Motor System Flashcards
Pyramidal motor system
Motor function traveling through the
“pyramids” of the medulla
* Origin in cerebral cortex
* Voluntary
* Skilled movements
The pyramidal motor system controls the
contralateral side of the body
Extrapyramidal motor system
- Refers to non-pyramidal motor systems
(e.g. motor systems NOT traveling through
pyramids of the medulla) - Classically, used to describe aspects of
basal ganglia motor function - But, also applies to cerebellar motor
function– And a few other minorish motor systems - Older
- Origin in basal ganglia,
cerebellum, red nucleus - Axial and postural control,
coordination, balance
The cerebellar motor system controls the ipsilateral side of
the body (double-crosses)]
- involuntary (non-conscious)
- modulate a-motor neuron function but do
not directly synapse on them - Reticulospinal
- Vestibulospinal
- Rubrospinal
- Tectospinal
- Cerebellum
– ipsilateral control - Basal ganglia
– contralateral control - Their pathways are distinct from pyramidal motor
Upper Motor Neuron (Motor Cortex)
precentral gyrus
Betz cells: giant pyramidal cells
– send long axons that synapse onto alpha-motor
neurons in the spinal cord
– largest neurons of the CNS, cell bodies are in
layer V
– long axons
- Other cortical areas
involved in motor control:
– Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) - production of planned movements
– Supplementary motor area (SMA) - projects directly to spinal cord
- can control both sides of body; many muscle groups; sequences of movements
frontal eye fields
* in prefrontal cortex
initiation of eye movements by
stimulating saccadic eye movements
* have a topographic representation of
space in retinotopic coordinates
Broca’s area
- speech production
Corticospinal tract
Originates in multiple
cortical areas
– Primary motor cortex
– Pre-motor cortex
* Route via:
– Internal capsule
* Between Thalamus &
Basal Ganglia
– Cerebral peduncles
* Contralateral crossing at
the pyramids (medulla)
internal capsule (coronal view)
internal capsule (horizontal view)
Where do pyramidal motor tracts travel?
Pyramidal motor tracts travel in
ventral brain stem/ pons
pyramidal dessucation
– Near complete
crossing of the
pyramidal tracts
* 90% contralateral
* 10% ipsilateral
– Ipsilateral tract
thought to be partially
responsible for
recovery after
unilateral motor
cortex damage
Corticobulbar tract
- motor cortex to cranial nerve
nuclei in the brainstem - muscles of face, head, and
neck - usually innervate bilaterally
- travel in the genu of the
internal capsule - do NOT have major crossing
in the pyramids
Reticulospinal tract
- extrapyramidal
- arises from the
reticular formation - primary roles are for
postural control and
– particularly proximal
and axial muscle
Vestibulospinal Tract
- extrapyramidal
- relays information from
the vestibular nuclei
vestibulocochlear nerve) - support posture and
balance, control head
- extrapyramidal
- originates in red nucleus
– in midbrain, neighboring
substantia nigra - axon fibers cross/decussate
in midbrain - function
– cerebellar inputs: carry out planned
– alternative to the corticospinal system
Tectospinal tract
- extrapyramidal
- originates in midbrain tectum,
terminates in spinal cord - mediates reflex postural
movements of the head, based
on visual input arriving at the
superior colliculus
Spinal Cord Motor Organization
- Gray Matter
– Dorsal/Posterior Horn
– Ventral/Anterior Horn - Where the a-motor neurons live
- White Matter
– Posterior Funiculus
– Lateral Funiculus - Carries the descending corticospinal
tract (from the opposite side)
– Anterior Funiculus - Dorsal Root Ganglion
– Sensory Input - Ventral Root (aka
Anterior root)
– Where the motor output heads out to
the muscles
a-motor neuron
the “lower motor neuron”
* cell body is in the spinal cord, but axon extends
into the PNS
* axon can be up to 3-4 feet long
* innervates extrafusal (skeletal) motor fibers
* motor unit: a-motor neuron + its muscle fibers
* the number of a-motor neurons is proportional to
the degree of control
* #finger a-motor neurons»_space; #quadriceps a-motor neurons
- cell bodies sit in the ventral cord
– aka ventral horn
– aka anterior horn