Motivating employees (Chapter 6). Flashcards
Define motivation.
Motivation is the reason why employees want to work hard and work effectively for the business.
What are the five reasons why people work?
- Money.
- Security.
- Job satisfaction.
- Esteem needs (self-importance).
- Social needs (affiliation).
Why would money be a reason why people work?
To pay for necessities and some luxuries.
Why would job satisfaction be a reason why people work?
Enjoyment is derived from feeling that you have done a good job.
Why would esteem needs (self-importance) be a reason why people work?
Feeling important, feeling that the job you do is important.
Why would security be a reason why people work?
A sense of security, i.e. knowing that your job and pay are safe - you are not likely to lose your job.
Why would social needs (affiliation) be a reason why people work?
Feeling part of a group or organisation, meeting people, making friends at work.
What is the main benefit of a well motivated workforce?
High productivity - high output per worker - in a business usually comes from a workforce that is motivated to work effectively and from this comes increased profits.
A well-motivated workforce gives benefits to a business, including:
- High output per worker - which helps to keep costs low and increase profits.
- Willingness to accept change, for example, new methods of working.
- Two-way communication with management, for example, suggestions for improving quality.
- Low labor turnover - a loyal workforce - this reduces the cost of recruiting workers who leave.
- Low rates of absenteeism - reducing the disruption caused by absence from work.
- Low rates of strike action - avoiding damage to customer relations.
What leads to high profits?
well-motivated workers → high productivity (employees work more effectively) → increased output → higher profits.
What leads to lower/ no profits?
unhappy workers → do not work very effectively → low output → lower/no profits.
Abraham Maslow proposed a heirarchy of needs. From the top going down, what were these needs?
- Self-actualisation.
- Esteem needs.
- Social needs.
- Safety/security needs.
- Physiological needs.
What are the two points to remember for self-actualisation?
- Succeeding to your full potential, feeling that you have done a good job not just for financial and personal reward.
- Being promoted and given more reponsibilty.
What are the two points to remember for esteem needs?
- Having status and recognition, achievement, independence.
- Being given recognition for a job well done.
What are the two points to remember for social needs?
- Friendship, a sense of belonging to a team.
- Work colleagues who support you at work.
What are the two points to remember for safety/security needs?
- Job security.
- Protection against danger, protection against poverty, fair treatment.
What are the two points to remember for physiological needs?
- Wages high enough to meet weekly bills.
- Food, rest, recreation, shelter.
What did Maslow suggest about level advancement?
Maslow also suggested that each level in the hierarchy must be achieved before an employee can be motivated by the next level.
What is one problem associated with Maslow’s hierarchy?
There are problems in that some levels do not appear to exist for certain individuals, while some rewards appear to fit into more than one level.
FOR EXAMPLE: Money allows basic needs to be purchased, but high pay can also be a good status symbol or indicator of personal worth.
What should managers do regarding Maslow’s hierarchy?
Managers must identify the level of the hierarchy that a particular job provides and then look for ways of allowing the employees to benefit from the next level up the hierarchy.
What is one of the tasks of managers?
One of the tasks of management is to encourage the workforce to contribute fully to the success of the business.
Compare how people who work for themselves (entrepreneurs) and people who work for someone else work?
When people work for themselves, for example, entrepreneurs, they tend to work hard and effectively as they see the direct benefits of their efforts. However, once people work for someone else then they may not work as effectively.
What did Frederick Taylor base his ideas on?
Taylor based his ideas on the assumption that all individuals are motivated by personal gain and therefore if they are paid more, they will work more effectively.
What were the three criticisms of Taylor’s ideas?
- His ideas were too simplistic - employees are motivated by many things and not just money.
- A practical problem arises if you cannot easily measure an employee’s output.
- You can pay an employee more money, but if they are unfilled by their work in some way, there will be no increase in their effectiveness at work and there will be no productivity gains.
What was Frederick Herzberg’s theories?
According to Herzberg, humans have two sets of needs; one is for the basic needs, which he called ‘hygiene’ factors or needs, and the second is for a human being to be able to grow psychologically which he called ‘motivational’ needs or ‘motivators.’
What are the five motivators according to Herzberg?
- Achievement.
- Recognition.
- Personal growth/development.
- Advancement/ promotion.
- Work itself.
What are the seven ‘hygiene’ or ‘maintenance’ factors?
- Status.
- Security.
- Work conditions.
- Company policies and administration.
- Relationship with the supervisor.
- Relationship with subordinates.
- Salary.
According to Herzberg, the ‘hygiene’ factors must be satisfied; Why?
According to Herzberg, the ‘hygiene’ factors must be satisfied; if they are not satisfied, they can act as demotivators to the worker.
NOTE - They do not act as motivators, as once satisfied the effects of them quickly wear off.
What are the methods of payment or financial reward used to provide?
The methods of payment or financial reward are used to provide incentives to employees to encourage them to work hard and effectively.
What are the five most frequently used methods of financial reward?
- Commission.
- Profit sharing.
- Bonus.
- Salary.
- Wage.
What is profit sharing?
Profit sharing is a system whereby a proportion of the company’s profits is paid out to employees.
Why would profit sharing motivate employees?
This additional payment should motivate the workers to work hard as they all receive a share of the profits earned by the business.
Where is profit sharing often used?
Profit sharing is often used in the service sector where it is difficult to identify an individual employee’s contributions to the increased profits, but they will all benefit from more productive work.
What are the two possible limitations of profit sharing?
- If the business makes very little or no profits, them no profit share will be possible, leading to employee disappointment.
- The profit share is usually calculated on the basis of an additional percentage of a workers existing wage or salary (higher paid workers will receive a higher profit share) leading to a bad feeling among lower paid workers.
What is commission?
The commission is a payment relating to the number of sales made (often paid to sales staff).
NOTE - Commission is paid in addition to the existing wage or salary.
What encourages sales staff on a commission salary to sell as many products as possible and why is this good for a business?
For sales staff, the more sales they make the more money they are paid leading to an increase in sales for a business.
What are the three possible limitations for a commission based salary?
- If the sales staff are very persuasive and encourage people to buy goods they don’t really want, then the business may see its sales increase only in the short term and then fall again as it gets a bad reputation.
- It can be stressful for the sales staff because, if they have a bad month, their pay will fall.
- There might be too much competition between sales staff.
What is a wage?
A wage is a payment for work, usually paid weekly.
What is time rate?
Time rate is the amount paid to an employee for one hour of work.
What are the two drawbacks of wages?
- As the wages are paid weekly, they have to be calculated every week, which takes time and money.
- Wage clerks are often employed to perform this task.
What are the two benefits of wages?
- The worker gets paid on a regular basis and does not have to wait long for some money.
- If the employee works longer than their normal hours, they can usually be paid overtime.
When calculating the wages to be paid, they can be worked out in a number of different ways. What are the two main ways?
Time rate and piece rate.
What is the benefit of time rate?
- This makes it easy to calculate the worker’s wages and the worker knows exactly how much they will be paid for working a certain period of time.
What are the four possible limitations of time rate wages?
- The hours are often recorded on a timesheet which must be filled in and used the calculate the wages by the Accounts department (takes time).
- Good and bad workers get paid the same amount of money.
- A clocking-in system is needed to determine the number of hours worked by the employees.
- Often supervisors need to make sure the workers keep working and producing a good quality product (expensive because more supervisors are needed).
Where is time rate used?
Time rate is used where it is difficult to measure the output of the worker (bus driver or hotel receptionist for example).
What is piece rate?
Piece rate is an amount paid for each unit of output (the more they make, the more they get paid).
What is the advantage of piece rate?
The advantage of this system is that it encourages workers to work faster and produce more goods.
What are three possible limitations of piece rate?
- Workers are often paid a guaranteed minimum amount of money in the case that the machinery breaks down.
- Workers who are careful in their work will not earn as much as those who rush, which may not be seen as fair.
- Workers may concentrate on making a large number of products and ignore quality, producing goods that may not sell very well because they are of poor quality. NOTE - a quality control system is needed and this is expensive.
What is a salary?
A salary is a payment for work, usually paid monthly straight into a bank account.
NOTE - It is usual for office staff or management to be paid salaries.
What are the two possible limitations of salaries?
- Workers may prefer to be paid weekly.
- No payment for extra time worked - workers may be reluctant to worklonger.
What are the benefits of salary payments?
- The payment has to be calculated only once a month instead of at least four times a month.
- The employer has the money in their bank account for longer than if they were paying their workers’ wages, as salaries are paid only once a month.
- A salary is divided into 12 monthly amounts meaning it is easy to calculate salary costs for the business.
What is a bonus?
A bonus is an additional amount of payment above basic pay as a rewards for good work.
Why does being paid a bonus have a positive motivating effect?
Workers often consider themselves to be recognised and special if they are paid a bonus.
What are two possible limitations of bonuses?
- Bonuses can become expected every year and if they are not paid then employee disappointment can be difficult to manage.
- If only one or a small number of workers are paid bonuses, then bad feelings can be caused as other workers resent this and question why they did not receive one.
Give five examples of fringe benefits or perks.
- Company vehicle.
- Discounts on the business’s products.
- Health care is paid for.
- Children’s education fees paid.
- Free accommodation.
- Share options.
- Generous expense accounts (for food and clothing).
- Pension paid for by the business.
- Free trips abroad/holidays.
Define job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction is the enjoyment derived from feeling that you have done a good job.
What are five examples of ways in which a business can increase the job satisfaction?
- Job rotation.
- Job enrichment.
- Autonomous work groups or team working.
- Training.
- Opportunities for promotion.
Define job rotation.
Job rotation involves workers swapping around and doing each specific task for only a limited time and then changing around again.
What does job rotation increase?
This increases the variety in the work itself and also makes it easier for the managers to move workers around the factory if people are ill and their jobs need covering.
What is job enrichment?
Job enrichment involves looking at jobs and adding tasks that require more skill and/or responsibility.
NOTE - Additional training may be necessary.
What is a promotion?
Promotion is the advancement of an employee in an organization, for example, to a higher job/ managerial level.
How will employees feel after being offered a promotion?
Employees offered promotions will feel recognized, have a higher status, and will be given more challenging work to perform.
What is training?
Training is the process of improving a worker’s skills.
How will workers feel if they have been selected by management for training?
Workers can also feel as if they have been selected by management for training courses and this can give them a feeling that their good work has been recognized.
Improving a worker’s level of skills through training can have beneficial effects of motivation levels. What are the two benefits?
- First, workers can feel a great sense of achievement if they successfully gain and apply new work-based skills.
- Second, they could now be given more challenging and rewarding work to perform.
Define the term teamworking.
Teamworking involves using groups of workers and allocating specific tasks and responsibilities to them.
NOTE - Teamworking involves a group of workers being given responsibility for a particular process, product or development.
The workers of a team can become more involved in the decision-making and take responsibility for this process. What does this give?
This gives a feeling of control over the jobs/tasks and the employees feel more committed, therefore increasing job satisfaction.