mr smith-managing people Flashcards
what does it mean by employees are an asset
there something which is valuable to the business
there skills and abilities add value to the business
what does it mean by employees are a cost
because they get payment for work they do
usually in from of wage or salary
wage payed to worker depending on amount of work they do/number of hours they do
UK government set national minimal wages to assure people are not being underpaid
what is a contract of employment
contract signed by employee and employer agreeing on hours, salary etc
what is the difference between dissmisal and redundancy
dissmisal-where employee contract ends
choice from employer not employee
can be referred to as being fired or sacked
redundancy-empolyees role is no longer required
e.g business reducing amount of staff they have to employee
what are the types of flexible working
full or part time contracts
zero hour contracts
permemant or temporary contracts
shift work
home working
flexible hours
full or part time contracts
full time workers work at least 35 hours a week
part time workers work fewer hours them full time
adv of part time workers
they can be used to cover staff when they are absent
zero hour contracts
firm employees worker but doesnt offer them guarenteed hours
work as and when needed
so business doesnt pay for labour when not needed
staff have noobliagtion to accept work, may be hard for business to find enough staff in busy times
permenanet contracts and temporary contracts
permenanet contracts-have no end date
temproary contract-has end date e.g a year
home working
working at home
adv of home working
employee saves on travel costs
can work around outside commitements
can free up offic space/empolyer gain
dis of homeworking
more distractions
demotivating due to TV
difficult to monitor performance when at home
harder to communicate/difficulties with WIFI
what is recruiting
finding the best person for a job
finding and hiring someone for a job role that needs filling
selection process
involves assessing candidates
Assessment days
in tray exercises
may be interviewed face to face or virtually
assessment days
range of activities to assess candidates
may include diffrent types of tesing e.g group exercises
in tray exercises
candidate will be given scenario in which they play member of staff
given list of tasks to complete
may include emails, telephone calls, meetings
internal recruitment
where business recruits someone who already works for them
external recruitment
hiring someone from outside the business
adv of internal recruitment
candidates already know the business, bussiness knows the candidates
short and cheap process
adv of external recruitment
brings in fresh ideas
bring in experience from other organisations
pros of interna, recruiment
alreay know how they wokr e=within the busines
dont need to worry about them making relationships with other people in the business
short and cheap process
not time consuming
cons of internal recuritment
need to find replacemnt for place they left from
can cause resentment of collegues who were not chosen
cons of external recuritment
expensive and time consuming
may not get along with workers
expenses of recruitng
vacany costs and advertising
sepcialist recruitment agencies
induction training
improtant for new recuits
introduces them to the workplace and their new role
introdction begings with background of business, prodcuedures they take
more detial about their training
if employee not fuly supprted can become demotivated and reduction of effienciny make take place
on the job training
where new worker trianed by experinec worker in the workplace
adv of on the job training
lost costs
trianing is job speciifc
not as time consuming
dis of on the job training
person trianing you wont be working so production reduced
no new ideas brought into business
off the job training
going to a college to learn about the job
pros of off the job trainig
can bring in new ideas
specialst trainers
no job distratcions druing training
cons of off the job training
can be expensive
no benefit to business when training
may not be specific to day to day job
oragnisational structures
tall and flat structors
what is the chain of command
path of communication
and authority up and down heirarchy
charctersitics of tall structures
long chain of command
can neagtively impact communication
can take a long time to communicate
what are the 4 leadership styles
autocratic learership style
leader makes decisions on their own
members have no input
identify objectives and say exactly how they are going to be achieved
useful when dealing with loads of unskilled works and crisis management
dis of autocratic leadership style
may demotivate workers
as cant have an input
softer form of autocratic style
focuses on employee motivation more than autocratic style
leader consults them and persudes them to go with the decisions of his choice
encorugaerrs workers to participate in decision making
delegte resposinitbilut, listen to advice
discuss issues with workers
dis of democratic style
if lots of employees have an input, can take long time
laissez faire
hands off form of leadership
leaders may offer support, but rarely interfere within the business
good for small, highly motivated group of people
transformational leadership
when a business needs to drastically change
leader has innovative ideas
requires business structure which needs fixing
best used in businesses that need modernising