motor 2: extrapyramidal Flashcards
btwn diencephalon and spinal cord
3 longitudinal substructures of brainstem
tectum - roof (most posterior part of brainstem)
tegmentum - middle part
base is the most anterior part of the brainstem
tectum (quadrigeminal space)
posterior to cerebral acquduct.
sup. and inf. medullary velum located posterior to 4thventricle
sup colliculi plays an important role in mvmt, co-ordination as well as occular reflexes
anterior to ventricles
all ascending pathways
all brainstem nuclei except pontine
some descending pathways - extrapyramidal
anterior to tegmentum
contains crus cerebri, base of pons, pyramids of medulla, only DESCENDING PATHWAYS (pyramidal and corticopontine)
lacks ascending pathways
contains pontine nuclei
cerebral peduncle
crus cerebri + tegmentum
located rostral to the pons and caudal to diencephalon
predominantly motor centre
motor function
substantia niagra, red nucleus and superior colliculi play an important role
divided into pontine tegmentum and basilar pons
- axons of pontine nuclei (=pontine cerebellar tract) enters the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle
- pyramidal tract is a major motor pathway that descends through the pontine base
- corticopontine pathways also descend through the midbrain & pons bases to synapse with pontine nuclei
pyramidal tract descends through the pyramids (medullary base) and decussates at caudal medulla level
- relays motor and sensory pthwys
- centres for chewing and swallowing
- accomodates cardiovascular and respiratory centres
3 major proprioceptive sensory receptors
fast acting and constantly elicted to adjust and maintain balance and posture during mvmt as the body is challenged by push and pull forces from the outside
muscle spindles
golgi tendon organ
joint receptors
muscle spindles:
provide info about changes in muscle length. Protects muscles from over-stretching by elicting muscle stretch reflex - knee jerk
- important in stabilizing joints to maintain balance and posture
golgi tendon organ
provide info about changes in muscle tension (muscle contraction) - protects muscles from high tension eg drop load if too heavy
joint receptors
free nerve endings: provide info related to joint position. Present in joint capsuls and connective tissue surrounding synovial joints
major mvmt types and organization of basic mvmt: simple pattern reflexes
involve spinal cord circuits only
- are automatic, unlearned and predictable relexes, no cortical input
major mvmt types and organization of basic mvmt: complex postural adjustments
involve SC and surpraspinal centers (brainstem (extrapyramidal/cerebellum)
not stereotyped, but flexible and goal orientated/adaptive
- mostly coordiante their action with voluntary mvmt, hence require cortical input for coordination of their action
major mvmt types and organization of basic mvmt: voluntary mvmts
involve SC, Brainstem and motor cortex (more CNS areas)
supraspinal reflexed
maintain equilibrium during ongoing voluntary mvmt
- regain equilibrium after occurence of unanticipated postural pertubation
maintain postural reflexes
only reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts