Motivation & Group performance (chpt 5.) Flashcards
Ringlemann effect (1913) rope-pulling task
The greater the group size the smaller the performance by an individual group member
Actual Productivity= Potential Productivity- Process Loss
Process Loss
Coordination Loss
Motivation Loss
How individual input is transformed into the group’s output
Motivation Loss
Less effort shown by group members working in a group than working alone
Ingham (rope pullin) 1974
Members pulled on rope with less amount off effort when in a team. Verses when told no team they pulled harder as individuals.
Real group condition
Pseudo-group condition*
Blindfolded individuals performed believing that others were performing, too.
Designed to isolate motivation loss
Individual work condition*
Social loafting
A group-produced reduction in individual output on easy tasks in which contributions are pooled.
Identifiability mean -when individuals slack off when your work doesn’t seem visible as a group
evaluation potential- means individual work is visible good or bad work
Task attractiveness or importance- means is the task fun or important
Attractiveness/importance of group’s performance-means group performance what we deliver is important
Harkins & Jackson 1985 Evaluation Potential
Ea. individual had to think of idea for a use of a pencil
- writing etc. they wrote their samples on a piece of paper and drop it in a box.
1) Identifiability manipulation ea. paper’s ideas collected individually was seen from each group member how many idea’s placed in the box
one idea in ea. paper
Although ea. member was lied to they all were generating idea’s for separate tools
2) Evaluation potential manipulation
Ps generated ideas re: same object vs. each p generated ideas re: different objects
Idea generation performance of ideas
Evaluation potential high when number of idea’s is high in individual contribution identifiable and when individual contribution not identifiable number of ideas is low
Evaluation potential low in individual contribution identifiable and in individual contribution not identifiable number of ideas is low
Which combination between the following two factors maximizes effort?
Simple vs. difficult task
Evaluation potential: high vs. low
Free riding
Contributing less to a collective task when a member believes that other group members will compensate for this lack of effort.
Causes intragroup conflict.
Likely to happen when individuals believe their contribution is dispensable
Public Goods Dilemma
public contribution charity work, fundraising
some people don’t want to contribute
Sucker effect
When individuals don’t want to be exploited by the other free riders in the group.
The negative effect of free-riding.
Mixed-Motive Situations
Many situations involve the motive to compete mixed with the motive to cooperate.
Incompatible goals + Compatible goals.
Social Dilemmas
Interpersonal situations where individuals must choose between maximizing personal outcomes and maximizing their group’s outcomes.
When group achieves collective goal, everybody can enjoy the benefits temptation to not contribute but still reap the benefits
Resource Dilemma
When group members share a common resource that they want to maintain, but each member is tempted to take more than their fair share.
Short-term gain may lead to long-term loss