Mr. Gilley's Ancient History Ch. 1-3 Flashcards
A worship place in ancient Sumeria and Babylon
The false god of the Babylonians
Wedge-shaped writing created by the Sumerians
Another name for the 10 commandments
“Land Between Rivers”
The man that received the law of God
Sister of Moses who guided the basket to Pharaoh’s daughter
Because of their sin, we experience pain and death
Adam and Eve
He created a code for his people in ancient Babylon
Ancient history of a hero recorded on 12 clay tablets
Epic of Gilgamesh
What year was Daniel born?
623 BC
What year were the Israelites delivered from Egypt?
1896 BC
What year was the Tower of Babel?
2242 BC
What year did God call Abram out of Ur?
1922 BC
What year was Moses given the 10 commandements?
1491 BC
What year was Moses born?
1571 BC
What year did the Babylonians conquer Judah?
588 BC (Jewish Exile)
What was the year of creation?
4004 BC
What year did the Assyrians conquer Northern Israel?
732 BC
What year did King David take the throne of Israel?
885 BC
Who was Hammurabi?
The first Babylonian King who developed the Code of Hammurabi that was the foundation of all law-making in Babylonia. He united north and south Babylonia. He was also called Amraphel