MOUTH, SALIVARY: 87, 88 Flashcards
superficial branches of facial artery
superior labial
angularis oris
inferior labial
three phases of deglutition
most common congenital disorders of the lips dogs
primary cleft palate
what lips syndrome has been described in shar-peis
thight lips syndrome:
inferior lip covers the rostral mandibular dental arcade
most common tumors of canine buccal cavity
melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma
oral papillomatosis: age, therapy, prognosis
most commonly affected <1 year of age
lesion regress without treatement 4-8 weeks
screen for immunosuppressive desease
azithromicin or recombinant vaccine as therapy
dogs predispopsed to lingual tumors
large breed dogs, shar-peis and chow chows
are lingual tumors more common in cats or dogs?
cats: 24% oro-pharingeal tumors are lingual
dogs: 3-4% oro-pharingeal tumors are lingual
what lymphnodes should be sampled with lingual tumors
retropharingeal and parotid
glossectomy: definition and difference cat-dogs
total glossectomy: >75% removal
DOG: up to 50% resection is well tolerated
CAT: more difficult recovery
disphagia: causes and different locations
functional: idiopathic, myasthenia, brainstem lesion, intracranial.
structural: masses, mucocele (pharingeal), tyroglossal duct cysts, hyoid bone deformation
pharingeal dysphagia: multiple attemt to swallow, bolus not passing pharingeal constrictor
pharyngoesophageal dysphagia: normal bolus movement through pharynx, fail to pass through cricopharyngeal spinchter
predominant tumors of tonsils in dogs
squamous cell carcinoma . high rates of metastasis (73% RLN), (42%distant metastasis)
elencate the structures that delimitates the parotid salivary gland
ROSTRAL: masseter, temporo-mandibular j
CAUDAL: sternomastoideus + cleidocervicalis muscles
VENTRAL: mandibular salivary gland
SUPERFICIAL: paritodoauricolaris + platysma muscles
parotid duct: position + opening
lateral aspect masseter.
upper 4 premolar
zygomatic duct: opening
caudolateral aspect 2 upper molar
mandibular salivary gland anatomy
LATERAL: linguofacial.maxillary vein junction
MEDIAL: medial retropharingeal LN + larynx
CRANIAL: sublingual
VENTRAL: mandibular LN
mandibular salivary gland duct: position + opening
beetween styloglossus and mylohyoideus
sublingual caruncole (lateral lingual frenulum)
sublingual salivary gland duct: openings
POLYSTOMATIC: empty directly oral cavity
MONOSTOMATIC (major sublingual duct): courses alongside mandibular duct, exit sublingual caruncole
what therapy usally produce improvement in sialoadenosis and sialoadenitis?
phenobarbital: 1-2 mg/kg PO BID
theoretically because of limbic epilepsy cause
difference between sialoadenosis and sialoadenitis/necrotizing sialometaplasia
pain upon palpation and vomiting
causes of sialocele
foreign bodies
4 main presentation of sialocele
EXOPHTALMOS: zigomatic
LABORED BREATHING: Pharyngeal (sublingual-mandibular)
DYSPHAGIA: ranula (sublingual-rostral portion
two approaches for sublingual-mandibular sialoadenectomy
ventral or lateral
most common oral tumors in dogs
fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, ameloblastoma anantomatoso, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma
classification of EPULIS
canine achantomatous ameloblastoma: from odontogenic tissue
peripheral odontogenic fibroma: fibrous and ossifyinng epulides
focal fibrous hyperplasia: reactive lesion from irritation by plaque or calcuclus
is it possible to remove mandibula, parotid and medial retropharingeal lymphnodes with a single approach?
what is the major artery to take care during a total mandibulectomy?
inferior alveolar artery if caudal mandibulectomy is performed
inferior alveolar artery has to be ligated if rostral mandibulactomy is performed in the mandibular canal
major artery to take care during caudal maxillectomies
major palatine artery
major artery to take care during caudal maxillectomies
major palatine artery