Motorized Operations Flashcards
What are some implied tasks of Motorized Operations?
Clear, reconnoiter
What are some possible friendly oriented mission tasking statements for motorized Ops?
guard, protect, screen
What are some possible enemy oriented mission tasking statements for motorized ops?
Destroy, interdict, disrupt
What are some possible terrain oriented mission tasking statements for motorized ops?
Clear, secure, occupy
In Motorized Ops, a convoys response to contact is driven by its ______
How does the EN analysis differ between motorized ops and patrolling?
The EN analysis itself is the same, the difference is that in patrolling operations, the EMLCOA will change over distance and space
What are some potential vehicle considerations when planning motorized ops?
Seating and payload
Fuel consumption
What are some terrain and weather considerations when planning motorized ops?
Route options,
Road conditions,
width, weight limit,
Weather ffect on equipment,
Adverse weather
What are some time/space/logistics considerations when planning motorized ops?
Travel distance
Link up time
Cargo / PAX = gross weight
Fuel plan
Crew sustainment
What are some civilian considerations when planning motorized ops?
Eliminating initial EN threat
Winning hearts and minds
Providing security
Providing stability
Enabling the host nation
How should you break down the chance of enemy contact (EMLCOA) along your route?
Break down enemy contact from Checkpoint to Checkpoint as remote, probable, or imminent
What acronym is used to develop your motorized ops SOM?
Distribution of forces
Route (Primary/Alternate)
Movement Formations
Actions on contact
Task Organization
Tactical Control Measures
What does DRMATT stand for?
Distribution of forces
Route (primary + alternate)
Movement formations
Actions on objective
task organization
Who are the key personnel in motorized ops?
Convoy commander, assist convoy commander, security element leaders, vehicle commanders, navigator
What does the task organization of motorized ops look like?
Lead security unit, rear security unit, Main body
What should you keep in mind about the distribution of forces during your SOM?
There is no need to brief your SOM anonymously since the Lead sec unit is always SE1, Main body is always the ME, and Rear Sec unit is SE2
How should routes be briefed during SOM?
your primary and alternate routes should be briefed by name and/or from Checkpoint to checkpoint. You should address all movement formations, TCMs, and enemy considerations here.
What is an open column and what are the pros/cons of this formation?
100-200 meters in between vics.
Pros: more dispersion increases survivability against IDF, IEDs or air attacks. Fewer vics in the Kill Zone, reduced chance of accidents
Cons: difficult to C2. Intervals can be hard to maintain. More likely to lose sight of vehicles ahead. IA Drills harder to execute
What is an closed column and what are the pros/cons of this formation?
100 m or less between vehicles. Works best at night, in urban areas, or in high traffic areas
Pros: easier to C2, mutual support btn vehicles, can mass fires, civilian traffic less likely to enter convoy
Cons: more vulnerable to IDF, IEDs, air attacks. More vehicles caught in the kill zone. Less stopping and maneuvering distance
What are some TCMs that may be used during planning of motorized ops?
Checkpoints, rally points, unit boundaries
What are some key considerations when determining your actions on objective?
Is the Obj clear or Secure?
How will we occupy the objective?
who is receiving the cargo and what is the link up plan?
Plan for Load/Offload cargo?
How long will the convoy be at the objective?
What is the security and rest plan?
What are some new coordinating instructions to consider?
Order of march
Rate of march - speed
Lost vehicle plan
Bump plan
Refuel plan
Instructions for VCs/gunners/drivers
Example Moto Ops SOM
We will conduct a tactical resupply convoy, task organized into a Lead Sec Unit (vehicles 1-3) as SE1, Main Body (vehicles 4-7) as the ME, and Rear Sec Unit (vehicles 8-9) as SE2. Since vehicles 5 and 7 are also equipped with CSWs, they will provide flank security within the Main Body. Our primary route will be along Route Gold from the Bn AA to the resupply point at COP Bastion (Co Obj A), passing CPs 13, 21, 7, 6, and 8. [Start walking the dog] Between CPs 13 and 7 we will be in an open column to mitigate the high IED threat. When we reach CP 7 we will collapse to a closed column to enhance mutual support while moving through the built-up urban terrain. CPs 13 and 6 will be designated as our fixed rally points to be used at my discretion. In the event of enemy contact, floating rally points will be established 1km (or one terrain feature, whichever is greater) beyond the initial point of contact. As the lead vehicle passes CP 8, I will contact the supported unit via the Bn Tac Net and request link-up. [Then brief alternate route] Upon arrival to Co Obj A, the Main Body will enter the COP and execute offload while the rest of the convoy will remain in their vehicles and establish 360 degree security outside the compound. [Show how you plan to conduct Actions on the Obj using individual vehicles on the terrain model] Once resupply is complete, we will get back into the original order of march and return to the Bn AA along the same route [Walk the dog
back along the pri/alt return routes]