Motor II Flashcards
Origin and termination of Corticotectal tract
- Origin = occipital lobe (visual association cortex = areas 18 and 19)
- Termination:
–> oculomotor accessory nuclei = control reflex movements of eyes
–> superior colliculus = gives rise to tectospinal tract and associated with reflex movements
origin and termination of Tectospinal tract
- Origin = superior colliculus
- Termination = C and T spinal cord levels
what is the function of the Tectospinal tract
- associated with reflex movements of the eyes, neck (head) and upper thorax in response to auditory, vestibular, or cutaneous stimuli
describe Corticorubral tract
- origin = sensorimotor cortex
- termination = red nucleus of midbrain
describe Rubrospinal tract
- Origin = red nucleus
- Crosses in the MIDBRAIN and descends to the upper spinal cord
Function of rubrospinal tract
- controls the movement of HAND and DIGITS by:
1) facilitating motor neurons that innvervate distal flexor muscles of UL
2) inhibitor motor neurons that innervate the distal extensor muscles of UL - Supplements the function of (more important) corticospinal tract
- more important in primates for grasping branches
what is the result of Rubrospinal tract lesion
- will result in UMN signs
What stimualtes the reticulospinal system?
–> descending cortical projections (corticoreticular fibers)
–> input from the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei (influence muscle tone)
–> ascending somatosensory projections (spinoreticular fibers) relaying nociception
Describe corticoreticular fibers
- Origin = sensorimotor cortex
- descend with corticonuclear and corticospinal tract fibers
- Termination = IPSILATERAL reticular formation (pons and medulla)
describe MEDIAL (pontine) reticulospinal tract
- Origin = pontine nuclei
- descends IPSILATERAL down the anterior funiculus and synapse in gray matter with interneurons and gamma motor neurons
- Termiantion = at ALL spinal cord levels
describe the function of the medial (pontine) reticulospinal tract
- Simultaneously inhibitory to the flexors
**LESION = UMN signs**
describe Lateral (medullary) reticulospinal tract
- Origin = medullary nucleus
- Descends IPSILATERALLY down the anterior funiculus and synapses in gray matter with interneurons
- Terminates at ALL spinal cord levels
function of lateral (medullary) reticulospinal tract
- INHIBITORY influence on motorneuron that innervate the paravertebral and limb extensors
- Simultaneously EXCITATORY to the flexors
**Opposite of medial reticulospinal tract**
** LESION = UMN signs**
describe the role of both reticulospinal tracts
- Terminate on interneuons that synapse with alpha and gamma motor neurons that INNERVATE ANTIGRAVITY MUSCLES (paravertebral and proximal limb muscles - NOT fingers)
- modulate muscle tone and posutre maintenance via commands that arise from basal ganglia and verebellum
Describe medial vestibulospinal tract
- Origin = medial and inferior vestibular nuclei
- termination - BILATERALLY at cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord levels