inflammation is present. Management directed at underlying cause
Familial adenomatous polyposis: Mutation of APC gene (80%) cases, dominant. Typically over 100 colonic adenomas - Cancer risk of 100%.
20% are new mutations. If known to be at risk then predictive genetic testing as teenager
Screening Mx: Annual flexible sigmoidoscopy from 15 years. If no polyps found then 5 yearly colonoscopy started at age 20
Polyps found = resectional surgery (resection and pouch Vs sub total colectomy and IRA)
Associated disorders: Gastric fundal polyps (50%). Duodenal polyps 90%. If severe duodenal polyposis cancer risk of 30% at 10 years.
Abdominal desmoid tumours
MYH associated polyposis: Biallelic mutation of mut Y human homologue (MYH) on chromosome 1p, recessive.
Features: Multiple colonic polyps. Later onset right sided cancers more common than in FAP. 100% cancer risk by age 60.
Mx: Once identified resection and ileoanal pouch reconstruction is recommended
Attenuated phenotype - regular colonoscopy
Associated disorders: Duodenal polyposis in 30%. Associated with increased risk of breast cancer (self examination)
Peutz -Jeghers syndrome: STK11 (LKB1) mutation on chromosome 19 in some (but not all) cases, dominant.
Features: Multiple benign intestinal hamartomas. Episodic obstruction and intussceception. Increased risk of GI cancers (colorectal cancer 20%, gastric 5%). Increased risk of breast, ovarian, cervical pancreatic and testicular cancers
Mx: Annual examination. Pan intestinal endoscopy every 2-3 years
Associated disorders: Malignancies at other sites. Classical pigmentation pattern
Cowden disease: Mutation of PTEN gene on chromosome 10q22, dominant.
Features: Macrocephaly, Multiple intestinal hamartomas. Multiple trichilemmomas. 89% risk of cancer at any site. 16% risk of colorectal cancer
Mx: Targeted individualised screening
Associated disorders: Breast cancer (81% risk), Thyroid cancer and non toxic goitre, Uterine cancer
HNPCC (Lynch syndrome): Germline mutations of DNA mismatch repair genes.
Features: Colo rectal cancer 30-70%, Endometrial cancer 30-70%, Gastric cancer 5-10%, Scanty colonic polyps may be present
Mx: Colonic tumours likely to be right sided and mucinous. Colonoscopy every 1-2 years from age 25. Consideration of prophylactic surgery. Extra colonic surveillance recommended
Associated disorders: Extra colonic cancers
A surgeon creates a simple incisional wound that is primarily closed. Outline the sequence of events by which epithelial integrity is restored.
Which common medical conditions or medications may have an adverse effect on this process?
The initial process consists of vasospasm and platelet aggregation at the site of injury. A platelet plug soon forms and the immediate bleeding ceases. The clotting cascade is activated and a cross linked fibrin clot is formed. Inflammatory mediators result in the accumulation of neutrophils, macrophages and fibroblasts at the wound site. Over the next few days, they also release pro-angiogenic growth factors and angiogenesis occurs. The fibroblasts synthesise immature collagen and this is incorporated into the wound bed. At the same time, fibrinolysis occurs. Around 1 to 2 weeks following injury the wound will consist of granulation tissue which is a densely vascular immature collagen network. Over the following weeks the cellularity of the wound declines, eventually myofibroblasts bring about wound contraction and collagen remodelling. The microvessels regress and a contracted, pale scar is the end result.
Diabetes mellitus is a recognised contributor to poor wound healing. It is a associated with microvascular disease and this can compromise tissue perfusion at the site of injury.
Medical therapy with steroid drugs can also impede healing. Steroids inhibit collagen synthesis and dampen the immune response, increasing the risk of wound infections.
Phases of wound healing
- Haemostasis:
- Vasospasm in adjacent vessels
- Platelet plug formation and generation of fibrin rich clot
Involves: Erythrocytes and platelets
Occurs over Seconds/ Minutes
- Inflammation:
- Neutrophils migrate into wound (function impaired in diabetes).
- Growth factors released, including basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor.
- Fibroblasts replicate within the adjacent matrix and migrate into wound.
- Macrophages and fibroblasts couple matrix regeneration and clot substitution.
Involves Neutrophils, fibroblasts and macrophages
Occurs over Days
- Regeneration
- Platelet derived growth factor and transformation growth factors stimulate fibroblasts and epithelial cells.
- Fibroblasts produce a collagen network.
- Angiogenesis occurs and wound resembles granulation tissue.
Involves: Fibroblasts, endothelial cells,macrophages
Occurs over : Weeks
- Remodelling:
- Longest phase of the healing process and may last up to one year (or longer).
- During this phase fibroblasts become differentiated (myofibroblasts) and these facilitate wound contraction.
- Collagen fibres are remodelled.
- Microvessels regress leaving a pale scar.
Involves Myofibroblasts
Occurs over 6 weeks to 1 year
A 53 year old Afro-Carribean lady undergoes a total thyroidectomy. One year post operatively she complains of a thick protuberant scar which is cosmetically unsightly. What is the most likely diagnosis? What treatment would you offer her?
A thickened scar which exceeds the boundary of the original wound is a keloid scar. The initial treatment of keloids is not surgical. Although the temptation is to excise keloids, this invariably results in an even worse scar. The initial treatment is with triamcinolone injections these are usually continued for 3-4 weeks and usually produce visible improvement. Steroid impregnated tapes are also used.
Phases of wound healing
- Haemostasis:
- Vasospasm in adjacent vessels
- Platelet plug formation and generation of fibrin rich clot
Involves: Erythrocytes and platelets
Occurs over Seconds/ Minutes
- Inflammation:
- Neutrophils migrate into wound (function impaired in diabetes).
- Growth factors released, including basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor.
- Fibroblasts replicate within the adjacent matrix and migrate into wound.
- Macrophages and fibroblasts couple matrix regeneration and clot substitution.
Involves Neutrophils, fibroblasts and macrophages
Occurs over Days
- Regeneration
- Platelet derived growth factor and transformation growth factors stimulate fibroblasts and epithelial cells.
- Fibroblasts produce a collagen network.
- Angiogenesis occurs and wound resembles granulation tissue.
Involves: Fibroblasts, endothelial cells,macrophages
Occurs over : Weeks
- Remodelling:
- Longest phase of the healing process and may last up to one year (or longer).
- During this phase fibroblasts become differentiated (myofibroblasts) and these facilitate wound contraction.
- Collagen fibres are remodelled.
- Microvessels regress leaving a pale scar.
Involves Myofibroblasts
Occurs over 6 weeks to 1 year
What is meant by the term necrosis? How does necrosis differ from apoptosis?
Necrosis is the uncontrolled death of tissue. It may occur as a result of trauma or loss of perfusion. Several types of necrosis are recognised, these include coagulative necrosis, colliquative necrosis, caseous necrosis, gangrene, fibrinoid necrosis and fat necrosis. In surgical practice, coagulative necrosis, gangrene and fat necrosis are the types most commonly seen.
Apoptosis is a very different process from necrosis. It is a controlled cellular homeostatic event and is energy dependent, which necrosis is not. Via a number of pathways, intracellular signaling mechanisms are activated and a series of events result in gradual cessation of cellular function. The cell eventually degenerates to form apoptotic bodies. In most types of necrosis the final common pathway is one of phagocytosis by inflammatory cells, this does not occur in apoptosis.
Cells can die via two mechanisms; necrosis and apoptosis. These are outlined below:
Necrosis is characterised by bioenergetics failure. Loss of tissue perfusion results in hypoxia and an inability to generate ATP. The integrity of the cellular membrane is lost and the loss of ATP results in loss of energy dependent cellular transport mechanisms. There is an influx of water, ionic instability and cellular lysis. The release of intracellular contents may stimulate an inflammatory response. Several types of necrosis are recognised; coagulative, colliquative, caseous, gangrene, fibrinoid and fat necrosis. The type of tissue and the underlying cause determine the predominant necrosis pattern.
Coagulative necrosis
- The commonest type, occurs in most organs
- Tissue is initially firm, later becomes soft as tissue is digested by macrophages
- In the early phases the histological appearances may demonstrate little change
- In later stages cellular outlines are seen with loss of intracellular detail
Colliquative necrosis
- Occurs in tissues with no supporting stroma
- Dominant necrosis pattern in the CNS
- Necrotic site may eventually become encysted
Caseous necrosis
- No definable structure seen in the necrotic tissue
- Amorphous eosinophilic tissue may be seen histologically
- Classically seen in tuberculosis
- Necrosis with putrefaction of tissue
- May complicate ischaemia
- Haemoglobin degenerates and results in the deposition of iron sulphide (which is why the tissue is black)
- Both wet and dry gangrene may occur, in wet gangrene there is often a liquefactive component and super-added infection (which usually smells!)
Fibrinoid necrosis
- Classically seen in arterioles in patients with hypertension (malignant type)
- Necrosis of the smooth muscle wall occurs and plasma may extravasate into the media with fibrin deposition
Fat necrosis
- Direct trauma to fat can result in rupture of adipocytes
- Lipids incite a local inflammatory reaction
- Inflammatory cells phagocytose the lipid with eventual fibrosis
- Also known as programmed cell death
- Energy dependent pathways are activated via a number of intracellular signalling mechanisms
- It is the result of the activation of caspases triggered by the bcl-2 family or the binding of the FAS ligand to its receptor
- DNA fragments, mitochondrial function ceases, nuclear and cellular shrinkage occurs
- Phagocytosis of the cell does not occur, instead the cell degenerates into apoptotic bodies
What is meant by the term gangrene? What gives gangrenous tissue its characteristic colour?
Gangrene typically refers to necrosis with putrefaction of tissue, the tissue will characteristically appear black. Both wet and dry types of gangrene are recognised. In the former, the process is complicated by cellular destruction by bacterial enzymes. In the latter, cellular structure is maintained. In some cases gangrene may progress from one type (dry) to another (wet). This is best exemplified in peripheral vascular disease where an initial patch of dry gangrene progresses to wet gangrene as a result of super-added clostridial infection.
Gangrenous tissue will typically appear black as haemoglobin
Cells can die via two mechanisms; necrosis and apoptosis. These are outlined below:
Necrosis is characterised by bioenergetics failure. Loss of tissue perfusion results in hypoxia and an inability to generate ATP. The integrity of the cellular membrane is lost and the loss of ATP results in loss of energy dependent cellular transport mechanisms. There is an influx of water, ionic instability and cellular lysis. The release of intracellular contents may stimulate an inflammatory response. Several types of necrosis are recognised; coagulative, colliquative, caseous, gangrene, fibrinoid and fat necrosis. The type of tissue and the underlying cause determine the predominant necrosis pattern.
Coagulative necrosis
- The commonest type, occurs in most organs
- Tissue is initially firm, later becomes soft as tissue is digested by macrophages
- In the early phases the histological appearances may demonstrate little change
- In later stages cellular outlines are seen with loss of intracellular detail
Colliquative necrosis
- Occurs in tissues with no supporting stroma
- Dominant necrosis pattern in the CNS
- Necrotic site may eventually become encysted
Caseous necrosis
- No definable structure seen in the necrotic tissue
- Amorphous eosinophilic tissue may be seen histologically
- Classically seen in tuberculosis
- Necrosis with putrefaction of tissue
- May complicate ischaemia
- Haemoglobin degenerates and results in the deposition of iron sulphide (which is why the tissue is black)
- Both wet and dry gangrene may occur, in wet gangrene there is often a liquefactive component and super-added infection (which usually smells!)
Fibrinoid necrosis
- Classically seen in arterioles in patients with hypertension (malignant type)
- Necrosis of the smooth muscle wall occurs and plasma may extravasate into the media with fibrin deposition
Fat necrosis
- Direct trauma to fat can result in rupture of adipocytes
- Lipids incite a local inflammatory reaction
- Inflammatory cells phagocytose the lipid with eventual fibrosis
- Also known as programmed cell death
- Energy dependent pathways are activated via a number of intracellular signalling mechanisms
- It is the result of the activation of caspases triggered by the bcl-2 family or the binding of the FAS ligand to its receptor
- DNA fragments, mitochondrial function ceases, nuclear and cellular shrinkage occurs
- Phagocytosis of the cell does not occur, instead the cell degenerates into apoptotic bodies
What is fat necrosis and where may it be most commonly seen?
Fat necrosis usually occurs as a result of trauma to a tissue. The adipocytes become damaged and lipids leak into the surrounding tissues. They incite an inflammatory response and are subsequently phagocytosed. Fat necrosis is commonly seen in female breast tissue following trauma and it may present as a hard mass that may be clinically indistinguishable from carcinoma.
Cells can die via two mechanisms; necrosis and apoptosis. These are outlined below:
Necrosis is characterised by bioenergetics failure. Loss of tissue perfusion results in hypoxia and an inability to generate ATP. The integrity of the cellular membrane is lost and the loss of ATP results in loss of energy dependent cellular transport mechanisms. There is an influx of water, ionic instability and cellular lysis. The release of intracellular contents may stimulate an inflammatory response. Several types of necrosis are recognised; coagulative, colliquative, caseous, gangrene, fibrinoid and fat necrosis. The type of tissue and the underlying cause determine the predominant necrosis pattern.
Coagulative necrosis
- The commonest type, occurs in most organs
- Tissue is initially firm, later becomes soft as tissue is digested by macrophages
- In the early phases the histological appearances may demonstrate little change
- In later stages cellular outlines are seen with loss of intracellular detail
Colliquative necrosis
- Occurs in tissues with no supporting stroma
- Dominant necrosis pattern in the CNS
- Necrotic site may eventually become encysted
Caseous necrosis
- No definable structure seen in the necrotic tissue
- Amorphous eosinophilic tissue may be seen histologically
- Classically seen in tuberculosis
- Necrosis with putrefaction of tissue
- May complicate ischaemia
- Haemoglobin degenerates and results in the deposition of iron sulphide (which is why the tissue is black)
- Both wet and dry gangrene may occur, in wet gangrene there is often a liquefactive component and super-added infection (which usually smells!)
Fibrinoid necrosis
- Classically seen in arterioles in patients with hypertension (malignant type)
- Necrosis of the smooth muscle wall occurs and plasma may extravasate into the media with fibrin deposition
Fat necrosis
- Direct trauma to fat can result in rupture of adipocytes
- Lipids incite a local inflammatory reaction
- Inflammatory cells phagocytose the lipid with eventual fibrosis
- Also known as programmed cell death
- Energy dependent pathways are activated via a number of intracellular signalling mechanisms
- It is the result of the activation of caspases triggered by the bcl-2 family or the binding of the FAS ligand to its receptor
- DNA fragments, mitochondrial function ceases, nuclear and cellular shrinkage occurs
Phagocytosis of the cell does not occur, instead the cell degenerates into apoptotic bodies
What do you understand by the term chronic inflammation?
The term chronic inflammation refers to a specific type of inflammatory response mediated by macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes. It may occur de novo or complicate long standing acute inflammation. Specific tissue changes may occur with chronic inflammation, such as fibrosis. A number of cellular events may also accompany the process such as the formation of granulomas.
Chronic inflammation may occur secondary to acute inflammation.In most cases chronic inflammation occurs as a primary process. These may be broadly viewed as being one of three main processes:
Persisting infection with certain organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis which results in delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and inflammation.
Prolonged exposure to non-biodegradable substances such as silica or suture materials which may induce an inflammatory response.
Autoimmune conditions involving antibodies formed against host antigens.
Acute vs. Chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation:
- Changes to existing vascular structure and increased permeability of endothelial cells
- Infiltration of neutrophils
- Process may resolve with:
- Suppuration
- Complete resolution
- Abscess formation
- Progression to chronic inflammation
- Healing by fibrosis
Chronic inflammation
- Angiogenesis predominates
- Macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes predominate
- Healing by fibrosis is the main result
Granulomatous inflammation
A granuloma consists of a microscopic aggregation of macrophages (with epithelial type arrangement =epithelioid). Large giant cells may be found at the periphery of granulomas.
Growth factors released by activated macrophages include agents such as interferon and fibroblast growth factor (plus many more). Some of these such as interferons may have systemic features resulting in systemic symptoms and signs, which may be present in individuals with long standing chronic inflammation.
What is a granuloma? Are granulomas confined to chronic inflammation alone? Can you think of any examples of chronic inflammation in which granulomas may be present that are encountered in surgical practice?
A granuloma is an aggregation of epitheliod histiocytes, surrounded by a rim of lymphocytes. They are a hallmark of chronic inflammation.
Granulomas are classically seen in Crohns disease. They are also seen in association with stitch sinuses.
Chronic inflammation may occur secondary to acute inflammation.In most cases chronic inflammation occurs as a primary process. These may be broadly viewed as being one of three main processes:
Persisting infection with certain organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis which results in delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and inflammation.
Prolonged exposure to non-biodegradable substances such as silica or suture materials which may induce an inflammatory response.
Autoimmune conditions involving antibodies formed against host antigens.
Acute vs. Chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation:
- Changes to existing vascular structure and increased permeability of endothelial cells
- Infiltration of neutrophils
- Process may resolve with:
- Suppuration
- Complete resolution
- Abscess formation
- Progression to chronic inflammation
- Healing by fibrosis
Chronic inflammation
- Angiogenesis predominates
- Macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes predominate
- Healing by fibrosis is the main result
Granulomatous inflammation
A granuloma consists of a microscopic aggregation of macrophages (with epithelial type arrangement =epithelioid). Large giant cells may be found at the periphery of granulomas.
Growth factors released by activated macrophages include agents such as interferon and fibroblast growth factor (plus many more). Some of these such as interferons may have systemic features resulting in systemic symptoms and signs, which may be present in individuals with long standing chronic inflammation.
What are macrophages?
Macrophages are the predominant cell type in chronic inflammation. They are a component of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Precursor cells in the bone marrow give rise to circulating monocytes. Once these extravasate into tissues, they become macrophages. Within tissues, they can be activated to form epitheliod cells and giant cells, at other times they may differentiate into tissue specific macrophages.
Chronic inflammation may occur secondary to acute inflammation.In most cases chronic inflammation occurs as a primary process. These may be broadly viewed as being one of three main processes:
- Persisting infection with certain organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis which results in delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and inflammation.
- Prolonged exposure to non-biodegradable substances such as silica or suture materials which may induce an inflammatory response.
- Autoimmune conditions involving antibodies formed against host antigens.
Acute vs. Chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation:
- Changes to existing vascular structure and increased permeability of endothelial cells
- Infiltration of neutrophils
- Process may resolve with:
- Suppuration
- Complete resolution
- Abscess formation
- Progression to chronic inflammation
- Healing by fibrosis
Chronic inflammation
- Angiogenesis predominates
- Macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes predominate
- Healing by fibrosis is the main result
Granulomatous inflammation
A granuloma consists of a microscopic aggregation of macrophages (with epithelial type arrangement =epithelioid). Large giant cells may be found at the periphery of granulomas.
Growth factors released by activated macrophages include agents such as interferon and fibroblast growth factor (plus many more). Some of these such as interferons may have systemic features resulting in systemic symptoms and signs, which may be present in individuals with long standing chronic inflammation.
What is the function of the immune system? What types of immunodeficiency are you familiar with? How does infection with HIV result in immunodeficiency?
The immune system is the main defence mechanism from infection. It has both innate and specific components. Memory is a key component, once specific cell types are exposed to antigen, they can target specific responses through clonal expansion on re-exposure to pathogens.
Immunodeficiency can be either primary or secondary. In the former, the condition is usually congenital and may involve deficiency or a specific class of antibody or generalised deficiency of all antibodies. More rarely, individuals may have a defect in cell mediated immunity. In these, T cell function is often affected and because they work in synergy with B cells, these too may be affected. Whereas primary immunodeficient states are rare, secondary immunodeficient states are more common. These include immunosuppressed states that occur following administration of chemotherapy or immunomodulatory drugs. Worldwide, malnutrition remains a common and sometimes overlooked cause of immunodeficiency.
HIV is a retrovirus with 2 subtypes. It most frequently binds to, and infects, the CD4 receptor on T helper cells. The T helper cells then cease to function effectively, specifically, they fail to activate B cells to produce antibody. The T helper cells themselves may die resulting in a falling CD 4 count.
Defects in immunity can be classified as being primary, due to an intrinsic defect in the immune system, or secondary to an underlying condition. These defects may involve innate or specific immune mechanisms.
Primary antibody deficiencies
Primary deficiencies may involve all classes of antibody or be specific to a particular sub class. In congenital forms of antibody deficiency, recurrent infections usually occur between 4 months and 2 years of age. Presentation earlier than this is generally unusual because maternal IgG affords temporary protection. The typical presenting features of an immunodeficient state are recurrent infections, these may be cutaneous or affect the airways. Infection with pyogenic organisms is most common e.g. streptococcus pneumonia. Infection with fungi or viruses is less common because cell mediated immunity is usually present. Diagnosis may be made by measurement of serum immunoglobulin levels. However, patient responses to attempts to initiate antibody production are a better guide. Examples of primary antibody deficiencies include; X linked agammaglobulinaemia, transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy, hyper IgM syndrome and selective IgA deficiency.
Primary defects in cell mediated immunity
These typically include impairment of T cell function, B cell impairment may also be present. The condition of severe combined immunodeficiency is an examples of this disorder and death may occur early in life if stem cell transplantation is not undertaken. Live vaccines are contraindicated as they may result in disseminated disease.
Defects in phagocyte function
Phagocytes are an important cell type in the immune system. Primarily they are the effector cells, that is they carry out the destruction of pathogens. These may be coated in antibody (opsonised) or the cell may directly attack pathogens. Disorders of neutrophil function are relatively common in clinical practice and usually manifest as a reduction in the overall numbers of cells (neutropenia). Chemotherapy is a common cause of this. In other cases the action may be attenuated by suppression of cytokine generation (such as following steroid administration).
Secondary immunodeficiency
Many conditions may result in secondary immunodeficient states. The absolute numbers of immune cells may be reduced or they may function ineffectively, often as a result of pharmacological intervention. Some patients may have asplenia following splenectomy, this places them at high risk of overwhelming infection from encapsulated organisms.
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus remains a common cause of secondary immune deficiency. HIV infection is mediated by 2 retroviruses HIV 1 and HIV 2. Infection with HIV initially produces a non specific glandular fever type illness in up to 20% of cases. Thereafter individuals can remain asymptomatic for many years. HIV enters susceptible cells by binding of the viral envelope protein to specific receptors on the cell surface (usually the CD4 molecule). Any cell bearing the CD4 antigen can be infected, typically this includes T helper cells. T lymphocyte mediated immune responses are therefore responsible for the main clinical manifestations of the disease. Treatment has evolved rapidly for HIV infection and in many cases it now represents a chronic illness.
What is the commonest primary immunodeficient state?
IgA deficiency, it is commonly asymptomatic.
Defects in immunity can be classified as being primary, due to an intrinsic defect in the immune system, or secondary to an underlying condition. These defects may involve innate or specific immune mechanisms.
Primary antibody deficiencies
Primary deficiencies may involve all classes of antibody or be specific to a particular sub class. In congenital forms of antibody deficiency, recurrent infections usually occur between 4 months and 2 years of age. Presentation earlier than this is generally unusual because maternal IgG affords temporary protection. The typical presenting features of an immunodeficient state are recurrent infections, these may be cutaneous or affect the airways. Infection with pyogenic organisms is most common e.g. streptococcus pneumonia. Infection with fungi or viruses is less common because cell mediated immunity is usually present. Diagnosis may be made by measurement of serum immunoglobulin levels. However, patient responses to attempts to initiate antibody production are a better guide. Examples of primary antibody deficiencies include; X linked agammaglobulinaemia, transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy, hyper IgM syndrome and selective IgA deficiency.
Primary defects in cell mediated immunity
These typically include impairment of T cell function, B cell impairment may also be present. The condition of severe combined immunodeficiency is an examples of this disorder and death may occur early in life if stem cell transplantation is not undertaken. Live vaccines are contraindicated as they may result in disseminated disease.
Defects in phagocyte function
Phagocytes are an important cell type in the immune system. Primarily they are the effector cells, that is they carry out the destruction of pathogens. These may be coated in antibody (opsonised) or the cell may directly attack pathogens. Disorders of neutrophil function are relatively common in clinical practice and usually manifest as a reduction in the overall numbers of cells (neutropenia). Chemotherapy is a common cause of this. In other cases the action may be attenuated by suppression of cytokine generation (such as following steroid administration).
Secondary immunodeficiency
Many conditions may result in secondary immunodeficient states. The absolute numbers of immune cells may be reduced or they may function ineffectively, often as a result of pharmacological intervention. Some patients may have asplenia following splenectomy, this places them at high risk of overwhelming infection from encapsulated organisms.
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus remains a common cause of secondary immune deficiency. HIV infection is mediated by 2 retroviruses HIV 1 and HIV 2. Infection with HIV initially produces a non specific glandular fever type illness in up to 20% of cases. Thereafter individuals can remain asymptomatic for many years. HIV enters susceptible cells by binding of the viral envelope protein to specific receptors on the cell surface (usually the CD4 molecule). Any cell bearing the CD4 antigen can be infected, typically this includes T helper cells. T lymphocyte mediated immune responses are therefore responsible for the main clinical manifestations of the disease. Treatment has evolved rapidly for HIV infection and in many cases it now represents a chronic illness.
What types of transplant are you familiar with?
Transplants involve the transposition of one organ or tissue from one site to another, from one individual to another and even from one species to another. The transplant type most widely recognised is an allograft, in which an organ from one individual is harvested and transplanted into another non related recipient. In most cases the donor and recipient are not genetically identical, which can pose problems with organ rejection. This does not occur when an isograft is performed as in this situation the two individuals are genetically identical.
Grafting of tissues and organs from another species, a xenograft, is also recognised. In most cases the immunological response precludes transplantation. However, in special situations porcine and other animal tissues can be used as cardiac valve replacements or as tissue substitutions e.g. permacol.
Allograft: Transplant of tissue from genetically non identical donor from the same speciesSolid organ transplant from non related donor
Isograft: Graft of tissue between two individuals who are genetically identicalSolid organ transplant in identical twins
Autograft: Transplantation of organs or tissues from one part of the body to another in the same individualSkin graft
Xenograft: Tissue transplanted from another speciesPorcine heart valve
What is a Meckel’s diverticulum? At what stage does it normally close? Where are they usually found? How common are they? How do they typically present? During an appendicectomy, a normal Meckel’s diverticulum is found. How should you proceed?
It is a protrusion of the wall of the small bowel caused by a persistance of the vitellointestinal duct and the yolk sac. It would usually close at 6 weeks gestation.
They are usually located in the terminal ileum, approximately 80cm from the ileocaecal valve.
Whilst most are asymptomatic, the main presenting feature of symptomatic Meckels diverticulum is with painless dark PR bleeding. They are the commonest cause of intestinal bleeding in children. The bleeding is because they may be lined by ectopic gastric mucosa, this can produce acid, the result of which is localised ulceration and bleeding.
If a noraml Meckel’s diverticulum is found on appendicectomy it should be left alone, particularly if the appendix is abnormal. If there is evidence of inflammation of the diverticulum, it should be excised. This may necessitate a small bowel resection.
Meckel’s diverticulum
- Congenital abnormality resulting in incomplete obliteration of the vitello-intestinal duct
- Normally, in the foetus, there is an attachment between the vitello-intestinal duct and the yolk sac.This disappears at 6 weeks gestation.
- The tip is free in majority of cases.
- Associated with enterocystomas, umbilical sinuses, and omphaloileal fistulas.
- Arterial supply: omphalomesenteric artery.
- 2% of population, 2 inches long, 2 feet from the ileocaecal valve.
- Typically lined by ileal mucosa but ectopic gastric mucosa can occur, with the risk of peptic ulceration. Pancreatic and jejunal mucosa can also occur.
- Normally asymptomatic and an incidental finding.
- Complications are the result of obstruction, ectopic tissue, or inflammation.
- Removal if narrow neck or symptomatic. Options are between wedge excision or formal small bowel resection and anastomosis.
George, a 59 year old miner is brought to the clinic with a painful foot. This is the examination finding: Describe how you would proceed.
His ABPI measures 1.2. In the context of the examination findings above, what does this suggest?

I would undertake a full examination of the patients vascular system. I would assess for signs of hypercholesterolaemia, check the blood pressure and examine all pulses. I would take an ankle brachial pressure index measurement.
In order to determine the management I would need to know the aetiology of the condition. However, it is evident that there is dry gangrene of the first three toes with gangrene developing in the fourth toe.
ABPI of 1.2 suggests that the patient may have underlying diabetes. Patients with diabetes can develop calcification in the vessel walls with false elevation of the ABPI measurements due to incompressible vessels. To determine the nature of the underlying arterial disease I would arrange a duplex scan.
Gangrene occurs when a tissue is deprived of its blood supply and dies. Cells die by necrosis. The underlying pathophysiology is that a tissue region is deprived of its blood supply. Two main types of gangrene are recognised, wet and dry gangrene.
Dry gangrene essentially represents mummification of a tissue area. The tissues themselves have died. However, there is no surrounding infection and the gangrenous process is typically clearly demarcated. Over time, the tissue will separate and the gangrenous area will fall off.
Wet gangrene refers to the state where the tissues themselves have become gangrenous but occurs in moist tissues such as the bowel or in areas where there is surrounding infection. The demarcation in wet gangrene is not clear and the process of infection will often allow the gangrene to spread to surrounding areas. In contrast to dry gangrene, patients with wet gangrene will often show signs of systemic disturbance.
Gas gangrene occurs when an area of devitalised flesh becomes colonised with gas forming organisms such as clostridium perfringens. The infection progresses rapidly with marked destruction of healthy tissue.
Dry gangrene with no systemic disturbance requires no specific management other that focus on the underlying cause. Gangrene in patients with underlying peripheral vascular disease (even if it is dry) is an absolute indication for revascularisation.
Wet gangrene is managed by administration of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics, optimising blood flow and surgically resecting the affected tissue.
Gas gangrene is usually treated with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics and wide surgical debridement.
How does this condition develop? What organism is the typical cause ? How is it treated?

There is widespread necrosis and discoloration of the limb with spreading gangrene. There is evidence of gas formation implying synergistic infection with gas forming organisms. - Infection with clostridium perfringens.
Gas gangrene is a surgical emergency. Treatment involves the administration of intravenous broad spectrum antibiotics and prompt surgical debridement of the affected tissues. Debridement should continue until viable tissues with no stigmata of infection are reached.
Gangrene occurs when a tissue is deprived of its blood supply and dies. Cells die by necrosis. The underlying pathophysiology is that a tissue region is deprived of its blood supply. Two main types of gangrene are recognised, wet and dry gangrene.
Dry gangrene essentially represents mummification of a tissue area. The tissues themselves have died. However, there is no surrounding infection and the gangrenous process is typically clearly demarcated. Over time, the tissue will separate and the gangrenous area will fall off.
Wet gangrene refers to the state where the tissues themselves have become gangrenous but occurs in moist tissues such as the bowel or in areas where there is surrounding infection. The demarcation in wet gangrene is not clear and the process of infection will often allow the gangrene to spread to surrounding areas. In contrast to dry gangrene, patients with wet gangrene will often show signs of systemic disturbance.
Gas gangrene occurs when an area of devitalised flesh becomes colonised with gas forming organisms such as clostridium perfringens. The infection progresses rapidly with marked destruction of healthy tissue.
Dry gangrene with no systemic disturbance requires no specific management other that focus on the underlying cause. Gangrene in patients with underlying peripheral vascular disease (even if it is dry) is an absolute indication for revascularisation.
Wet gangrene is managed by administration of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics, optimising blood flow and surgically resecting the affected tissue.
Gas gangrene is usually treated with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics and wide surgical debridement.
What is the difference between wet and dry gangrene in terms of management?
In dry gangrene the underlying tissues are mummified and the tissues surrounding the gangrenous area not threatened. There is usually no evidence of infection. In wet gangrene , the tissues are often macerated, the gangrenous process is not clearly demarcated and infection is often present. This impacts on management. In the former, management is directly primary at addressing the underlying cause. In the latter, attempts to convert wet gangrene to a dry type through the use of antibiotics, dressings and nursing care should be made. However, the patient should be closely observed and consideration to early surgery should be made if the condition is deteriorating. However, this would not be done until arterial inflow is optimised.
Gangrene occurs when a tissue is deprived of its blood supply and dies. Cells die by necrosis. The underlying pathophysiology is that a tissue region is deprived of its blood supply. Two main types of gangrene are recognised, wet and dry gangrene.
Dry gangrene essentially represents mummification of a tissue area. The tissues themselves have died. However, there is no surrounding infection and the gangrenous process is typically clearly demarcated. Over time, the tissue will separate and the gangrenous area will fall off.
Wet gangrene refers to the state where the tissues themselves have become gangrenous but occurs in moist tissues such as the bowel or in areas where there is surrounding infection. The demarcation in wet gangrene is not clear and the process of infection will often allow the gangrene to spread to surrounding areas. In contrast to dry gangrene, patients with wet gangrene will often show signs of systemic disturbance.
Gas gangrene occurs when an area of devitalised flesh becomes colonised with gas forming organisms such as clostridium perfringens. The infection progresses rapidly with marked destruction of healthy tissue.
Dry gangrene with no systemic disturbance requires no specific management other that focus on the underlying cause. Gangrene in patients with underlying peripheral vascular disease (even if it is dry) is an absolute indication for revascularisation.
Wet gangrene is managed by administration of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics, optimising blood flow and surgically resecting the affected tissue.
Gas gangrene is usually treated with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics and wide surgical debridement.
Describe how you would manage a 53 year old man who is brought to hospital with significant haemodynamic compromise and on examination is found to have gas gangrene affecting his right leg. The tissues up to the lower third of the calf appear to be affected.
This patient requires stabilisation and antibiotics. Surgery should follow soon afterwards. A transfemoral amputation should be considered. A transtibial or below knee amputation would compromise radical debridement of tissues and would thus be unsuitable.
Gangrene occurs when a tissue is deprived of its blood supply and dies. Cells die by necrosis. The underlying pathophysiology is that a tissue region is deprived of its blood supply. Two main types of gangrene are recognised, wet and dry gangrene.
Dry gangrene essentially represents mummification of a tissue area. The tissues themselves have died. However, there is no surrounding infection and the gangrenous process is typically clearly demarcated. Over time, the tissue will separate and the gangrenous area will fall off.
Wet gangrene refers to the state where the tissues themselves have become gangrenous but occurs in moist tissues such as the bowel or in areas where there is surrounding infection. The demarcation in wet gangrene is not clear and the process of infection will often allow the gangrene to spread to surrounding areas. In contrast to dry gangrene, patients with wet gangrene will often show signs of systemic disturbance.
Gas gangrene occurs when an area of devitalised flesh becomes colonised with gas forming organisms such as clostridium perfringens. The infection progresses rapidly with marked destruction of healthy tissue.
Dry gangrene with no systemic disturbance requires no specific management other that focus on the underlying cause. Gangrene in patients with underlying peripheral vascular disease (even if it is dry) is an absolute indication for revascularisation.
Wet gangrene is managed by administration of broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics, optimising blood flow and surgically resecting the affected tissue.
Gas gangrene is usually treated with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics and wide surgical debridement.
What pathological staging systems for colorectal cancer are you familiar with?
Dukes (UK)
Astler Coller (US)
How does the Dukes system stage colorectal cancer? What is the prognosis of a patient with a Dukes B tumour? What factors have led to an improvement in the Dukes B group?
It was originally devised as a pathological staging system and thus primarily relates to resected material. It has four categories from A to D. In the original description Dukes A tumours were those that were confined to the colon without direct extension beyond the colonic wall and without lymph node metastasis. Dukes B tumours were tumours that were confined to the colon (or extending beyond it) but without lymph node metastasis. Dukes C have regional lymph node involvement and Dukes D refers to liver metastasis.
Dukes B: Approximately 70% 5 year survival.
Many patients with Dukes B cancer do not receive chemotherapy so its important to acknowledge this. The two main factors are better surgery and perhaps most importantly, more accurate staging. As lymph node yields have increased and pathologists become more adept at locating lymph nodes, more patients are upstaged such that those categorised as Dukes B these days are truly Dukes B, rather than a patient with Dukes C disease that has been understaged.
Dukes: Gives the extent of spread of colorectal cancer
Dukes A: Tumour confined to the bowel but not extending beyond it, without nodal metastasis (95%)
Dukes B: Tumour invading bowel wall, but without nodal metastasis (75%)
Dukes C: Lymph node metastases (50%)
Dukes D: Distant metastases (6%)(25% if resectable)
((5 year survival in brackets))
A 79 year old lady is admitted with sudden onset of abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. On examination, she is distressed, she is tachycardic with an irregular pulse. Her abdomen is diffusely tender, but soft. Bowel sounds are absent. What is the most likely diagnosis? What diagnostic tests are most useful in this setting? What is the most likely underlying cause?
A combination of atrial fibrillation, sudden onset of pain with both diarrhoea, vomiting, pain out of proportion to the signs and absent bowel sounds, all point to acute mesenteric ischaemia.
- Arterial blood gas measurement
- Arterial lactate
- CT angiography
- Laparotomy
Mesenteric ischaemia accounts for 1 in 1000 acute surgical admissions. It is primarily caused by arterial embolism resulting in infarction of the colon. It is more likely to occur in areas such as the splenic flexure that are located at the borders of the territory supplied by the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.
- Acute mesenteric embolus (commonest 50%): Sudden onset abdominal pain followed by profuse diarrhoea. May be associated with vomiting. Rapid clinical deterioration. Serological tests: WCC, lactate, amylase may all be abnormal particularly in established disease. These can be normal in the early phases.
- Acute on chronic mesenteric ischaemia: Usually longer prodromal history. Post prandial abdominal discomfort and weight loss are dominant features. Patients will usually present with an acute on chronic event, but otherwise will tend not to present until mesenteric flow is reduced by greater than 80%. When acute thrombosis occurs presentation may be as above. In the chronic setting the symptoms will often be those of ischaemic colitis (mucosa is the most sensitive area to this insult).
Mesenteric vein thrombosis: Usually a history over weeks. Overt abdominal signs and symptoms will not occur until venous thrombosis has reached a stage to compromise arterial inflow. Thrombophilia accounts for 60% of cases.
Low flow mesenteric infarction: This occurs in patients with multiple co morbidities in whom mesenteric perfusion is significantly compromised by overuse of inotropes or background cardiovascular compromise. The end result is that the bowel is not adequately perfused and infarcts occur from the mucosa outwards.
Serological tests: WCC, lactate, CRP, amylase (can be normal in early disease).
Cornerstone for diagnosis of arterial AND venous mesenteric disease is CT angiography scanning in the arterial phase with thin slices (<5mm). Venous phase contrast is not helpful.
SMA duplex USS is useful in the evaluation of proximal SMA disease in patients with chronic mesenteric ischaemia.
MRI is of limited use due to gut peristalsis and movement artefact.
Overt signs of peritonism: Laparotomy
Mesenteric vein thrombosis: If no peritonism: Medical management with IV heparin
At operation limited resection of frankly necrotic bowel with view to relook laparotomy at 24-48h. In the interim urgent bowel revascularisation via endovascular (preferred) or surgery.
Overall poor. Best outlook is from an acute ischaemia from an embolic event where surgery occurs within 12h. Survival may be 50%. This falls to 30% with treatment delay. The other conditions carry worse survival figures.
It should not be forgotten that the prognosis is bleak and the only hope of salvage lies with prompt revascularisation. It may be necessary to proceed direct to laparotomy especially if the patient is unstable.
Most likely cause: An embolus lodged in the superior mesenteric artery. This is the most common variant and the history of AF makes this even more likely. Other causes include acute on chronic ischaemia of a lesion affecting the SMA. These patients can often be identified by their history as there is often chronicity to their symptoms. Mesenteric vein thrombosis can also cause problems with perfusion and pain. However, the symptoms often develop over several days and with less dramatic onset.
Investigation with CT scanning is strongly suggestive of an acute SMA embolic event. How would you manage this?
I would liaise with a senior and arrange a laparotomy. I would ensure that I had carefully discussed this with the patient and their relative since these cases have a high mortality rate.
Mesenteric ischaemia accounts for 1 in 1000 acute surgical admissions. It is primarily caused by arterial embolism resulting in infarction of the colon. It is more likely to occur in areas such as the splenic flexure that are located at the borders of the territory supplied by the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.
- Acute mesenteric embolus (commonest 50%): Sudden onset abdominal pain followed by profuse diarrhoea. May be associated with vomiting. Rapid clinical deterioration. Serological tests: WCC, lactate, amylase may all be abnormal particularly in established disease. These can be normal in the early phases.
- Acute on chronic mesenteric ischaemia: Usually longer prodromal history. Post prandial abdominal discomfort and weight loss are dominant features. Patients will usually present with an acute on chronic event, but otherwise will tend not to present until mesenteric flow is reduced by greater than 80%. When acute thrombosis occurs presentation may be as above. In the chronic setting the symptoms will often be those of ischaemic colitis (mucosa is the most sensitive area to this insult).
Mesenteric vein thrombosis: Usually a history over weeks. Overt abdominal signs and symptoms will not occur until venous thrombosis has reached a stage to compromise arterial inflow. Thrombophilia accounts for 60% of cases.
Low flow mesenteric infarction: This occurs in patients with multiple co morbidities in whom mesenteric perfusion is significantly compromised by overuse of inotropes or background cardiovascular compromise. The end result is that the bowel is not adequately perfused and infarcts occur from the mucosa outwards.
Serological tests: WCC, lactate, CRP, amylase (can be normal in early disease).
Cornerstone for diagnosis of arterial AND venous mesenteric disease is CT angiography scanning in the arterial phase with thin slices (<5mm). Venous phase contrast is not helpful.
SMA duplex USS is useful in the evaluation of proximal SMA disease in patients with chronic mesenteric ischaemia.
MRI is of limited use due to gut peristalsis and movement artefact.
Overt signs of peritonism: Laparotomy
Mesenteric vein thrombosis: If no peritonism: Medical management with IV heparin
At operation limited resection of frankly necrotic bowel with view to relook laparotomy at 24-48h. In the interim urgent bowel revascularisation via endovascular (preferred) or surgery.
Overall poor. Best outlook is from an acute ischaemia from an embolic event where surgery occurs within 12h. Survival may be 50%. This falls to 30% with treatment delay. The other conditions carry worse survival figures.
On some occasions, when the embolectomy is successful and the clot is removed, the patient experiences profound haemodynamic instability when the arterial clamps are removed. How do you explain this?
The most likely explanation is that this represents a reperfusion injury. This is a major problem with any vascular procedure. However, its effects are particularly marked with mesenteric ischaemia as the bowel rapidly accumulates toxic metabolites. When reperfused, these return to the systemic circulation. The combination of hyperkalaemia and acidosis can induce cardiac arrest in some patients.
Mesenteric ischaemia accounts for 1 in 1000 acute surgical admissions. It is primarily caused by arterial embolism resulting in infarction of the colon. It is more likely to occur in areas such as the splenic flexure that are located at the borders of the territory supplied by the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.
- Acute mesenteric embolus (commonest 50%): Sudden onset abdominal pain followed by profuse diarrhoea. May be associated with vomiting. Rapid clinical deterioration. Serological tests: WCC, lactate, amylase may all be abnormal particularly in established disease. These can be normal in the early phases.
- Acute on chronic mesenteric ischaemia: Usually longer prodromal history. Post prandial abdominal discomfort and weight loss are dominant features. Patients will usually present with an acute on chronic event, but otherwise will tend not to present until mesenteric flow is reduced by greater than 80%. When acute thrombosis occurs presentation may be as above. In the chronic setting the symptoms will often be those of ischaemic colitis (mucosa is the most sensitive area to this insult).
Mesenteric vein thrombosis: Usually a history over weeks. Overt abdominal signs and symptoms will not occur until venous thrombosis has reached a stage to compromise arterial inflow. Thrombophilia accounts for 60% of cases.
Low flow mesenteric infarction: This occurs in patients with multiple co morbidities in whom mesenteric perfusion is significantly compromised by overuse of inotropes or background cardiovascular compromise. The end result is that the bowel is not adequately perfused and infarcts occur from the mucosa outwards.
- Serological tests: WCC, lactate, CRP, amylase (can be normal in early disease).
- Cornerstone for diagnosis of arterial AND venous mesenteric disease is CT angiography scanning in the arterial phase with thin slices (<5mm). Venous phase contrast is not helpful.
- SMA duplex USS is useful in the evaluation of proximal SMA disease in patients with chronic mesenteric ischaemia.
- MRI is of limited use due to gut peristalsis and movement artefact.
- Overt signs of peritonism: Laparotomy
- Mesenteric vein thrombosis: If no peritonism: Medical management with IV heparin
- At operation limited resection of frankly necrotic bowel with view to relook laparotomy at 24-48h. In the interim urgent bowel revascularisation via endovascular (preferred) or surgery.
Overall poor. Best outlook is from an acute ischaemia from an embolic event where surgery occurs within 12h. Survival may be 50%. This falls to 30% with treatment delay. The other conditions carry worse survival figures.