MAGTF Flashcards
What are the (4) core elements of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF)?
- A command element (CE).
- A ground combat element (GCE).
- An aviation combat element (ACE).
- A logistics combat element (LCE).
Explain the Command Element and their (7) warfighting functions (CIF-MILF)
The MAGTF headquarters. Task organized to provide the command-and-control capabilities necessary for effective planning, execution, and assessment of operations across the warfighting functions.
The seven warfighting functions are:
1. Command and Control
2. Information
3. Force Protection
4. Maneuver
5. Intelligence
6. Logistics
7. Fires
Explain the Ground Combat Element (GCE)
The GCE is task organized to conduct ground operations, project combat power, and contribute to battlespace dominance in support of the MAGTF’s mission. It is formed around an infantry organization reinforced with artillery, reconnaissance, amphibious assault, and engineer forces. The GCE can vary in size and composition, usually from a battalion to one or more Marine divisions.
Explain the Aviation Combat Element (ACE)
The ACE is task organized to conduct air operations, project combat power, and contribute to battlespace dominance in support of the MAGTF’s mission by performing some or all of the six functions of Marine aviation. It is formed around an aviation headquarters with air control agencies, aircraft squadrons or groups, and combat service support units. It can vary in size and composition from an aviation detachment of specifically required aircraft to one or more Marine aircraft wings.
Explain the Logistics Combat Element (LCE)
The LCE is task organized to provide all functions of tactical logistics necessary to support the continued readiness and sustainability of the MAGTF. The LCE is formed around a combat service support HQ and may vary in size and composition from a support detachment to one or more Marine logistics groups.
Define Marine Expeditionary Forces to include all components
The MEF is the Marine Corps’ principal warfighting organization. It is capable of missions across a range of military operations to include amphibious assault and sustained operations ashore in any environment. Size and composition can vary greatly depending on the requirements of the mission. The major commands that constitute the primary reservoir of combat capabilities are:
* A permanent Command Element (CE).
* A GCE of one or more Marine Divisions (MARDIV).
* An ACE of one or more Marine Aircraft Wings (MAW).
* A LCE of one or more Marine Logistics Groups (MLG).
Typically deploys by echelon with 60 days of sustainment. A lieutenant general normally commands a MEF.
What are the three standing MEFs and where are they located?
- I MEF based in southern California and Arizona.
- II MEF based in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
- III MEF based in Japan and Hawaii.
Define Marine Divisions to include all components
Mission: to provide forces for amphibious assaults or to execute other operations as may be directed.
Must be able to provide the ground amphibious forcible-entry capability to an amphibious task force (ATF) and conduct subsequent land operations in any operational environment. The division commander fights by using combined-arms tactics and tailors the force to the demands of each mission. The Marine division is employed as the GCE of the MEF or may provide task-organized forces for smaller MAGTFs.
Define Marine Air Wings to include all components
The ACE is composed of task-organized Marine aviation forces under a single commander. The ACE commander is the MAGTF commander’s principal advisor and subject matter expert on all aviation activities. The primary mission of Marine Corps aviation is to participate as the air component of the MAGTF in the seizure and defense of advance naval bases and to conduct such land operations as may be essential for the prosecution of a naval campaign.
Marine Logistics Groups
The MLG provides direct support (DS) to the MEF and sustained tactical logistics to each element in the MEF in the functional areas of logistics beyond the organic capabilities of supported units. It provides LCEs to smaller MAGTFs that train, rapidly task organize, deploy, employ, fight, and redeploy in order to provide general support (GS) and direct support (DS) logistics combat support to all elements of the MEF and smaller MAGTFs. The MLG is structured to support, in garrison or deployed, a one-division/one-wing configured MEF. Staffed and equipped by tables of organization and tables of equipment to support a one-division/one-wing MEF and/or three MEUs simultaneously.
Define the Marine Air-Ground Task Force concept
Consisting of command, ground combat, aviation, and logistical elements organized as necessary for each situation, the MAGTF supports the adaptability necessary for the uncertainty of the operational environment and the full range of military operations.
The MAGTF’s modular structure lends itself to rapid expansion into a larger force or integration into a joint or multinational force because the MAGTF structure parallels the structure of a multidimensional joint force.
The MAGTF is a balanced air-ground combined arms task organization of Marine Corps
forces under a single commander structured to accomplish a specific mission. It is the Marine Corps’ principal organization for all missions across the range of military operations. It is designed to fight, while having the ability to prevent conflicts and control crises.
Identify the four elements of a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
- A permanent Command Element (CE).
- A GCE of one or more Marine Divisions (MARDIV).
- An ACE of one or more Marine Aircraft Wings (MAW).
- A LCE of one or more Marine Logistics Groups (MLG).
- NOTE: Size and composition can vary greatly depending on the requirements of the mission. A lieutenant general normally commands a MEF.
Define the four elements of a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB)
- A CE may include additional assets such as command and control, force reconnaissance company, signals intelligence capabilities from the radio battalion, and engineering capabilities from the naval construction regiments.
- A GCE is composed of an infantry regiment reinforced with artillery, reconnaissance, engineer, light armored reconnaissance units, assault amphibian units, and other attachments as required.
- An ACE is composed of a Marine aircraft group comprised of combat assault transport helicopters, utility and attack helicopters, vertical/short takeoff and landing fixed-wing attack aircraft, air refuelers/transport aircraft, and other detachments as required.
- A LCE is task organized around a combat logistics regiment. This element has engineering, supply, transportation, landing support for beach, port, and airfield delivery, medical and maintenance capabilities.
- NOTE: Self-sustaining for 30 days. Normally commanded by a brigadier general.
What are the (3) standing MEBs and where are they located?
- 1st MEB located in Camp Pendleton, CA (I MEF) standing MEB CE; rather, task organized from within I MEF as the situation requires).
- 2d MEB located in Camp Lejeune, NC is aligned to II MEF (USEUCOM/USAFRICOM/USCENTCOM) (standing MEB CE).
- 3d MEB located in Okinawa, Japan is aligned to III MEF (USINDOPACOM) (standing MEB CE).
- 5th MEB (not a standing MEB) located in Bahrain also serves as MARCENT (FWD) and is aligned to USCENTCOM (also known as Amphibious Task Force-51/5th MEB)
Define the four elements of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
- A standing CE that may include additional assets such as command and control, force reconnaissance company, and signals intelligence capabilities from the radio battalion.
- A GCE comprised of an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, reconnaissance, engineers, light armored reconnaissance, assault amphibian units, and other attachments as required. This reinforced infantry battalion forms a battalion landing team (BLT).
- An ACE consisting of a Marine medium tiltrotor squadron (VMM) is reinforced with detachments from a Marine heavy helicopter squadron (HMH), Marine light attack helicopter squadron (HMLA), Marine attack squadron (VMA), Marine unmanned aerial vehicle squadron (VMU), Marine air traffic control detachment (MATCD), Marine wing support squadron (MWSS), and Marine aviation logistics squadron (MALS).
- A LCE consisting of a combat logistics battalion (CLB). The CLB has engineering, supply, transportation, landing support, medical, and maintenance capabilities.
- A Colonel commands a MEU and deploys with 15 days of sustainment.
What are the locations of the (7) standing MEUs?
- I MEF: 11th, 13th, 15th MEU
- II MEF: 22nd, 24th, 26th MEU
- III MEF: 31st MEU
Identify U.S. Navy shipboard traditions
Boarding a Navy Ship
* When you are in uniform and boarding any ship and the national colors are flying, you halt on the gangway, face aft, and salute the colors. You then turn to the Officer of the Deck (OOD) and salute. Then, displaying your military ID you request permission to board the ship, saying “I request permission to come aboard, Sir/Ma’am.” The OOD will then return your salute and give you permission to come aboard.
* When you leave a ship, you first salute the OOD and say, “I request permission to leave the ship/go ashore, Sir/Ma’am.” After receiving permission, you then face aft and salute the colors (if it is still flying) and depart.
Define the purpose of the Navy
Mission: The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train, and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas.
Describe the Navy force structure
The DoN was organized into three principal components including:
* The Navy Department, consisting of executive offices mostly in Washington, D.C.
* The Operating Forces, which includes elements of the Marine Corps
* The Shore Establishment, which is equivalent to the Marine Corps’ supporting establishment.
Department of the Navy Leadership
* SECNAV: The Secretary of the Navy has authority over both the Navy and Marine Corps.
* They are responsible for conducting all the affairs of the Department of the Navy.
* CNO: The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is the senior military officer in the Navy.
* CMC: The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is the senior military officer in the Marine Corps.
Naval Installations: The Navy is organized into six primary locations known as the “fleets”, below is a graphic depicting the fleet locations.
* 3rd Fleet: Eastern and Central Pacific (West Coast)
* 2nd Fleet: U.S. East Caost and Northern Atlantic (East Coast)
* 4th Fleet: South America, Central America, and Caribbean
* 6th Fleet: Mediterranean Sea
Identify Navy functional capabilities
Core Functions: The Navy operates to support three primary functions:
* Deterrence
* Sea Control
* Power Projection
Define statutory evolution of the Marine Corps
The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Navy on 13 October, 1775 in support of the American Revolution against Great Britain. One month later, the Continental Marine Act of 1775 was passed, and on November 10, 1775 the Continental Marine Corps was born. This resolution required this new fighting force be capable of fighting at sea with the same skills as soldiers on the land.
After the Revolutionary War drew to a close, Congress did not see a need to continue to
fund and support a Navy. In August 1785, Congress sold the last remaining ship of the
Continental Navy. After this, an American naval force was needed to protect Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs) due to pirates preying on unprotected merchant ships in the Mediterranean. The Naval Act of 1794 which initially provided for the construction of six ships, pay, and sustenance for Naval Officers, Marine Officers, petty officers, sailors, and Marines. This highly opposed act was the start of our present-day United States Navy.
The Act for Establishing and Organizing a Marine Corps in 1798. In an attempt to rectify gaps within military capabilities and command and control, Congress passed an act officially creating a United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps.
Explain the progression of the Marine Corps organizational structure
The Act for the Better Organization of the Unites States Marine Corps in 1834 clarified much of the uncertainty left by the act of 1798 and clarified that the Marine Corps would fall under the Department of the Navy rather than be absorbed into the United States Army or cease to exist, as some legislators lobbied for.
U.S. Code Title 10, 1958 following the Korean War, the Marine Corps was provided with the specified tasks of being able to seize, defend, and perform other such duties such as crisis response and sustained shore operations as needed.
The National Security Act of 1947 (Revised in 1953) formally reorganized the national military structure into the National Military Establishment which became the Department of Defense in subsequent years.