mottoes Flashcards
esto perpetua
may she last forver
domine, dirige nos
lord, direct us
fluctuat nec mergitur
she is tossed by the waves but does not sink
urbs in horto
a city in a garden
washington dc
iustitia omnibus
justice for all
sicut patribus, sit deus nobis
as with our fathers, may god be with us
usa pt 1
e pluribus unum
out of many one (on currrency)
usa pt 2
annuit coeptis
he looked with favor on our undertakings (on currency)
usa pt 3
novus ordo seclorum
new order of the ages (on currency)
puerto rico
ioannes est nomen eius
john is his name
canada pt 1
a mari usque ad mare
from sea to sea
canada pt 2
dei gratia
by the grace of god
nemo me impune lacessit
no one provokes me with impunity
semper fidelis
always faithful
coast guard
semper paratus
always prepared
ars artis gratia
art for the sake of art
ad maiorem dei gloriam (amdg)
for the greater glory of god
dum vivimus, vivamus
while we live, let us live
american federation of labor………..
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
domino, optimo, maximo
to the lord, the best, the greatest
citius, altius, fortius, in communiter
swifter, higher, stronger, together
amherst college
terras irradient
let them illuminate the earth
pro ecclesia, pro texana
for the church, for texas
brooklyn college
nil sine magno labore
nothing without great labor
brown university
in deo speramus
in god we trust
cambridge university
hinc lucem et pocula sacra
hence light and sacred draughts
centenary college
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
city college of ny
respice, adspice, prospice
look to the past, look to the present, look to the future
colgate university
deo ac veritati
for god and truth
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light we shall see the light
vox clamantis in deserto
a voice cries out in the wilderness
delaware college
scientia, sol mentis
knowledge, the sun of the mind
duke university
eruditio et religio
learning and religion
cor prudentis possidebit scientiam
the wise heart seeks knowledge
vires, artes, mores
strength, arts, character
fordham university
sapientia et doctrina
wisdom and teaching
hunter college
mihi cura futuri
my care is for the future
johns hopkins
veritas vos liberabit
the truth will set you free
mens et manus
mind and hand
perstare et praestare
to persevere and surpass
dominus illuminatio mea
god, my illumination
dei sub numine viget
he flourished in the presence of god
queens college and/or wellesley college?
non ministrari sed ministrare
not to be served but to serve
southern methodist university
veritas liberabit vos
the truth will set you free
trinity college
pro ecclesia et patria
for church and country
tulane university
non sibi, sed suis
not for herself, but for her own
us naval academy
ex scientia, tridens
out of knowledge, a trident
university of california (berkeley)
lux fiat
let there be light
university of chicago
crescat scientia, vita excolatur
let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
civium in moribus rei publicae salus
the welfare of the state lies in the character of its citizens
university of georgia
et docere et rerum exquirere causas
both to teach and to inquire
university of miami
magna est veritas
great is the truth
artes, scientia, veritas
arts, knowledge, truth
university of mississippi
virtute et armis
by valor and arms
university of missouri
salus populi
the welfare of the people
university of nebraska
litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus
dedicated to letters and all the arts
university of new mexico
lux hominum vita
light, the life of men
university of north dakota
lux et lex
light and law
university of oregon
mens agitat molem
mind moves the mass
university of texas (austin)
disciplina praesidium civitatis
discipline, the defense of the state
university of the south sewanee
ecce quam bonum
behold how good
university of vermont
studiis et rebus honestis
to honorable pursuits and deeds
university of washington
lux sit
let there be light
lux et veritas
light and truth
audemus iura nostra defendere
we dare defend our rights
ditat deus
god enriches
regnat populus
the people rule
i have found it
nil sine numine
nothing without divine guidance
qui transtulit, sustinet
he who transplanted, sustains
esto perpetua
may it last forever
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through difficulties
deo gratiam habeamus
let us be grateful to god
i lead the way
maryland pt 1
scuto bonae voluntatis tuae, coronasti nos
with the shield of thy good will thy has covered us
maryland pt 2 (niche deep cut)
crescite et multiplicamini
grow and multiply
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem
with the sword she seeks calm peace under liberty
si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice
if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around
virtute et armis
by valor and arms
salus populi suprema lex esto
the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
new mexico
crescit eundo
it grows as it goes
new york
ever upward
north carolina
esse quam videri
to be rather than to seem
north dakota
serit ut alteri saeclo prosit
one sows so that it benefits another age
imperium in imperio
an empire in an empire
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
alis volat propriis
she flies by her own wings
south carolina pt 1
dum spiro, spero
while i breath, i hope
south carolina pt 2
animis opibusque parati
prepared in mind and resources
stella quarta decima fulgeat
may the 14th star shine bright
sic semper tyrannis
thus ever to tyrants
west virginia
montani semper liberi
mountaineers are always free
cedant arma togae
let arms yield to the toga
us space force
semper supra
always above
queen elizabeth the first
semper eadem
always the same (woman)
king louis xiv
nec pluribus impar
not unequal to many
rollins college
fiat lux
let there be light
angelo state university
fiat lux
let there be light
university of pittsburgh
veritas et virtus
truth and virtue
manchester city football club
superbia in proelio
pride in battle
northwestern university
quaecumque sunt vera
whatsoever things are true
order of bath
tria juncta in uno
three joined in one
university of nevada las vegas
omnia pro patria
all for our country
sub umbra floreo
i flourish under the shade
unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno
one for all, all for one
georgetown university
utraque unum
both and one
stetson university
pro deo et veritate
for god and truth
ohio university
religio, doctrina, civilitas, prae omnibus virtus
religion, learning, civility, above all truth
us boy scouts
semper paratus
always prepared
order of bath
tria iuncta in uno
three joined in one
northeastern university
lux, veritas, virtus
light, truth, virtue
draco dormiens numquam titillandus
never tickle a sleeping dragon
ubertas et fidelitas
fertility and faithfulness
european union
in varietate concordia
united in diversity
deo iuvante
with the help of god
university of sheffield
disce et doce
learn and teach
haec tibi dona fero
these gifts i bring thee
newfoundland 2 (?)
quaerite prime regnum dei
seek first the kingdom of god
bryn mawr college
veritatem dilexi
i delighted in the truth
virtus unita fortior
strength united is stronger
freemasons/benedictines 2
laborare est orare
to work is to pray
university of paris
hic et ubique terrarium
here and everywhere on earth
the us public library system….
in libris libertas
in books freedom
pro mundi beneficio
for the benefit of the world
order of st. patrick
quis separabit?
who will separate (us)?
university of southern california
palmam qui meruit ferat
let him bear the palm who has merited it
university of notre dame
vita, dulcedo, spes
life, sweetness, hope
tottenham football club
audere est facere
to dare is to do
everton football club
nil satis nisi optimum
nothing is enough except the best
arsenal football club
victoria concordia crescit
victory grows in harmony
duke of wellington
virtutis fortuna comes
fortune favors the brave
trinity university
e tribus unum
from three, one
ut knoxville
veritatem cognoscetis et veritas vos liberabit
you will know the truth and the truth will set you free