what is motion capture
process of recording movement of people / objects
need for motion capture (2)
- assessment of health status
2. rehabilitation process
motion capture conventional practices (4)
- low tech mainly observational
- subjective evaluations
- poor evaluation criterea
- bad long term monitoring
MOCAP applications (4)
- gait analysis
- rehabilitation & monitoring
- patient motion capabilities & habits
- ergonomic analysis
biomedical model shows (5)
skeleton, joints, positions
velocities, acceleration (linear/angular)
motion capture classified as (2)
- invasive & internal
2. noninvasive & external
example of invasive internal (2)
- x-ray
2. fluoroscopy imaging
4 types of motion capture
- mechanic
- magnetic
- optical
- inertial
2 types of optical
- markers
2. markerless
what measures movements
what is exoskeleton composed of (2)
what does deformation of exoskeleton do
deformable exoskeleton
segments connected by metal or pastic geniometers
potentiometers on joins
transformed into electrical signals
what detects
what is detected
magnetomeres / electromagenetic coils
orientation or movement in magentic field
what type of camera
what do cameras do (2)
what is optical-markers
what is optical-markerless
infrared 1. track light source or reflection 2. identify profiles from video frames markers placed in remarkable points of the body dedicated tool recognizes the body
2 types of markers
- passive
2. active
what are passive markers
retroreflective markers
what are active markers (2)
LEDs, markers