Business Objectives and Stakeholder Objectives (Chapter 5). Flashcards
Importance of Setting Business Objectives. Business Objective Definition. Objectives for Businesses in the Private Sector. Survival. Profit. Return to shareholders. Growth. Market Share. Providing a service to the Community. Social Enterprise. Why business objectives could change. The main internal and external stakeholder groups and their objectives. Stakeholder Definition. Main features of Owners, workers, managers, customers, government, the whole community, and banks.
Define business objectives.
Business objectives are the aims or targets that a business works towards.
What are the benefits of setting objectives? (4 benefits)
- Motivates workers and gives workers and managers a clear target to work towards.
- Business manager can compare how the business has preformed to their objectives.
- Clear and measurable objectives help unite the whole business towards the same goal.
- Taking decisions will be focused on: ‘Will it help achieve our objectives?’
What are the most common objectives for businesses in the private sector are to achieve:
- Business survival.
- Profit.
- Returns to shareholders.
- Growth of the business.
- Market share.
- Service to the community.
Define profit.
Profit is the total income of a business [revenue] less total costs.
What are profits needed for?
- To pay a return to the owners of the business for the capital invested and the risk taken.
- To provide finance for further investment in the business.
Why would the owners of a business aim for a satisfactory level of profits?
The owners of a business aim for a satisfactory level of profits which will avoid them having to work too many hours or pay too much in tax to the government.
Why would a business set increasing returns to shareholders as an objective?
This is to discourage shareholders from selling their shares and helps managers keep their jobs.
How are returns to shareholder increased? (2 ways).
- Increasing profit and the share of profit paid to shareholders as dividends.
- Increasing share price.
How can managers increase share price?
Managers can try to achieve this by putting plans in place that give the business a good chance of growth and higher profits in the future.
The owners and managers of the business may aim for growth in the size of the business in order to: (5).
- make jobs more secure if the business is larger.
- increase the salaries and status of managers as the business expands.
- open up new possibilities and help to spread the risks of the business by moving into new products and new markets.
- obtain a higher market share from growth in sales.
- obtain cost advantages.
Why is it important to put meeting customers’ needs as a very high priority?
Growth will be achieved only if the business’s customers are satisfied with the products or services being provided.
Define Market share.
Market share is the percentage of total market sales held by one brand or business.
What is the formula for market share?
Market share % = company sale/total market sales x 100
What three things does increased market share give a business?
- Good publicity.
- Increased influence over suppliers.
- Increased influence over customers.
What is a social enterprise?
A social enterprise has social objectives as well as an aim to make a profit to reinvest back into the business.