Motor impairments Flashcards
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having a generalized mm weakness
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
- a motor portion of speech articulation
- speak one word at a time
- slow, hesitant, change in melodic quality
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
- an impairment in performing rapidly alternating movements
- movements that are irregular
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-cant judge distance or range of a movement
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-overestimation of range needed to reach object
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-underestimation of range needed
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-break down movements into sequences instead of smooth motion
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-cannot associate muscles together to make a complex movement
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-broad base of support, poor upright balance, stepping is irregular, unsteady gait
Gait ataxia:
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-decrease in muscle tone, will see less resistance to passive movement, muscles soft
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
- rhythmic, quick, oscillatory movement of eyes back and forth. Will have trouble holding gaze on an object in the peripheral field
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
-loss of check reflex: cannot halt forceful movements when resistance is eliminated
Rebound Phenomenon:
What cerebellar motor impairment is described as having
- involuntary oscillatory movement from alternate contractions of opposing muscle groups
what are the two types of tremors
Intention tremor
What basal motor impairment is described as having
-can’t initiate movement, have episodes of fixed postures-FREEZING EPISODES
What basal motor impairment is described as having
-slow involuntary, writhing, twisting movements, usually > in distal UE’s, wrists and fingers may hyperextend and then flex, combined with rotary movements of extremities. Can effect other areas of body. AKA athetoid movements: usually see in combo with spasticity, tonic spasms or chorea.
What basal motor impairment is described as having
-decreased amplitude and velocity of voluntary movement: decrease arm swing, shuffling gait,
What basal motor impairment is described as having
-involuntary, rapid, irregular, jerky movements involving multiple joints. Cannot voluntarily control movements
What basal motor impairment is described as having
-have features of both chorea and athetosis
What basal motor impairment is described as having
- large amplitude, sudden, violent, flailing motions of arm and leg on one side of body: affects axial and proximal musculature of limb
What basal motor impairment is described as having
- increase in muscle tone causing greater resistance to passive movement: more pronounced in flexor muscles:
What are the two types of rigidity?
Leadpipe- stiff all the way thru
Cogwheel- gives a little then stiffens
What basal motor impairment is described as having
- involuntary, rhythmic, oscillatory movement observed at rest: disappear with purposeful movement, may increase with emotional stress: “pill rolling” is typical, may also affect jaw or other areas