Ascites associated w/ cancer
Ascites associated with benign
This variant may cause a “false-positive”
Reidels lobe
Liver measurement
13-15 cm
MPV measurement
> 13 mm
Most common diffuse liver disease
Hepatic Steatosis aka fatty liver
Most common cause of cirrhosis
Most common cause of Portal Hypertension
Most common gynecological malignancy under the age of 50
Cervical carcinoma
Most common benign mass of the cervix
Nabothian cyst
Most common location of fibroid/leiomyoma
Normal Max dimension of endo in a PMB
Most common cause of endo thickening in the REPRODUCTIVE age group
Endo polyp
Most common cause of post menopausal bleeding
Endometrial atrophy <4mm
A common secondary effect of tamoxifen on the endo
Thickened endo with cystic changes
Most common gynecological malignancy
Endometrial adenocarcinoma
An increase in Estrogen can lead to
Endometrial carcinoma
Most common congenital anomaly of the urinary tract
Duplicated collecting systems
Most common cause of Acute Renal Failure
Acute tubular necrosis
Most common cause of Chronic Renal Failure
Diabetes Mellitus
Acquired Renal Cystic Disease is caused by
Chronic hemodialysis (treatment for CRF)
Most common renal mass
Renal cyst
Most common benign renal tumor
Most common benign renal tumor in pediatric
Mesonephric blastoma AKA HARMATOMA
2nd most common benign renal mass
Oncocytoma (similar to RCC)
Most common cause of Acute pyelonephritis
Ascending UTI from bladder
Most common cause of Glomerulonephritis
Strep throat infections
Most common cause of Fungal UTI
Candida albicans
Most common cause of Parasitic UTI
Most common renal cancer / common SOLID renal mass
Renal cell carcinoma/ Hypernephroma
Most common cancer of bladder
Transitional Cell Carcinoma / TCC
Most common solid malignant abdominal mass in peds
Nephroblastoma aka WILMS tumor
Most common cause of Renal artery stenosis
Most common vascular complication of renal transplant
Renal artery stenosis
Most common location in adult urinary obstruction
UVJ (stone stuck)
Most common location for obstructive stone
Bladder wall thickening >4mm
Addison disease
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency aka chronic primary hypoadrenalism
Bronzing of skin, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia
Most common benign solid mass of afrenal
Most common extracranial malignancy in pediatrics
Most common AAA
Fusiform ( infrarenal ) cause : atherosclerosis
Most common cause of acute abdominal pain resulting in surgery
Acute appendicitis (rebound pain at McBurney point, fever, nausea/vomiting, leukocytosis)
Most common intestinal obstruction in pediatrics <2yo
Intussusception (abdominal pain, red currant jelly stool, vomiting with bile (bilious), )
Non-comp target sign w rings (cinnamon bun sign)
Most common inflammatory disease of small bowel
Crohns disease
Pleural effusion
Superior to the diaphragm ( around lungs )
Results in Thoracentesis
Most common location for a retroperitoneal hematoma
Psoas muscle
Gastroduodenal artery is a branch of the
common hepatic artery
Most common pancreatic variant
Most common cause of Acute pancreatitis
Choledocholithiasis (gallstone)
Most common vascular complication of actue pancreatitis
Splenic vein thrombosis , splenic artery pseudoaneurysm
Most common found in cases of Chronic Pancreatitis
Alcohol abuse
Most common primary pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Most common location for pancreatic adencarcinoma
Head of pancreas
Most common location of Pancreatic Cystadenomas & Cystadenocarcinoma
Body & Tail
Most common Islet Cell Tumor (endocrine tumors)
Insulinoma (symptoms hypoglycemia)
Most common pancreatic transplant
Exocrine enteric drainage
Most dependent part of the GB:
Most common location of gallstones
Most common variant in the gb
Phrygian cap
Common site for gallstones to become lodged
Neck and fundus
Most common cause of biliary obstruction, obstructive jaundice, & most likely in CBD near ampulla
Which ducts dilate first w/ choledocholithiasis
Most common benign liver tumor
Cavernous hemangioma (hyperechoic)
Second most common liver tumor
FNH (focal nodular hyperplasia)
Most common primary form of liver cancer
Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Hepatoma
Most common form of mets liver disease
Lung carcinoma
Most common form of biliary tract cancer
Gallbladder carcinoma
Most common splenic abnormality
Most common cause of splenomegaly
Portal hypertension
Most common malignancy of the spleen
Most common cause of medullary nephrocalcinosis
Sponge kidney
Most commonly associated with hyperthyroidism
Graves disease
Most common form of thyroid cancer
Papillary carcinoma
Most common testicular malignancy
Most common location of prostatic cancer
Peripheral zone
Common location of the oncocytoma
Most common location of the gastrinoma
Most common location of the pheochromocytoma
Adrenal gland
Most common location of adrenal rest tumor
Most common vascular complication of a liver transplant
Hepatic artery thrombosis
Most common benign childhood liver tumor
Infantile hemangioendothelioma
Most common spleen varient
Accessory spleen
Most common benign tumor of the spleen
Most common primary cancer of the spleen
Most common lymphoma in spleen
Non-hodgkin lymphoma
Most common cause of splenomegaly in pediatrics is
Epstein-Barr virus
Most common cause of hyperthyroidism
Graves disease
Most common cause of hypothyroidism
Most common cause of thyroid nodules AKA multinodular goiter
Nodular hyperplasia (adenomatous nodules)
Most common cause of enlargement of parathyroid
Parathyroid adenoma
Common test for dislocation of hip
Most common location for benign masses and cancer in breast
Mammary layer
Milk containing cyst due to clogged lactiferous duct
Male breast enlargement
Most common cause acute scrotal pain in prepubescent boys
Appendix testis torsion (blue dot)
Most common cause of actue scrotal pain in adolescents
Testicular torsion
Most common cause of acute scrotal pain in adults
Most common location of a Cryptorchidism
Inguinal canal
Most common scrotal mass, most often in epididymal head
Most common cause of correctable male infertility
Most common neck cyst
thyroglossal duct
most common parotid gland mass
pleomorphic adenoma
most common location of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Transitional zone
most common cancer in men
prostrate cancer
most common location of prostate cancer is
peripheral zone
most common cause of obstruction of the PV (porta vein compression)
tumors and lymphadenopathy
most common sono. identifiable collateral in PH
recandlization of the paraumbilical vein (patent paraumbilical)
a common minimally invasive treatment for portal hypertension (PH)
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( right portal vein proximal to right hepatic vein distal)
most common cause of hepatic fibrosis
most common location of a cavernous hemangioma
right lobe of liver
benign liver tumor associated with oral contraceptives
hepatocellular adenoma, liver cell adenoma, hepatic adenoma
what liver tumor can undergo malignant degeneration
hepatic adenoma
most common forms of hepatitis
A and B
most common cause of liver transplant
hepatitis C
most common benign liver childhood tumor
most common malignant tumor of childhood
most common location of fertilization and ectopics
most common congenital uterine anomaly
septate UT
most common congenital seen with DES (diethystilbestrol)
T-shaped UT
most common cause of congenital malformation of vagina
imperforate hymen
most common benign gyne tumor
fibroid leiomyoma
most common fibroid location
most common female malignancy under the age of 50
cervical carcinoma
most likely diagnose in post menopausal patient with thickened endo
endometrial hyperplasia
most common gynecology malignancy
endometrial adenocarcinoma
most common reason for abdominal bleeding/thick endo on reproductive age patient
endometrial polyps
most common cause of post menopausal bleeding (PMB)
endometrial atrophy <4mm
most common uterus position
most common cause of infertility
polycystic ovarian disease PCOS
most common location of endometrioma/chocolate cyst
most common adnexal mass
follicular cysts >3cm
most common adnexal mass in pregnancy
corpus luteum cyst
most common benign ovarian tumor
cystic teratoma/dermoid (most common complication is ovarian torsion)
most common benign solid tumor (ovaries)
fibroma (associated with MEIGS)
most common estrogenic tumor
granulosa cell tumor
most common ovarian malignancy
serious cytadenocarcinoma
most common malignant germ cell tumor
most common side of ovarian torsion
right ovary
most common cause of PID
STD’s (chlamydia and gonorrhea)
most common initial clinic presentation for PID
most common cardiac defect in fetus
ventricular septal defect (VSD)
most common fetal cardiac tumor
an echogenic intracardiac focus can be a soft marker for
T21 down syndrome
most common cause of chest mass causing pulmonary hyperplasia
diaphragmatic hernia
most common chest mass (fetus)
diaphragmatic hernia
most common cause for cardiac malpositioning
diaphragmatic hernia ( on left side )
most common diaphragmatic hernia
left side called Bochdaleck hernia
Bochdaleck hernia contains
stomach, bowel, and left lobe liver
Right sided hernia is also called
foramen of Morgagni
what is the most accurate for gestational age in 2nd trimester
Head circumference
most common brain abnormality (fetus)
ventriculomegaly (lat vent >10mm, dangling cord sign)
/ hydrocephalus
most common cause of hydrocephalus
Aquedectal stenosis ( lateral & third vent dilated. Normal 4th vent )
strong association for T13/patau
holoprosencephaly / facial defects
3rd ventricle connects to 4th ventricle via
Aqueduct of sylvius
choroid plexus cyst is a soft marker for
trisomy 18 / edwards
most common intracranial tumor (fetus)
GI abnormalities most often result in (fetus)
esophageal atresia is associated with
T18 edwards / VACTERL
duodenal atresia is associated with
T21 down syndrome “double bobble”
most common type of colonic atresia that leads to bowel obstruction
anorectal atresia
most common abdominal cancer in pediatrics
Nephroblastoma aka WILMS
most common abdominal anomaly of the liver in fetus
hepatomegaly associated with beckweidth syndrome
most common renal anomaly
duplicate/double collecting system
mot common fetal abnormality
most common cause of hydronephrosis
UPJ (uretopelvic junction)
most common cause of ambiguous genitalia
female with clitoromegaly
most common neural tube defect
anencephaly and spinabifida
most common spinabifida
spina bifida aperta (open)
spina bifida aperta has a strong association to
Arnold Chiari II Malformation
most common spina bifida aperta
most common location for cephalocele
cephalocele / encephalocele is associated with
Anopthalmia (no eyes), Cyclopia (fused eyes), hypotelorism (closed space eyes) are all related to
T13 Patau Syndrome
(false nose/projection replacing or above nose)
T13 / patau
cystic hygroma
turner’s syndrome
most common non-lethal dysplasia
heterozygous achondroplasia
most common lethal dysplasia
thanatophoric dysplasia
most common form of twinning
most common division
4-8 days (mono/diamniotic)
most severe type of TTTS
stuck twin
most common conjoined twins is at the:
thoracopagus (chest)
most likely cause of painless vaginal bleeding in the 2/3 trimester
placenta previa
most common placental tumor
most common location of chorioangiama
near cord insertion at placenta
Most severe type of holoprosencephaly
Alobar holoprosencephaly
Most common fetal abnormality noted during an obstetric sonogram
Most common cause of an abnormal maternal serum screening
Incorrect dating
Most common cause of an abnormal maternal serum screening
Incorrect dating
most common chromosomal abnormality
T21 / down syndrome
Most common neck cyst in children
thyroglossal cyst