Motor Learning: Stages of and Measuring ML - E2 Flashcards
Define Motor Learning
A set of internal processes associated w/a practice or experience leading to a relatively permanent change in the capability for skilled behaviour
What is the time frame of motor learning
minutes, hours, or days
Define a skill
Individual’s ability to consistently achieve a goal under a wide variety of conditions
List the three phases of motor learning
What is the cognitive phase?
b) learner?
c) Strategies?
d) performance?
e) Improvements?
“The talking and demonstration phase”
- Learner is new
- Experiments w/many strat
- Variable perfom
- Improvements are rapid
What is the associative phase?
b) learner?
c) Strategies?
d) performance?
e) Improvements?
“The less talking phase”
- Learner is refining the skill
- Learner selected the strategy
- Performance is less variable
- Improvements much slower rate
How long does the cognitive phase last?
Minutes, hours, days
How long does the associative phase last?
Days, weeks, months
What is the autonomous phase?
- Skills are automatic w/less attn to primary task
- Begin to attend to secondary tasks or other sensory aspects of the environment
- May alter performance to conserve E
What is the take home message on Motor Learning?
Individuals need to go through these stages and some need certain stages more than others
What happens w/performance across the three phases of ML?
It increases in a log shaped manner
What happens to error across the phases of ML?
It decreases in a log-shaped manner
Is there variability b/t learners?
What are good ways to document progress?
- Progression by increased performance
- Progression by decreased failure
What are other methods to measure ML?
- Automaticity (Can complete dual-tasking etc)
- Effort (decreased HR, RPE)
- Retention of a skill (pre-test one day to pre-test next session)
- Generalizability of a skill
Learning vs training
- Learning is relatively permanent changes in the capability to achieve a goal
whereas training is temporary changes in performance
What type of test reflects TRUE motor learning?
A retention test
What is the goal of treatment?
Retention/maintaining what a Pt learned in a pervious session (Carry-over)
What is a difference score?
Diff. b/t the last performance trial and the first retention trial - measures learner retention
What is a savings score?
The number of trials required to the subject to reach the level of proficiency achieved in the OG performance
What is generalizability/transfer of a skill
The ability to use what was learned in one task in another task
What is true of transfer b/t motor tasks?
- It is small
- Depends on similarity of tasks