motor 2: specific tracts Flashcards
reticulospinal tract
mostly extensor-biased tract
- cell bodies located in medial column of caudal pontine and rostral medullary reticular formation
- the tract descends ipsilaterally and bilaterally to ventral column
- serves postural gait adjusments (balance) during mvmt by acting on anti-gravity muscles
- is central for bilateral and coordinated gross mvmt of the limbs (e.g locomotion)
- gross mvmt during reaching
- reticulospinal tract is highly myelinated and fast acting
reticulospinal tract imput
tectospinal tract, vestibulospinal tract, basal ganglia, motor cortex, cerebellum
vestibulospinal tracts
nuclei of medial and lat. nuclei of medulla contribute (even though there are 4)
lateral vestibulospinal tract
generates muscle tone in deep back and limb extensors
medial vestibulospinal tract
stabilizes head during mvmt - esp. rotation
cell bodies in sup. colliculi, fibres cross in midbrain to the contralat. and terminate at motoneurons in cervical spinal cord to act on neck and shoulders
- small portion of the tectospinal tract remains ipsilat. to inhibit muscles on one side while the contralat. muscles are excited, therefore acts bilateraly
- controls rflx mvmt of the head, neck and upper limbs in response to all relevant sensory stimuli (visual, auditory, tectile, temperature, pain, etc)
tectospinal imputs
visual from retina, auditory for inferior colliculi, sensory input for SC) > superior colliculi > tectospinal tract > neck and shlder muscles
tectospinal - 2
controls rflx mvmt of head, neck and upper limbs in response to all relevant sensory stimuli.
important for steering the body (change of direction) during gait as we navigate our visual axis in the direction of mvmt
rubrospinal tract (flxor - biased tract)
originates in red nuc. and splts near its origin at midbrain level
- tract descends contralat. and accompanies the lateral corticospinal tract (lat. motor pathways)
- passes through lat. column of SC and ends at lvl of cervical cord
- tract innervates all flxr muscles of UL
- receives input from motor cortex
- acts unilat. and complements the function of the lat. corticospinal tract (alt. mtr pathways)
immature or destroyed pyramidal systm.
if rubrospinal tract imput removed, rubrospinal tract acts as a tonic flxr of the arm muscles
-babies, fetuses and stroke patients display strong flxr tone in the UL owing to disinhibition of the rubro. tract
topographical organization of alpha and beta-motoneurons in ventral horn
both pyram. and extrapy. target alpha and beta motorneurons of the SC
- alpha and beta motorneurons located in ventral horn
- at brachial and lumbosacral plexus, alpha and beta motorneurons supply the axial muscles are located in the medial ventral horn (medial motoneuron pool) whereas those that suuply limb muscles are located lateral giving rise to lat. motorneuron pool
medial motoneuron pool
control axial muscles/axial
lat. motoneuron pool
control muscles of the limbs/appendicular
lat. motor pathways (in lat column)
contains lat. corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts
- synapse with neurons of lat. motoneuron pool
fine voluntary mvmt of limb muscles
- flxor-biased mvmt of UL
acts unilaterally
med.. motor pathways (in ventral column)
cotaints anterior corticospin., reticulospin., vesitbulospin. and tectospin.
- synapse with neurons of med.. motoneuron pool
- postural and rflx mvmt of axial muscles
- mostly acts biilaterally
medial descending motor system (mostly extrapy. tratcs)
phylogenetically older than the lateral descending motor system
- controls coordinated whole-body postural and orienting mvmts
lat. descending motor system (
phylogenetically younger than all descending motor tracts and highly dvlped in humans
- concerned with mvmts of the limbs
Upp. motor neuron lesions
rubrospinal tract is flxr-biased upp. motor neurones in UL
- reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts are extensor-biased UMNS in LL
Upp. motor neuron lesions - decorticate rigidity
above midbrain = removal of the influence of the corticospinal tracts on rubro., reticulo. and vestibulo. tracts
Upp. motor neuron lesions - decerbrate rigidity
- blw midbrain results in removal of rubo. tract in addition to reomval of influence of corticospinal tract on retic. and vestib. tracts