Mozart movement 2 Flashcards
F sharp minor
time signature
ternary form - A B A1 Coda
What key is section A in
F sharp minor
Section A Theme 1A
MM Piano solo
LH Piano - Block chords
Section A theme 1b
MM Vl1 & Cl then Flute & Vl1, back to clarinet & Vl1 (always in pairs)
Accomp Tutti
Section A theme 1c
1st time - MM piano solo
2nd time- accomp strings - long notes
Section B Theme 2
1st Time MM Flute and 1st Clarinet Accomp 2nd Clarinet triplets, LH of piano Bassoon joins in at the end 2nd Time MM flute, clarinets, RH piano Accomp Basson, LH piano triplets
What key is section B in
A major
What happens after section B
**Scales and triplets in piano and winds but NO THEME
Section A1 Key
F sharp minor
Section A1 theme 1A
MM Piano solo
LH Piano - Block chords
* Wood wind major chord near the end of the theme, not heard first time*
Section a1 theme 1b
MM - Clarinet and 1st violin followed by flute, back to clarinet and 1st violin.
Accomp. 2nd violin - arpeggiated sequence of semiquavers
Bassoon counter melody
Rest of strings accomp.
Section a 1 theme 1b variation
MM Piano solo
Accomp LH arpeggiated sequence of semiquavers
4 bars later, Basson and LH piano call/answer arpeggiated sequence of semiquavers
Pizzicato strings
Piano has a melody - NOT A THEME
Coda theme 1b
MM Flute, clarinet joins and eventually bassoon
Counter melody 2nd Violin and Viola
1st Violin arpeggiated sequence of semiquavers
sec A theme 1a three melodic features
Block chords
Scale movement
Wide leaps
name the two instruments that introduce theme 1B sec a
the clarinet and violin
describe the accompaniment in theme 1B sec a
Broken chord acc on vln 2
pedal note viola
two features theme 1b sec a
descending step movement
where in the movement is theme 1b heard again
twice in section 1a - theme 1b and theme 1b variation
and once in the coda
what tonality is theme 1C sec a
instrumental arrangement of theme 1C
the first time is a piano solo
the second time the piano plays the theme and the strings accompany with long notes
three features of theme 1C sec A
block chords
repeated notes chromatic movement
keys of each section
A - A major
B - F sharp minor
A1 - A major
what is theme2 first heard on and what are they playing
flute and clarinet - thirds
describe the accompaniment on the 2nd clarinet in theme 2
semiuaver, triplet , arpeggio accompaniment